NetSupport Manager
Manual Version 14.00
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Manual COPYRIGHT (C) 2023 NetSupport Ltd. All rights
The Information in this document is subject to change without notice.
NetSupport Ltd. reserves the right to revise this document and to
make changes from time to time in the content hereof without
obligation to notify any person or persons of such revisions or
The software described in this document is supplied under a licence
agreement and is protected by international copyright laws. You may
copy it only for the purpose of backup and use it only as described in
the Licence agreement.
Any implied warranties including any warranties of merchantability or
fitness for a particular purpose are limited to the terms of the express
warranties set out in the licence agreement.
Program COPYRIGHT (C) 1991-2023 NetSupport Ltd. All rights
NetSupport is a registered trademark of NetSupport Ltd.
Windows, Windows 2003/2008, XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7,
Windows 8/8.1, Windows Server 2012, Windows 10 and Windows 11
are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines
NetWare is a registered trademark of Novell Inc.
Other products, trademarks or registered trademarks are the
property of their respective owners.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Software Licence Agreement
Please read this agreement before using your copy of NetSupport Software. This is a legal agreement
between you and NetSupport Ltd. If you do not wish to be bound by the terms of this licence
agreement you must not load, activate or use the software.
TERM: Subject to termination under Termination Clause below the licence shall be perpetual.
GRANT OF LICENSE: Subject to the payment of the applicable license fees, and subject to your
abidance by the terms and conditions of this agreement, NetSupport Ltd hereby grants to you a non-
exclusive, non-transferable right to use one copy of the specified version of the software which you
have acquired.
USE: The software is licensed with volume use terms specified in the applicable order
acknowledgement, product invoice, license certificate or product packaging. You may make, install and
use as many additional copies of the software on the number of devices as the terms specify. You
must have a reasonable mechanism in place to ensure that the number of devices on which the
software has been installed does not exceed the number of licenses you have obtained.
SERVER USE: To the extent that the applicable order acknowledgement, product invoice, product
packaging or license certificate sets forth, you may use the software on a device or on a Server within
a multi-user or networked environment ("Server Use"). A separate license is required for each device
or "seat" that may connect to the software at any time, regardless of whether such licensed devices or
seats are connected to the software concurrently, or are actually using the software at any particular
time. Your use of software or hardware that reduces the number of devices or seats that connect to
and use the software directly or simultaneously (e.g., "multiplexing" or "pooling" software or hardware)
does not reduce the number of licenses required. Specifically, you must have that number of licenses
that would equal the number of distinct inputs to the multiplexing or pooling software or hardware "front
end"). If the number of devices or seats that can connect to the software can exceed the number of
licenses you have obtained, then you must have a reasonable mechanism in place to ensure that your
use of the software does not exceed the use limits specified for the license you have obtained.
COPYRIGHT: This software is protected by international copyright laws. You may copy it only for
backup purposes. The software is licensed to you, but not sold to you.
RESTRICTIONS: Neither you nor any reseller may rent, lease, sell licensed copies [on approval], or
otherwise transfer the right to use this software to another person, except that you may sell or give
away your original copy, as long as you do not keep any copies. The software may not be modified,
disassembled or reverse engineered except with the prior written consent of NetSupport Ltd.
LIMITED WARRANTY: NetSupport Ltd warrants that the software will perform substantially in
accordance with the accompanying documentation for a period of ninety (90) days from the date of
purchase. NetSupport's entire liability and your exclusive remedy shall be either a) the replacement of
the defective software or b) return of the price paid. This remedy shall be at NetSupport's option and
subject to proof of purchase from an authorised source.
Any implied warranties including any warranties of quality or fitness for a particular purpose are limited
to the terms of the express warranties. NetSupport Ltd. shall not in any event be liable for loss of
profits, data or information of any kind or for special, incidental, consequential, indirect or other similar
damages arising from any breach of these warranties or use of the software even if they have been
advised of the possibility of such damages. Some countries do not allow the limitation or exclusion of
incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. This
warranty does not affect your statutory rights, and you may have other rights that vary from country to
country. In any event NetSupport's maximum liability shall not exceed the price paid by the end-user /
TERMINATION: You may terminate this licence and this Agreement at any time by destroying the
program and its documentation, together with any copies in any form.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
NetSupport Ltd. may terminate this licence forthwith by notice in writing to you if you commit any
serious breach of any term of this licence and (in the case of a breach capable of being remedied)
shall have failed within 30 days after receipt of a request in writing from NetSupport Ltd. so to do, to
remedy the breach (such request to contain a warning of NetSupport's intention to terminate). Upon
termination you will destroy or return to NetSupport Ltd the original and all copies of the software and
will confirm in writing to NetSupport Ltd that this has been done.
SUPPORT: If you have a problem with the installation of the software you should in the first instance
contact your supplier. You can separately purchase support and maintenance which will also cover the
supply of enhancements and upgrades.
GOVERNING LAW: This agreement shall be governed by the laws of England.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Welcome to NetSupport Manager .................................................. 11
Conventions used ................................................................... 12
Terminology used ................................................................... 12
About NetSupport Manager ........................................... 13
Features .................................................................................... 14
Installation ................................................................... 19
Planning an installation ............................................................... 20
System requirements .................................................................. 21
Starting the installation ............................................................... 23
NetSupport Manager setup program ......................................... 24
NetSupport Licence Agreement ................................................ 24
Licence information ................................................................ 24
Select Setup Type .................................................................. 25
Custom Setup ........................................................................ 26
Ready to install ...................................................................... 28
Installation complete .............................................................. 28
Existing installation detected ................................................... 29
Uninstalling NetSupport Manager .................................................. 30
Evaluation kit ............................................................................. 30
Advanced installation .................................................... 31
Creating an administrative (network) installation ............................ 32
Silent/unattended installations ..................................................... 33
Install Configuration Options dialog .......................................... 34
NetSupport Manager Deploy NetSupport Manager’s Remote Install
Utility ........................................................................................ 37
Deploying on Windows XP and above ........................................ 39
How does NetSupport Manager Deploy work? ............................ 40
What are the requirements? .................................................... 40
Starting NetSupport Manager Deploy ........................................ 40
Preparing a deployment routine ............................................... 42
Deploy a NetSupport Manager package ..................................... 43
Deploy a Client Configuration ................................................... 47
Deploy a NetSupport Manager licence file .................................. 48
Remote uninstall .................................................................... 49
Pre-define settings for a future deployment ............................... 51
Log files ................................................................................ 52
Installing NetSupport Manager on a Mac based system ................... 53
Installing and configuring NetSupport Manager on Google Chrome OS
devices ...................................................................................... 54
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Installing and configuring the NetSupport Manager Android Client .... 56
Using the Control .......................................................... 59
Starting the NetSupport Manager Control ...................................... 60
The Control window .................................................................... 61
Quick access bar .................................................................... 64
Tree view .............................................................................. 65
List view ............................................................................... 69
Status bar ............................................................................. 71
Finding Clients ........................................................................... 73
Connecting to Clients .................................................................. 76
Connecting to Clients using PIN Connect ................................... 77
Quick Connect ....................................................................... 79
Connecting to Clients on different protocols ............................... 80
Configuring the NetSupport Manager Control for subnet browsing 81
NetSupport Connectivity Server .................................................... 84
NetSupport Connectivity Server Console ................................... 84
Connecting to Clients/Controls via a NetSupport Gateway ........... 86
Set up Load Balancing Connectivity Servers ............................ 105
Setting up and using two-factor authentication ............................. 107
Connecting through firewalls and proxy servers ............................ 110
Implementing NetSupport Manager in a Terminal Server environment112
Intel vPro support ..................................................................... 113
Searching for Clients ................................................................. 115
Disconnecting a Client ............................................................... 116
Disconnecting all Clients........................................................ 116
Client automatic login ............................................................... 117
Client automatic update............................................................. 118
Power management Power on/power off ................................... 119
Client power on .................................................................... 119
Client power off ................................................................... 120
Rebooting or logging out Clients ................................................. 121
Sending Ctrl+Alt+Delete ........................................................... 122
Viewing Clients ......................................................................... 123
The View Window ................................................................. 124
View Modes ......................................................................... 126
Viewing multiple Client screens simultaneously ........................ 127
Blanking the Client’s screen while viewing ............................... 128
Viewing a Client full screen .................................................... 128
Scale to Fit Mode.................................................................. 128
Displaying the View settings for a Client .................................. 129
Scanning ................................................................................. 130
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Scan one Client screen at a time ............................................ 130
Scanning multiple Client screens ............................................ 131
To end the scan ................................................................... 131
The Scan window ................................................................. 132
Screen Capture ........................................................................ 135
Thumbnail View/Monitor Mode .................................................... 136
Grouping Clients in the List view ................................................. 137
Launching applications .............................................................. 138
User Defined Tools .................................................................... 143
Showing the Control screen to Clients ......................................... 145
Showing a Client screen to Clients .......................................... 149
Show Application .................................................................. 150
Audio support........................................................................... 151
Audio announcements ........................................................... 152
Adjusting microphone and speaker volume .............................. 153
Video Player support ................................................................. 154
Video Player control panel ..................................................... 156
Replay files .............................................................................. 158
Recording local activity ......................................................... 158
Recording replay files at Client PCs ......................................... 159
Watching recorded replay files ............................................... 160
Showing replay files to Clients ............................................... 161
File Transfer ............................................................................. 162
The File Transfer window ....................................................... 162
Arranging multiple File Transfer windows ................................ 165
Applying a filter to files in List view ........................................ 165
Changing the View format in the File Transfer window .............. 166
Changing the sort orders in a File Transfer window ................... 167
Transferring files and folders ................................................. 168
Managing files and folders ..................................................... 169
Print File Transfer list ............................................................ 172
Synchronising folders............................................................ 172
File Distribution ........................................................................ 173
The File Distribution window .................................................. 173
Distributing files ................................................................... 176
File Manager ............................................................................ 178
The File Manager window ...................................................... 178
Managing files on the Control workstation ............................... 180
Control/Client Chat sessions....................................................... 182
Disable Chat sessions ........................................................... 185
Sending messages to Clients ...................................................... 186
Dealing with help requests ......................................................... 187
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Capturing a Client’s printed output .............................................. 189
Remote clipboard ...................................................................... 190
Integration with Explorer ........................................................... 192
Remote Command Prompt ......................................................... 194
PowerShell window ................................................................... 196
Using the Client ........................................................... 199
The Client Information window ................................................... 200
Disconnecting from a Control ................................................. 202
Raising a help request .......................................................... 203
Chatting to a Control workstation ........................................... 203
Receiving messages from a Control workstation ....................... 204
Configuring the Client ................................................. 205
Configuring the Client ............................................................... 206
Editing or creating configuration files .......................................... 208
Basic Client configuration........................................................... 211
Advanced Client configuration .................................................... 212
Connectivity options .................................................................. 214
Set TCP/IP connection .......................................................... 215
Set IPX connection ............................................................... 216
Set NetBIOS connection ........................................................ 217
Set HTTP connection ............................................................. 218
PIN Server .......................................................................... 220
Dial in Bridge settings ........................................................... 221
Advanced setting ................................................................. 223
Security options ....................................................................... 224
General settings ................................................................... 224
Access Privileges (basic) ....................................................... 226
Access Privileges (advanced) ................................................. 228
User Validation .................................................................... 231
User Acknowledgement options .............................................. 234
Enable Smartcard logon ........................................................ 236
Connect options ................................................................... 237
Disconnect options ............................................................... 239
Protect Configuration settings ................................................ 241
File Transfer settings ............................................................ 242
Replay Files settings ............................................................. 243
Event Logging ...................................................................... 245
Remote Control options ............................................................. 248
View settings ....................................................................... 248
Show settings ...................................................................... 251
Audio settings ...................................................................... 252
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Client Interface options ............................................................. 254
Client settings ...................................................................... 254
Help Request settings ........................................................... 256
Customisable Text ................................................................ 258
Profile Options .......................................................................... 259
Terminal Services settings ......................................................... 260
Advanced options ..................................................................... 261
Configuring the Control ............................................... 262
Configuring the Control ............................................................. 263
Multiple Control profiles ............................................................. 265
Adjusting Client settings for a Control session .......................... 266
General settings ....................................................................... 267
Connectivity options .................................................................. 268
Set TCP/IP connection .......................................................... 268
Set IPX connection ............................................................... 271
Set NetBIOS connection ........................................................ 272
Set HTTP connection ............................................................. 273
PIN Server .......................................................................... 274
Remote Dialup settings ......................................................... 275
Advanced settings ................................................................ 277
Security options ....................................................................... 278
Security settings .................................................................. 278
Event Logging ...................................................................... 280
Replay Files ......................................................................... 281
User Permissions .................................................................. 282
Remote Control settings ............................................................ 284
View Settings....................................................................... 284
Keyboard/Mouse settings ...................................................... 288
Print Capture settings ........................................................... 290
Audio settings ...................................................................... 293
Control Interface settings .......................................................... 294
Interface settings ................................................................. 294
Functions ............................................................................ 297
Help Request settings ........................................................... 299
Show settings .......................................................................... 300
File Transfer settings ................................................................. 302
Startup settings ........................................................................ 305
vPro ........................................................................................ 307
File Location settings ................................................................. 308
Managing and organising Clients ................................. 310
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Add a new Client ...................................................................... 311
Delete a Client ......................................................................... 312
Renaming a Client .................................................................... 312
Setting Client properties ............................................................ 313
Creating a new group ................................................................ 315
Adding/removing Clients in a group ............................................ 316
Setting group properties ............................................................ 317
NetSupport Scripting ................................................... 318
NetSupport Scripting overview ................................................... 319
Starting the Script Editor ........................................................... 320
Creating a simple script ............................................................. 320
Scheduling and running a script .................................................. 321
Technical reference ..................................................... 322
Unloading a NetSupport Manager Client ....................................... 323
Restarting a Client .................................................................... 323
Using compression effectively .................................................... 324
Using cache effectively .............................................................. 324
Remote inventory and system information ................................... 326
Display the inventory for the selected Client ............................ 326
The Inventory window .......................................................... 327
Running the Task Manager .................................................... 330
The Task Manager window..................................................... 330
Edit Registry window ................................................................. 333
Using NetSupport Manager’s Security features effectively .............. 336
Understanding IP addresses ....................................................... 338
Using command line instructions ................................................ 340
Integration with Active Directory ................................................ 343
Smartcard support .................................................................... 345
Using NetSupport Manager over the internet ................................ 346
Contacting NetSupport ................................................ 347
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Welcome to NetSupport Manager
NetSupport Manager continues to lead the way with innovative
features to aid in remote PC management. From a desktop, laptop,
tablet or smartphone, monitor multiple systems in a single action,
deliver hands-on remote support, collaborate and even record or play
back sessions. When needed, gather real-time hardware and software
inventory, monitor services and even view system config remotely to
help resolve issues quickly.
Designed to operate over your LAN, WAN or the internet, securely
and without the need for firewall configuration, NetSupport Manager
provides a single, high speed solution for the remote management of
multi-platform computers, without the need for a third-party service
or ongoing subscription costs making it the perfect tool of choice for
any IT team.
NetSupport Manager offers comprehensive multi-platform support
from Windows, Mac, iOS and Android to any Windows, Android, Mac,
Linux (legacy) and Chrome OS devices.
This user manual contains instructions for installing and running
NetSupport Manager.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Conventions used
The following logical and easy to understand conventions are
used in this manual:
Step-by-step instructions, which should be performed in
sequence, are shown as numbered paragraphs beneath a clearly
stated, ‘How to Do’ heading.
As there is often more than one way of carrying out a task, you
will find ‘Or’ options also included.
Additional tips or explanatory notes regarding these instructions
are enclosed in a border under the heading ‘Note’.
Terminology used
The ‘Control’ is the workstation or device that shows
to or views/takes over the Client.
The ‘Client’ is the workstation or device that is being
shown to, viewed or taken over.
When the NetSupport Client program has been
installed on a workstation, it becomes available for
connection by a Control. A Client must be available
before a Control can connect to it.
When a connected Client is selected, a "one to one"
session is established. A Control can then view,
show or send a message etc. to that Client only. A
Control can also watch, control or share the selected
Client's screen, keyboard and mouse. A Control can
switch between multiple Clients, making each of
them, in turn, the selected Client.
All available Clients or groups of Clients can be
chosen for simultaneous connection. A Control can
only remote control a Client to which they are
Having connected to Client machines, NetSupport
stores a list of Clients in the All Computers folder
in the Tree view. These are Known Clients.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
About NetSupport Manager
In this chapter
You will be introduced to the main features and benefits of
NetSupport Manager.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
NetSupport Manager contains a wealth of features to assist you to
train, support, monitor and manage Clients.
Browse, locate and connect to all systems across your LAN, WAN
or over the internet.
Install on Client workstations without the need to visit the
individual machines using NetSupport Manager’s Remote
Deployment utility.
Connect over TCP/IP or HTTP protocols (legacy support provided
for IPX and NetBIOS).
Remote control
Watch, Share or Control the screen, keyboard and mouse of a Client,
irrespective of colour resolution, network protocol or operating
Monitor Mode
The Monitor Mode feature allows a user to display a thumbnail view of
all connected Client workstations simultaneously. The size of these
thumbnails can be adjusted to suit. In addition, the user can mouse
over a specific thumbnail for an expanded view of each selected PC.
View more than one Client screen at the same time, or sit back and
watch each connected Client screen in Scan mode. The ability to
record the activity on a Client workstation while it is remotely
controlled, capture a Client’s print output and cut and paste between
workstation applications comes as standard.
Scan multiple systems, cycle through one or multiple workstations
displaying their screens on the Control workstation.
Auto-grouping of remote systems
The Control Tree view provides an instant overview of your IT
infrastructure by grouping the remote systems based on pre-defined
criteria such as platform and operating system. For example, you can
easily identify machines running a particular Windows OS. This is
particularly helpful when planning upgrades or the rollout of new
technology. You can also create custom groups to reflect your
company structure.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
When a user connects to a remote PC, if enabled, the location of the
device will be calculated based on its external details.
This information allows NetSupport Manager to provide an
approximate location of each remote device, displaying the town,
state and country (with supporting flag) within the Control
application. Devices are automatically grouped by country for easier
management. The feature can be enabled or disabled at both the
Control and Client or simply managed via Group Policy.
Show your screen, a selected monitor or just a selected application,
video or replay file to any number of connected computers for real-
time instruction.
Conduct a two-way chat session in real-time between the Control and
one or more users.
Send a message to one or more chosen Clients, or even broadcast to
all Clients on the network.
Annotate tools
Annotate your screen with a range of drawing tools during a Remote
Control session or Show session to highlight areas of focus for an end
user or to aid in your presentation or training.
Screen capture
Capture screenshots during a session for future reference.
Screen recording
Record screen activity to a video “replay file” for training or security.
Support tools
Remote inventory and system information
A user can obtain a real-time view of the hardware and software
installed on each remote PC workstation directly from within their
NetSupport Control. NetSupport Manager collects a wealth of
information, specifically about the hardware or environment of each
PC. In addition, a full software inventory of current installed
applications is provided as well as all installed OS hotfixes. To aid
further in remote support and diagnostics, a user can also remotely
NetSupport Manager v14.00
view and, security permitting, control applications in memory, all
processes running and currently installed services.
Power management
Remotely power on/off, log on/off and reboot Client workstations to
minimise power consumption.
Request help
Users can create help requests that can be directed to all or specific
Control systems based on custom criteria.
NetSupport Manager provides full audio and video support.
Launch commands
A local command prompt and a PowerShell window can be launched
allowing you to execute commands at Clients.
Registry edit
Remotely edit the registry of a remote system.
Scripting and scheduling
NetSupport Manager includes a powerful integrated Scripting
Language and Scheduler that allows you to automate repetitive tasks
from the NetSupport Manager Control and run them at a time when
most convenient to you.
Move information
File transfer and distribution
Transfer files between workstations using a simple drag and drop
interface. Directories can be automatically synchronised on two
workstations and appropriate file types can be edited. NetSupport
Manager utilises intelligent Delta File Transfer to reduce data transfer
times when overwriting files that already exist, by checking individual
blocks of data within a file and only transferring changed data.
Moving files from one PC to another may be useful, but the real
benefits come with NetSupport Manager’s ability to copy files from
one PC to many in a single action or “File Distribution”.
NetSupport Manager also features live folders. When initiating a file
transfer to a remote PC, the path to any open folders (Explorer
windows) on its desktop is displayed at the top of the file transfer
view to ease quick selection.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Launch applications
Remotely launch applications on remote computers.
Dynamically find and list all Clients on the network.
Define a range of subnets for extended network browsing
capabilities locally.
Connect directly to known computers by PC name, DNS name or
network address.
Connect via a database of known Clients.
Discover and connect to any number of devices in real time
across differing environments.
Connect to machines that have Intel vPro capability.
Utilising the internet
Delivering seamless remote control between PCs that may be located
behind different firewalls, the NetSupport Connectivity Server module
provides a stable and secure method for NetSupport-enabled systems
to locate and communicate via HTTP. The NetSupport Manager
Gateway component needs to be installed on a PC allocated with a
static IP and accessible to both Control and Client PCs, even though
both the Control and Client systems will be securely located behind
their respective firewalls. The Gateway will only allow connections
from computers using the same Gateway security key.
PIN connect
Allows a technician to locate a user anywhere across the enterprise
instantly, simply by both parties entering a matching and unique PIN
code. Rather than browsing to discover the user's PC and needing to
know their PC name, address details etc, the PIN process allows both
parties to handshake seamlessly. The new PIN Server module can run
alone or alongside the Gateway module and is included as standard
with NetSupport Manager.
NetSupport Manager provides an exceptional range of security
options to meet all needs, including:
Password protection of all systems.
User acknowledgement (User must be present and authorise each
inbound connection request).
Data encryption configurable from 56-bit DES to 256bit AES.
Set unique security keys on both Control and Client.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Limit connectivity by user account or originating IP address and
control HTTP access based on the IP address (only allow
connections from known locations).
Record and replay remote control sessions to keep a history of all
activity during a session.
Dialback security for dial-up connections.
Disable file transfer or specific files and directories.
Allow a Control to Watch only.
Auto logout of a remote system on disconnect (avoids a system
being mistakenly left in a logged in state).
User-defined Inactivity Timeout on open connections.
Centrally deploy and manage security configurations from a single
Integrates with existing NT user profiles and security.
Integrate directly with Active Directory profiles for user
Supplied with Active Directory templates to enable system-wide
compliance with pre-defined Client configurations.
Profiled functionality allow different functionality to be available
depending on the authenticated user making a connection.
Full event and history logs including integration with OS event
Smartcard support - any login performed on the Control PC is re-
directed and applied on the Client PC.
Smartcard authentication - user validation for connections
supports authentication using a Smartcard PIN as well as the
existing remote login support.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
In this chapter
How to install the required NetSupport Manager components
on your Windows-based PCs.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Planning an installation
Installing NetSupport Manager is exceptionally easy and you should
be up and running within a very short time.
Decide what functions to install
On the workstation from which you will remote control other PCs and
devices, you will need to install the Control.
On every machine or device that you wish to connect to, you will
need to install the Client.
Decide whether you need to customise your installation with
advanced NetSupport Manager features, such as using Scripting and
Deploy, or using the machine as a Gateway.
Also supplied with NetSupport Manager is the NetSupport School
training tool. This provides trainers with the ability to instruct and
visually/audibly monitor, as well as interact with their trainees,
individually, as a pre-defined group or to the whole class.
Decide what network protocol to use
Decide what networking protocol you have available on the
workstation. NetSupport Manager supports TCP/IP and HTTP and
provides legacy support for IPX and NetBIOS.
While NetSupport is multi-protocol, which means that the same
Control can connect to Clients running on different protocols, you
must choose a default. You can change this later.
Note: By default, the Control will be configured to use TCP/IP. If
you are using a different protocol, you must configure this
the first time you start the Control.
You are now ready to install NetSupport Control and Client programs.
For details of how to install on:
Mac machines, refer to Installing NetSupport Manager on a Mac-
based system.
Google Chrome, refer to Installing a NetSupport Client on Google
Chrome devices.
Android devices, refer to Installing a NetSupport Manager Android
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Note: NetSupport Manager provides support for Windows 64 bit on
Intel EM64 and AMD64 platforms. The NetSupport Manager
Windows Installer can be used to install the NetSupport 64 bit
Client. For further information, please visit
System requirements
Some areas of NetSupport’s functionality rely on the presence of
certain files/applications; please ensure these are available before
installing NetSupport Manager:
PC requirements:
Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8/8.1 (32bit and 64 bit),
Windows Server 2022, 2019 and 2012, Windows 7* (32bit and
64bit), 2008 (32bit, 64 bit and R2), Vista (32bit and 64 bit) and 2003
(Service Pack 1).
* For the NetSupport Manager Control to run on Windows 7, Aero
needs to be enabled. Choose Start > Control Panel. In the
Appearance and Personalization section, click Customize Color.
Choose Windows Aero from the Color Scheme menu and then click
TCP/IP, HTTP or legacy (IPX and NetBIOS).
NetSupport Manager offers full integration with thin and zero Client
environments as well as compatibility with MultiPoint, MultiSeat and
virtual desktop environments from WYSE Technologies, Microsoft, HP,
NComputing (X-series and L-series), MiniFrame (SoftXpand) and
many others.
Mac requirements:
The NetSupport Manager macOS Control runs on macOS 10.15
(Catalina) and above.
The NetSupport Manager Client for macOS is available on macOS
10.14 (Mojave) and above.
Mobile Control:
The NetSupport Manager Mobile Control for iOS and Android provides
mobile remote control for existing NetSupport Manager remote
control users from any iPad, iPhone, iPod, Android Tablet and
smartphone or Kindle Fire.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
The NetSupport Manager Mobile Control is available for free download
from appropriate App Stores. Visit for more information.
Android Client app:
The NetSupport Manager Client for Android can be installed on each
Android device (5 or later) and connected from the Windows Control
(12.5 or above).
Chrome OS Client:
For use in an existing or new NetSupport-managed environment, the
NetSupport Manager for Chrome Client extension can be installed on
each Chrome OS device. From the Control, you can then connect to
each system, enabling you to monitor the screens and interact with
each Chrome OS device quickly and efficiently.
Legacy platform support
Legacy support is provided for the following platforms:
Windows NT4, Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows 2003 (pre
Service Pack 1).
The NetSupport Manager Mac Client supports macOS version 10.9
10.13 and later on Intel platforms.
Linux requirements:
At the time of release, the NetSupport Manager Linux Client supports:
OpenSUSE 11.2 and later, SUSE Enterprise 11, SUSE Enterprise
Server 11, Ubuntu/Edubuntu 9.04 and above, Debian 5 and 6, Red
Hat Enterprise Linux 6, Linux Mint 9 and above and Fedora 12 and
Desktop Managers: GNOME, KDE, Unity 2D, Ubuntu Classic (No
Effects Only), MATE and Cinnamon.
Pocket PC:
Operating system: Pocket PC 2003 or Windows Mobile 2003 and
Processor: Strong ARM processors.
ActiveSync / Wi-Fi wireless LAN capabilities.
Device RAM: 32Mb (64Mb recommended).
Storage: Minimum 2Mb, full installation 10Mb required.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Windows CE:
Operating System: Windows CE 4.2 or above.
Processor: Strong ARM processors, X86 Compatible.
ActiveSync capabilities.
Device RAM: 32Mb (64Mb recommended).
Storage: 5Mb free space required.
