11/12U REC
To provide families with the best
baseball experience possible. To
accomplish this we focus on skills
development, sportsmanship,
teamwork, and fun!
Last updated July 21, 2020
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All AYBA recreation league play shall be governed by the current Official Major League Baseball Rules, modified by the
current Dizzy Dean Official Rules Book, modified by the current Alpharetta Youth Baseball Association rules.
1. It is the Head Coach’s responsibility to manage and control their teams and to lead by example.
2. Inappropriate, obscene, or abusive language or behavior may result in a player, coach, parent, or spectator being
ejected from the game/park. This includes arguing with umpires and unsportsmanlike conduct.
3. All umpires and AYBA board members have the authority to eject anyone violating the conduct rules.
4. Any player, coach, parent, or spectator ejected from a game must leave the field immediately and are not allowed to
stay near the field or sit in the stands, but are allowed to wait in the parking lot if needed.
4.1. First ejection Leave game immediately; suspended from attending/participating in the next scheduled game.
4.2. Second ejection Same as above, but with 2 game suspension.
4.3. Third ejection Suspended for rest of season including tournament.
5. Physical contact or violence involving a player, coach, or parent will result in automatic ejection from the game, a
one game automatic suspension, and possible suspension from the league.
6. If a player demonstrates actions which are detrimental and or abusive to the team, the player will be suspended
from the team immediately and will not participate in any games or practices until the suspension is reviewed by
AYBA Commissioner.
1. The pitching distance is 50’, measured from the front of the pitching rubber to the back apex of home plate.
2. The base paths are 70’ between bases.
1. AYBA aligns with Dizzy Dean Baseball rules for recreational play, including bat rules. For league ages 6-15, legal bats
include all USSSA BPF 1.15 certified bats, USABat certified bats, and BBCOR certified bats. There are no restrictions
on bat length, weight, or barrel size. Wood bats are allowed.
2. Male catchers only must be properly equipped with a protective cup.
3. Any player warming up a pitcher in the bullpen in the squatting catcher position must wear a helmet/mask, chest
protector, and protective cup.
1. You are allowed no more than 2 substitute players in a regular season game and only 1 substitute player in a
tournament game. A minimum of 7 players are required to make it an official game.
1.1. In a regular season game, you can add 1 sub if you have 8 regular players and 2 subs if you have 7 regular
players. You cannot add a sub for a regular season game if you already have 9 regular players.
1.2. In a tournament game, you can add 1 sub if you have 7 regular players. You cannot add a sub for a game if you
already have 8 regular players.
1.3. Substitute players for regular season and tournament games must be registered rec players from the current
season from the same age group.
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1.4. Substitute players must play outfield and bat last.
2. No player shall be omitted from the defensive lineup in two innings until everyone on the team has been omitted
from the defensive lineup in one inning. No player shall be omitted from the defensive lineup in any two-
consecutive innings. This includes substitute players.
3. A player who starts an inning in the defensive lineup shall complete the inning in the defensive lineup, unless
prevented from continuing by injury or illness. Exception: Pitchers may be removed from the game after
completing pitching to one batter.
4. Teams must bat all players in a continuous order. Defensive substitutions are unlimited.
1. The head coach must attend the plate meeting at the beginning of the game. The official start time will be declared
at the end of this plate meeting.
2. One (1) and only one (1) defensive coach is allowed on the field outside the dugouts. Any violation of this rule will
lead to a possible ejection of any coaches in violation of this rule.
3. The home team keeps the official score book for the game.
4. Head coaches of the same game should verify game score and pitch counts after the game. The head coach for the
home team must email the official game score, pitchers of record and pitch counts to the League Rep ensuring the
coach for the opposing team is copied. Once pitch counts are emailed to the League Rep, all pitch counts are final.
5. Games are 6 innings.
5.1. An official game is defined as 4 complete innings (or 3-1/2 innings if home team is ahead).
5.2. Regular season games may end in a tie.
5.3. Game time limit is One Hour Forty-Five Minutes (1:45). Note: A new inning begins at the instant that the last
out is made in the previous inning.