Note: An earlier version of NetSupport Manager may be required on
these platforms and can be downloaded from
Starting the installation
Download your copy of NetSupport Manager from
Click the appropriate language from the menu and select the option
to install NetSupport Manager.
Select which installer to use: setup.exe or MSI file. If an Active
Directory deployment is required, you will need to install using the
MSI file.
If you are upgrading your Windows operating system, you must
ensure that you uninstall NetSupport Manager prior to
upgrading. NetSupport Manager can then be re-installed once
the operating system upgrade has been completed.
When installing, make sure that you are logged in as an
NetSupport Manager v14.00
NetSupport Manager setup program
The setup program Welcome screen will appear.
Click Next to continue.
NetSupport Licence Agreement
The NetSupport Licence Agreement will be displayed. Please read the
Licence Agreement carefully and select I accept the terms in the
Licence Agreement and click Next to continue.
If you reject the Licence Agreement (I do not accept the terms in the
Licence Agreement), click Cancel. NetSupport Manager will not be
installed and you will be directed to exit from the install program.
Licence information
Select Register and enter the NetSupport Manager licence details
you have been provided with.
If you are evaluating NetSupport Manager, select 30-day evaluation
and click Next.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Select Setup Type
Choose the setup type to install on the workstation.
Installs all the components that a Control user would generally
need. Excludes the Gateway and NetSupport School components.
See below for a description of each NetSupport Manager
Installs the Client software. This feature should be installed on
workstations to be remote controlled.
Enables you to individually select the mix of components that are
appropriate for the workstation.
Click Next to continue.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Custom Setup
If you have chosen to perform a Custom Setup, you will be able to
select the required components individually to suit the requirements
of each workstation.
Install this component on workstations you want to remote control.
Installs the Student component of NetSupport's training tool,
NetSupport School.
Client settings and security are established using the Client
Configurator. Basic settings can be entered at the end of the
installation process but to set more advanced options, install the
Configurator component.
Install this component on workstations that will be taking control of
Client workstations. It is recommended that the Client component is
also installed in order to use the full range of NetSupport Manager
functions, for example, Show.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Installs the Tutor component of NetSupport's training tool,
NetSupport School.
Tech Console
Installs the Tech Console component of NetSupport School. This
provides lab technicians and network managers with the main
NetSupport School features.
NetSupport Manager’s Gateway feature provides a means of
connecting Clients and Controls across the internet, thus delivering
web-based remote control without the need for modifications to
existing Firewall configurations. There is no direct connection between
the Client and Control; all data is passed via the Gateway. The
Gateway component can, therefore, be installed independently of the
Control and Client. If you choose to install the Gateway component,
the Gateway Configuration dialog will appear after the installation has
Note: The Gateway can't be installed on a machine that has the
NetSupport DNA Local (Server) Gateway installed on it.
PIN Server
Installs NetSupport Manager's PIN Server. The PIN Server provides
the central point where a unique PIN code is created when using the
PIN Connect feature.
Remote Deployment Utility (supported on Windows XP and
The NetSupport Manager Deploy utility enables you to perform
multiple NetSupport Manager installations without the need to visit
each individual workstation. See the NetSupport Manager Deploy
section of this manual for more information.
Install NetSupport Manager’s integrated Scripting and Scheduling
suite. Create scripts to automate manual tasks and schedule them to
run at specific times. Ideal for overnight updates. See the NetSupport
Manager Scripting section of this manual for more information.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Install Desktop Icons
Choose whether to create desktop icons, e.g. for the NetSupport
Manager Control, the NetSupport School Tutor or the NetSupport
School Tech Console, to allow easy access to the programs.
Install Start Menu Icons
Choose whether to create Start menu icons for the components you
are installing.
Note: NetSupport Manager provides exceptional multimedia
support. The NetSupport Manager Video Player enables you
to run video files on Client workstations, enhancing training
sessions and demonstrations. This is installed by default with
the Tutor component.
Install to:
By default, NetSupport Manager will be installed in the folder
C:\Program Files\NetSupport\NetSupport Manager. If you want to
install in a different folder, click Change.
Click Next to continue.
Ready to install
To start the installation, click Install. To change any of the previous
selections, click Back. To quit the installation, click Cancel.
Note: If you have elected to install a Client, setup will make the
required amendments to your System.ini and/or registry to
load the Client as Windows initialises. NetSupport Manager
will not replace any of your existing drivers.
Installation complete
This final screen confirms that the installation has been successful.
Run Client Configurator
At the end of the installation process, you will have the opportunity to
run the Client Configurator. This enables you to set basic Client
information and security. If the Configurator is being installed as one
of the selected components, you will be able to access more
advanced configuration options.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Run Remote Deploy
Selecting this option will run the NetSupport Manager Deploy utility
after the installation process. This allows you remotely to install and
configure NetSupport Manager on multiple workstations.
Click Finish to exit the Setup program.
Note: If you choose to install the Gateway component, the
NetSupport Connectivity Server dialog will appear. This allows
you to create a security key for the Gateway.
Existing installation detected
This screen will appear if a copy of NetSupport Manager is already
installed on the workstation.
Change the program features that are installed.
Repair any installation errors in the program.
Remove NetSupport Manager from the computer.
Select the required option and click Next.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Uninstalling NetSupport Manager
The standard method for uninstalling NetSupport Manager is to select
NetSupport Manager in Control Panel Add/Remove Programs.
For Windows XP and above workstations, NetSupport Manager Deploy
can be used to perform multiple uninstalls from a remote location.
Refer to the NetSupport Manager Deploy section of this manual for
more information.
Evaluation kit
NetSupport Manager is available as an Evaluation kit either from
distributors or free as a downloaded copy from the internet. This
allows you to trial NetSupport Manager before your purchase. The
Evaluation Kit software is fully functional, apart from the following
A maximum of ten Clients can be active on the network
The Client and the Control programs will not run after the expiry
date has passed.
Upon purchase, these restrictions are removed once serialisation has
been completed. This process upgrades the Evaluation Kit into a fully
licensed copy.
To upgrade an evaluation kit to a fully licensed copy
1. Click Help on the caption bar and select About.
2. Select the License tab.
3. Click Update License.
In the directory that you have installed the Program Manager group
‘NetSupport Manager, open the file PCILIC.EXE.
The NetSupport Manager Licence dialog box will appear asking you to
enter your licence details. Please note that all entries are case
When you have entered the correct licence details, click Generate.
You now have a fully licensed copy of NetSupport Manager.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Advanced installation
In this chapter…….
How to prepare and run ‘silent’ installations across a network.
Using the NetSupport Manager Deploy utility to perform
multiple installations.
Installing NetSupport Manager on a Mac based system.
Installing a NetSupport Manager Client on Google Chrome.
Installing a NetSupport Manager Android Client.
NetSupport Manager Mobile Control for iOS and Android.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Creating an administrative (network)
An administrative installation (distribution copy) of NetSupport
Manager is designed to assist Administrators to install NetSupport
Manager on networked PCs where the installation media or licence
details may not be readily available and it is anticipated that a
number of installs will be performed either at once or over a period of
This type of installation can also be pre-configured to set up
NetSupport Manager with certain options, therefore ensuring that all
NetSupport Manager installations are configured in the same way.
Once created, the distribution copy can be used when performing a
standard installation, a silent installation, or as part of a NetSupport
Manager Deploy routine.
To set up a distribution copy of NetSupport Manager on a
1. Create a folder on the network that is accessible to all PCs that
you may want to install on.
2. Copy, from your original source media, the file Setup.exe.
3. Create and copy a valid NSM.LIC file to this folder. If a licence file
is not present in the folder when running the install, NetSupport
Manager will be installed using the default Evaluation licence.
4. Create and copy a Client32u.ini file to this folder.
Note: You can make the network folder ‘read only’ to avoid the
configuration being altered by unauthorised users.
To install NetSupport Manager from a server onto individual
1. At the required workstation, navigate to the network folder
containing the NetSupport Manager setup files.
2. Run Setup.exe.
3. Follow instructions in the Starting the Installation section.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Silent/unattended installations
A silent installation is one which that requires no input from the user,
providing a convenient method for performing a set installation at
several machines.
To perform a silent install
1. Create a distribution copy of NetSupport Manager containing the
required NetSupport Manager installation files.
2. To determine the properties for the installation, run INSTCFG.EXE
from the NetSupport Manager program folder. The Install
Configuration Options dialog will appear. (See the Install
Configuration Options dialog section below for a full description of
this dialog). Your chosen properties are stored in a parameter
file: default name NSM.ini.
3. Choose {File}{Save} and save the ‘NSM.ini’ file to the folder
containing the distribution copy of NetSupport Manager.
4. To perform the silent install at the required workstation, from the
folder containing created above, run:
msiexec /i "NetSupport Manager.msi" /qn (MSI installer)
setup /S /v/qn (setup.exe installer)
Note: NetSupport Manager can be installed via Active Directory. The
software installation group policy object (GPO) must be applied
to organisational units (OUs) containing computer accounts
rather than users. Please note that for software installation to
take effect immediately, it is necessary to enable the "Always
wait for the network at computer startup and logon"
parameter in the Computer Configuration| Administrative
Templates| System| Logon| leaf of the group policy controlling
the computers that are subject to software installation. This
change will affect login times for Windows XP machines that
have this applied. Without this change, an additional log off /
log on cycle is required to effect installation.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Install Configuration Options dialog
When performing a silent installation or using NetSupport Manager
Deploy, you can customise the installation to suit individual
requirements. This dialog, accessed by running INSTCFG.EXE from
the NetSupport Manager program folder if performing a silent
installation or, if using NetSupport Manager Deploy, via the Install
Properties General tab, enables you to specify the properties for the
installation. The information is stored in a parameter file, NSM.ini.
Select the relevant checkboxes to indicate which NetSupport Manager
components will be installed. Choose whether to create a desktop
icon for the Control, the School Tutor and the Tech Console and Start
menu icons for the components you are installing.
Client Parameters (optional)
If you have created a particular Client configuration file for use after
the installation, specify the path and file name here. Depending on
the location of the file, you may need to provide a set of user
credentials (name and password) to give Clients access to the file. In
order to specify the parameters in the correct format, it is suggested
that you create them in the NetSupport Manager Client Configurator
and copy them to this field.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Leave the field blank if you are installing from your distribution copy
or if you want to use the default configuration file contained in the
NetSupport Manager setup package.
To specify Client parameters
1. Open your NetSupport Manager Program folder by choosing
{Start}{Programs}{NetSupport Manager}{NetSupport Manager
2. Choose Advanced.
3. Select {Profiles}{Client Parameters} from the Configurator drop-
down menu.
4. The Client Parameters dialog will appear.
5. Click Add to specify the parameters.
If user credentials are required, they must precede the
configuration file name.
Each set of parameters must be added separately.
6. If required, enter the user credentials (user name and password).
Click OK. The appropriate strings will appear in the dialog.
7. Click Add to specify the location of the configuration file. Click
When the Client Parameters dialog contains the required strings, copy
them individually to the Install Configuration Options dialog (use
Ctrl+C to copy, Ctrl+V to paste).
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Install Directory
Specify the directory where NetSupport Manager will be installed.
Leave blank to install in the default directory \Program
Files\NetSupport\NetSupport Manager.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
NetSupport Manager Deploy NetSupport
Manager’s Remote Install Utility
The NetSupport Manager Deploy Utility provides network
administrators with the facility to install and configure NetSupport
Manager on multiple workstations without the need to visit the
machines individually.
Within the NetSupport Manager Deploy utility, you have the ability to
deploy using an IP address range (specified IP ranges or computers
with an IP range local to the Control), Windows domain or,
alternatively, you are provided with a view of your network. These
methods allow you to pick and choose which computers you want to
deploy to.
The NetSupport Manager Deploy utility can be used to deploy to
computers running the following operating systems:
Windows XP
Windows 2003
Windows Vista
Windows Server 2008\2008r2
Windows 7
Windows Server 2012
Windows 10
Windows Server 2019
Windows 11
Windows Server 2022
Note: Due to operating system limitations, the NetSupport Manager
Deploy utility does not work with Windows XP Home,
Windows Vista Home Premium or Windows 7 Starter/Home
With NetSupport Manager Deploy, you can:
Remotely install a NetSupport Manager package on multiple
workstations simultaneously.
Create and download specific Client configurations to multiple
Remotely update NetSupport Manager licence details on multiple
Remotely uninstall a NetSupport Manager package from multiple
workstations simultaneously.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
When deploying to a Windows Vista (or later) PC within a domain,
the console user must be either logged onto the domain or enter
the user credentials (when prompted) of a domain account that
has local administrator rights to the target PC.
The Deploy Prompt User option is not supported on Windows
Vista and above.
Installing the Deploy Utility
When installing NetSupport Manager, select Typical Installation to
install the NetSupport Manager Deploy Utility automatically.
Alternatively, you can also choose it as part of a custom installation.
NetSupport Manager Deploy is a powerful utility that makes installing
NetSupport Manager packages on multiple workstations a quick and
easy process. However, while we endeavour to ensure that there are
no limitations or incompatibility issues in the use of the software, it is
recommended that a trial deployment is performed on a small
number of workstations to ensure there are no conflicts with other
similar products such as remote control or desktop security packages.
In addition, for added security and protection, you must have
appropriate administrator rights for the machines you are deploying
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Deploying on Windows XP and above
To deploy NetSupport Manager on Windows XP Professional and
above, you need access to the Admin$ share on the remote machine
in order to transfer the package to be deployed. By default, there is
no access allowed to Admin$ share.
To enable network access:
1. In Administrative Tools, select Local Security Policy.
2. Select {Security Settings}{Local Policies}{Security Options}.
3. Select {Network access: Sharing and security model for local
4. Alter the setting for this policy to {Classic local users
authenticate as themselves}.
The Admin$ share will now be available and you can deploy as
If upgrading from Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 1 to Service
Pack 2, Windows Firewall will by default block all network activity
produced by NetSupport Manager. To enable NetSupport Manager to
function correctly, we have provided a utility that will configure
Windows Firewall.
To enable NetSupport Manager in the Windows Firewall
1. Download the ICFCONFIG.EXE File (link at
2. Run this utility on a machine with NetSupport Manager installed
using the following command:
3. This will create all the required entries in the Windows Firewall
configuration to allow NetSupport Manager to function correctly.
The ICFCONFIG utility can also be used to remove a NetSupport
Product from the Windows Firewall configuration. See our website for all the ICFCONFIG
Command line options.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
How does NetSupport Manager Deploy work?
Once the Deploy options have been configured, the NetSupport
Manager Deploy Utility works by connecting to the target computer
using File and Print Sharing.
This method requires access to the target computer’s Admin$ and will
need to connect as a user with local administrator access (user
details may be requested).
Once authenticated, the NetSupport Manager package files are copied
to the following folder on the remote PC using the connection to the
Admin$ share:
Finally, once the files have been sent to the target PC, the installer
file is executed using the Remote Procedure Calls (RPC) Service.
What are the requirements?
In order to successfully deploy NetSupport Manager components to
your target PCs, the following items are required:
File and Print Sharing must be enabled on the target PC.
The Sharing and Security for local accounts policy must be set to
{Classic} on the target PC.
The user account used to connect to the target PC must have
local administrator permissions on the target PC.
Network discovery must be enabled on Windows Vista and
Windows 7 target PCs.
UAC Remote Restrictions must be disabled for target PCs running
Windows Vista and Windows 7 in a workgroup environment.
Starting NetSupport Manager Deploy
1. Select NetSupport Manager Deploy from your NetSupport
Manager Program group.
2. The NetSupport Manager Deploy main window will appear.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
NetSupport Manager Deploy main window
The Deploy main window is divided into the following
Menu bar
The menu bar contains a series of drop-down menus that can be used
to access the various tools and configuration utilities for the deploy
Left-hand pane
Contains three tabs: Network, Log Files and Security.
Network and Security tabs
Lists, in a Tree view, the available networks, domains and
workgroups that can be selected for a deploy routine.
Log Files tab
Lists, in a Tree view, a history of previous deployments.
Right-hand pane
With the Network tab selected, you are provided with a range of
general information about the workstations located on the selected
network/domain (machine name, Client address and MAC address).
The Log Files tab provides a breakdown of past deployments
categorised by type.
The Security tab also lists information specific to each individual
workstation located on the chosen network/domain. In addition to the
machine name and IP address, you will be able to see the platform
the machine is running on, determine if the machine already has a
NetSupport Manager Client installed and which version is running,
NetSupport Manager v14.00
whether the Client is password protected or has user
acknowledgement set. With this information to hand, you can decide
in advance which machines to include or exclude from the
forthcoming deployment. For example, if a current NetSupport
Manager Client is already installed at some of the workstations, you
might choose to ignore it.
Preparing a deployment routine
Choosing who to deploy to
1. From the main window, select the Network or Security tab.
2. A list of available networks, domains and workgroups will appear
in the left-hand pane. Expand or reduce the tree list by clicking
on the arrows.
Note: You can also deploy to specific IP ranges by adding the
appropriate address range to the tree. Select
{Tools}{Add IP Range} from the menu bar.
3. Highlight the required group.
4. The names of the workstations belonging to the selected group
will appear in the right-hand pane. You can change the
appearance of the list view by selecting {View} from the menu
5. Select the workstations to include in the deploy routine. (You can
use CTRL-Click or SHIFT-Click). Before deciding to include or
exclude a workstation, you can view its properties by right-
clicking on the machine name.
Note: A Wake on LAN can be sent to machines that are not turned
on, ensuring deployments are sent to all required machines.
Select the required machines and choose {View}{Wake
Selected (WOL)} from the menu bar.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Choosing what to deploy
You can choose:
NetSupport Manager package.
Client configuration.
NetSupport Manager licence file.
Uninstall NetSupport Manager.
Note: The properties for each of the above can also be pre-defined if
it is not convenient to deploy immediately. See pre-define
settings for a future deployment.
Deploy a NetSupport Manager package
A NetSupport Manager package is created as standard when the
Deploy component is selected with the installation. To distribute the
package, select the required workstations:
1. Choose {Deploy}{NetSupport Manager Package} from the Deploy
main window drop-down menu.
Right-click on the selected workstations and choose {Deploy-
NetSupport Manager Package}.
2. The Deploy Summary dialog will appear.
This dialog provides a summary of the options you have selected
for the deployment. Click Properties to amend the information
for the deployment.
3. The Install Properties dialog will appear.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
4. To amend the properties for the deployment, select the relevant
General tab
Used to specify the NetSupport Manager package to deploy and
which components are to be installed.
The description for the package will be set to NetSupport
By default, the location of the package to be installed is set to the
Deploy folder where the NetSupport Manager package has been
Click Edit to specify the components to install. The Install
Configuration Options dialog will appear. (See the ‘Install
Configuration Options Dialog’ section of this manual for a full
description of this dialog.)
Note: Because of the way NetSupport Manager Deploy handles
restarting workstations, leave the Restart Machine box
un-checked. This is only relevant when performing a
silent install where The Install Configuration Options
dialog is also used for specifying the options to install.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
When you have completed this dialog, choose{File}{Save} to
save the NSM.ini file to the folder containing the distribution copy
of NetSupport Manager.
Choose {File}{Exit} to return to the Install Properties dialog.
Options tab
Use the information supplied in the Network and Security tabs to
identify which machines may already have NetSupport Manager
installed. You can then choose to:
Ignore them by checking the Skip machines already
running NetSupport Manager box.
Update the machines with the latest version by checking the
Update new or older systems to current version box.
After deploying the package, you can confirm that the Client
is running by checking the Verify Client running after
restarting box. Ensure that workstations are restarted
automatically after the deploy for this option to work. See
Restart tab.
Acknowledgement tab
Consider whether the workstations will be in use when
commencing the deploy. You can choose to:
Install NetSupport Manager Immediately. No prompt will be
received at the workstations being deployed to.
Warn user before installing NetSupport Manager. The user will
receive a prompt and needs to click OK for the install to
commence. Users cannot cancel this.
User can postpone NetSupport Manager installation. You can
specify the number of times a user can postpone the
installation. If the user does choose to postpone, they will be
re-prompted at hourly intervals or the next time they restart
the workstation, whichever comes earlier.
Message tab
You can specify a custom message to be displayed at each
workstation while the installation is in progress.
Restart tab
These options are only applicable if the target PCs require a
forced restart to complete the installation.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Note: If you have asked for verification that the Client is running
(see Options tab), you must choose an option that will
force the workstations to be restarted immediately.
Advise user to restart machine. At the completion of the
deployment, a message will be displayed at workstations
asking the user to restart the PC at the next convenient
opportunity. Do not choose if the above note applies.
Insist user restarts machine. A message will be displayed at
workstations advising the user to restart the PC to complete
the installation.
Force restart. At the end of the deployment, a message is
displayed advising users that the workstation will be
restarted. A time bar is displayed indicating how many
seconds it is before the restart commences.
Automatic restart if not logged on. If the workstation being
deployed to is not logged on, a restart will commence
5. Click OK to return to the Deploy Summary dialog.
6. Click Deploy to commence the installation. A progress dialog will
appear, enabling you to monitor the deployment as it installs on
each workstation.
The dialog has two tabs:
Log tab enables you to monitor the deployment as it reaches
each workstation.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Status tab lists the stage the deployment has reached on each
workstation. For example, the installation may be complete on
one machine but still in progress on another.
7. Click Close to return to the Deploy main window when the
installation is complete.
Deploy a Client Configuration
Using NetSupport Manager Deploy, you can remotely deploy a Client
configuration file containing specific Client settings. For more
information on configuring Clients, see the Configuring the Client
section of this manual.
1. Select the required workstations.
2. Choose {Deploy}{Client Configuration} from the Deploy main
window drop-down menu.
Right-click on the selected workstations and choose
{Deploy}{Client Configuration}.
3. The Deploy Summary dialog will appear.
4. Click Properties to enter the details for the deployment.
5. Click Browse to specify the folder containing the Client
configuration file that is to be deployed. The default configuration
file is CLIENT32U.ini and is stored in the NetSupport Manager
installation directory.
Note: The default configuration file for Clients pre-v12.50 is
called CLIENT32.ini.
6. Click Edit to access the Advanced Client Configurator in order to
make changes to the configuration file. See the Advanced Client
Configuration section of this manual for more information.
7. You can specify additional Client parameters if required. For
example, this may be the location of an additional configuration
file to which you want to add specific user credentials (name and
8. For the new settings to take effect immediately, the Client service
will be automatically restarted after the deployment. If a restart
is not required, uncheck the Restart the Client service box.
9. Click OK to return to the Summary dialog. You can view the
contents of the configuration file by clicking on the file name.
10. Click Deploy. A progress dialog will appear, enabling you to
monitor the status of the deployment.
11. Click Close when complete.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Deploy a NetSupport Manager licence file
When installing a NetSupport Manager package, a licence file is sent
to each workstation. However, there may be occasions when the
licence information needs updating. For example, you have purchased
additional licences and the licence file needs updating to reflect this.
By using NetSupport Manager Deploy, you can remotely update the
file on user workstations.
1. Select the required workstations.
2. Choose {Deploy}{NetSupport Manager Licence file} from the
Deploy main window drop-down menu.
Right-click on the selected workstations and choose
{Deploy}{NetSupport Manager Licence file}.
3. The Deploy Summary dialog will appear.
4. Click Properties to enter the details for the deployment.
5. Click Browse to specify the folder containing the licence file that
is to be deployed. The default file is NSM.LIC.
6. For the new settings to take effect immediately, the Client service
will be automatically restarted after the deployment. If a restart
is not required, uncheck the Restart the Client service box.
7. Click OK to return to the Summary dialog. You can view the
contents of the licence file by clicking on the file name.
8. Click Deploy. A progress dialog will appear, enabling you to
monitor the status of the deployment.
9. Click Close when complete.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Remote uninstall
Using NetSupport Manager Deploy, you can remotely uninstall a
NetSupport Manager package.
1. Select the required workstations.
2. Choose {Deploy}{Uninstall NetSupport Manager} from the
Deploy main window drop-down menu.
Right-click on the selected workstations and choose
{Deploy}{Uninstall NetSupport Manager}.
3. The Deploy Summary dialog will appear.
4. Click Properties to enter the details for the deployment. The
Uninstall NetSupport dialog will appear.
5. Enter the properties for the deployment by selecting the four tabs
in turn.
General tab
Provides a description of the package being uninstalled.
Acknowledgement tab
Consider whether the workstations will be in use when
commencing the deploy. You can choose to:
Uninstall NetSupport Manager Immediately. No prompt will be
received at the workstations being deployed to.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Warn user before uninstalling NetSupport Manager. The user
will receive a prompt and needs to click OK for the uninstall to
commence. Users cannot cancel this.
User can postpone uninstall of NetSupport Manager. You can
specify the number of times a user can postpone the uninstall.
If the user does choose to postpone, they will be prompted the
next time they restart the workstation.
Message tab
You can specify a custom message to be displayed at each
workstation while the uninstall is in progress.
Restart tab
To completely remove all NetSupport Manager files, the
workstations must be restarted.
Insist user restarts machine. A message will be displayed at
workstations advising the user to restart the PC to complete
the process.
Force restart. At the end of the deployment, a message is
displayed advising users that the workstation will be
restarted. time bar is displayed indicating how many seconds
it is before the restart commences.
Automatic restart if not logged in. If the workstation being
deployed to is not logged in, a restart will commence
6. When you have completed all four tabs, click OK to return to the
Deploy Summary dialog. You can review your selections and edit
if required.
7. Click Deploy to commence the uninstall. A progress dialog will
appear, enabling you to monitor the deployment as it uninstalls
each workstation.
8. Click Close when complete.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Pre-define settings for a future deployment
There may be occasions when you want to defer a deployment until a
more convenient time of the day. With NetSupport Manager Deploy,
you can prepare the settings in advance and choose when to perform
the deployment.
Note: You select the workstations to deploy to when you are ready
to run the deployment.
To prepare the settings for a future deployment
1. Choose {Deploy}{Configuration} from the Deploy main window
drop-down menu.
2. The Deploy List dialog will appear. Select the required Deploy
Option. (Package, Client Configuration, Licence File or Uninstall)
3. Click Properties and enter the required settings.
4. When all settings are entered, click Close to return to the Deploy
main window.
To run the deployment
1. Select the workstations to Deploy to. See Preparing a
2. Choose {Deploy} from the main window drop-down menu.
Right-click on the selected workstations and choose Deploy.
3. Select the required Deploy option.
4. The Deploy Summary dialog will appear, showing your pre-
defined selections. You can edit these if required.
5. Click Deploy to start the deployment.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Log files
When using NetSupport Manager Deploy, information about each
deployment, whether a package install, licence update, configuration
download or uninstall, is recorded. This provides a useful reminder
each time you use the utility of what you have previously deployed.
The information is stored in a log file.
To view log files
1. From the NetSupport Manager Deploy main window, select the
Log Files tab.
2. In the left-hand pane of the main window, increase or decrease
the Tree view to see a description of each type of deployment,
the date and time the deployment took place and the
workstations that were deployed to.
3. As you select an item from the left-hand pane, itemised
information about that deployment will appear in the right-hand
Printing a log file
1. Select the required Log File in the Tree view.
2. Choose {Log}{Print} from the Deploy main window drop-down
Deleting a log file
1. Select the required Log File in the Tree view.
2. Choose {Log}{Delete} from the Deploy main window drop-down
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Installing NetSupport Manager on a Mac based
A NetSupport Manager Control and Client can be installed on Mac
systems, allowing you to remote control other workstations/devices
from a Mac and also enabling a Control to connect, view the screen of
the remote user and perform a variety of remote control tasks.
The NetSupport Manager macOS Control runs on macOS 10.15
(Catalina) and above.
The NetSupport Manager Client for macOS is available on macOS
10.14 (Mojave) and above.
Installing NetSupport Manager
1. NetSupport Manager is provided as a standard macOS .pkg file,
this is available from our downloads area at (full installation
instructions will also be available here).
2. Download the .pkg file and double click it to run the package.
3. The installer will automatically run, follow the on-screen
For information on using the NetSupport macOS Control, click here.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Installing and configuring NetSupport Manager
on Google Chrome OS devices
NetSupport Manager provides remote control capabilities for any
Google Chrome OS device running the NetSupport Manager Chrome
OS Client extension.
The NetSupport Manager Client for Google Chrome extension can be
installed on each Client machine running the Google Chrome OS.
From the technician’s desktop, you can then connect to each system,
enabling you to monitor and interact with each client quickly and
Planning an installation
For a NetSupport Manager Control to be able to connect and interact
with Chrome OS devices, the NetSupport Connectivity Server must be
installed on a Windows Server; the NetSupport Manager Control
(Windows, Mac or Mobile) must be installed on the technician’s
computer, and the NetSupport Manager Chrome Client extension
installed onto each Chrome device.
The NetSupport Manager Client for Chrome OS can be used with your
existing NetSupport licences already purchased (as long as you have
sufficient unused licences), or additional Chrome OS only Client
licences can be purchased from your NetSupport reseller.
Installing and configuring the NetSupport Manager Client for
Google Chrome extension
1. Download the NetSupport Manager for Google Chrome extension
from the Google Chrome store.
2. Enter the URL chrome://settings/extensions to access the
‘Extensions’ configuration page.
3. Locate the NetSupport Manager Client for Google Chrome
extension and click Options.
4. Enter the Gateway address and port number of the Gateway.
5. Optionally, enter a name that identifies this Client.
6. Click Save.
Chrome Incognito Mode:
To ensure that you maintain full control of your Clients, it is
recommended that you 'disallow' Incognito mode in the Chrome OS
User Settings. This can be done centrally via the Google Management
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Key features when connecting to Chrome OS ‘Client’ systems include:
A NetSupport Manager Control communicates, via HTTP, with
Google Chrome OS devices that are running the NetSupport
Manager for Chrome Client extension. For help installing and
configuring the required components, please refer to the
documents below.
Remote Control
A crystal clear thumbnail of each Chrome OS Client screen can be
viewed by the Control in a single view.
The Client's screen can be discreetly monitored (Watch mode) or
remote controlled in real-time (Share mode).
For real-time instruction or demonstrations, the Chrome OS Client
can be shown the Control (Windows or Mac) screen - in a browser
tab or in full screen mode.
The Client can also be shown an application running on the
Control desktop.
Multi-monitor support monitor Chrome OS devices running
multiple monitors.
The Client's mouse and keyboard can be ‘locked’ remotely.
Chrome OS Clients can join a text ‘chat’ session initiated by the
Chrome OS Clients can receive messages sent by the Control.
Support tools
Remote Clipboard - the content of the Client’s clipboard can be
remotely retrieved by the Control during a view session. Clients
can also be sent a copy of the Control’s clipboard.
Request Help facility - Clients can send a request for help to a
PIN Connect - the Client can initiate an instant connection with a
Control simply by both parties entering a matching PIN code via a
central PIN Server module.
User Acknowledgement the Client can authorise each inbound
connection request.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Installing and configuring the NetSupport
Manager Android Client
The NetSupport Manager Android Client app gives an existing
NetSupport Manager Control user the power to connect to Android
tablets and smartphones in use across your enterprise, enabling real-
time interaction and support.
The NetSupport Manager Android Client app works on Android v4.0 or
later tablets and is available for free from the Google Play store.
Note: NetSupport Manager v12.50 or later Windows Control
application required.
Set up and configure the NetSupport Manager Android Client
Launch the NetSupport Manager Client app, press and select
Displays the name of the device. This can be customised to a name of
your choosing.
Security Key
This sets a security key that must be the same as that set at the
Control before the Control will be allowed to connect. This setting is
optional. If there is no security key set here, any Control may
connect, regardless of the security key set at the Control.
Default port
The default registered port for NetSupport Manager is 5405.
Multicast address
This is the IP multicast address that the Client is listening on.
Use Gateway
Enable this option if you want the Client's current IP address to
register with a designated 'Gateway' on start-up. Enter the IP address
of the Gateway along with the matching Gateway key. A secondary
Gateway address can be added.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
PIN Server
Enter the IP address of the workstation where the PIN Server is
installed to allow Clients to connect using PIN Connect.
To save the configuration settings, select .
Features supported on Android:
Connect by PIN: NetSupport’s quick and easy PIN Connect
feature allows seamless and secure connectivity between Control
and Client devices simply by sharing a matching code. (The PIN
Server module, included as standard with NetSupport Manager,
needs to be installed on a Windows PC).
Sending Messages: The Control user can broadcast messages
to one, selected, or all connected Client devices.
Chat: Both the Client and Control can initiate a one-to-one text
Chat session. The Client can also be invited to join a group
discussion initiated by the Control.
File Transfer: The Control user can transfer files to and from the
Client device.
Screen Capture: During a remote control session, the Control
can capture screenshots from the Client device.
Wi-Fi/Battery Indicators: The Control can view the current
status of wireless networks and display battery strength for
connected Client devices.
Additionally, for supported devices*:
The Control can view thumbnails of all connected Android devices.
Zoom in to view a larger thumbnail of any selected device.
The Control can discreetly view (Watch mode) or remote control
(Share mode) the screen of any connected Client device.
* Supported devices are from those vendors who have provided the
additional access privileges needed for screen monitoring on their
devices. Devices running Android 5 or later already have built-in
screen capture capabilities.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
NetSupport Manager Mobile Control for iOS
and Android
The NetSupport Manager Mobile Control for iOS and Android provides
mobile remote control for existing NetSupport Manager remote
control users from any iPad, Android Tablet or Kindle Fire.
The Mobile Control allows a user to quickly search and connect to
local computers by either IP address or PC name or to browse,
connect and view remote computers using the free NetSupport
Manager Internet Gateway component.
The NetSupport Manager Mobile Control provides full remote control
of any remote PC running an existing NetSupport Manager Client
(version 11.04 or later), as well as chat and message capabilities.
The NetSupport Manager Mobile App can be downloaded from Google
Play, the Apple iTunes store or the Amazon app store.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Using the Control
In this chapter
You will discover how to use the wealth of features available to
a Control user. From how to initiate a remote control session
to how you then monitor and manage activity at the end-
users desktop.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Starting the NetSupport Manager Control
To start the NetSupport Manager Control program
1. Double click on the NetSupport Manager Control icon in your
NetSupport Manager Program group.
Click the NetSupport Manager Control desktop icon (if you
installed a desktop icon for the Control).
Choose {Start}{Programs}{NetSupport Manager}{NetSupport
Manager Control} from your operating system.
As NetSupport Manager initialises, you will see a window in the
middle of your screen with the NetSupport Manager logo and version
information. This only appears for a few seconds while NetSupport
Manager loads, after which the Control window will be displayed and
the Welcome wizard will appear. From here, you can configure the
network protocol(s) to use, view the getting started guide and see
what’s new in this version of NetSupport Manager. To just start the
Control program, click Start.
Note: By default, the Control is configured to support the TCP/IP
protocol; however, it can support multiple protocols
simultaneously. If you receive a protocol error message when
starting the Control or want to configure it to support Clients
running on different protocols, click Configure in the
Welcome wizard or click the Change the settings for the
current Configuration icon on the caption bar in the
Control window and go to the Connectivity section.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
The Control window
The Control window is the primary interface for:
Configuring the Control
Connecting to Clients
Maintaining Client information
Selecting which Clients to work with
Selecting tasks to carry out.
The caption bar
The caption bar indicates that you are in the Control window and
displays the name of the NetSupport Manager Control workstation.
The following options are available:
Show or hide the ribbon.
NetSupport Manager allows you to set up multiple
profiles for different Control users. Here, you can access
the Configurations dialog, where you can create and
manage profiles.
Access the settings for the current Control configuration
Shows how many windows are open. From here, you
can access the Window menu.
Access the online help and version number, licensee,
Technical Support and compression information.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
The ribbon
The ribbon provides access to all the features, tools and settings.
Positioning the cursor over an icon will display a brief description of
its function. The ribbon is organised into the following tabs:
Provides quick access to the tools needed for browsing, locating
and connecting to Clients. You can also access some commonly
used Client commands here.
Provides access to the group functions within NetSupport
Manager. From here, you can connect, organise and carry out
tasks on groups of Clients.
Note: This tab will only appear when you have a group selected.
Here, you'll find the remote and manage features, such as view,
file transfer, power on/off and scan. You can also communicate
with Clients using the Chat , Message and Audio features.
From here, you can show your screen and applications to Clients,
record and playback replay files and send a message or
announcement to Clients.
Provides access to additional tools such as File Manager, File
Distribution and User-Defined Tools.
Allows you to customise the look of the List and Tree view and
search for Clients and objects in the Tree view.
Note: If you have a Client selected, a tab will appear in the ribbon
displaying the Client name. From here, you can access a
range of tools and you can view and edit the details for the
Client machine. If more than one Client is selected, a
Selection tab appears, allowing you to perform functions to all
selected Clients.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
The quick access bar
The quick access bar allows you to view Clients/groups you have
recently connected to. From here, you can perform a number of
commonly used functions, including connecting to and viewing the
Note: Clicking Recent will display a drop-down menu, allowing you
to switch between recent connections and pre-defined groups.
The Tree view
The Tree view is where NetSupport objects such as Clients and
groups are created, displayed and organised. Each set of objects is
stored in its own folder and when the folder is selected, the contents
are displayed in the adjacent List view.
The List view
The List view displays the contents of the currently selected folder in
the Tree view. You can switch the display mode between large icons,
small icons, details view or Thumbnail view. The information within
the List view can be customised to show specific information relevant
to you.
The status bar
The status bar is displayed at the bottom of the Control window. It
shows the number of items in the folder selected in the Tree view,
along with the number of connected Clients. You can also select
which objects to work with, how they are displayed in the List view
and access the thumbnail settings.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Quick access bar
The quick access bar allows you to view Clients/groups you have
recently connected to. From here, you can see an overview of the
Client details and perform a number of commonly used functions,
including connecting to and viewing the Client.
Clicking Recent will display a drop-down menu, allowing you to
switch the quick access bar between recent connections and pre-
defined groups.
Clicking a Client name brings up a Remote Management pane, and
from here, you can see details of the Client and perform a variety of
By default, the Client name, wireless and battery indicators (if
applicable) and security status (shows if TLS or encryption are
enabled or not) are displayed alongside the Client on the quick access
bar. You can customise what is displayed and choose to show the
Client's logged-on user name, IP address, operating system,
enclosure type and location by right-clicking on the quick access bar.
Note: Changing the Client display options here will also change them
on the caption bar, connected Clients list on the status bar
and when zooming into thumbnails.
Click to connect to all Clients and to disconnect from all
To hide the quick access bar
The quick access bar is displayed by default but can be hidden if
1. Select the View tab in the ribbon and click Quick Access.
Note: Click again to show the quick access bar.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Tree view
The Tree view is where you access the information about the various
NetSupport Manager objects. An object may be an individual Client, a
group or even a collection of help requests generated by Clients.
Each set of objects is stored in its own folder in the Tree view. The
individual objects in a folder are displayed in the adjacent List view.
So, for example, selecting the Active folder will result in the List view
changing to display all currently connected Clients.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
The Tree view can be expanded or contracted (depending on the
detail you require) by clicking the icon to the left of a folder.
The height of the items in the Tree view can be reduced if
required. Select the View tab in the ribbon and click the Compact
Mode icon.
You can hide the Tree view, providing more space when working
with objects in the List view. Select the View tab in the ribbon
and click the Show Tree icon.
The available folders are:
All Computers
A list of all known Clients that have been connected either during the
current or previous sessions. It is very quick and easy to connect to a
Client from this folder as it removes the need to first perform a
browse or know the network address of the Client.
You can organise individual Clients into groups. Once a Client is
included in a group, the whole of that group can be connected to and
worked on simultaneously without the need to connect and select
them individually.
Clicking the icon next to All Computers will show any groups that
have been created.
Auto Group
Clients will be automatically grouped according to the predefined
criteria, allowing you to quickly and easily see what operating system
Clients are using, the NetSupport Manager Client version, the type of
device and the Client location. These groups are fixed and cannot be
amended, but you can create your own groups to reflect the company
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
This is a list of Clients discovered by running a browse action in the
current session. Connecting to a Client from this folder causes its
details to be stored for later use in the All Computers folder.
Any Client that is currently connected will be displayed in this folder.
Help Requests
NetSupport Manager includes a function at the Client that enables the
Client user to send a request for help. If a Control is connected when
a Client sends a help request, the Control will be immediately
notified, as the Help Requests folder is highlighted. If the Control is
not connected, its Help Requests folder will be highlighted the next
time it connects to that Client.
vPro Management
NetSupport Manager can locate PCs that have vPro capability and
perform a variety of functions. All PCs with vPro capability will be
displayed in the List view. Select a vPro machine to access the
available functions in the Home tab of the ribbon.
You can search for Clients and objects in the Tree view and the
results will be displayed here. This folder will only be displayed if you
have performed a search.
Remote Networks
This refers to Clients that have to be connected over a dial-up link.
They may be Clients on a LAN in another building or even standalone
workstations. In either event, they are referred to as remote
networks and the information concerning the telephone number to
dial and the type of connection is stored in this folder.
This folder is hidden by default. To view this, click the Change the
settings for the current Configuration icon on the caption bar.
Select Control Interface - Settings and clear the Hide Dial
Directory checkbox.
Internet Gateways
The primary role of a NetSupport Manager Gateway is to facilitate
seamless remote control between PCs that may be located behind
different firewalls. The Gateway provides a stable and secure method
for locating Clients via HTTP and delivers web-based remote control
without the need for modifications to existing firewall configurations.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
A list of your Gateways will appear here, and you can add, edit and
browse a Gateway.
Scripts created using the NetSupport Manager Script Editor can be
added to this folder. The List view shows the names of each script
and enables you to add new scripts to the list. Select a script to
access the available functions in the Home tab of the ribbon.
Note: You can hide folders that you don't need to see in the Tree
view. Click the Change the settings for the current
Configuration icon on the caption bar. Choose Control
Interface - Settings and select the options you wish to hide.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
List view
The List view displays the objects stored in the corresponding folder
in the Tree view. For example, if you select the Active folder, then
the List view will contain the details of the currently connected
Clients. Similarly, if you perform a browse action, the results of that
browse will be displayed.
You can expand the List view by hiding the Tree view, giving you
more space to work in. Select the View tab in the ribbon and click the
Show Tree icon. Click this again to show the Tree view.
You can easily select which objects to work with and how they are
displayed in the List view by selecting the View tab in the ribbon and
clicking the appropriate icon in the List section or clicking the
appropriate icon on the status bar.
When viewing in large icons, the operating system, Wi-Fi and battery
indicators and location flag (if enabled) will be displayed. Details view
will also display the Wi-Fi and battery indicators next to the Client
icon. Further information is available in Details view by customising
the columns displayed.
By default, the Client location flags are enabled. To disable these,
click the Change the settings for the current Configuration icon
on the caption bar. Select Control Interface - Settings and
clear the Show Client location checkbox.
Note: By default, double-clicking a Client in the List view opens a
View window. You can customise the action taken in the
Control configuration - Control Interface Settings.
To customise the List view
1. Select the View tab in the ribbon and click Columns.
Right-click in a blank area of the List view and select Columns.
2. The Client List Columns dialog will appear.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
The tabs shown at the top of the List view relate to each of the Client
List windows that are available for the Control.
Select the desired tab: the left-hand window highlights columns that
are available for inclusion; the right-hand window shows those
already included. Simply select the column name you require and
then Add or Remove.
The arrows to the far right of the window are used to adjust the order
in which each column is displayed; the higher up the list represents
the position from the left of the List view.
Note: When viewing in details view, you can apply filters to the
column headings, allowing you to easily search for specific
Clients. Select the View tab in the ribbon and click the Filter
Bar icon.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Status bar
The status bar is displayed at the bottom of the Control window. It
shows the number of items in the folder selected in the Tree view
along with the number of connected Clients. You can see a list of the
connected Clients by clicking Connected (you can also disconnect a
Client from here). By default, the Client name, wireless and battery
indicators (if applicable) and security status (shows if TLS or
encryption are enabled or not) are displayed. You can customise what
is displayed and choose to show the Client's logged-on user name, IP
address, operating system, enclosure type and location by right-
clicking Connected.
Note: Changing the Client display options here will also change them
on the quick access bar, caption bar and when zooming into
Note: If a Client disconnects, the Connected icon will turn red to
notify you. You can see which Client has disconnected by opening the
list and you can choose to reconnect or remove them from the list.
To disconnect all connected Clients, click .
You can easily select which objects to work with in the List view by
clicking the appropriate icon:
Selects all objects.
Selects all connected Clients.
Reverses the current selection.
Clear the objects selected.
The appearance of displayed items in the List view can be switched
between large icons, small icons, list, details and thumbnail view by
clicking the appropriate icon:
Details view.
List view.
Small icons view.
Large icons view.
Thumbnail view.
If you are in thumbnail view, use the slider to adjust the thumbnail
size. Click to adjust the thumbnail update frequency. By default,
NetSupport Manager v14.00
when you mouse over a thumbnail, you zoom into the Client's screen.
Click to turn this on or off.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Finding Clients
Before you can open a View window for remote control or to work
with Clients, you must first connect to them.
Rather than having to know all the Client names and their network
addresses in advance, NetSupport Manager provides a browse facility
that enables you to auto-discover them.
When you run a browse action, the Control sends a message on all
protocols for which it has been configured, asking all Clients to “sign
in” with their name, network address and protocol.
The responses are added to the Browse folder in the Tree view and
their details are displayed in the List view. You can then connect and
work with these Clients directly or organise them into groups for later
Once you have connected to a Client discovered by the browse
function, its details are automatically stored in the All Computers
folder in the Tree view. These Clients then become known Clients and
you can subsequently connect to them without the need to run a
browse action first.
Note: You may be using NetSupport’s Gateway facility to establish
Client connections, in which case you can choose to include
Gateway Clients when browsing. Although these will appear in
the Browse folder along with any network Clients, they are
not stored in the Known Client list.
To find a Client on a network
1. Go to the Home tab on the ribbon.
2. In the Prefix field, enter the Client name (a partial name can be
entered or leave blank to browse for all Clients).
Note: Select the drop-down arrow to choose from a list of
previous entries.
3. Optional criteria can be specified, such as only browsing for
Clients who have requested help or including Gateway Clients in
the search.
4. Click Browse.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
1. Select the Browse folder in the Tree view and double-click Look
for Clients in the List view.
2. The Browse dialog will appear.
Enter a partial Client name or leave blank for all Clients
Type in the first part of a Client name here to narrow the search.
If you have many Clients on your network, you may only be
interested in those that begin with a certain word or letter. If you
have Clients that begin with ADMIN, typing this in would return
find all available Clients leave this field empty.
Only Clients Requesting Help
Select this checkbox to browse only for Clients that have
requested help.
Include Gateway Clients
Select this checkbox to include Gateway Clients when browsing.
Click OK to begin the browse. A dialog will advise you that the
Control is browsing for Clients.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Click Cancel to abort your browse for Clients. This will take a few
seconds, after which a list of available Clients on the network meeting
the criteria will be displayed in the Browse folder. You can then
right-click on individual Clients to connect to them, display their
properties or carry out tasks.
If the expected Clients are not found, it may be because NetSupport
Manager has not been configured to browse the required networks.
See Configuring the NetSupport Manager Control for subnet
browsing’ for more information.
If you only want to browse for Gateway Clients, selecting the
Gateway from the Internet Gateways folder in the Tree view will
change the Browse section in the ribbon to only search for Gateway
Clients. Alternatively, double-click Browse Gateway in the List view.
Clients browsed for in this way will not appear in the Browse folder.
Note: You can also search for existing Clients in the Tree view by
entering the search criteria in the Search section of the View
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Connecting to Clients
Before you can remote control a Client, you must first connect to it.
To connect to Clients
1. Select the Client you want to connect to in the All Computers or
Browse folder.
2. Select the Home tab in the ribbon and click Connect.
Right-click on the Client icon and choose Connect.
Double-click on the Client icon to connect and view it
If the Client has been configured with security passwords, you
will be prompted to enter a user ID and the correct password.
This must be equal to the user ID and password that has been set
in the Clients profile.
Note: NetSupport Manager provides a PIN Connect feature which
allows you to quickly locate and connect to a Client anywhere
across the enterprise without knowing the Client's computer
name or IP address. A PIN Server generates a unique PIN
code which both the Control and Client enter to establish a
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Connecting to Clients using PIN Connect
NetSupport Manager provides a quick and easy way to connect to
Clients without having to know the PC name or IP address. A PIN
Server generates a unique PIN code; this is then entered at both the
Client and Control and the connection is created.
Note: A PIN Server must be installed and configured at both the
Client and Control to use this feature.
Installing and configuring a PIN Server
The PIN Server can be installed as a standalone component on a
machine or along with other NetSupport Manager components.
To install the PIN Server component, you must select Custom when
choosing the type of NetSupport Manager installation to perform.
Client configuration
1. From the basic or advanced Client Configurator, select
Connectivity - PIN Server.
2. Enter the IP address and port (default 443) for the PIN Server
3. If you are using a proxy server to connect to the PIN Server,
enter the server address and an appropriate port.
Note: This only applies to Windows 8 machines and earlier.
Windows 8.1 and above machines use automatic proxy
configured in Windows Settings.
4. To use the same settings as the NetSupport Gateway, click Copy.
5. Click OK.
Control configuration
1. Click the Change the settings for the current Configuration
icon on the caption bar.
To apply the setting to a specific profile, click the Profiles icon
on the caption bar. Select the required profile and choose
Connectivity and Startup Settings.
Select the Home tab in the ribbon, click PIN Connect and then
click PIN Server Settings (you can skip step 2).
2. Select Connectivity PIN Server.
3. Enter the IP address and port (default 443) for the PIN Server
NetSupport Manager v14.00
4. If you are using a proxy server to connect to the PIN Server,
enter the server address and an appropriate port.
5. You can use the same settings as a NetSupport Gateway. Select
the required Gateway and click Copy.
6. Click OK.
Generating a PIN from the Control
1. Select the Home tab in the ribbon and click PIN Connect.
2. Click Create PIN.
3. The PIN Server will generate a unique code. When advised, the
Client enters the PIN and a connection is established.
Note: The PIN code can be emailed to the Client or copied to the
clipboard by clicking the appropriate icon.
Entering a PIN at the Control
1. The Client will advise you of the PIN code.
2. Select the Home tab in the ribbon and click PIN Connect.
3. Click Enter a PIN.
4. A keypad will appear. Enter the PIN code and click Connect.
Generating a PIN from the Client
1. Double-click the NetSupport Manager Client icon in the system
2. The Client Information window will appear.
3. Click Create PIN.
4. The PIN Server will generate a unique code. When advised, the
Control enters the PIN and a connection is established.
Note: The PIN code can be emailed to the Control or copied to
the clipboard by clicking the appropriate icon.
Entering a PIN at the Client
1. The Control advises the Client of the PIN code.
2. Double-click the NetSupport Manager Client icon in the system
3. The Client Information window will appear.
4. Click Enter a PIN.
5. A keypad will appear. Enter the PIN code and click Connect.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Quick Connect
Quick Connect allows you to directly connect to a Known Client by
Client name, logged-in user name, or by network address. This saves
you from having to perform a network browse before selecting the
desired Client from the List view.
Clients configured for HTTP/HTTPS connections through a NetSupport
Gateway can also be selected.
To connect to Clients
1. Select the Home tab in the ribbon.
2. In the Quick Connect section, enter the Client machine name,
logged-on user name or network address in the Text field (click
the drop-down arrow to choose from a list of previous entries)
and select the required Connect By icon:
Connect by logged-on user name.
Connect by machine name.
Connect by IP address.
Note: If the Client is configured for HTTP connections through a
Gateway, in addition to the name or user name of the
Client, you will need to choose the appropriate Gateway
name from the list provided.
3. Click Quick Connect.
4. A dialog box will inform you that NetSupport Manager is trying to
connect to the named Client.
If the connection attempt is successful, the Active folder will be
opened and the Client details displayed in the Client status. You can
then view the Client or conduct other one-to-one or group tasks.
Note: If connecting by user name and more than one Client machine
matches this criteria, a list of Clients will appear for you to
select from.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Connecting to Clients on different protocols
NetSupport Manager supports connecting to Clients on multiple
transports. The supported transports are TCP/IP and HTTP with
legacy support for IPX and NetBIOS (within NetBIOS, there are 8
logical adapters).
Transports can be configured and tested for Clients within the
Connectivity section of the basic or advanced Client Configurator.
When the Control performs a browse, it looks over all configured
transports. Once Clients have been found, you can connect to them
by highlighting them and clicking Connect on the Home tab in the
Connected Clients on different transports happily coexist within the
Control. Operations such as File Distribution, Show and Scan work
over different transports.
If you know that you only have Clients on one particular transport,
then the Control will initialise slightly quicker if you only configure it
for this transport.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Configuring the NetSupport Manager Control for
subnet browsing
Most corporate networks are made up of a number of small networks
that are connected together in order to provide end users with access
to network resources. NetSupport Manager incorporates features that
allow a NetSupport Manager installation on one network to be used to
remotely manage computers on another interconnected network.
Using NetSupport Manager in its default configuration will enable you
to remotely manage computers on a remote LAN if connectivity to
that remote LAN is provided by a WAN.
However, there are some configuration changes that are required to
allow a NetSupport Manager Control to browse for Clients on remote
LAN’s. The configuration changes required are dependent on the
network transport that you will be using with NetSupport Manager.
The two most common transports that are used over WAN’s are
Configuring the NetSupport Manager Control for IP subnet
Before configuring NetSupport Manager to browse on a remote IP
subnet, it is useful to understand how IP addresses are made up and,
in particular, what an IP broadcast address is.
For further information, see ‘Understanding IP Addresses’ in the
Technical Reference section of this manual.
To configure the NetSupport Manager Control to browse IP
1. Click the Change the settings for the current Configuration
icon on the caption bar.
To edit a named configuration file, click the Profiles icon on
the caption bar. Select the required configuration and click
Connectivity and Startup Settings.
2. Select Connectivity - TCP/IP. In the Browsing section, click
3. The Configure TCP/IP Client Browsing dialog will appear.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
4. Click Add and enter the broadcast address of the network you
wish to browse if known.
To enable NetSupport Manager to calculate the broadcast
address, click Advanced and enter a target IP address followed
by the subnet mask or enter the required address range.
5. Click OK.
When adding the address of a remote subnet, you must ensure that
the broadcast address for the local subnet is also present. If not,
the Control will not find any local Clients when you perform a
Some network routers will suppress broadcast packets from being
transmitted across WAN links. If this is the case, then even if the
Control is correctly configured, you will not be able to browse the
remote subnet.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Configuring the NetSupport Manager Control to browse
remote IPX networks
Before configuring a NetSupport Manager Control to browse a remote
IPX network, it is useful to understand how IPX addresses are
formatted. You will need to have the IPX network numbers for each
IPX network that you wish NetSupport Manager to browse. This
includes the IPX network number for the local network on which the
NetSupport Manager Control is installed.