5.4. Mathematical Elimination - A game shall be called whenever a team has been mathematically eliminated from
the possibility of at least tying the game in the last regulation inning.
6. Run Limit - An inning is over after the following three (3) outs, or eight (8) runs
1. Stealing home on the pitch is not allowed. Stealing home on a pitch that passes the catcher or on the catcher’s
throw back to the pitcher or any other player is allowed.
2. Suicide squeezes are not allowed. Safety squeezes are allowed. A suicide squeeze is defined by the runner breaking
hard towards home plate during the pitch. A safety squeeze is defined by a runner being stopped or getting his
secondary lead, and not breaking hard towards home plate until after the ball is bunted. If it is determined by an
umpire that the runner broke for home plate before the ball was bunted and the intent was a suicide squeeze, the
runner will be called out.
3. Slash bunts are not allowed. A batter may not show bunt and then pull the bat back and take a swing. If the umpire
determines that the batter did this, the batter will be called out. The batter may show bunt and then pull the bat
back to take the pitch, but he may not swing.
4. No head first slides. A head first slide into any base is an illegal slide and the base runner is called out. A runner may
dive head first if returning to a base.
5. A runner must slide at home if there is a ‘play’ at the plate. Whether there was a play at the plate is at the
discretion of the home plate umpire. If the home plate umpire determines that a runner not sliding at home plate
interfered or obstructed with the play at the plate, the runner will be called out.
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6. Going over the top of the fielder (in possession of the ball) who is not lying on the ground, such as hurdling, jumping
feet first, and diving is dangerous and, therefore, is illegal. The act of obstruction does not negate the runner's
responsibility to avoid a fielder legally. The runner will be called out and the team receives a team warning. On the
second team violation, the player is ejected.
7. Any runner is out when he does not slide or attempt to avoid the fielder who has the ball in the proximity of the
base and is waiting to make the tag, or if he maliciously runs into a fielder.
8. When there are two outs and the catcher of record is on base, a team may pinch run for the catcher with the player
who recorded last batted out. Catcher of record means they played catcher in the prior inning.
1. Drop third strike is in play. If catcher does not make an attempt to throw to 1st base, the runner can only advance to
1st base. If the catcher makes a throw to 1st base the runner can advance one or more bases.
2. The Infield Fly Rule is in effect.
3. Intentional walks are allowed, the pitcher will be required to throw the 4 pitches and the ball is in play.
1. When a pitcher is turned in on a lineup card he is the pitcher of record and must face a batter to completion before
he can be substituted. Any player who toes the rubber and takes a warm up pitch to begin an inning will be the
pitcher of record for that inning and must face a batter to completion before he can be substituted.
2. Pitch Count:
2.1. Pitch count is based on Calendar Day, from Midnight (12:00 AM) to 11:59 PM.
2.2. Pitch Count Limits
0 29 pitches no rest, pitcher eligible to pitch the next day
30 44 pitches 1 day rest. Pitches on Monday, eligible to pitch Wednesday
45 - 54 pitches 2 days rest. Pitches on Monday, eligible to pitch Thursday
55 65 pitches 3 days rest. Pitches on Monday, eligible to pitch on Friday
One day max 65 pitches. A pitcher that reaches his max pitches allowed for the day may continue to pitch to
the current batter until he is put out or reaches base. A pitcher shall not be permitted to pitch to a NEW
batter once their max pitches per day have been met.
All suspended / makeup games will adhere to the pitch count rules. A pitcher pitching in a
suspended/makeup game must follow pitch count rules and status at the time when the game is made up.
Pitching rules related to days rest are contiguous from the end of the regular season into the tournament
3. Any pitcher playing in the same game may return to the mound one time.
4. A pitcher that hits a second batter in the same inning, an official visit to the mound by the coach is required. If the
pitcher hits a third batter in the same inning a second visit from the coach is required and the removal of the pitcher
from the mound is mandatory.
5. Warnings for balks will be given the first 3 games of the season. After that point, balks will be called without
AYBA may revise/alter rules at any time during a season if needed to enhance the program. Any questions regarding the
rules should be raised to the AYBA board.