For further information, see Understanding IPX Addresses in the
Technical Reference section of this manual.
To configure the NetSupport Manager Control to browse
remote IPX networks
1. Click the Profiles icon on the caption bar.
2. Select the required configuration and click Connectivity and
Startup Settings.
3. Select Connectivity - IPX.
4. Check the Use IPX and Record Clients’ Network Numbers
5. In the Use Networks field, enter each of the IPX network
numbers that you wish NetSupport Manager to browse. If
multiple network numbers are required, separate each with a
NetSupport Manager v14.00
NetSupport Connectivity Server
The key to a successful remote support solution is the ability to locate
and connect to devices no matter where they are. NetSupport
Manager provides a range of connectivity methods as standard.
The NetSupport Connectivity Server (Gateway) is a central hub for
managing all your NetSupport connections across the internet. From
the console, you can see what NetSupport Connectivity components
are installed and in use.
NetSupport Connectivity Server Console
To open the NetSupport Connectivity Server, right-click the
NetSupport Connectivity Server icon in the system tray and
select Open or double-click the icon.
An overview of how many Clients are currently connected is
Further information can be found in each of the tabs:
Shows you what components of the NetSupport Connectivity
Server are installed.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Displays a list of all the NetSupport Clients currently connected to
this NetSupport Connectivity Server and any Connectivity Servers
known to this one. Details for the Clients are displayed along with
the NetSupport Connectivity Server they are connected to.
Note: A secure indicator will appear next to the Client if it's
running over a secure SSL/TLS connection.
Active Sessions
Displays a list of current connections between a NetSupport
Control and a NetSupport Client with the date and time that the
connection started.
Note: Only sessions on this NetSupport Connectivity Server are
Services (only applicable to the Name Server)
Displays a list of NetSupport School Tutors that are active in
Room mode. This allows NetSupport School Clients to connect to
the room through the Name Server.
Displays a list of Servers known to this NetSupport Connectivity
Server. From here, you can see details of the servers, such as the
status, number of Clients connected and any active sessions.
Note: You can filter the contents of the Clients, Active Sessions and
Services tabs so that only items meeting certain criteria are
displayed. Enter the search term in the Filter field under the
required column heading and the matching items will be
displayed. Click to clear the filter.
Exporting data
Data can be exported to a .CSV file, allowing further analysis. Select
the tab you want to export data from and select {File}{Export} from
the drop-down menu bar.
To configure the settings for the NetSupport Connectivity Server,
select {File}{Configure Connectivity Server} from the drop-down
menu bar.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Connecting to Clients/Controls via a NetSupport
The primary role of a NetSupport Gateway (NetSupport Connectivity
Server) is to facilitate seamless remote control between PCs that may
both be located behind different Firewalls. The Gateway provides a
stable and secure method for locating and connecting Clients/Controls
via HTTP, delivering web-based remote control without the need for
modifications to existing Firewall configurations.
Typically, companies protect their internal network by using a
Firewall, only allowing connections if specific TCP/IP ports have been
opened. On occasions, you may find that a direct connection between
a NetSupport Manager Control and Client is blocked because the
Firewall’s they are protected by are configured to prevent outgoing
connections on all but the standard TCP/IP ports.
A NetSupport Gateway solves this problem by acting as a third party
that sits between the Control and Client, the HTTP/HTTPS protocol,
rather than TCP/IP, being used for communications.
Client and Control configurations can have both TCP/IP and
HTTP/HTTPS enabled simultaneously, thus ensuring that local
connections are still valid.
In version 9.10, port 443 was introduced as the default for HTTP
communications, 3085 being used previously. Gateway settings
will be preserved for existing customers who subsequently
upgrade, enabling 3085 to continue to be used, but there may be
scenarios when upgraded Controls and Clients will need the HTTP
port manually reconfiguring to ensure operability.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Gateway installation
The Gateway is designed to run on a machine that is accessible from
both the Client and Control. It must, therefore, have a fixed or static
IP address.
The Gateway can be installed as a standalone component on the
machine you wish to use or along with other NetSupport Manager
To install the Gateway component, you must select Customwhen
choosing the type of NetSupport Manager installation to perform and
ensure the Gateway component is selected.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Gateway configuration
At the end of the installation, the NetSupport Connectivity Server
Configuration utility will be displayed, allowing you to configure the
properties for the Gateway. The following tabs are available:
General tab
Listening Port and Interfaces
Listen on all IP interfaces
The NetSupport Connectivity Server uses HTTP port 443 by
default. This can be changed to any open port to fit the
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Multiple ports can be configured. Separate ports with a
comma, for example, '443,3085C'.
Adding a capital 'C' to the end of the port number makes it
'Client only'. Only Client machines can report using this port.
If the Control and/or Client are located behind a firewall, you
will need to enable port 443, or the configured port(s), within
the configuration of your firewall.
In version 9.10, port 443 was introduced as the default for
HTTP communications, 3085 being used previously.
NetSupport Connectivity Server settings will be preserved for
existing customers who subsequently upgrade, enabling 3085
to continue to be used, but there may be scenarios when
upgraded Controls and Clients will need the HTTP port
manually reconfiguring to ensure operability.
Listen on specified IP interfaces
You can add multiple IP addresses or enter a specific IP address,
select Add and enter the IP address.
Comms. Management Packet Interval
CMPI (secs):
When configured for NetSupport Connectivity Server connections,
the Client workstation confirms its availability by periodically
polling the NetSupport Connectivity Server. By default, a network
packet is sent every 60 seconds, but you can change this if
Event Log Files
Gateway activity during an active session is recorded in a text
file, default GW001.LOG. This can be useful for checking which
Clients and Controls have connected through the NetSupport
Connectivity Server.
By default, the log file is stored in c:\program files\common
files\nsl\ connectivity server\GW001.log. Select Browse to
specify an alternative path.
Max File Size (KB):
Over a period of time, the log file could become quite large, you
can manage this by specifying a maximum file size. When the
limit is reached, the existing information in the file is overwritten
by the new records.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Note: For changes to the log file settings to take effect, you will
need to restart the Gateway32 service.
Automatic recovery after service stops abnormally
By default, the Gateway service will automatically recover if there
is an abnormal shutdown.
Keys tab
Connectivity Server Keys
This acts as a form of security key. The NetSupport Connectivity
Server will not accept connections from a Control or Client unless
a Connectivity Server key” is specified, and that same key is also
present at both the Control and Client end. The NetSupport
Connectivity Server can support multiple keys. At least one key
must be specified.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Connectivity Server key data is sent encrypted between
Client/Control and the NetSupport Connectivity Server. Once
connected to the NetSupport Connectivity Server, all
Client/Control security such as user names and security keys will
function normally.
Select Add to specify the key. The key must be at least 8
Operators tab
To enhance security, you can restrict remote control access to
specified operators and also set the operator to verify themselves
using two-factor authentication before they can connect to Clients
on the Gateway.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Restrict remote control access to the following users:
Select this option to restrict access to specified operators. At the
Control, a user will be required to configure a
username/password in order to browse a NetSupport Connectivity
Server and connect to Clients.
To enter the operator details and set a password, click Add. If
two-factor authentication is required for this operator, select
Require 2FA. If you're using Duo Push, you can link this
operator to an existing enrolled Duo username.
For two-factor authentication to function, operators must only
be associated with one user.
Click Reset Account/QR code to reset the account and send
a new QR code to the operator.
Servers tab
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
By default, this Connectivity Server will be set to be a standalone
Primary Connectivity Server. You can set this Connectivity Server
as a standalone Secondary Connectivity which will act as a
backup if the Primary Connectivity Server is unavailable. Load
Balancing Connectivity Servers can also be set up to spread the
load of Clients across multiple servers.
Operate as a standalone Primary connectivity server
Select this option if you want this Connectivity Server to operate
as a standalone primary Connectivity Server (this option will be
enabled by default).
Note: If Operate as part of a load balanced cluster is
selected, this option will change to Operate as the
primary connectivity server.
Operate as a standalone Secondary connectivity server
Select this option if you wish to use this Connectivity Server as a
Secondary NetSupport Connectivity Server.
Note: It is recommended that your Secondary Connectivity
Server is also configured to be a Load Balancing
Connectivity Server so that configuration changes made at
the Primary Connectivity server are automatically
propagated to the Secondary and the Client load is
shared. If you do not wish your Clients to load balance
between the Primary and Secondary, set the weight of the
Secondary Connectivity Server to 0. If this
recommendation is not followed, any changes in
configuration will have to be made separately to the
Primary and Secondary Connectivity Servers.
Enter the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) and port (443 is
used by default) of the Primary Connectivity Server.
Note: This changes to Operate as a cluster member server if
Operate as part of a load balanced cluster is selected.
Operate as part of a load balanced cluster
Select this option if you are using load balancing.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
If this Connectivity Server is going to be the Cluster Primary
Connectivity Server, select Operate as the primary
connectivity server. Set the weight of Clients this will take. By
default, this is set to 1000 and is based on the network
connection speed of the Connectivity Server machine.
If this Connectivity Server is to be a Load Balancing Server, select
Operate as a cluster member server and enter the fully
qualified domain name (FQDN) and port of the Primary
Connectivity Server.
Load Balancing Servers
This only appears if the Connectivity Server is a Cluster Primary
Connectivity Server, and is where you add, edit or disable the
Load Balancing Connectivity Servers.
Click Add. Enter the fully qualified domain name (FQDN), port
and weight for the server and click OK. If you want the Load
Balancing Connectivity Server to also act as a backup for the
Cluster Primary Connectivity Server, click Operate as
Secondary Server for cluster.
There is a limit of 20 Load Balancing Connectivity Servers.
Any changes made here require the Gateway service to be
manually restarted.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Licenses tab
Displays all licences stored in the NetSupport Manager directory.
If you do not have an internet connection, you can manually
activate your NetSupport Manager licence here.
An activation code is required. Contact NetSupport or your
reseller for this. Click Activate and enter the code. You will then
need to restart the NetSupport Connectivity Server.
Note: If an internet connection is available, the licence will
activate automatically and the NetSupport Connectivity
Server does not need to be restarted.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Security tab
The NetSupport Connectivity Server provides support for an
enhanced level of encryption to be used when initiating
communications from remote computers.
Enable encryption of communications to remote computers
When enabled all communications in the connection process are
Note: The remote computers (Controls and Clients) need to be
running version 11.00.005 or later.
Block any remote computers not using encrypted
Earlier versions of the Control and Client programs do not support
the enhanced level of encryption. Selecting this option will block
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
connections from remote computers running versions of the
Control or Client software that does not support this.
Certificate for SSL/TLS
SSL or TLS certificates can be used to ensure that all data being
sent across the Gateway is encrypted. If you already have an
SSL/TLS certificate, you can enter it here or allow the Gateway to
create and use a Let's Encrypt certificate.
Note: You can configure a Client to only connect to a Gateway if
it has a valid SSL/TLS certificate. Select the Require
HTTPS option in the Client configurator.
DNS name
Enter the DNS name for the Gateway.
Use Let's Encrypt Certificate
Select this option to use a Let's Encrypt certificate. The Gateway
will automatically create a certificate that is valid for 90 days and
renew it every 60 days.
By selecting this option, you are agreeing to the terms of service.
Click View Terms to read the Let's Encrypt Subscriber
The Gateway must have a public DNS name.
Port 80 must be open.
Use other certificate
If you already have an SSL/TLS certificate, you can add it here.
Click Set Certificate and browse for the certificate.
View Certificate
Once a certificate has been applied, you can view it here.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
2FA (two-factor authentication) tab
Two-factor authentication provides an extra layer of security
when Control users connect to Clients on a Gateway. NetSupport
Manager supports time-based one-time password (TOTP) and
Duo Push.
Note: You can enable two-factor authentication for individual
operators in the Operators tab.
Enter an issuer name. This defaults to the licence name and is the
account name that will be displayed in the authenticator app.
API hostname
Enter the API hostname.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Auth API
Integration key
Enter the integration key.
Secret key
Enter the secret key.
Admin API
Integration key
Enter the integration key.
Secret key
Enter the secret key.
This information can be copied from the Duo Admin Panel
An 'owner' level Duo administrator's account is required to
obtain the Admin API information.
The Gateway must use port 443 for Duo Push.
Username suffix
You can enter an operator user name suffix (this ensures the
username is unique to the Gateway).
This is the time that the validation lasts before you need to re-
authenticate (unless the Control is restarted). By default, this is
set to 12 hours. If required, enter a different time here.
The primary Gateway and all devices running authenticating
apps must be synchronised with UTC regardless of the time
If the timeout is set to 0, then two-factor authentication is
required for every connection to a Gateway device.
To display the NetSupport Connectivity Server icon in the
system tray, choose {Start}{Programs} {NetSupport
Manager}{NetSupport Manager Connectivity Server Console}.
Double-clicking this icon will display the NetSupport Connectivity
Server Console, allowing you to manage your NetSupport connections
across the internet. You can also access the NetSupport Connectivity
Server Configuration utility by right-clicking the NetSupport
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Connectivity Server icon and selecting Configure Connectivity
Note: You will need to note the IP address of the NetSupport
Connectivity Server machine as this will be required when
configuring the Control and Client machines. In addition, you
will also need the address of your proxy server if this is to be
used for routing communications.
Client configuration
The Client machine needs to be configured to use the HTTP/HTTPS
protocol and be given the appropriate Gateway access details.
1. From the Basic or Advanced Client Configurator, select
Connectivity - HTTP.
2. Check Use HTTP/HTTPS. Port 443 will be configured by default.
3. To require a secure connection over HTTPS, select Require
Note: An SSL/TLS certificate needs to be applied to the Gateway.
4. Confirm which Gateway to use by entering the IP address (or fully
qualified domain name (FQDN) if you have selected Require
HTTPS) of the Gateway machine. You can enter details for the
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
secondary Gateway, which will take over if the primary Gateway
is unavailable.
5. Enter the appropriate Gateway key set at the Gateway machine.
6. You can override the Comms. Management Packet Interval that is
set at the Gateway by entering a time here.
7. NetSupport Manager can be configured to route communications
through a proxy server if required. Enter the server address and
an appropriate port, 8080 recommended.
8. Click OK.
Control configuration
As with the Client, HTTP also needs to be enabled at the Control.
1. To apply to the current profile, click the Change the settings
for the current Configuration icon on the caption bar and
choose Connectivity - HTTP.
To apply the setting to a specific profile, click the Profiles icon
on the caption bar. Select the required profile, click
Connectivity and Startup Settings and select Connectivity -
2. Check the Use HTTP box. Port 443 is configured by default.
3. Click OK.
Add Gateways
The Control can communicate with multiple Gateways and the details
of each need to be added at the Control end.
1. From the Control window Tree view, select the Internet
Gateways folder and choose Add a Gateway.
Select the Home tab in the ribbon, click New and select
2. The Add a Gateway wizard will appear.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
3. Enter a name and description for the Gateway. Click Next.
4. Enter the IP address (or fully qualified domain name (FQDN) if
requiring HTTPS/TLS) of the machine where the Gateway is
installed and confirm the port number to use 443 will be
specified by default. If required, enter a secondary Gateway to be
used if the primary Gateway is unavailable.
5. To require a secure connection over HTTPS, select Require
HTTPS/TLS (an SSL/TLS certificate needs to be applied to the
Gateway). If this Gateway is to communicate through a proxy
server (Windows 8.0 and earlier), enter the IP address and port
to use.
6. Click Next.
7. Enter the Gateway key. This must match the key set at the
Gateway and Client end.
8. If an operator username and password has been set up at the
Gateway (this restricts the use of browsing and controlling
remote Clients and decides if two-factor authentication is required
for the operator), you will need to enter it here. Click Finish.
9. The new Gateway will be added to the list view.
10. Repeat the above process for any other Gateways that the
Control needs to use.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Control Gateway - Client communications
Now that all the elements are in place, you are ready to attempt
connections through the Gateway. The Gateway serves three basic
To receive and store Client registrations
For a Client to be available to a Control, it must connect and stay
connected to the Gateway. The Client indicates its readiness by
periodically polling the Gateway that it has been configured to use.
The Gateway stores the Client details in an internal table.
Respond to browse commands from the Control
Once the Control has added the required Gateways, it can browse
them for Clients. The Gateway responds by scanning through its list
of available Clients and returning those that match the browse
Note: Unlike a standard network browse, where known Client
details are stored for future use, Gateway Client details are
lost when the Control closes. This is because the details are
maintained at the Gateway end. Although the Client is
permanently connected to the Gateway, the Control is not
and therefore needs to browse the Gateway each time it
wants to find Clients.
1. From the Internet Gateways folder in the Control window Tree
view, select the required Gateway and double-click Browse
Gateway. The Browse Gateway dialog will appear. Enter a partial
Client name or leave blank to search for all available Clients.
Right-click on the Gateway name in the Tree view and select
2. The Browse Gateway dialog will appear. Enter a partial Client
name or leave blank to search for all available Clients. Click OK.
3. Found Clients will appear in the List view and you can now
connect and remote control them in the usual way.
4. If you have enabled two-factor authentication, you will need to
scan a QR code using an authenticator app on your mobile device
(for first-time connection) and either enter a one-time password
code (TOTP) or use the Duo Mobile app to validate the Client
connection (this is only required for the first Client you connect
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Note: You can ask for a combined network and Gateway browse.
When browsing for Clients in the Home tab of the ribbon,
select the Include Gateways option. All found Clients will
appear in the Browse folder in the Tree view. The Gateway
Clients will not be added to the Internet Gateways folder.
Pass all data between connected Controls and Clients
Although data is transferred between the connected Control and
Client via the Gateway, this will appear seamless and performance
will not be affected.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Set up Load Balancing Connectivity Servers
The NetSupport Connectivity Server (Gateway) allows you to use load
balancing to automatically spread Client connections across multiple
cluster member servers. When connections occur, the Primary
Connectivity Server will either accept them or automatically allocate
them to one of the other Load Balancing Connectivity Servers using a
round-robin method. You can specify the capacity of each of the Load
Balancing Connectivity Servers and also set a Secondary Connectivity
Server which will take over in the event the Primary Connectivity
Server goes down.
You can set up a maximum of 20 Load Balancing Connectivity
Load balancing is only available for version 14.00 Clients and
above. Pre-version 14.00 Clients will still be able to connect to
the Connectivity Server, but they will not be distributed between
Load Balancing Connectivity Servers.
Load balancing can't be enabled on a Connectivity Server if it is
also a Notification Server for NetSupport Notify or if it has any
classes defined in ClassLink One Roster or Google Classroom (this
applies to NetSupport School).
It is NOT intended that NetSupport School students are to be
accessible using HTTP connections from anywhere other than the
local TCP/IP network.
Step 1 - Set up a cluster Primary Connectivity Server
1. Open the NetSupport Connectivity Server Configuration Utility on
the machine to be used as a Primary Connectivity Server.
2. Select the Servers tab.
3. Select Operate as the primary connectivity server.
4. Select Operate as part of a load balanced cluster.
5. Set the weight of Clients this server will take.
Note: By default, this is set to 1000 and is based on the network
connection speed of the Connectivity Server machine. We
recommend that the Primary Connectivity Server is set to
90% to allow for the overhead of brokering connections.
For example, if the Primary Connectivity Server has a 1Gb
network, set the weight to 900.
6. Click Apply.
Step 2 - Set up the Load Balancing Connectivity Servers
1. Open the NetSupport Connectivity Server Configuration Utility on
the machine to be used as a Load Balancing Connectivity Server.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
2. Select the Servers tab.
3. Select Operate as part of a load balanced cluster.
4. Select Operate as a cluster member server.
5. Enter the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) and port (443 is
used by default) of the Primary Connectivity Server.
6. Click Apply.
The Gateway service will manually need to be restarted.
The Keys, Operators, Licenses, Classes and 2FA tabs in the
NetSupport Connectivity Server Configuration Utility are disabled
when the Connectivity Server is being used as a Load Balancing
Connectivity Server.
Step 3 - Configure the Load Balancing Connectivity Server(s)
at the Primary Connectivity Server
Once you have set up your load balancing server(s), you now need to
configure these at the Primary Connectivity Server.
1. Open the NetSupport Connectivity Server Configuration Utility on
the Primary Connectivity Server machine.
2. Select the Servers tab.
3. Click Add.
4. Enter the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the Load
Balancing Connectivity Server and the weight of Clients it will
5. If this Connectivity Server is to be used as a Secondary
Connectivity Server, click Operate as Secondary Server for
6. Click OK.
7. The Load Balancing Connectivity Server will be displayed in the
list. An icon will indicate whether the Primary Connectivity Server
can communicate with it.
Note: You can disable a Load Balancing Connectivity Server by
clearing the checkbox next to the server name.
8. Add any further Load Balancing Connectivity Servers and when
done, click Apply.
Note: The Gateway service will manually need to be restarted.
For further information on setting up and configuring Load Balancing
Servers, click here.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Setting up and using two-factor authentication
Two-factor authentication provides an extra layer of security when
Control users connect to Clients on a Gateway. The Control user
needs to be validated before the first Client connection can be made
on a Gateway. This validation lasts for 12 hours (this can be
customised) or until the Control is restarted. NetSupport Manager
supports time-based one-time password (TOTP) or Duo Push.
You’ll need an authenticator app to generate the required password
codes on your mobile device. We support the following authenticator
Google Authenticator
Microsoft Authenticator
Duo Mobile
Note: The Primary Gateway and all devices running authenticating
apps must be synchronised with UTC regardless of the time
Setting up TOTP
1. Right-click the NetSupport Connectivity Server icon in the
system tray and select Configure Connectivity Server.
2. Go to the 2FA tab.
3. Select TOTP.
4. If you want to apply the settings to existing operators, click Yes.
Note: Operators can only be associated with one user.
5. Enter an issuer name. This defaults to the licence name and is the
account name that will appear in the authenticator app.
6. If you need to add a new operator, go to the Operators tab.
7. If not already enabled, select Restrict remote control access to
specified operators.
8. Click Add, enter the required details and ensure Require 2FA
(TOTP) is selected.
9. Click OK.
10. Click Apply.
Using TOTP
1. Select the Internet Gateways folder in the Control window Tree
view and choose the required Gateway.
2. Browse for the Gateway Clients.
3. Connect to a Client. A QR code is displayed the first time you
connect using TOTP. Scan this with an authenticator app on your
mobile device and click OK.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
4. A dialog is displayed asking for a one-time password code.
5. Open your authenticator app to generate this code.
6. Enter the code and click OK. The Gateway will validate and allow
the connection.
You only need to validate the first Client connection, and once
you have entered the password code, no further codes need to be
entered unless the Control is restarted. By default, the password
code is valid for 12 hours (this can be customised in the
NetSupport Connectivity Server Configuration Utility - 2FA tab).
You can reset an operator's account and send a new QR code to
them the next time they connect to a Client. In the NetSupport
Connectivity Server Configuration Utility - Operators tab, select
the required operator, click Edit and select Reset Account/QR
Setting up Duo Push
Note: To use Duo Push, you must have a paid Duo subscription.
1. Right-click the NetSupport Connectivity Server icon in the
system tray and select Configure Connectivity Server.
2. Go to the 2FA tab.
3. Select Duo.
4. If you want to apply the settings to existing operators, click Yes.
Note: Operators can only be associated with one user.
5. Enter the API hostname along with the Auth API and Admin API
integration and secret keys.
This information can be copied from the Duo Admin Panel
An 'owner' level Duo administrator's account is required to
obtain the Admin API information.
6. If you need to add a new operator, go to the Operators tab.
7. If not already enabled, select Restrict remote control access to
specified operators.
8. Click Add, enter the required details and ensure Require 2FA
(Duo) is selected. If you want to link this operator with an
existing enrolled Duo username, enter the username here.
9. Click OK.
10. Click Apply.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Using Duo Push
1. Select the Internet Gateways folder in the Control window Tree
view and choose the required Gateway.
2. Browse for the Gateway Clients.
3. Connect to a Client. A QR code is displayed the first time you
connect using Duo. Scan this with the Duo Mobile app and click
4. A push notification is received and you need to approve this in the
Duo Mobile app.
5. The connection is made.
6. The Gateway will validate and allow the connection.
You only need to verify the first Client connection, and once Duo
has validated this, no further verification is needed unless the
Control is restarted. By default, the Duo validation lasts for 12
hours (this can be customised in the NetSupport Connectivity
Server Configuration Utility - 2FA tab).
You can reset an operator's account and send a new QR code to
them the next time they connect to a Client. In the NetSupport
Connectivity Server Configuration Utility - Operators tab, select
the required operator, click Edit and select Reset Account/QR
For further information on enabling and configuring two-factor
authentication via Duo, click here.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Connecting through firewalls and proxy
It is possible to have NetSupport Manager Clients/Controls running on
the inside of a firewall/proxy server and still be available for
connection to workstations on the outside without compromising the
security of the network. Likewise, you are able to connect to Control
and Client workstations running outside firewalls/proxy servers.
Note: While this section provides general guidance, NetSupport’s
Gateway feature is specifically designed to provide seamless
remote control between PCs that may both be located behind
different firewalls. The Gateway provides a stable and secure
method for connecting Clients and Controls and delivers web-
based remote control without the need for modifications to
existing Firewall configurations. The HTTP protocol on port
443 is used for Gateway communications. You will need to
ensure that this port is open within your firewall
Connecting to Controls and Clients INSIDE firewalls
For a Control on the external network of a firewall to connect to
Clients on the firewalls internal network, you must enable some form
of address translation. This process translates the address of a
workstation on the internal network, which would otherwise be
invisible, into an address that is accessible from the external network.
You should (depending on the firewall) be able to specify which IP
addresses can access the internal workstation and which port is open.
TCP/IP ports used by NetSupport Manager
Control to Client
The NetSupport Manager Control uses TCP/IP port 5405 to send IP
requests to Clients, and the NetSupport Manager Client listens on
port 5405 for incoming requests from the Control.
Client to Control
With the introduction of the Client Connect feature in NetSupport
Manager 5.00, it was necessary for an additional port to be created to
ensure that the two methods of connection (Control calling Client,
Client calling Control) could run alongside each other without conflict.
Port 5421 is registered for this purpose.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Connecting to Controls and Clients INSIDE proxy servers
This will not be possible with proxy servers, as they will not provide a
means of address translation. A proxy server, by design, will not
allow connections into a protected network.
Connecting from within a firewall or proxy server to a Client
on the outside requires the following:
Port 5405 enabled for outgoing connections on your firewall or
proxy server.
A Client on the other side listening on the same port number and
visible to the Control on the inside of the firewall/proxy server.
Client calling a Control
1. Enable port 5421 for outgoing connections on your firewall or
proxy server.
2. Right-click the NetSupport Manager Client icon in the system tray
and select Call Control.
3. Enter either the hostname or IP address of the Control you wish
to connect to.
4. The Control will then receive a message stating that a Client is
attempting to make a connection. They can choose to accept or
disconnect the attempt.
Note: Port 5421 is not configurable.
Control calling a Client
1. Select the Home tab in the ribbon.
2. In the Quick Connect section, enter the Client machine name,
logged-on user name or network address in the Text field and
select the required Connect By icon:
Connect by logged-on user name.
Connect by machine name.
Connect by IP address.
3. Click Quick Connect.
Note: NetSupport Manager will not communicate directly with a
proxy server via SOCKS and will only work if a TCP/IP direct
connection is available.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Implementing NetSupport Manager in a
Terminal Server environment
A NetSupport Manager Control can connect to Clients within a
Terminal Server environment.
NetSupport Manager provides a quick and easy method to install and
use NetSupport Manager in a Terminal Server Environment. From
version 11, the Client is no longer started as an application when
each Terminal Server Session is started. Instead, the NetSupport
Manager Client Service installed on the Microsoft Terminal Server will
spawn a new Client process for each new Terminal Server Sessions
Note: The Client Terminal Server settings can be configured in the
NetSupport Manager Client Configurator.
For further information regarding Terminal Server support, please
visit our Knowledge Base and refer to product article Setting Up
NetSupport Manager to run in a Microsoft Terminal Server
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Intel vPro support
NetSupport Manager can connect to machines that have Intel®
vPro technology. NetSupport Manager can browse and locate PCs
that have vPro capability and perform a variety of functions.
Connection can even be made to a machine before the operating
system has loaded.
The Intel Setup and Configuration Service (SCS) provides tools to
centrally set up and configure vPro machines. SCS is a server for vPro
and is also called a provisioning server.
There are two modes vPro machines can be configured to use:
Basic mode
Scan for vPro machines on your network using an IP address range.
Basic mode uses Digest authentication - a user name and password is
required to establish a connection.
Advanced mode
Retrieve vPro machines from SCS. Advanced mode uses Kerberos
authentication - a certificate is required to establish a connection.
To use Kerberos authentication, the Control must have Windows
XP (service pack 3), Windows 2003 (service pack 2) or higher.
You can switch between modes in the Control configuration.
To find vPro machines
1. Select the vPro Management folder in the Tree view.
2. Click the Scan for vPro machines icon.
3. If the Control is configured for 'small business mode', an IP range
will need to be entered.
4. PCs that have vPro capability will be displayed in the List view.
5. Select a PC to access the available functions in the Home tab of
the ribbon.
Note: You can also right-click on a PC to access the available
6. If connecting via basic mode, you will be required to enter a user
name and password. If connecting via advanced mode, you will
need to select a certificate to connect.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Functions provided are:
Power on
Power off
Boot to Bios
Boot to media
Web view (manage a machine using vPro through your browser).
A NetSupport Manager Client is not required to perform these
Power off, reset and boot to Bios or device is similar to pulling the
power cord. There will be no attempt to close any open
applications, so data could be lost.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Searching for Clients
You can easily find Clients and objects in the Tree view using the
search feature. The search results will be displayed in the Search
folder of the Tree view (this folder will only appear once you have
performed a search).
1. Select the View tab in the ribbon and enter the search term in the
Search Text field. You can search for Clients by logged-on user
name, PC name or IP address by clicking the relevant icon:
Search by logged-on user name.
Search by PC name.
Connect by IP address.
2. By default, you will only search for Clients. To search for all
objects in the Tree, click .
3. To make the search case-sensitive, click .
4. Click Search.
5. The results will be displayed in the Search folder in the Tree view.
Note: When you have performed a search, you can remove the
search results (and remove the Search folder from the Tree
view) by clicking the Close Search icon on the ribbon.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Disconnecting a Client
When you have finished remote controlling connected Clients, you
must disconnect from them before closing your NetSupport Manager
To disconnect a Client
1. Select the Client you want to disconnect in the List view.
2. Select the Home tab in the ribbon and click Disconnect.
Right-click on the Client icon and choose Disconnect.
Click Connected on the status bar, select the required Client in
the list and click .
Disconnecting all Clients
Rather than disconnecting Clients individually, you can disconnect all
connected Clients in a single action.
To disconnect all Clients
1. Select the Home tab in the ribbon and click Disconnect All.
Click on the status bar.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Client automatic login
If a generic naming convention is used for your PCs, you can
automatically log the Clients in to save time.
To automatically login Client machines
1. Select the Client machine(s) you wish to login.
2. Select the Remote tab in the ribbon and click Login.
Select the tab displaying the Client's name in the ribbon (or the
Selection tab, if more than one Client has been selected) and click
Right-click and select Login .
Select the required group from the Tree view, choose the Group
tab in the ribbon (or right-click the group) and click Login.
3. The Login dialog will appear.
4. Enter the user name, password and domain and click Login. The
user name will appear once the login has been successful.
5. You can also view Client screens from this dialog, select the
required Client and click View.
6. When you have finished, click Close to exit.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Client automatic update
A quick and easy way to update Clients to the same version as the
Control is to use the automatic update facility. Any NetSupport
Manager components that are installed on the Client machine will be
updated to the current Control version.
Note: Only available on Windows-based Clients.
To automatically update the Client
1. Select the Client(s) that you wish to update.
2. Select the tab displaying the Client's name in the ribbon (or the
Selection tab, if more than one Client has been selected) and click
3. The Clients will be updated to the same version as the Control.
The Clients must either be logged in with administrator rights or
logged off for the updates to take place.
The Remote Deployment Utilities must be installed on the Control
machine to use this function.
If Disable File Transfer and Disable Execute are selected in
the Client Configurator, you will not be able to update the Client.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Power management Power on/power off
Power consumption equates largely with heat generation and
increased energy consumption. With millions of workstations in use
and sometimes hundreds located in the same company, the desire to
conserve energy has grown from a minor issue to a major issue.
Power management is a technique that enables hardware and
software to reduce system power consumption. It works by shutting
down portions of the hardware during periods of downtime, meaning
that the workstation is ready to work when you are and conserve
energy when you are not.
Client power on
To power on a NetSupport Manager Client, the workstation must have
a Wake-on-LAN network adapter and a BIOS that will support it
(consult your network adapter documentation for more information).
The Client must also be known to the Control. The Control sends a
Wake-on-LAN packet to the Client network adapter, which instructs
the workstation to power on.
To power on a NetSupport Manager Client
1. Select the icon(s) of the Clients you wish to power on.
2. Select the Remote tab in the ribbon and click Power On.
3. Select the tab displaying the Client's name in the ribbon (or the
Selection tab, if more than one Client has been selected) and click
Power On.
Right-click and choose Power On.
4. The Client workstations will now power on.
To power on a group of Clients
1. Open the All Computers folder in the Tree view and select the
required group.
2. Select the Group tab in the ribbon and click Power On.
Right-click on the group and click Power On .
3. The Client workstations will now power on.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Client power off
NetSupport Manager uses the Advanced Power Management (APM)
features of the Windows operating system (where supported) to
provide Client power down capabilities. APM relies on the Client
workstation having an ATX motherboard and ATX power supply.
A Control can remotely power off a Client workstation using the
NetSupport Manager Power Management function.
To power off a NetSupport Manager Client
1. Ensure all open applications at the Client workstations are closed.
2. Select the icon(s) of the Clients you wish to power off.
3. Select the Remote tab in the ribbon and click Power Off.
Select the tab displaying the Client's name in the ribbon (or the
Selection tab, if more than one Client has been selected) and click
Power Off.
Right-click and choose Power Off.
4. The Client workstations will now power off.
To power off a group of Clients
1. Ensure all open applications at the Client workstations are closed.
2. Open the All Computers folder in the Tree view and select the
required group.
3. Select the Group tab in the ribbon and click Power Off.
Right-click on the group and click Power Off .
4. The Client workstations will now power off.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Rebooting or logging out Clients
Enables a Control to remotely reboot or log off Client workstations
either individually or by selected group.
To reboot or log out a Client
1. Select the Client in the Control window List view.
2. Select the Remote tab in the ribbon and click Reboot or Logout.
Select the tab in the ribbon displaying the Client's name and click
Reboot or Logout.
Right-click on the Client icon and select Reboot or Logout
3. Click Yes, to confirm send reboot/logout.
4. You will be immediately disconnected from the Client.
1. While viewing the Client, select the Home tab in the View window
ribbon and click Reboot or Logout.
2. Click Yes, to confirm send reboot/logout.
3. You will be immediately disconnected from the Client.
To reboot or log out a group of Clients
1. Select the required group from the Tree view.
2. Select the Group tab in the ribbon and click Reboot or Logout.
Right-click the group and select Reboot or Logout .
3. Click Yes, to confirm send reboot/logout to the group.
4. You will be immediately disconnected from the members of the
Note: Make sure that all workstations within the group are available
and not being used by other staff before you use this
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Sending Ctrl+Alt+Delete
You can send Ctrl+Alt+Delete to a workstation that you are viewing
or simply connected to.
To send Ctrl+Alt+Delete to a connected Client
1. Press the Ctrl+Alt+Esc keys simultaneously.
1. Select the Remote tab in the ribbon and click Send CAD.
Select the tab in the ribbon displaying the Client's name and click
Send CAD.
Right-click and select Send Ctrl+Alt+Delete .
2. Click Yes, to confirm send Ctrl+Alt+Delete.
To send Ctrl+Alt+Delete to a Client you are viewing
1. Press the Ctrl+Alt+Esc keys simultaneously.
1. Select the Home tab on the View window ribbon and click
2. Click Yes, to confirm send Ctrl+Alt+Delete.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Viewing Clients
Having connected to a Client, you can now remotely control it. This is
called Viewing. The Client’s screen will be displayed in a window on
the Control workstation. NetSupport Manager will allow you to view
multiple Client screens, each in its own window, simultaneously.
Note: While viewing a Client, you can drag and drop files from the
Control Windows Explorer directly to the Client's desktop.
To view a Client
1. Select the required Client icon.
2. Select the Home or Remote tab in the ribbon and click View
Select the tab in the ribbon displaying the Client's name and click
View Client.
Double-click the Client icon in the List view.
Right-click on the Client icon and choose View.
Click the appropriate Client icon on the Quick Access bar and
select the View Client icon.
3. The View window for that Client will now appear at the Control.
To aid navigation of the Client screen, a thumbnail image of the
screen is displayed, enabling you to scroll the Client desktop
more easily. Click and drag inside the thumbnail to view specific
areas. The navigation panel can be enabled or disabled by
selecting Navigation from the View window ribbon.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
The View Window
The View window is the primary interface for interacting with
individual Clients. Each Client has its own View window. The Client
View windows are used for displaying the screens of the Clients at the
Control. You can have multiple Client View windows open and
displayed simultaneously.
The View window is divided into the following sections:
The caption bar
The caption bar displays the name of the Client that you are currently
viewing. Clicking the Client name brings up a Remote Management
pane, and from here, you can see details of the Client and perform a
variety of functions.
By default, the Client name, wireless and battery indicators (if
applicable) and security status (shows if TLS or encryption are
enabled or not) are displayed on the caption bar. You can customise
what is displayed and choose to show the Client's logged-on user
name, IP address, operating system, enclosure type and location by
right-clicking the Client name.
Note: Changing the Client display options here will also change them
on the quick access bar, connected Clients list on the status
bar and when zooming into thumbnails.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
The following options are available:
Show or hide the ribbon.
Access the View settings for the current configuration.
Shows how many windows are open. From here, you can
access the Window menu.
Access the online help and version number, licensee,
Technical Support and compression information.
The ribbon
The ribbon provides access to all features, tools and settings available
to use at the Client you are currently viewing. Positioning the cursor
over an icon will display a brief description of its function. The ribbon
is organised into three main tabs:
1. Home
Allows you to select the mode in which the Client will be remote
controlled, customise how the View window is displayed, cut and
paste between applications on the Client and the Control
workstations and launch an application at the Client.
2. Tools
Provides a selection of tools available to use at the Client you are
currently viewing.
3. Audio
Allows you to enable audio between a Control and a Client and
configure the settings.
Note: A Monitor tab will appear in the ribbon when viewing a Client
with multiple monitors. From here, you can choose to switch
the view between monitors or view the whole desktop.
The Client screen area
This is used for displaying the screen of the Client.
Status bar
The status bar shows the current view mode, the number of
connected Clients, the current keyboard layout (by default, this is set
to international keyboard; click to change this), if print capture is on
(click to enable) and the FPS counter.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
You can see a list of all connected Clients by clicking Connected
(clicking a Client name opens a View window for them). Right-click to
choose how the Client is displayed in the list.
For acceptable performance while viewing, ensure that the
Client’s Active Desktop is turned off.
If the Control and the Client are both using touch-enabled
devices, the Control will be able to control the Client machine
using touch commands.
You can customise the action taken when double-clicking a Client
icon in the List view (by default, this opens a View window) in the
Control configuration - Control Interface Settings.
To return to the Control window
1. On the caption bar, click .
View Modes
You can view a Client in three modes:
The Client’s screen will be displayed at both the Control and the
Client. Both the Control and the user at the Client will be able to
enter keystrokes and mouse movements.
The Client’s screen will be displayed at both the Control and the
Client. Only the user at the Client will be able to enter keystrokes and
mouse movements. The user at the Control will be locked out.
The Client's screen will be displayed at both the Control and the
Client. Only the user at the Control will be able to enter keystrokes
and mouse movements. The user at the Client will be locked out.
To change the view mode
1. While viewing the Client, select Share, Watch or Control on the
View window ribbon.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Viewing multiple Client screens simultaneously
NetSupport Manager enables you to view multiple Clients
simultaneously, each in its own window. You can even scale their
individual View windows to fit on the Control’s screen.
To view multiple Client screens
1. View each Client you want to include.
2. On the caption bar of the Control window or any Client View
window, click Window Menu , select Tile and choose which
NetSupport Manager windows you want to display.
Your chosen windows will be tiled on the Control’s screen. If you want
to see the entire Client’s screen, click the Scale to fit icon on the
ribbon of each Client’s View window.
Note: Scale to fit is on by default.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Blanking the Clients screen while viewing
For security reasons, you may require the Client screen to be blank
while you are remotely controlling it.
Note: This feature is only available on Clients running Windows 10
v2004 and above (legacy support is provided for Clients
running Windows 8 and below).
1. Select the Home tab in the View window ribbon and click the
Blank screen icon.
2. The Client’s screen will be blanked.
3. To restore the screen, click the Blank screen icon again.
Viewing a Client full screen
Viewing a Client in Full Screen mode removes the caption bar and
ribbon and maximises the View window. What you see is exactly what
would be seen on the remote workstation.
To view a Client in full screen mode
1. Click the Full Screen icon in the Client's View window ribbon.
2. The Switch to Full Screen dialog will appear.
3. A floating toolbar will be displayed while in Full Screen mode,
allowing access to frequently used features and tools. Click
to expand the toolbar and access the full range of tools. Click
to switch back to windowed mode.
Note: You can also return to windowed mode by using the hotkeys
Ctrl+Left Shift+Right Shift.
Scale to Fit Mode
Scale to fit allows you to view a remote screen within the available
size of the View window rather than providing you with a series of
scroll bars so that you can pan around the screen.
This allows you view multiple screens simultaneously to maintain an
overview of a number of selected workstations.
Note: Using scale to fit does impact on the quality and clarity of
the view and is designed to allow you to monitor a screen as
opposed to work on it. Try it for yourself and decide what
level of scaling is acceptable for your purposes.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
To view a View window to scale
1. Click the Scale to fit icon on the View window ribbon.
Displaying the View settings for a Client
During any control session where you may be working with more than
one Client, you can tailor how each Client interacts with the Control.
For example, on one Client, you may want to use compression
because it is on a slow link, but on another, you may want to turn
compression off. NetSupport Manager allows you to do this by
modifying the default settings for the current Control profile.
To adjust View settings while viewing
1. Select the Client to view.
2. Click on the View window caption bar.
3. The Settings dialog will appear.
4. Configure which options will be enabled when you start a View
session. (Refer to the Control Configuration - Remote Control
Settings section of this manual for detailed information about the
available options)
Note: If you edit the Client settings, the changes you make only
apply to that Client during the current Control session. If you
want to change the settings permanently, check the Update
Configuration box.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
The Scan function enables you to cycle through each connected Client
in turn, displaying its screen on the Control. It is an alternative to
viewing multiple Clients in scaled windows, which may cause their
screens to be unreadable.
Multiple Client screens can also be scanned in one Scan window.
Scan one Client screen at a time
1. Select the Clients to include in the scan.
2. Click the Remote tab in the ribbon.
3. Select the One Client at a time icon .
4. Use this slider control to specify the interval before the scan is
advanced to the next Client. The scan period can be set anywhere
between five seconds to two minutes.
5. Click Start.
6. The Scan window will appear and immediately show you the first
Client in the sequence. It will cycle through the selected Clients,
showing their screens on the Control until you end the scan.
Note: If you want to start scanning from a particular Client, select
their name in the Scan dialog.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Scanning multiple Client screens
Multiple Client screens can be scanned simultaneously in one Scan
Note: You can display up to 16 Client screens in one Scan window at
a time.
To scan multiple screens simultaneously
1. Select the Clients to include in the scan.
2. Click the Remote tab in the ribbon.
3. Select the number of Client screens to be displayed in the Scan
window by clicking the relevant icon:
Clients will be arranged 2x2.
Clients will be arranged 3x3.
Clients will be arranged 4x4.
4. If you are scanning more than four Clients, you can select a scan
interval by using the slider. The scan period can be set anywhere
between five seconds to two minutes.
5. Click Start.
6. The Scan window will appear.
To end the scan
1. On the caption bar, click .
NetSupport Manager v14.00
The Scan window
The Scan window will cycle through the selected Clients, showing
their screens on the Control until you end the scan. If you want to
start scanning from a particular Client, highlight their icon before you
start the scan.
The Scan window is divided into the following sections:
The caption bar
The caption bar displays the name of the Client you are currently
scanning (this will not appear when scanning multiple Clients
simultaneously). Clicking the Client name brings up a Remote
Management pane, and from here, you can see details of the Client
and perform a variety of functions.
By default, the Client name, wireless and battery indicators (if
applicable) and security status (shows if TLS or encryption are
enabled or not) are displayed on the caption bar. You can customise
what is displayed and choose to show the Client's logged-on user
name, IP address, operating system, enclosure type and location by
right-clicking the Client name.
Note: Changing the Client display options here will also change them
on the quick access bar, connected Clients list on the status
bar and when zooming into thumbnails.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
The following options are available:
Show or hide the ribbon.
Access the settings for the current scan session.
Shows how many windows are open. From here, you can
access the Window menu.
Access the online help and version number, licensee and
Technical Support information.
The ribbon
The following icons are available for a single Client scan:
Previous, Auto Advance and Next
Allows you to turn auto timing on or off, or choose to move
forwards or backwards between individual Clients. The Previous
icon shows the previous Client screen scanned. The Next icon
shows the next Client's screen in the scan cycle.
Scale to fit
It may be that the Client is running in a higher resolution than the
Control. Selecting this option will resize its screen to fit the window
in which it is displayed.
Full Screen
Allows you to scan in Full Screen mode. You can use the Scan
Floating toolbar to control the operation.
A snapshot of the current Client window can be taken.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
The following additional icons are available for a multiple Client scan:
Maximises a selected Client's window. You can also click in the top
right-hand corner of the Client window.
Locks a selected Client's keyboard and mouse.
Initiates a Chat session between a Client and the Control.
To view a Client in Share mode.
The Client screen area
This is used for displaying the screen of the Client or multiple Client
screens when performing a scan.
The Status bar
The status bar shows the scan timer, which indicates how far through
the scan interval you are.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Screen Capture
Screen capture allows you to take a snapshot of the current Client
screen whilst viewing or scanning and save this to a file. The Client
name, date and time will be recorded when saved.
Capture a Client's screen
1. When viewing or scanning a Client, select the Home tab in the
2. Click Screenshot .
3. The current Client screen will be captured and automatically saved
as a .png to NetSupport Manager\Snapshots in your local Pictures
Note: An indicator will appear on the Screenshot icon showing
the number of screenshots that have been taken.
4. Clicking the Screenshot drop-down arrow lists the last nine
screenshots taken (you can view or delete them as required) and
you can open the folder where the images are stored.
Note: When scanning multiple Clients, a Client screen must be active
(highlighted) for screen capture to become available.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Thumbnail View/Monitor Mode
Thumbnail view or Monitor mode allows a Control to display a
thumbnail view of all connected Client workstations simultaneously,
providing a quick and easy method for monitoring Client activity.
While in Monitor mode, the Control still has access to the full range of
NetSupport Manager features such as View, Chat and File Transfer.
To switch to thumbnail view
1. Display the required Client list by selecting the appropriate folder
in the Control window Tree view. You would generally want to
limit the number of displayed thumbnails to connected Clients
2. Select the View tab in the ribbon and click Thumbnail.
Click on the status bar.
Right-click on a clear area of the List view and select Thumbnail.
The List view will display each Client thumbnail. By mousing over a
thumbnail, you can zoom in to that screen (this can be turned off by
clicking on the status bar). Double-clicking a thumbnail will open a
view session to that Client; right-click and you can select from the full
range of available Client features. For example, by selecting multiple
thumbnails, you can invite those Clients into a Chat session.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Note: You can change the action taken when double-clicking a Client
in the Control configuration - Control Interface Settings.
Each thumbnail will show the computer name underneath and if the
thumbnail width is 144 pixels or larger, the current logged-on user,
operating system and IP address will also be displayed. By default,
battery and Wi-Fi indicators (if relevant to the device type) and
security status (shows if TLS or encryption are enabled or not) icons
appear on the thumbnail. You can customise what icons are displayed
on the thumbnail and choose to show the Client's logged-on user
name, IP address, operating system, enclosure type and location by
selecting the View tab in the ribbon and choosing the required options
from the Display Options drop-down list.
You can adjust the frequency at which the thumbnails are refreshed
by clicking on the status bar and selecting the required time
from the list.
If a Client is running multiple monitors, icons will be displayed on the
thumbnail, allowing you to switch between each monitor or view the
whole desktop. Click to access the Dual Monitor menu and select
what to view from the list. Click to view the whole desktop. Click
the number icon to view that monitor. The icon will turn green to
show which option is selected.
Note: When zooming into a Client screen, you can switch between
single and multi-monitor by clicking .
Grouping Clients in the List view
Clients can be conveniently grouped into categories using a range of
criteria, including the Client platform, connection type etc.
Organising Clients into categories
1. Select the View tab in the ribbon and click Group By.
2. Select the category you wish to organise your Clients by.
3. The Clients will now be grouped by the category in the List view.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Launching applications
This feature allows you to launch (execute) an application on an
individual Client workstation or a group of Client workstations without
the need to remote control them.
Note: The application itself must be installed on or available to the
Client workstations.
To launch an application at a Client
1. Select the required Client in the List view.
2. Select the Remote tab in the ribbon and click Launch
Right-click the Client in the List view and choose Execute at
3. The Execute Application at Client dialog will appear.
4. Select the Execute tab.
5. Enter the name and path of the application to execute at the
Click to browse for the application on the Control workstation.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Note: Check that Client applications are stored in the same
location as the Control to ensure successful execution.
6. Select Add to List to save it for future use in the Saved List tab.
Confirm the description and path.
Note: The application will be added to the Launch Application
drop-down list in the ribbon.
7. If you only want to execute applications to Clients that are logged
on, select the option Execute only if the Client is logged on.
8. If you don't want to view the result of the operation, click No
result required.
9. Click Execute.
10. The application will now be launched at the selected Client and
the result of the operation is displayed in the Results pane.
1. If you have saved a list of applications, select the required
application from the Launch Application drop-down list .
2. Click Client must be logged on to launch the application at
Clients that are logged on and if you don't want to see the results
of the operation, click No result required.
3. The application will be launched at the Client and the Execute
Application at Client dialog will appear, displaying any results.
Quick launching applications while viewing a Client
A list of applications can be saved in the View window, allowing you
to quickly launch these at the Client.
1. Select the Home tab in the View window ribbon.
2. Click Add.
3. Enter the name and path of the application.
Click to browse for the application.
4. Click OK.
5. The application will be listed in the Quick Launch pane.
Note: Click Manage to edit or remove a listed application.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
6. You can now launch the application at the Client. Select the
application in the list and click Launch or double-click the
7. The application will run at the Client.
Note: You can also remotely launch an application that isn't listed by
selecting Launch Application, entering the name and path of
the application and clicking Execute.
To launch an application on a group of Clients
1. Open the All Computers folder in the Tree view.
2. Select the required group, go to the Group tab in the ribbon and
click Launch Application.
Right-click on the required group and choose Execute at Client.
3. The Execute Application at Client dialog will appear.
4. Select the Execute tab.
5. Enter the full path of the application you want to run.
Click to browse for the application on the Control workstation.
Note: Check that Client applications are stored in the same
location as the Control to ensure successful execution.
6. Select Add to List to save it for future use in the Saved List tab.
Confirm the description and path.
Note: The application will be added to the Launch Application
drop-down list in the ribbon.
7. If you only want to execute applications to Clients that are logged
on, select the option Execute only if the Client is logged on.
8. If you don't want to view the result of the operation, click No
result required.
9. Click Execute.
10. The application will now be launched at all selected Clients in the
group and the result of the operation displayed in the Results
1. If you have saved a list of applications, select the required
application from the Launch Application drop-down list .
2. Click Client must be logged on to launch the application at
Clients that are logged on and if you don't want to see the results
of the operation, click No result required.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
3. The application will be launched at the Clients in the group and
the Execute Application at Client dialog will appear, displaying
any results.
To save the details of your executed application for future use
1. Select the Remote tab in the ribbon and click Launch
2. The Execute Application at Client dialog will appear.
3. Click Add.
4. The Add/Edit Application Details dialog will appear.
5. Enter the name and path of the executable application.
6. Click OK.
7. The application will appear in the Saved List tab.
8. Click Close.
1. Select the Remote tab in the ribbon and click the Launch
Application drop-down arrow.
2. Click Add Application.
3. The Add/Edit Application Details dialog will appear.
4. Enter the name and path of the executable application.
5. Click OK.
6. Click Close.
The application will now be available from the Launch Application
drop-down list in the ribbon.
Note: A list of applications to launch can also be saved in the View
To edit a saved executable application
1. Select the Remote tab in the ribbon and click Launch
2. The Execute Application at Client dialog will appear.
3. Select the Application to edit.
4. Click Edit.
5. The Add/Edit Application Details dialog will appear.
6. Make the required changes.
7. When finished, click OK.
To remove a saved executable application
1. Select the Remote tab in the ribbon and click Launch
2. The Execute Application at Client dialog will appear.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
3. Select the application to remove.
4. Click Remove.
5. A confirmation dialog is displayed, click Yes.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
User Defined Tools
As well as allowing a Control to launch applications on Client
workstations, you can automatically run a task on a Control
workstation using a defined tool. These tools can also be copied to
other Control workstations for use.
To add a tool
1. Select the Tools tab in the ribbon and click Add in the User
Defined section.
2. The Add Tool dialog will appear.
3. Choose to add a program or script tool by selecting the
appropriate tab.
4. Enter the required information.
5. Click OK.
6. The tool will be listed.
7. Click Edit to change the properties of a listed tool or Delete to
remove the tool.
8. Click Close.
To run a tool
1. Select the Tools tab in the ribbon.
2. Select the tool you wish to run from the User Defined pane and
click Run.
Double-click the tool in the User Defined pane.
3. The tool will automatically run.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
To copy user defined tool settings to other Control machines
1. At the Control machine you want to copy the settings from, click
the Change the settings for current Configuration icon on
the caption bar.
2. Select File Locations.
3. In the Tools file section, click Change.
4. Specify an alternate location or name for the tools file.
5. Make this file available to the Control machine that is going to
adopt this tools file.
6. Open the Control Configurator at this Control machine and follow
steps 2 and 3.
7. Select the new tools file, click Open.
8. The new tools file will be implemented.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Showing the Control screen to Clients
As well as enabling you to remote control Clients, NetSupport
Manager allows you to show your screen to:
A selected individual Client
A pre-defined group of Clients
An ad hoc selection of Clients.
Replay Files can also be shown to Clients.
During a Show, NetSupport Manager displays in real-time all
actions undertaken by the Control. In addition, the Control has
the option to enable ‘hotkeys’, ensuring that any key
combinations (e.g. CTRL+V) used by the Control during the show
are also visible to the Clients. If using a mixture of key
combinations (e.g. ALT+V+T), NetSupport Manager will only
display two consecutive keystrokes at any one time. The key
combinations will not appear if the Control taskbar is not active.
To improve performance when showing to a large number of
machines, NetSupport Manager's Broadcast Show facility is
enabled by default. This results in the screen information being
sent to all machines simultaneously, thus improving the speed of
transfer. Turning this feature off results in the screen information
being sent to each Client machine in turn. Whilst reducing overall
network traffic generated by NetSupport Manager, using this
feature will generate additional broadcast packets on your
network. It is recommended that you consult your network
administrator before using this feature. The Show can be sent to
Clients using multicast. The broadcast will only be sent to
machines included in the specified IP multicast address.
To show a Control screen
1. Select the Desktop tab in the ribbon and click Show Desktop.
If showing your screen to a group of Clients, select the required
group in the Tree view and click Show Desktop in the Group tab
in the ribbon or right-click the group and select Show Desktop.
2. The Show dialog will appear.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
In this dialog, you select the Client (or Clients) that you will show
your screen to and set any associated properties.
Ready to start showing to:
Select the Client or Clients that you will show your screen to. You can
exclude Clients from the show by clicking the green tick next to their
name (a red cross will appear).
Create Replay File at Client
The Show session can be recorded and stored in a Replay File, giving
Clients the opportunity to play back the session at a later date.
Show Hotkeys
To ensure that all actions performed by the Control are visible to the
Clients during a Show, you can enable the use of hotkeys. Any key
combinations that the Control uses, e.g. CTRL+V, will be displayed at
both the Control and Client screens.
Note: If using a mixture of key combinations, e.g. ALT+V+T,
NetSupport Manager will only display two consecutive
keystrokes at any one time.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Enable Audio Support
This turns audio support on. If you are showing to only one Client,
both the Control and Client can speak. If you are showing to many,
only the Control can speak (announce). See Using Audio Support for
Set Show Mode at Client (Windowed, Full Screen or Maximise
This option allows you to show at the Client either in a small window,
full screen or maximised window. When showing in windowed and
maximised window size, the Clients mouse and keyboard are not
Screen Scrape
NetSupport Manager’s favoured (and the most efficient) method for
capturing screen data is to hook into the Video Driver of the
workstation being viewed. However, there may be occasions when
this method will not work because certain applications bypass the
driver. In these circumstances, you can enable ‘screen scrape’ mode
in order to take a snapshot of the screen. Although this will have a
greater impact on the network, it will at least provide an accurate
representation of the Client’s screen.
Send Physical Fonts
In order to reduce the volume of data being sent when sharing
information of this nature, NetSupport Manager passes the font
information by reference. The target workstation will refer to its own
internal font mappings to find an appropriate match to the one that
has been sent. In most cases, the same fonts will be available, but if
there are instances where this isn’t the case, you can send the full
information. Check this box to enable.
Show Monitor:
NetSupport Manager will identify if the Control is running multiple
monitors, giving you the option to choose which one to show from the
drop-down list. If you are unsure which is the correct screen, click
Identify. Alternatively, select Whole Desktop to show all.
To end the Show
1. Double click on the Show icon in the taskbar.
2. This will display the Showing dialog.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
The buttons have the following purposes:
Ends the Show and releases the Clients screens and keyboards.
Resumes the Show.
The Clients screens and keyboards will remain locked while you
prepare other work at the Control. They will not be able to see what
you are doing. Effectively, the Show is suspended.
Show Application
The application being shown to Clients is displayed. To change the
application, drag the icon to the required application on the Control's
desktop and release (a pink border will appear around the selected
application as you move the mouse around the desktop).
Note: This option will only appear when showing an application.
1. Right-click on the Show icon on the taskbar.
2. Click End Show.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Showing a Client screen to Clients
With NetSupport Manager, it is possible to show the Control’s screen
to a number of connected Clients. It is also possible to show a Clients
screen to a number of other connected Clients.
For example, it may be that workstation_1 has an application on it
that you need to show to the Accounts department. Therefore, by
viewing workstation_1 and then showing to all members of the
Accounts department, they will now be able to see workstation_1’s
To show a Clients screen
1. Connect to the Clients you wish to show to and the Client you
wish to view.
2. View the Client whose screen you wish to show.
3. Select the Desktop tab in the ribbon and click Show.
4. The Show dialog will appear.
5. Select the These Clients option.
6. Exclude the Client you are currently viewing from the Show by
clicking the green tick next to their name (this will change to a
red cross). If you don’t do this, you will get an error saying that the
Control cannot show to this Client while you are viewing it.
7. Click Show.
The Client’s screen that is being viewed will be shown to the other
Clients. You can use features such as Scale to Fit and Full Screen to
Show more of the Client’s screen.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Show Application
The Show feature enables you to display the Control screen to
Clients. However, if a number of programs are open at the Control,
there may be occasions when you want to show a single application
in isolation.
To show an application
1. Select the Clients to include in the Show.
2. Select the Desktop tab in the ribbon and click Show Application.
If showing the application to a group of Clients, select the
required group in the Tree view and click Show Application in
the Group tab in the ribbon or right-click the group and select
Show Application.
3. The Show Application dialog will appear.
4. Drag the icon to the required application on the Control’s
desktop and release (a pink border will appear around the
selected application as you move the mouse around the desktop).
Click Select and choose the application from the displayed list.
Note: NetSupport Manager will identify if the Control is running
multiple monitors, giving you the option to confirm which
one the selected application is sited on. If you are unsure
which is the correct screen, click Identify. If only one
monitor is detected, select Whole Desktop.
5. Click Show.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Audio support
NetSupport Manager allows you to use audible communications to
connected Clients via microphones, headphones and speakers. The
Control can also listen to microphone output and background sounds.
This can be used while viewing a Clients screen, showing your screen
to a Client on their workstation or outside of a remote control session
by selecting the required Client. NetSupport Manager will only
operate audio if the workstations have Audio Support installed.
Using audio support
1. Select the required Client in the List view.
2. Select the Remote tab in the ribbon and click Audio.
Right-click the Client and select Audio.
3. Right-click the required Client in the List view and select Audio.
4. The Audio toolbar will be displayed.
From here, you can:
Turn audio on or off.
Enable only the Control or the Client to talk.
Listen to the Client.
Click Settings to set the microphone sensitivity and select
the audio quality.
Minimising the Audio toolbar will disable the current audio session,
this can be re-started by activating the toolbar. You can start more
than one audio session, but only one session can be active at any one
To use audio support when viewing
1. The audio options are displayed in the Audio tab of the View
window ribbon.
2. The Audio options will be displayed. These are the same options
as on the Audio toolbar.
The Mute icon turns the speaker and microphone on and off.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
To use audio support when showing
1. In the Show dialog box, select Enable Audio Support.
2. The Audio settings set in the Control Configurator - Audio settings
will apply during these sessions.
Audio announcements
This feature sends an audible announcement to all selected Clients
headphones or speakers. They will be able to hear the Control but will
not be able to speak back.
Making an announcement
1. Select the Desktop tab in the ribbon and click Announce.
2. The Announce dialog will appear. Include (green tick) or exclude
(red cross) Clients from the announcement and click Announce.
3. A dialog will appear, indicating that you can now announce.
4. Click OK when you have finished speaking.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Adjusting microphone and speaker volume
You can adjust the audio settings within NetSupport Manager to
match the capabilities of your multimedia workstations or to fine tune
performance. However, you should note that the higher the quality of
sound you select, the greater the volume of data that needs to be
sent. This can affect screen update performance on slower
To access the volume controls
1. Right-click on the speaker icon in the taskbar.
To change other options, such as sound quality, do one of the
Global method (changes default setting for all Clients):
1. Click the Change the settings for the current Configuration
icon on the caption bar.
2. Select Remote Control Audio.
Individual Client method (while viewing):
1. Go to the Audio tab in the View window ribbon and click Audio
settings .
In both cases, the Audio Setting dialog will be displayed. This allows
you to set the following properties:
Volume settings adjustments
Threshold Microphone sensitivity.
Microphone Volume of microphone.
Speaker Volume of speakers.
Enable options
On Turn audio on.
Off Turn audio off.
Talk Set the Control audio to talk function only.
Listen Set the Control audio to listen function only.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Video Player support
NetSupport Manager provides exceptional multimedia support with
full audio, video and remote control capabilities. This section deals
specifically with the use of the NetSupport Manager Video Player.
Note: The NetSupport Video Player is only available if you install the
NetSupport School Tutor component during installation.
While the NetSupport Manager Video Player can be used for viewing a
video file on an individual workstation, the combination of NetSupport
Manager’s remote control capabilities with full audio support allows
you to use this tool to enhance training sessions and demonstrations.
By running a Show, then launching the NetSupport Manager Video
Player, all Clients will be able to watch video files from their own
workstations, with full audio support.
The Video Player supports all standard video files, for example, avi
and mpg. The Video Player runs locally on each Client workstation,
while the video file can be accessed locally or on a network drive. If
video files are stored locally, network traffic is restricted to video
player controls and synchronisation and is therefore minimal, making
it possible to control video sequences running on a larger number of
workstations simultaneously.
If video files are stored on a network drive and Clients have to
retrieve files across the network, there will be a greater impact on the
network. For optimum performance, store the video files locally on
each workstation, you may wish to use File Distribution to do this.
Other influencing factors will be:
The number of Client workstations accessing the file
The speed of the network, e.g. 10/100 MB
The size of the video file
Client workstation memory/performance specification
Other traffic on the network.
If a Client workstation is required to retrieve files from a server
for smooth operation, ensure that the Client workstation has
sufficient access rights to the relevant drive and files.
The video adapter of the workstation and how the screen
resolution is configured will affect the quality of the display.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
To play a video file on a workstation
1. Perform a Show to the Client workstations you want to watch the
video file.
2. While performing the Show, launch NetSupport Manager Video
Player by double-clicking on the NetSupport Manager Video
Player icon in the NetSupport Manager Program folder.
3. The Video Player control panel will appear.
4. Choose {File}{Open} from the Video Player drop-down menus to
select the correct video file.
5. The Video Player video screen will then appear below the toolbar
with the selected file loaded, ready to be played.
Note: NetSupport Manager’s Video Player utilises the Audio
Support software and hardware installed on your operating
system, please adjust these to suit your needs.
6. Click on the Play button on the Video Player toolbar.
Choose {Play}{Play} from the Video Player drop-down menus.
To pause or stop a video file and return to the beginning while
it is playing
1. Click on the Pause or Stop button on the toolbar.
Choose {Play}{Stop or Pause} from the Video Player drop-down
Note: The pause command blanks any Clients video screens you may
be Showing the Video file to.
To return to the beginning of the video file
1. Click on the Start button on the toolbar to return to the
beginning of the video file.
Choose {Play}{Start} from the Video Player drop-down menus.
To fast forward to the end of the video file
1. Click on the End button on the toolbar to fast forward to the end
of the video file.
Choose {Play}{End} from the Video Player drop-down menus.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Video Player control panel
The Video Player control panel operates in a similar manner to
standard audio and visual aids.
File menu
The File drop-down menu contains the following options:
Allows you to select and load the appropriate video file.
Closes the open video file.
Shuts down the Video Player.
View menu
The View drop-down menu contains the following options:
Hides and displays the Video Player toolbar.
Status Bar
Hides and displays the status bar of the Video Player.
Resizes the video screen
Play menu
The Play drop-down menu contains the following options:
Starts the loaded video file.
Returns to the beginning of the loaded video file.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Blanks the Client’s video screen and pauses the video file at the
Control workstation.
The video file will be repeated until the Control stops this.
Returns to the beginning of the video file.
Fast forward to the end of the video file.
Mute Clients
If Clients are not using headphones while they are watching a video,
the sound coming from each workstation can be distracting. This
option turns audio off at the Client workstations but leaves it on at
the Control machine.
Help menu
Provides access to the online help and general version information.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Replay files
During a remote control session, the screen, keyboard and mouse
activity at a Client or Control PC can be recorded, stored in a file and
played back. If the PCs are configured for audio, any narration that
takes place can also be recorded.
A Control can determine how and when recordings take place by
enabling the appropriate configuration options:
Local recording
At individual or all Client PCs.
Recording local activity
Activity at the local machine can be recorded and played back. If
required, the replay file can also be ‘shown’ to remote Clients.
1. Select the Desktop tab in the ribbon and click the Record icon.
2. The Record Local Activity dialog will appear.
3. In Folder
Specify where you want the replay files stored. In order to
identify each file, file names will be prefixed with ‘Local’ and the
date and time of the recording.
4. Include Audio
In addition to the screen, mouse and keyboard activity, if the
workstation is configured for audio, you can record any narration
that takes place. Check this box to enable.
5. Record Physical Fonts
In order to reduce the volume of data being sent when sharing
information of this nature, NetSupport Manager passes the font
information by reference. The target workstation will refer to its
own internal font mappings to find an appropriate match to the
one that has been sent. In most cases, the same fonts will be
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
available, but if there are instances where this isn’t the case, you
can send the full information. Check this box to enable.
6. Click OK to start recording. The Recording icon will appear in
the taskbar.
7. To stop recording, double click the Recording icon.
Recording replay files at Client PCs
Activity at remote PCs is recorded when a Control ‘Viewsa Client that
is configured to record replay files. The option can be enabled at
individual Client level or set globally.
Record replay files for all viewed Clients
This procedure enables the Control to create a replay file each time it
‘views’ a Client PC. The settings can be applied to the current control
configuration or to a ‘named’ configuration.
1. To update a specific Control profile, click the Profiles icon on
the caption bar, select the required profile and click Settings.
Click the Change the settings for the current Configuration
icon on the caption bar if updating the standard Control
2. The Settings for Configuration dialog will appear.
3. Choose Security - Replay Files and enable the appropriate
Record replay files for individual Clients
This procedure enables replay files to be created at machines where
the Client configuration has the Record Replay Files option enabled.
1. Run the Advanced Client Configurator at the required PCs.
2. Select the profile to amend.
3. Select Security - Replay Files and enable the appropriate
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Watching recorded replay files
Replay files can be watched by a Control with appropriate access
levels to the files. These, in turn, can be shown to Clients.
At a local level, the NetSupport Manager Client program also provides
a Replay option enabling Clients to launch files.
At the Control
1. Select the Desktop tab in the ribbon and click Playback.
2. A list of the last 20 replay files is displayed. Select the required
replay file from the list or click Browse to open the folder where
the replay files are stored.
By default, the list will be empty. New recordings and replay
files that have been played will be automatically added to the
list. To add a replay file to the list without playing it, click
Browse, select the required replay file, clear the Playback
now option and click Open.
You can delete a replay file by selecting the required replay
file and clicking Delete File . The replay file will be moved
to the recycle bin.
3. The Replay window will appear. Use the Replay controls to
start/stop the file.
At the Client
1. Double-click the NetSupport Manager Client icon in the system
2. The Client Information window will appear.
3. Click the Replay icon.
4. Navigate to the folder where the replay files are stored.
5. Select the file to replay.
6. Click Open. The Replay window will appear. Use the Replay
controls to start/stop the file.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Showing replay files to Clients
Replay files can be watched by individual Controls and Clients. The
Control also has the option of ‘showing’ a specific file to multiple
1. Select the Clients to show the replay file to.
2. Select the Desktop tab in the ribbon and click Show Replay.
If showing the replay file to a group of Clients, select the required
group in the Tree view and click Show Replay in the Group tab
in the ribbon or right-click the group and select Show Replay.
3. The Show Replay dialog will appear.
4. Browse for and select the required replay file.
5. Click Show.
6. The Replay window will open at the Control machine and start
playing the replay file to the selected Clients.
7. Click on the Replay window caption bar to end the Show.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
File Transfer
The File Transfer window
When you choose to perform a File Transfer operation on an
individual Client, the File Transfer window is displayed. At its
simplest, you transfer files by dragging them from one location to
The File Transfer window is divided into the following sections:
The caption bar
The caption bar shows which Client this File Transfer window is
working with. Clicking the Client name brings up a Remote
Management pane, and from here, you can see details of the Client
and perform a variety of functions.
By default, the Client name, wireless and battery indicators (if
applicable) and security status (shows if TLS or encryption are
enabled or not) are displayed on the caption bar. You can customise
what is displayed and choose to show the Client's logged-on user
name, IP address, operating system, enclosure type and location by
right-clicking the Client name.
Note: Changing the Client display options here will also change them
on the quick access bar, connected Clients list on the status
bar and when zooming into thumbnails.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
The following options are available:
Show or hide the ribbon.
Access the File Transfer settings for the current
Shows how many windows are open. From here, you can
access the Window menu.
Access the online help and version number, licensee,
Technical Support and compression information.
The ribbon
The ribbon provides access to all the tasks and tools when working
with a selected file or folder. Positioning the cursor over an icon will
display a brief description of its function.
The following sections are available in the Home tab of the ribbon:
Provides access to the options for working with folders, such as
copy, delete and rename. You must select a folder to work with
before the options become available.
Provides access to the options for working with individual files,
such as copy, delete and rename. This section will only appear
when you have selected a file to work with.
Allows you to select the files and folders in the List view that are to
be transferred.
Enables you to print the content of a selected folder or file list and
access a list of recent files to send to the Client.
Add or remove the currently selected folder to the Favourites folder
in the Tree view.
When a file or folder is selected, a new tab displaying its properties
will appear. The following sections are available:
View and set the attributes for the selected file or folder.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Provides a summary of the selected file or folder.
From here, you can perform actions such as open, copy, delete or
The local pane
The local pane displays a Tree view of the folders of the Control on
the left-hand side and a List view of the contents of those directories
on the right-hand side. Right-click on any item in one of the columns
in the List view and a range of context-sensitive functions becomes
The remote pane
The remote pane displays a Tree view of the folders of the Client on
the left-hand side and a List view of the contents of those directories
on the right-hand side. Right-click on any item in one of the columns
in the List view and a range of context-sensitive functions becomes
File information area
The file information area is displayed at the top of both the local and
remote panes. Use the arrows to go to the previous, next or parent
folder in the Tree view. Click to select from a list of previously
selected folders. The current folder path will be displayed and you can
enter a pathname here to go directly to a folder. You can filter, sort
and choose how to view the contents of the List view. To provide
more space when working with files and folders, you can maximise
the local or remote pane by clicking Window .
Status bar
The status bar shows the number of connected Clients. You can see a
list of all connected Clients by clicking Connected (clicking a Client
name opens a File Transfer window for them). Right-click to choose
how the Client is displayed in the list.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Arranging multiple File Transfer windows
Just as you can view to more than one Client at a time, you can have
more than one File Transfer window open at a time. These File
Transfer windows can be easily arranged using the Window menu.
To arrange multiple File Transfer windows
1. Make sure a File Transfer window or the Control window is active.
2. On the caption bar, click Window Menu and select Tile -
File Transfer Windows.
3. All open File Transfer windows will be arranged so that they
proportionality fill the Control screen.
When working with multiple File Transfer windows, refer to the
File Transfer windows caption bar to check which Client is being
viewed in a particular File Transfer window.
You can use the Tile windows function to similarly arrange all
open View and Control windows.
Applying a filter to files in List view
You can apply a filter to the contents of a local or remote List view, so
that only file names which meet certain criteria or certain file types
will be displayed. You do this by using the Filter field in the file
information area (located above both panes’ List views).
Any filter settings applied to the local List view will not affect the
display of the remote List view and vice versa.
Filter settings will remain applied until you reset them or close the
File Transfer window.
To apply a filter to files in the List view
1. Click in the Filter field above the pane whose List view you wish
to filter.
2. To filter by file name, enter the search term followed by *.*. For
example, if you wanted to view all file names beginning with the
letter MKT, then you would type MKT*.* in the Filter text box.
To filter by file type, enter the file extension in the Filter field
(enter *. before the extension type) or click to select from a
list of current file types.
3. Press Enter to apply the filter
NetSupport Manager v14.00
To reset the filter to files in the List view
1. Click the cross in the Filter field above the pane
whose List view you wish to reset.
Changing the View format in the File Transfer
The contents of the List view of the local pane and remote pane can
be displayed in different formats. You can also sort the contents of
the List views in order to make them easier to navigate.
There are three types of view in which you can display the contents of
the List view in a File Transfer window:
Icon view
Displays the files and folders as icons.
Details view
Displays the files and folders as icons.
Note: The column order can be changed by
dragging and dropping the column
Small icon view
Displays the file and folder names only.
By default, the contents of the List view will be displayed in Details
view. You can change the view by clicking the relevant icon in the File
information above the local or remote pane.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Changing the sort orders in a File Transfer window
Typically, the contents of the List views in a File Transfer window can
be sorted into the following orders:
Sort Order
By Name
The contents will be sorted alphanumerically
by file name.
By Type
The contents will be sorted alphanumerically
by file extension. This is not applicable to
drives and folders in the List view.
By File Description
The contents will be sorted according to the file
By Modified Date
The contents will be sorted according to the
date they were last modified.
By Size
The contents will be sorted according to the
size of the file. This is not applicable to drives
and folders in the List view.
Note: You can also specify whether the contents are to be sorted in
ascending or descending order.
To change the sort order
1. Select the appropriate pane (local or remote).
2. Click Sort and select the required option from the list.
When the List view is displayed in Details view, you can click on
the column headings, such as name and description, to sort the
order by an appropriate column heading. Clicking on a column
heading a second time will toggle the order direction. The current
order direction will be indicated by a small arrow on the top of the
column heading. For example, an arrow pointing up indicates the
List is sorted in ascending order.
The order of the columns can be changed by dragging and
dropping the column headers.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Transferring files and folders
NetSupport Manager includes sophisticated File Transfer functionality
that enables you to transfer files to and from a Control and Client
To help improve performance, NetSupport Manager uses Delta
File Transfer technology, meaning that only the changed parts of
a file that may already exist in the destination folder are
transferred. This can prove most useful when updating database
files between two locations where either bandwidth usage or
availability is an issue.
File Transfer functionality can be configured by clicking the
Change the settings for the current Configuration icon
on the caption bar and choosing File Transfer.
While viewing a Client, you can drag and drop files from the
Control Windows Explorer directly to the Client's desktop.
To transfer files between a Control and a Client
1. Select the required Client in the List view.
2. Select the Home or Remote tab in the ribbon and click File
Right-click on the Client icon in the list view and choose File
If you are viewing the Client, select the Tools tab in the View
window ribbon and click the File Transfer icon.
3. The File Transfer window to that Client will open.
4. From the local or remote pane Tree view, select the destination
drive or folder into which the items will be copied.
Note: The path to any open folders (Explorer windows) on the
Client desktop will be displayed at the top of the remote
pane to enable quick selection.
5. From the local or remote List view, select the item(s) to be
copied. To select all files, click the Files icon on the ribbon. To
select all folders, click the Folders icon. If you want to transfer
all files and folders, click the All icon.
Note: NetSupport Manager provides a list of files that the Control
has recently worked with, which can be sent to a Client.
Click Recent Files (the last 20 files are displayed) and
select a file from the list. The file will be copied to the
current folder at the Client.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
6. Click Copy File.
Note: The selected item(s) can also be ‘dragged’ from the List
view and ‘dropped’ into the destination drive or folder.
7. A confirmation dialog will be displayed. Click Yes.
8. The Copy Progress dialog will appear, showing the progress. From
here, you can choose to ignore any error messages and overwrite
prompts until completion. These will then be displayed in a
summary window at the end of the operation.
To transfer files between Clients
1. Display the File Transfer window for each Client.
2. Arrange the File Transfer windows so you can see both Clients
and simply drag files/folders from one to the other.
Note: You can see more of a Clients files and folders by clicking
Window , located above the remote pane.
Managing files and folders
You can easily manage the file and folders you wish to work with
during a File Transfer operation.
To create folders
New folders can be created at the Control or the Client.
1. Select the local or remote Tree view.
2. Select the drive or folder in which the folder you want to create
will appear.
3. Click the Create Folder icon on the ribbon.
4. The Create Folder dialog will be displayed.
5. Enter a name for the folder and click OK.
Add a folder to Favourites
Folders that need to be accessed regularly can be added to the
Favourites folder in the Tree view.
1. Select the required folder in the local or remote pane.
2. Click the Add icon on the ribbon.
3. The folder will appear under Favourites in the Tree view.
To rename a file
1. Select either the local or remote pane List view.
2. Select the file to be renamed.
3. Click the Rename File icon on the ribbon or press F2.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
4. Enter the new name for the file.
5. Press Enter.
Changing file attributes
You may want to change the attributes of a file, for example, to read-
1. Select the file whose attributes you want to view or change.
2. Click the Properties icon on the ribbon.
Right-click and choose Properties.
Select the tab displaying the file name in the ribbon and click
3. The File Properties dialog will appear.
4. Check or clear the attributes you wish to set.
Editing a remote file
You can edit a file on the Client machine at the Control machine and
send the updated version back to the Client.
Note: You can quickly edit a file using NetSupport Manager's internal
text editor by right-clicking the required file and selecting
Quick Edit.
1. Double click the required file in the remote pane.
Select the required file in the remote pane. Click the Open Item
icon on the ribbon to open the file using the default application or
click the drop-down arrow to select an application to open the file
Note: The Open Item icon is not available for certain file types
such as .exe, .cmd and .bat files. You can choose an
application to open these with by right-clicking the file,
selecting Open With and clicking Choose Application.
2. A dialog will appear asking you to confirm that you wish to upload
the file and open it. Click Open.
Note: This dialog won't appear for .bmp, .png, .jpg, .gif, .txt and
.doc file types. You can add to and edit the list of safe file
types in the File Transfer settings (even if .exe, .cmd and
.bat file types are added to the list, you will still be
prompted before you can choose an application to open
3. Make the relevant changes to the file and save and close it.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
4. A prompt will appear. Click Yes to send the updated file to the
Client. You can change the name of the file by entering a new
name in the Save As field. If you click No, the file won't be
copied to the Client and any changes you made will be lost.
Note: You will be advised if the file has changed while you were
editing it. You can choose to save your copy of the file
with a different name, overwrite the remote file at the
Client or cancel and lose any changes you made.
Deleting files and folders
You can delete files and folders from either a Control or Client
To delete a file
1. Select the file you wish to delete.
2. Click the Delete File icon on the ribbon.
3. A confirmation dialog will be displayed. Click Yes.
To delete a folder
1. Select the folder you wish to delete.
2. Click the Delete Folder icon on the ribbon.
3. The Remove Folder dialog will be displayed.
4. Select the Include Contents checkbox.
5. Click Yes.
You cannot remove more than one folder at a time. If you have
several folders selected in the List view when performing the
delete operation, only the last selected folder will be removed.
By default, all files deleted from the local pane will be sent to the
Recycle bin. This can be changed in the File Transfer settings.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Print File Transfer list
The File Transfer window provides an option to print a list of files
from either the local or remote pane. This can be useful if a record of
file transfer operations is required.
You can print a complete folder tree or file list or a selected area.
To print a folder or file list
1. In either the local or remote pane, select the folder tree or
individual file list to be printed.
2. Select the Print icon on the ribbon. The Print Options dialog will
3. Confirm whether you are printing a folder tree or file list and if it
is the full list or selected area. You can also choose to include the
application icon appropriate to each file by checking the Print
Images box.
4. Click OK to print.
Synchronising folders
You can synchronise the contents of selected folders on the Control
and Client. When you synchronise two folders, any new or updated
files in either folder will be automatically copied to the other folder.
To synchronise folders
1. Select the folder from the local pane Tree view to be
synchronised with the Client.
2. Select the folder from the remote pane Tree view to be
synchronised with the Control.
3. Click the Synchronise Folders icon on the ribbon.
4. The Synchronise Folders dialog will be displayed.
5. Check the displayed paths of the two selected folders.
6. Choose to include the subfolders by selecting Include
7. To automatically overwrite newer versions of existing files, select
Overwrite All.
8. Choose OK.
9. A confirmation dialog will be displayed, click Yes.
10. The Folder Synchronisation Progress dialog will be displayed.
11. When completed, the result will be displayed in the Folder
Synchronisation Results dialog.
12. Click OK.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
File Distribution
The File Distribution window
The File Distribution window is used for distributing files to multiple
Clients simultaneously.
The File Distribution window is divided into the following sections:
The caption bar
The caption bar shows which group of Clients this particular File
Distribution window is working with. The following options are
Show or hide the ribbon.
Access the settings for the current configuration.
Shows how many windows are open. From here, you can
access the Window menu.
Access the online help and version number, licensee and
Technical Support information.
The ribbon
The ribbon provides access to all the tasks and tools when working
with a selected file or folder. Positioning the cursor over an icon will
display a brief description of its function.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
The following sections are available in the Home tab of the ribbon:
Enables you to choose a destination folder on the selected Client to
where the files will be sent and prevent the Client folders from
being automatically updated when you change the local folder.
Provides access to the options for working with folders, such as
copy, delete and rename. You must select a folder to work with
before the options become available.
Provides access to the options for working with individual files,
such as copy, delete and rename. This section will only appear
when you have selected a file to work with.
Allows you to select the files and folders in the List view that are to
be transferred.
Enables you to print the content of a selected folder or file list and
access a list of recent files to send to the Clients.
Add or remove the currently selected folder to the Favourites folder
in the Tree view.
When a file or folder is selected, a new tab displaying its properties
will appear. The following sections are available:
View and set the attributes for the selected file or folder.
Provides a summary of the selected file or folder.
From here, you can perform actions such as open, copy, delete or
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
The local pane
The local pane displays a Tree view of the folders of the Control on
the left-hand side and a List view of the contents of those folders on
the right-hand side. Right-click on any item in one of the columns in
the list view and a range of context-sensitive functions become
File information area
The file information area is displayed at the top of the local pane. Use
the arrows to go to the previous, next or parent folder in the Tree
view. Click to select from a list of previously selected folders. The
current folder path will be displayed and you can enter a pathname
here to go directly to a folder. You can filter, sort and choose how to
view the contents of the List view.
The remote pane
The remote pane shows the Clients to whom the files will be
distributed. Right-click on any item in one of the columns in the list
view and a range of context-sensitive functions become available.
Status bar
The status bar shows the number of connected Clients. You can see a
list of all connected Clients by clicking Connected. Right-click to
choose how the Client is displayed in the list.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Distributing files
You can distribute files to
All connected Clients.
Selected Clients.
A pre-defined group of Clients.
Note: To improve performance when distributing files, NetSupport
Manager's Broadcast File Distribution facility is enabled by
default. This results in the files being sent to all machines
simultaneously, thus improving the speed of transfer. If this
feature is turned off, the files are sent to each Client machine
in turn.
Whilst reducing overall network traffic generated by
NetSupport Manager, using this feature will generate
additional broadcast packets on your network. It is
recommended that you consult your network administrator
before using this feature.
File Distribution can be sent to Clients using multicast. The
broadcast will only be sent to machines included in the
specified IP multicast address.
To distribute files to a defined group of Clients
1. Select the group of Clients you wish to distribute files to from the
All Computers folder in the Tree view.
2. Select the Group tab in the ribbon and click File Distribution.
3. The File Distribution window will appear.
4. From the Tree view, select the item(s) to be copied to the Clients.
5. The location on the Client workstations where the files/folders are
copied to is called the destination folder. Unless otherwise
specified, the Client destination folder will be the same as the
item(s) location on the Control workstation. If the Client does not
have the same folder available, the item(s) will be copied to the C
Drive by default and the folders automatically created.
To set a specific destination folder on the Client workstation,
right-click on the Client icon in the remote pane and choose Set
Destination. Specify a destination, click OK.
Note: To set the destination folder for all Clients in the group,
click the Set Destination icon on the ribbon. You can lock
the destination folder at Clients by clicking Lock Folder.
6. Click Copy File.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
To distribute files to a selected number of Clients
1. Open the All Computers, Browse or Active folder in the Tree
2. Select the Tools tab in the ribbon and click File Distribution.
3. The File Distribution window will appear.
4. In the remote pane, indicate which Clients you wish to copy files
to by ensuring a green tick appears beside the Client name (click
this to remove the Client from the file distribution).
5. From the Tree view, select the item(s) to be copied to the Clients.
6. The location on the Client workstations where the files/folders are
copied to is called the destination folder. Unless otherwise
specified, the Client destination folder will be the same as the
item(s) location on the Control workstation. If the Client does not
have the same folder available, the item(s) will be copied to the C
Drive by default and the folders automatically created.
To set a specific destination folder on the Client workstation,
right-click on the Client icon in the remote Pane and choose Set
Destination. Specify a destination, click OK.
Note: To set the destination folder for all Clients in the group,
click the Set Destination icon on the ribbon. You can lock
the destination folder at Clients by clicking Lock Folder.
7. Click Copy File.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
File Manager
The File Manager window
The NetSupport Manager File Manager serves the same purpose as
Microsoft Explorer. Rather than exiting the NetSupport Manager
program and editing the Control workstation, do it from within
NetSupport Manager.
The File Manager window is divided into the following sections:
The caption bar
The caption bar shows that you are in the File Manager window. The
following options are available:
Show or hide the ribbon.
Access the settings for the current configuration.
Shows how many windows are open. From here, you can
access the Window menu.
Access the online help and version number, licensee and
Technical Support information.
The ribbon
The ribbon provides access to all the tasks and tools when working
with a selected file or folder. Positioning the cursor over an icon will
display a brief description of its function.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
The following sections are available in the Home tab of the ribbon:
Provides access to the options for working with folders, such as
copy, delete and rename. You must select a folder to work with
before the options become available.
Provides access to the options for working with individual files,
such as copy, delete and rename. This section will only appear
when you have selected a file to work with.
Allows you to select the files and folders in the List view.
Enables you to print the content of a selected folder or file list.
Add or remove the currently selected folder to the Favourites folder
in the Tree view.
When a file or folder is selected, a new tab displaying its properties
will appear. The following sections are available:
View and set the file attributes for the selected file or folder.
Provides a summary of the selected file or folder.
From here, you can perform actions such as, open, copy, delete or
The local pane
The local pane displays a Tree view of the folders of the Control on
the left-hand side and a List view of the contents of those folders on
the right-hand side. Right-click on any item in one of the columns in
the list view and a range of context-sensitive functions becomes
File information area
The file information area is displayed at the top of the local pane. Use
the arrows to go to the previous, next or parent folder in the Tree
NetSupport Manager v14.00
view. Click to select from a list of previously selected folders. The
current folder path will be displayed and you can enter a pathname
here to go directly to a folder. You can filter, sort and choose how to
view the contents of the List view.
Status bar
The status bar shows the number of connected Clients. You can see a
list of all connected Clients by clicking Connected (clicking a Client
name opens a File Transfer window for them). Right-click to choose
how the Client is displayed in the list.
Managing files on the Control workstation
You can manage files on a Control workstation using the File Manager
window. This is similar to the File Transfer window but only displays
the contents of the Control workstation.
To display the File Manager window, select the Tools tab in the ribbon
and click File Manager.
The Tree view
To select a drive or folder in the Tree view, simply click on it. The
contents of the selected item will then be displayed in the List
view (on the right).
If the selected drive or folder contains subfolders that are not
displayed, the following icon will be displayed to the left of the
To expand the contents of a drive or folder so that its subfolders
are visible in the Tree view, either double click on the drive or on
the folder, or click on the icon to the left of the drive or folder
you wish to expand.
The List view
To select an item in the List view, simply click on it.
To select multiple items in the List view:
If the items are adjacent to one another, select the first item,
hold down the Shift key and then select the last item.
If the items are not adjacent to one another, then select the
first item, then hold down the Control key and select each of
the other items.
If all files and/or folders are required, click All in the ribbon.
To select all files, click Files and to select all folders, click
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
When a file or folder has been selected, the icons on the ribbon will
become active, allowing you to perform actions such as open, copy,
delete or rename. A new tab will also appear in the ribbon displaying
its properties, and from here, you can view and edit the attributes
and work with the file or folder.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Control/Client Chat sessions
NetSupport Manager allows you to ‘Chat’ to any number of connected
Clients simultaneously via a scrolling text window.
1. Select the Clients or group of Clients you want to chat to in the
List view. If you do not select a Client icon, all connected Clients
will be included.
2. Select the Remote tab in the ribbon and click Chat.
Right-click on an individual Client and choose Chat.
If you want to chat to a group of Clients, select the required
group in the Tree view and click Chat in the Group tab in the
ribbon or right-click the group and select Chat.
3. The Create Discussion dialog will appear.
The dialog has the following options:
If required, enter a title or description for the subject to be
discussed in the Chat session. This will appear in the Title bar of
the Chat window that is displayed at the Client machines. If left
blank, the Control name will appear.
Members can decline to join
If checked, a message will appear at the Clients machine inviting
them to join the Chat session. They can choose to join or decline.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Members can’t leave the chat
If checked, the option for Clients to leave the Chat session will be
Chat Window is always visible
If checked, the Chat window remains on the Clients desktop for
the duration of the Chat session. Members cannot minimise the
To exclude a Client from the Chat session, remove the green tick
next to the Clients name.
Click OK to start the Chat session.
4. The Chat window will appear on the Control and Client
The Chat window
This window is displayed at each participating members machine and
lists the progress of the Chat session.
Unless the option is disabled in the Create Discussion dialog, Clients
can choose to leave the session.
The following options are available from the Chat window:
Chat Menu
The content of a Chat session can be stored for future reference.
Choose Save to create a file containing the text or choose Copy to
be able to paste the Chat content into another application or file.
Should the Chat members not respond, you can send an audible beep
to each workstation by selecting Send Beep. (The Client can also do
this from their Chat window.) You can configure the Client and
Control workstations to play the beep through either the PCs internal
speaker, the default, or via the installed sound card to speakers
attached to the PC. Select Client Configuration - Client Settings or
Control Configuration - Settings.
Window Menu
Only the Control’s Chat window will have a window drop-down menu.
This menu enables you to swap between opened screens or Tile
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Chat Progress
The main body of the Chat window is used to record the progress of a
Chat session. It holds details of members who have joined or left the
discussion, as well as the messages that have been sent by each
This is where you type your comments. Type the message and hit
Enter or click Send.
Auto Send
Each message is restricted to 128 characters. Check this box to
automatically send the message when the limit is reached.
Ends the Chat session.
Members currently included in the Chat session are listed here. The
Control can add or remove Clients from the Chat session as required.
Unless disabled, Clients have the option to leave the session of their
own accord.
The Chat Properties dialog is initially used to select the Clients to
include/exclude from the Chat session. To add Clients when the Chat
session is in progress, click Invite. The Add Members dialog will
appear, select the required Clients and click Add. You can send a
copy of the Chat progress to new members by checking the Send
discussion history box.
Note: Clients that have been removed or have decided to leave the
Chat session can be invited back.
To remove Clients from the Chat session, select the Client in the
Members list and click Eject. Ejected Clients can be invited back into
the session if required.
Note: Clients can initiate Chat sessions with the Control by opening
the Client information window and clicking the Chat icon.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Disable Chat sessions
The Chat feature can be disabled in a Client’s configuration,
preventing either the Client or Control from initiating a Chat session.
To prevent the Control from initiating a Chat session
1. At the required Client workstation(s), choose NetSupport
Manager Configurator from the NetSupport Manager Program
group. The NetSupport Client Configurator will appear.
2. Select Advanced and choose the profile to amend.
3. Select Security - Access Privileges.
4. Check the Disable Chat option.
5. Click OK.
6. Save the profile and restart the Client.
If the Control attempts to open a Chat session, they will be advised
that they do not have access rights to perform the task at that Client.
Note: To prevent the Control from chatting to all Clients, disable the
feature in the Control configuration. Click the Profiles icon
on the caption bar, select the required configuration and
select Settings. In the Settings for Configuration dialog,
select Control Interface - Functions and check the Disable
Chat option.
To prevent the Client from initiating a Chat session
1. At the required Client workstation(s), choose NetSupport
Manager Configurator from the NetSupport Manager Program
group. The NetSupport Client Configurator will appear.
2. Select Advanced and choose the profile to amend.
3. Select Client Interface - Client Settings.
4. Check the Disable Chat option.
5. Click OK.
6. Save the profile and restart the Client.
The Chat option will be unavailable at the Client.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Sending messages to Clients
With NetSupport Manager, you can send a message to an individual
Client, a group of Clients or all Clients on the network.
To send a message
1. Select the required Client in the List view.
2. Select the Remote tab and click Send a message.
Select the Desktop tab in the ribbon and click Broadcast
Select the tab in the ribbon displaying the Client's name and click
Send a message.
Right-click and choose Message.
3. The Message dialog will appear. Choose whether to send the
message to all available Clients, all connected Clients or only the
currently selected Client(s). Enter the message and decide
whether to show it at Client PCs for a specified time.
4. Click Send.
The message will be displayed in a dialog at the Client screens and
will remain until the user closes the dialog or the specified time limit
expires. In addition to the message itself, a customised title can be
included. This is set in the Control configuration. Click the Change
the settings for the current Configuration icon on the caption
bar and select General.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Dealing with help requests
NetSupport Manager allows a user at a Client workstation to request
help from a specified Control workstation.
If a Control’s List view has been set to Details view and customised to
display help messages, a Client's help request message will be
immediately displayed in the List view. The Help Requests folder in
the Tree view will also be highlighted.
NetSupport Manager also allows you to configure a Control's help
request warning settings and availability.
To adjust a Controls help request warning settings
1. Click the Change the settings for the current Configuration
icon on the caption bar.
2. Select Control Interface - Help Requests.
3. In the 'When a Help Request Arrives' section, there are three
additional warnings that a Control can choose to receive when a
Client sends a help request:
Have the Client selected in the List view.
Display an independent help request message on the
Control’s screen.
Play a sound when a help request message arrives.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
To adjust a Control’s help request availability
A Control can also choose to be in one of three states of availability to
receive Clients help requests.
1. Click the Change the settings for the current Configuration
icon on the caption bar.
2. Select Control Interface - Help Requests.
3. In the 'Control Status’ section, a Control can choose from the
following three settings:
Available to take all help requests.
Unavailable to take any help requests.
Busy at the moment (ensure that you specify the number of
Clients you wish to be connected to, in order to be considered
Note: When browsing for Clients, Controls have the option to browse
only for Clients who have requested help.
To clear a help request
Once a help request has been dealt with, you can clear this. A Client
can also clear previous help requests from the Request Help dialog.
1. Select the Help Requests folder in the Tree view.
2. Right-click on the required Client's request and select Clear
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Capturing a Client’s printed output
Print capture redirects printer output from a local printer at the Client
to the printer, PDF/XPS document or file at the Control. You would
use this when running an application on a Client but want any printed
output redirected to the printer that is local to you.
To redirect a Clients print output
1. Click the Profiles icon on the caption bar.
2. Select appropriate configuration.
3. Click Settings.
4. Select Remote Control Print Capture.
5. Check the Enable Print Capture checkbox.
6. Choose to send the Clients printer output to a PDF/XPS
document and whether to automatically print this.
Select a printer to redirect the Clients output to. The default
printer will be displayed. Click Change to select another printer.
Select a file to capture the print file to.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Note: In addition to enabling this option at the Control, you also
need to ensure that print capture is enabled in the Clients
configuration. The privileges are enabled by default.
Remote clipboard
During a View session, you can copy the content of the clipboard
between Control and Client PCs.
The Clipboard section on the Home tab of the View window ribbon
provides the following options:
Used when copying from the Control to a Client and using the
{Edit}{Cut/Copy} menu option.
Used when copying from the Client to the Control and using the
{Edit}{Cut/Copy} menu option.
Auto Clipboard
When enabled, provides the quickest method for copying data. Use
the shortcut keys (Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V) to automatically copy to and
from the clipboard at both the Control and Client machines.
Sending the content of the clipboard from a Control to a Client
1. View the required Client.
2. Open appropriate applications on the Client and Control
3. Select and copy the required data from the application at the
If Auto Clipboard is enabled using Ctrl+C copies the data
directly to the clipboard.
If you have used {Edit}{Cut/Copy}, return to the Client's View
window and click the Send icon on the ribbon.
4. To paste the data at the Client application, choose {Edit} from
the Client Application drop-down menu, select Paste.
Use the shortcut keys (Ctrl+V) to paste the data.
Sending the content of the clipboard from a Client to a Control
1. View the required Client.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
2. Open appropriate applications on the Client and Control
3. Copy the required data from the application at the Client as
above but, if using menu options rather than the shortcut keys,
click the Retrieve icon on the ribbon.
4. Return to the Control application and paste the data using the
appropriate menu options or the shortcut keys (Ctrl+V).
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Integration with Explorer
NetSupport Manager integrates directly with Windows Explorer,
allowing you to launch key functionality directly from your system
without needing to first start the NetSupport Manager Control.
By selecting a PC icon from within Network Places/Neighbourhood,
you can establish a remote session and perform a range of common
The functionality is only available if the NetSupport Manager
Control component is installed.
A remote control session will only be established if the target
machine is running a NetSupport Manager Client and the Client
name is set to the default machine name.
To use NetSupport Manager functionality from within Explorer
1. Open Explorer from your desktop and navigate to Network
Places/Neighbourhood to find the list of available PCs.
2. Right-click on the required PC.
3. Select the appropriate NetSupport Manager function. You can
To view the selected Client screen.
To open a Chat session with the selected
To retrieve a full hardware/software inventory
of the selected PC.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
To disable NetSupport Manager functionality
If required, NetSupport Manager Explorer functionality can be
disabled in the Control Configurator.
1. Click the Profiles icon on the caption bar.
2. Select the Control profile to apply the changes to.
3. Choose Settings.
4. In the Settings for Configuration dialog, select Control Interface
5. Select the Disable Shell Extension option.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Remote Command Prompt
By launching the Command Prompt window, a Control can remotely
execute command line instructions at a connected Client.
1. Connect to the required Client.
2. Select the Home or Remote tab in the ribbon and click Remote
Right-click on the Client icon and select Remote Command
Select the tab displaying the Client's name in the ribbon and click
Remote Command.
3. The Remote Command Prompt window will appear.
The window is divided into the following sections:
The caption bar
The caption bar shows the name of the Client the Remote
Command Prompt window is open for. Clicking the Client name
brings up a Remote Management pane, and from here, you can
see details of the Client and perform a variety of functions.
By default, the Client name, wireless and battery indicators (if
applicable) and security status (shows if TLS or encryption are
enabled or not) are displayed on the caption bar. You can
customise what is displayed and choose to show the Client's
logged-on user name, IP address, operating system, enclosure
type and location by right-clicking the Client name.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Note: Changing the Client display options here will also change
them on the quick access bar, connected Clients list on the
status bar and when zooming into thumbnails.
The following options are available:
Show or hide the ribbon.
Shows how many windows are open. From here, you can
access the Window menu.
Access the online help and version number, licensee,
Technical Support and compression information.
The ribbon
A range of tools is available via the ribbon, enabling you, for
example, to clear the output window and change the displayed
Output/results pane
Shows the results of the command that has been run at the
Input pane
This is where you enter the commands to run at the Client and
can be resized if required. While the window is open, each
command is stored by the Control -enabling you to recall previous
instructions that you may wish to run again. Either scroll through
the entries using the up and down arrow keys and press Enter
when the required command is displayed or press F7 to show all
commands in a window. Click on the required command and press
A maximum of 50 commands is stored. To clear the history, press
F8. Once the Control closes the Remote Command window the
history is cleared automatically.
Status bar
The status bar shows the number of connected Clients. You can
see a list of all connected Clients by clicking Connected (clicking
a Client name opens a Remote Command Prompt window for
them). Right-click to choose how the Client is displayed in the list.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
PowerShell window
A PowerShell window can be launched, allowing a Control to execute
PowerShell commands at Clients.
Note: PowerShell will not be available for Clients running versions
prior to NetSupport Manager 12.50.
1. Connect to the required Clients.
2. Select the Home or Remote tab in the ribbon and click
If launching a PowerShell at an individual Client, right-click the
Client icon and select PowerShell or select the tab displaying the
Client's name in the ribbon and click PowerShell.
If launching a PowerShell at a group of Clients, select the
required group in the Tree view and click PowerShell in the
Group tab in the ribbon or right-click the group and select
3. The PowerShell window will appear.
The window is divided into the following sections:
The caption bar
The caption bar shows the name of the Client the PowerShell
window is open for (or the currently selected Client if the
PowerShell is for multiple Clients). Clicking the Client name brings
up a Remote Management pane, and from here, you can see
details of the Client and perform a variety of functions.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
By default, the Client name, wireless and battery indicators (if
applicable) and security status (shows if TLS or encryption are
enabled or not) are displayed on the caption bar. You can
customise what is displayed and choose to show the Client's
logged-on user name, IP address, operating system, enclosure
type and location by right-clicking the Client name.
Note: Changing the Client display options here will also change
them on the quick access bar, connected Clients list on
the status bar and when zooming into thumbnails.
The following options are available:
Show or hide the ribbon.
Shows how many windows are open. From here, you
can access the Window menu.
Access the online help and version number, licensee,
Technical Support and compression information.
The ribbon
A range of tools is available via the ribbon, enabling you, for
example, to change the displayed font. If the PowerShell is
launched at multiple Clients, they will be listed in the Clients
pane, allowing you to easily access the required Client session.
When a PowerShell is launched at multiple Clients, if any sessions
report an error or there are any differences between them, you
will be notified in the Errors and Differences sections in the
ribbon. An indicator will appear advising how many errors or
differences there are and you can scroll through these and clear
them when required.
Input/output pane
This is where you enter the commands to run at the Client(s) and
the results are displayed.
While the window is open, each command is stored by the Control
- enabling you to recall previous instructions that you may wish
to run again. Either scroll through the entries using the up and
down arrow keys and press Enter when the required command is
displayed or press F7 to show all commands in a window. Click
on the required command and press Enter.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Status bar
The status bar shows the number of connected Clients and any
errors or differences between multiple Client sessions. You can
see a list of all connected Clients by clicking Connected (clicking
a Client name opens a PowerShell window for them). Right-click
to choose how the Client is displayed in the list.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Using the Client
In this chapter
How the remote user can interact with a connected Control.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
The Client Information window
When a Client double clicks the NetSupport Manager Client icon in
their system tray, the Client Information window appears.
The Client Information window has three modes: full screen, small
screen and connected.
Full screen
The Client is provided with an overview of their system and user
details and the NetSupport Manager licence details. From here, the
Client can:
Create or enter a PIN code
View Replay Files that are stored on the Client computer
View an inventory of the Client
Request help from the Control.
Small screen
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
If the Client does not wish to view all their system information and
licence details, they can click the icon at the bottom of the window
to switch to small screen mode. The Client will still be able to create
and enter a PIN code, view Replay Files and inventory and request
help from the Control. Click the icon to switch back to full screen
This mode will be displayed when a Control is connected to a Client.
From here, the Client can see details of the Control that is connected
to them. They also have the option to disconnect from the Control or
chat with the Control.
Note: You can configure the items that are displayed in the Client
Information window in the Client settings section of the
NetSupport Manager Client Configurator.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Disconnecting from a Control
When a Control is connected to a Client, the Client can choose to
Note: This option can be disabled at the Client in the Client settings
section of the NetSupport Manager Client Configurator.
To disconnect from a Control
1. Double-click the NetSupport Manager Client icon in the system
2. The Client Information window will appear.
3. Click the Disconnect icon.
4. A dialog box will appear, listing the Controls to which you are
currently connected.
5. Select the Control(s) from which you want to disconnect.
6. Choose OK to disconnect from the selected Control.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Raising a help request
NetSupport Manager allows a user at a Client workstation to request
help from a designated Control workstation.
To request help at the Client
1. Double-click the NetSupport Manager Client icon in the system
tray and click Request Help.
Press the hotkeys, usually ALT+LSHIFT+RSHIFT.
2. This opens the Request Help dialog into which Clients type their
name and help request message.
3. Clients can also choose to cancel their previous help request by
clicking Cancel Previous Request.
4. Clients then click OK.
If a Control is connected when a Client sends a help request, the Help
Request folder will be highlighted, notifying the Control. If the Control
is not connected, its Help Request folder will be highlighted the next
time it connects to that Client.
Chatting to a Control workstation
When a Client is connected to a Control, they can initiate a chat
To initiate a Chat session
1. Double-click the NetSupport Manager Client icon in the system
2. The Client Information window will appear.
3. Click the Chat icon.
4. The Chat window will appear.
5. Type the message and press Enter or click Send.
6. If you need to alert the Control user that you have initiated a
Chat session, choose {Chat}{Send Beep} from the Chat window
drop-down menu.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Receiving messages from a Control workstation
Client workstations can receive messages from Control workstations.
These messages are automatically displayed on a Client’s screen in a
message box.
The message box’s title bar includes the name of the Control that has
sent the message, along with the date and time the message was
Having read the message sent by a Control, click OK to remove the
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Configuring the Client
In this chapter
How to use the Client Configurator.
Whether you want to secure the Client against unwanted
connections or prevent Control users from performing certain
tasks at selected Clients, NetSupport Manager provides a vast
range of configuration options that can be set at individual
Client level.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Configuring the Client
NetSupport Manager Clients are configured using the NetSupport
Configurator. This makes all the required changes to and sets up the
initialisation commands.
The configurator is started from the NetSupport Configurator icon in
the NetSupport Manager Program group. This will display the initial
Client Configuration dialog.
You can also load the configurator from the command line by entering
the appropriate parameters. For example, c:\program
files\netsupport\netsupport manager\pcicfgui.exe. If NetSupport
School components have been installed, you can load the NetSupport
School Client Configurator by entering, “c:\program files\netsupport\
netsupport manager\pcicfgui.exe” /s.
Note: When performing a custom installation, the Configurator
component must have been selected for this option to be
The Client Configurator enables you to set all the possible options for
the Client. It also enables you to test the network to ensure that the
network stack that you are attaching the Client to is installed and
operating correctly.
You can run the configurator in two modes, basic or advanced. Some
of the options are accessible in both modes.
Basic Client configuration
Basic configuration is used for standard settings such as the Client
name, the transports that it will use and simple security such as a
password before a Control will be allowed to connect to the Client.
Note: Basic Client configurations can also be set as part of the
NetSupport Manager installation process.
Choose this option if:
You are using the Client Configurator for the first time.
You only wish to set simple security and configuration options.
You do not need to create multiple profiles for different Control
users who might connect to this workstation.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Note: Do not use the Basic option if you have set up multiple
profiles using the Advanced option, as this will also change
the master profile in the Advanced Configuration.
Advanced Client configuration
The Advanced option provides access to NetSupport Manager’s
wealth of configuration and security options. It lets you tailor the
response of the Client to different Control users who may access the
workstation and provides links to areas such as NT Security.
Note: When performing a custom installation, the Configurator
component must have been selected for this option to be
Choose this option if:
You are an experienced user.
You need the Client to react differently depending on which
Control user is connecting.
You wish to enable/disable individual features.
You want to link to NT Security.
You want to restrict a Control user’s access to specific drives,
folders or files.
Note: Any changes you make to the master profile in the Advanced
option will overwrite any setting that you have made using
the Basic option.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Editing or creating configuration files
Choosing the Advanced option from the Client Configurator creates
configuration files. This will display the Advanced Configuration
The default configuration file is called Client32u.ini and is stored in
the NetSupport Manager installation directory of the Client
workstation. You can use either this file or a different file on a server
to which the Client has access.
The default configuration file for Clients pre-v12.50 is called
Once created, a configuration file can also be remotely deployed
to multiple Client machines simultaneously using the NetSupport
Manager Deploy utility.
To create a new configuration file
1. Choose NetSupport Manager Configurator from the
NetSupport Manager Program group. The NetSupport Manager
Client Configurator will appear.
2. Choose Advanced. The NetSupport Manager Client Configurator
will appear.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
3. Choose {File}{New} from the Advanced Configuration window
drop-down menu.
4. A new file will be created with a default master profile.
To open the default or an existing configuration file
1. Choose {File}{Open} from the Advanced Configuration window
drop-down menu.
2. Select the configuration file you want and click Open.
To set the configuration file the Client will use
The configuration file that the Client uses when it initialises can be on
the same workstation or on another workstation or server to which
that workstation has access. Multiple Clients can share the same
configuration file for ease of administration. The configuration file to
use is set by choosing {Profiles}{Client Parameters} from the
Advanced Configuration drop-down menu.
To set the Client name
1. Choose {Profiles}{Client Parameters} and insert a Client name.
Note: The Client name is separate from the configuration file and is
stored on the local workstation. Make sure that you do not
choose the same Client name as is used on another
workstation. Setting the Client name to be an asterisk is a
useful strategy, as the Client name will then be set to be the
same as the computer name. The computer name should
always be unique.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
To create a new profile
1. Open or create the configuration file you want to use.
2. Choose {Profile}{Add} from the Advanced Configuration window
drop-down menu.
3. Enter the name for the profile.
Note: You can combine profiles from other configuration files by
choosing the Include File option. This is useful where you
are using configuration files on the local workstation but want
to include information stored on a central configuration file or
vice versa. For example, if the local workstation was using a
different NetBIOS adapter number. Each profile contains a
number of property sheets where the actual parameters are
To edit an existing profile
1. Open or create the configuration file you want the Client to use.
2. Select the profile you want to edit.
3. Choose {Profile}{Edit} from the Advanced Configuration window
drop-down menu.
4. Edit the profile.
Note: If you leave the checkboxes greyed, the settings from the
master profile will be used.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Basic Client configuration
For use in a simple environment where you do not require the Client
to react differently according to the Control user connecting to it and
do not need to enable/disable individual functions.
To open the Basic Client Configurator
1. Open your NetSupport Manager Program folder by choosing
{Start}{Programs}{NetSupport Manager}{NetSupport Manager
Double click the Configurator icon in the NetSupport Manager
2. Select Basic. The Basic Client Configurator covers three areas:
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Advanced Client configuration
The NetSupport Manager Client is exceptionally configurable and
supports the ability to set differing levels of security and response
according to the identity of the Control user that is connecting. This is
achieved by the use of configuration files at the Client, which
determine the appropriate level of access for each Control user by
means of a profile.
Configuration file
A configuration file is a text file consisting of sections called profiles.
You can specify the configuration file that the Client will use when it
initialises. The configuration files themselves are stored in a check-
summed file, normally Client32u.ini.
Note: Clients pre-v12.50 will use a configuration file called
This file can be either on the Client workstation or on another
workstation (such as a server) to which the Client workstation has
access. You can even set the Client to use a fallback configuration file
if the server is unavailable.
A profile is a set of parameters that determines how the Client will
respond to a particular Control user and what functionality it will
allow that Control user to have.
For example, one Control user may be allowed to view the Client in
watch-only mode, while another may be allowed full functionality,
including File Transfer. You can even set up the profile to pre-
determine exactly what file access a Control user will have.
A profile set at the Client overrides a profile set at the Control.
Security is, therefore, always ensured.
When connecting to a profiled Client, the Control user will be
prompted for a user ID and a password. The NetSupport Manager
Client will then interrogate the first matching profile in its current
configuration file to determine what level of functionality has been
assigned to that Control user.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Master profile
Each configuration file must contain a master profile. This is the
standard profile and is the one used if you only set a basic
configuration. Whatever is set here will, by default, apply to all other
profiles you create.
However, you can then amend those profiles to enable or disable
particular features for Control users whose user ID and password
match those set in the profile.
As the master profile is the first one that the Client checks, you
should always set maximum security features here to avoid leaving a
security back door open.
The master profile is also used for setting a number of global
parameters that apply across all individual profiles.
Individual profile
An individual profile allows you to enable or disable individual
features for a particular Control user or group of Control users. When
they connect, the Client will prompt them for a user name and
password. It will then search its internal profiles until it finds a match
and then apply the settings to the subsequent Control session.
Note: For further information on creating and applying profiles, click
The advanced Client Configurator covers seven areas:
Remote Control
Client Interface
Profile Options
Terminal Services
Note: A search bar is provided at the top of the window, allowing you
to locate the settings you're looking for. Type in the search
bar (you can enter a full or partial term) and click . Any
sections containing the search term will be highlighted. Click
to close the search.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Connectivity options
The Connectivity options are used to set which protocols the
transport will allow a Control to connect to it by. The NetSupport
Manager Client supports multiple protocols meaning that you can set
it to respond to NetSupport Manager Controls whether they are
talking over TCP/IP, IPX or NetBIOS. You can also configure the Client
for remote communication via a modem or establish a connection
through a NetSupport Gateway. The Gateway provides a method for
connecting via HTTP and delivers web-based remote control without
the need for modifications to existing Firewall configurations. You can
also configure the Client to use the PIN Server, enabling you to
connect to Clients using the PIN Connect feature.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Set TCP/IP connection
Check this option if you wish the Client to be able to communicate
over TCP/IP.
The TCP/IP protocol requires that a port number be allocated for
applications to communicate through. To enable the Control to
communicate with a Client and for the Client to receive the incoming
request, the default registered port for NetSupport Manager is 5405.
Select IP Address to Listen on:
This option can prove useful for preventing unwanted connections
when the Client has multiple network cards installed, for example,
when both a public and private network are used. You can force
connections on the required network by specifying the IP address that
the Client uses to listen for incoming Control connections.
Multicast address:
This is the IP multicast address that the Client is listening on.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Click Test to check that the protocol is correctly installed on this
Changing the port could interfere with other TCP/IP applications.
If you are using routers, you must ensure that they are
configured to pass through data using this port.
To enable Clients to initiate a connection to the Control, the
default registered port is 5421.
Set IPX connection
Check this option if you wish the Client to be able to communicate
over IPX/SPX.
Click Test to check that the protocol is correctly installed on this
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Set NetBIOS connection
Select this option if you wish the Client to be able to communicate
over NetBIOS/NetBEUI. If you are using NetBIOS, you must also
select a NetBIOS adapter number.
Click Test to check that the protocol is correctly installed on this
Adapters (select one or more)
As you can have more than one NetBIOS stack loaded, Windows uses
the concept of adapter numbers. Each stack is allocated an adapter
number by the operating system. So, for example, NetBEUI may be
allocated adapter 1, NetBIOS over TCP, adapter 2 and so on.
By default, the Client uses adapter number 0. Depending on how your
network is configured, this may not be the correct adapter number
for your workstation. To overcome this, you must select the required
stack from the list.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Note: NetSupport Manager allows you to select multiple NetBIOS
adapters. Make sure only the ones you want are selected. If
changing the selected adapter, you must first deselect the
existing or default adapter number.
Set HTTP connection
This option enables you to configure the Client to accept connections
via a NetSupport Gateway. (For more information see, Connecting to
Clients/Controls via a NetSupport Gateway)
Check this option to enable the Client to communicate over HTTP.
Require HTTPS
Select this option to require a secure connection over HTTPS. The
Gateway must have an SSL/TLS certificate and a public DNS name.
Note: You can apply an SSL/TLS certificate at the Gateway in the
NetSupport Connectivity Server utility - Security tab.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Gateway Address:
Enter the IP address of the workstation where the NetSupport
Gateway component is installed.
Secondary Gateway (optional):
If required, enter the IP address of the secondary Gateway.
NetSupport Manager’s default port for HTTP communications is 443.
Note: In version 9.10, port 443 was introduced as the default for
HTTP communications, 3085 being used previously. Gateway
settings will be preserved for existing customers who
subsequently upgrade, enabling 3085 to continue to be used,
but there may be scenarios when upgraded Controls and
Clients will need the HTTP port manually reconfiguring to
ensure operability.
Gateway Key:
The key set here must also be set at the Control and match the key
that has been configured in the Gateway itself. This provides
additional security that enables Control users to connect only if they
have specified the same key as at the Client.
CMPI (secs):
You can override the CMPI that is set at a Gateway by entering a
value here. By default, the CMPI is set to 60 secs at the Gateway.
Use a proxy server to connect to the Gateway
NetSupport Manager can be configured to route communications
through a proxy server if required. Enter the server address and an
appropriate port, 8080 recommended.
Note: This option only applies to Windows 8 machines and earlier.
Windows 8.1 and above machines use automatic proxy
configured in Windows Settings.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
PIN Server
Configure the PIN Server so Clients can connect using the PIN
Connect feature.
PIN Server
PIN Server Address
Enter the IP address of the workstation where the PIN Server is
The default port number for the PIN Server is 443.
Use a proxy server to connect to the PIN Server (Windows 8.0
and earlier)
Select this option if you are using a proxy server to connect to the
PIN Server. Enter the server address and port number for the proxy
Note: This option only applies to Windows 8 machines and earlier.
Windows 8.1 and above machines use automatic proxy
configured in Windows Settings.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Copy settings from Gateway
If you are using a NetSupport Gateway, you can use the same
settings for the PIN Server. Select Copy and the Gateway address
and port will be used.
Dial in Bridge settings
This option is used to set up dial-in NetSupport Manager links either
to this workstation or to any NetSupport Manager Client on the same
LAN as this one.
By default, NetSupport Manager is set to have no transport for the
Bridge selected. Choose to use NetBIOS, IPX or TCP/IP protocols for
NetSupport Manager Bridge.
Bridge Options
Load Bridge on Startup
Setting this option will cause the NetSupport Manager Bridge to
initialise when the Client loads. If you do not set it, then the user at
the Client must load it manually from the menu on the NetSupport
Manager Client before dial-in access will be available.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Inactivity Timeout
Specify, in minutes, a maximum time span of inactivity at the Bridge
before the Control disconnects.
Dialback File
You can set up the Bridge to support both passwords and dial-back
with the additional functionality of dialling back different telephone
numbers according to the password.
You must select a modem from the list of modems installed in the
Control Panel of the workstation for the Bridge to use.
Dual Channel Bonding
If enabled, both channels of your ISDN line are combined, thus
increasing the amount of available bandwidth to 128k. However, in
increasing the speed of transmission, you are, in effect, making two
MSN (Multiple Subscriber Number)
Specify a number that you want the Bridge to accept incoming
connections from. Depending on the channels in use, you need only
specify the trailing digit(s). For example, if the ISDN lines in use are
0181 123456 and 0181 123457, specify 6 or 7.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Advanced setting
Tickle period
While a Control is connected, the Client sends tickle packets to the
Control to verify that it is still “alive”. You can disable tickle packets
for ISDN links but be aware that the Client may not detect that the
Control has disconnected unexpectedly.
The normal period between tickle packets is 18 seconds but you can
increase or decrease this value. Setting this to zero disables tickle
packets entirely.
Auto configure for XP SP2 firewall
Enabled by default, this ensures that the NetSupport Manager Control
and Client continue to function for those users who are using XP
Service Pack 2.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Security options
These options are used to set security at the Client.
General settings
These are used to set passwords to protect the Client configuration
and to prevent unauthorised access to the Client.
Client Name
Each NetSupport Manager Client on the network requires a unique
name. You can either set a name of your own choosing or use an
asterisk to default the Client name to be the same as the workstation
You need to be logged in as an administrator to change the Client
If setting the Client name in Advanced Configuration, choose
{Profiles}{Client Parameters} from the Advanced Configuration
window drop-down menu.
For NetSupport Manager’s Integration with Explorer feature to
work, the Client name must remain set to the default machine
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Configurator Password
As an extra level of security, you can associate a password with a
configuration file. This prevents unauthorised amendment of this
Client’s configuration. When the Configurator is next started, the user
must enter the required password before being able to change any
Client parameters in this configuration file. Choose Set to set your
Client Password
This helps to protect the Client from unauthorised access from a
NetSupport Manager Control. The Control user will be required to
enter the password before obtaining access to the Client.
Client Security Key
Provides additional security that enables Control users to connect
only if the Control has the same security key as the Client. Optionally,
this can be set as the serial number. You must set the security key at
both the Client and the Control.
Quiet Mode (Client not visible on taskbar)
Hides the Client icon on the taskbar.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Access Privileges (basic)
This option can be used to limit the range of remote control options
that are available to the Control user.
User Acknowledgement Required
Prevents access to the Client unless a user is present. The user at the
Client will have to accept the request to connect before access is
Note: To enhance security, from NetSupport Manager version 14.02,
user acknowledgement is enabled by default on all new
installations. If you are upgrading to version 14.02, your
previous settings will apply.
Disable File Transfer
This prevents a Control user from being able to transfer files to and
from the Client. The Control user will not be able to copy, view or
otherwise manipulate files on the Client using the NetSupport
Manager Control File Transfer options.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Disable Execute
This prevents a Control user from remotely executing applications at
the Client from within the Control program. They can still start
applications on the Client while remote controlling the workstation.
Disable Remote Registry Access
Stops a Control user from remotely managing and editing the registry
of Clients.
Watch Only
Enables the Control user to be able to view the screen of the Client
workstation but prevents them from being able to enter keystrokes or
mouse movements.
Disable Receive Show
Prevents the Client workstation from being able to display a Show
sent by a NetSupport Manager Control.
Disable Remote Reboot
This prevents a Control user from being able to reboot the Client
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Access Privileges (advanced)
This option can be used to limit the range of remote control options
that is available to the Control user.
Disable Watch
Prevents a Control from viewing the Client. File Transfer, scripting
and other functions are still available.
Disable Share
Allows a Control to view a Client in Watch-only mode.
Disable Control
Prevents a Control from being able to lock out the Client’s keyboard
and mouse.
Disable File Transfer
Disables File Transfer to and from the Client in all circumstances.
Disable Execute
This prevents a Control user from remotely executing applications at
the Client from within the Control program. They can still start
applications using the standard remote control functions.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Disable Reboot
Disables the ability of the Control user to reboot the Client
workstation from within the Control window. You can still reboot while
remote controlling.
Disable Shutdown Client
Prevents the user at the Control from being able to shut down the
Client program from a script.
Disable Chat
Prevents the Control from initiating a Chat session with the Client.
However, Clients can still open a Chat session with the Control via the
Disable File Transfer when no User is Logged on
Disables File Transfer when no user is logged on. This means that the
Control user would have to log on with their own user ID if they have
a valid user ID and password for this workstation to use File Transfer.
Disable Remote Command Prompt
Prevents the Control from being able to run command line
instructions at the Client.
Disable PowerShell
Prevents the Control from being able to open a PowerShell session at
the Client.
Disable Blank Screen
Prevents the Control user from being able to blank the Client screen.
Note: This feature is only available on Clients running Windows 10
v2004 and above (legacy support is provided for Clients
running Windows 8 and below).
Disable Ctl+Alt+Del
Ignore Ctrl+Alt+Delete sent from the menu option in the Control
Disable Logoff
Prevents the Control user from being able to log off from the Client
workstation via the Logout option in the Control window. You can
still log off while remote controlling.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Disable Clipboard Access
Prevents the Control user from being able to use the remote
Ignore Messages
Ignores messages sent by connected Controls.
Ignore Broadcast Messages
Ignores broadcast messages from a Control, whether connected or
Disable Print Capture
Prevents the Control user from being able to use NetSupport
Manager’s printer re-direction function.
Disable Registry Access
The Script function and later versions of NetSupport Manager include
a function to enable a Control user to remotely manage and edit the
Registry on NetSupport Manager Clients. Setting this option will
disable that function.
Task Manager
These options are disabled by default; clear the checkboxes to enable
them. If enabled, the following tasks can be performed when the
Task Manager is open for a selected Client.
Disable Close Applications
If checked, prevents the Control from being able to close a currently
running application or process.
Disable Service Management
If checked, prevents the Control from being able to stop or start a
service at the Client machine.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
User Validation
User names are used for setting the valid user ID and password for
Control users when they connect to the Client. The user ID is also
used to determine which Client profile will be applied.
You can enter multiple user names, each with its own password. You
do this by clicking on Change and adding the individual user names
and passwords.
By entering specific user names and passwords, the Client will restrict
access to Controls entering a matching user name and password
when connecting.
If this is an NT workstation and you have elected to use the NT
Security option to validate the Control users ID and password,
then you do not need to specify the user name and password.
However, you may still wish to set this option to provide an
additional filter when using NT security validation to restrict
access to particular NT users and determine which Client profile
they will use.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Rather than continually prompt the Control user for a user name,
a default ID can be set in the Control Configuration - General
NT Options
Authenticate User and Password with NT
This only applies to NT Clients. If this option is set, then the user ID
and password entered at the Control must be a valid NT ID on the
Client workstation or its default domain.
Restrict Access to members of the following groups
You can further restrict access by specifying groups. Click on Browse
to select a group(s).
Enable Smartcard Authentication
If this option is selected, then the Control will be required to enter a
user ID and password as well as the smartcard and pin to connect to
the Client.
Active Directory Options
Authenticate user and password with Active Directory
If in use, you can configure the Client to validate a user connection
against members of the groups defined within Active Directory. A
connecting Control will be prompted for their user ID and password,
which will be validated against the Active Directory.
Restrict Access to Members of the following Groups:
As an additional level of security, you can restrict access to members
of specified groups.
You can configure the Client to validate a user connection with
RADIUS. Once enabled, when a Control connects to the Client, the
connection will be validated using the method set in RADIUS.
Note: RADIUS authentication can be used over TCP/IP and
HTTP/HTTPS communications.
Authenticate using RADIUS
Enable RADIUS authentication.
Server address
Enter the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) or IP address for your
RADIUS server.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
The default port for RADIUS is 1812.
Enter your RADIUS secret key.
Always Prompt for Username and Password
If checked, the Control will be prompted for a user name and
password each time it attempts to connect to the Client.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
User Acknowledgement options
These security options display a prompt at the Client machine
advising that a Control user is attempting a remote connection. The
Client must acknowledge the message before a remote control
session can be instigated.
Note: To enhance security, from NetSupport Manager version 14.02,
user acknowledgement is enabled by default on all new
installations. If you are upgrading to version 14.02, your
previous settings will apply.
User Acknowledgement
User Acknowledgement Required
When a Control user attempts to connect, a message will be
displayed at the Client. Unless the user at the Client explicitly accepts
the request, the connection will be refused.
Except when no User Logged On
Only applies when user acknowledgement has been set. This means
that the Client can be configured to allow remote control when the
workstation is at the login screen. The Control user would have to
have a valid ID and password to be able to log in.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Except when connecting as current logged on user
This enables you to bypass user acknowledgement if the remote
connection is being made using the user name/password of the
currently logged-on user. For example, if a user locks his office
workstation at the end of the day, they can then connect to it from
home without having to physically accept the connection at the
remote machine. User validation must be set to allow connection.
Acknowledge Connection Attempts from other Controls
The Client receives a message that another Control is attempting to
Note: For the message to be displayed at the Client, the Allow more
than one Control to Connect at a time option must be
enabled in Client Configuration Security Connect.
Acknowledge Connection Display Text:
Specify a customised acknowledgement message to be displayed at
the Client workstation. The text can also incorporate a choice of
default settings should you wish the Client to know, for example, the
name of the Control user. There are four available syntaxes:
$loginname$ Returns the logged-on user name of the user at
the Control.
$fullname$ Returns the full name of the logged-on user at
the Control.
$computername$ Returns the machine name of the Control.
$userdomain$ Returns the domain of the logged-on user at the
Control machine.
Note: The standard NetSupport Manager graphic in the User
Acknowledgement dialog can be replaced with a customised
graphic by placing an icon file with the name helpdesk.ico in
the installed directory for the product on the Client machine.
Acknowledge Connection Timeout:
Specify a time limit, between 0-255 seconds, for the user
acknowledgement prompt to be displayed and decide what action to
take if the user has not acknowledged the connection after the
specified time. You can choose Reject Connection to cancel the
connection attempt or Accept Connection to allow the Control to
NetSupport Manager v14.00
This can be useful if there is an urgent need for the Control to
connect, but they want to allow the remote user a few seconds to
complete a task or close down files.
View Acknowledgement
Acknowledge switching to xxxxx view mode or higher.
Displays a prompt at the Client machine if, while being viewed, the
Control user wishes to switch to a higher View mode. For example, if
the level is set to Control, the prompt will appear if the mode is
changed from Share or Watch. The Client can choose to accept or
reject the change.
Enable Smartcard logon
Enabling this option at the Client allows a Control to log on to Client
machines that use smartcard authentication.
Smartcard support is automatic and no additional installation is
required. Support is dynamically loaded at the Client when a Control
connection is made. When loaded, an additional hardware device will
be available called NSL Pseudo Smartcard Reader.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
When the Control opens a window to the connected Client, they will
need to insert their own smartcard into the reader attached at the
Control and enter the Clients PIN to log on to the remote user’s
If multiple Client View windows are open at the Control, smartcard
insertion and removal events are sent to the Client currently in focus.
Note: In an Active Directory environment, it is possible to enable
smartcard support using the NetSupport Manager ADM
Connect options
This option is used to administer which Control users or Control
workstations can connect to this Client. You can also set the level of
encryption to be used.
Security Key
Provides additional security that enables Control users to connect
only if the Control has the same security key as the Client. Optionally,
this can be set as the serial number in your NetSupport Manager
Licence file. You must set the security key at both the Control and
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Allow Connections from these Control Machines
This enables you to restrict access to Controls running on IPX, TCP/IP
networks or over HTTP. This feature can also be used to limit access
to Control workstations with specific addresses. Wildcards can be
used in the address field.
For example:
194.182.*.* all workstations on TCP/IP subnet 194, 182
00000001-* all workstations on IPX network 1
Note: Access can also be limited to a specific IP range, e.g.
24 would allow access from up to
Set Minimum level of Encryption
With encryption turned on, all the information that is sent between
the Control and Client is very difficult for others to read. NetSupport
Manager offers a range of encryption options, ranging from 56 bit
DES to 256 bit AES, enabling you to find the necessary balance
between security and performance. The higher the level of
encryption, the higher the potential for decreased performance.
Choose the level of encryption to be used while a Control is
connected. By default, encryption is set to none for all connections
and 56 bit DES for HTTP connections.
Disable encryption for file transfer from Control for better
By default, NetSupport Manager encrypts file transfers from the
Control to the Client. Selecting this option disables encryption and
improves performance.
Allow more than one Control to connect at a time
NetSupport Manager allows multiple Controls to connect and view the
Client simultaneously. This is useful for group working. Checking this
option enables the function.
Advanced Connection Security (Only v12.50 Controls or later
can connect)
As an added security measure from version 12.50, Clients can
challenge Controls that make a connection attempt and only Controls
running version 12.50 and above will be able to connect. Selecting
this option will reject connections from Controls running earlier
versions of NetSupport Manager.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Disconnect options
The options here provide additional security when a Control user
disconnects from the Client machine. This is useful if the connection
to the Client is unexpectedly lost.
Lock the Workstation if not initially logged on NT only
When the Control user disconnects, the workstation will be locked.
The Control user will be able to reconnect and unlock the workstation.
This option is useful if the Control unexpectedly loses the connection.
It prevents a user at the workstation inheriting the Control user’s
rights (assuming they have logged in as an Administrator, for
example). This only applies if the workstation was logged off when
the Control was connected.
Logoff if not initially logged on
When the Control user disconnects, the workstation will be
automatically logged off. This only applies if the workstation was
logged off when the Control connected.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Restart if not initially logged on
When the Control user disconnects, the workstation will be
automatically restarted. This only applies if the workstation was
logged off when the Control connected.
Logoff if user has changed
If a Control needs to log on to a Client workstation under a different
name to the user, for example, as an Administrator, it prevents the
user from inheriting the Control users rights should the connection
be unexpectedly lost.
Disconnect Display Text
Specify a customised message to be displayed at the Client
workstation when a Control disconnects. The text can also
incorporate a choice of default parameters should you wish the Client
to know, for example, the name of the Control user. The available
options are:
$loginname$ Returns the logged-on user name of the user
at the Control.
$fullname$ Returns the full name of the logged-on user
at the Control.
$computername$ Returns the machine name of the Control.
$userdomain$ Returns the domain of the logged-on user at
the Control machine.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Protect Configuration settings
This option allows you to protect the Client configurations.
Configurator Password
Nominate a security password for the Client profile.
Authenticate User and Password with NT
This only applies to NT Clients and therefore only protects Client
Configurators on NT workstations. If this option is set, the user ID
and password entered at the Control must be a valid “Act as part of
the Operating System” NT ID on the Client workstation or its default
domain. This user right is not granted by NT as default.
To grant this user right
1. Run {Programs}{Administrative Tools}{User Manager}.
2. Select {Policies}{User Rights} from the drop-down menu.
3. Check the Show Advanced User Rights checkbox.
4. Select the right.
5. Click Add.
6. Select which users and/or groups this right should be granted.
7. Click OK.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
8. For this user right to be recognised, you must re-log into your
Note: You can also point the Client to validate the ID in another
Restrict Access to Members of the following Groups
You can further restrict access by specifying groups. Click Browse to
select a group(s).
File Transfer settings
This option is used to control file access.
Disable File Transfer
Disables File Transfer to and from the Client in all circumstances.
Disable File Transfer when no User is Logged On
Disables File Transfer only if no user is logged on. This means that
the Control user could log on as themselves if they have a valid user
ID and password for this workstation.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Impersonate Logged on User when Transferring Files
When using NetSupport Manager File Transfer, the Control user will
have the same file access as the logged-on user.
Impersonate Logged on User for Network Drives
The Control user will have the same access to network drives as the
logged-on user.
Access Rights to Files and Directories
This is used to explicitly allow or deny access to individual drives,
directories and files. This only applies to File Transfer within
NetSupport Manager.
It is hierarchical, so you could, for example, disable access to drive
C:\ in general but explicitly grant access to sub-folders.
Note: Any access rights set in the master profile apply to all profiles
unless overridden.
Replay Files settings
Replay files enable the Control to record and playback the screen
activity that takes place at a Client workstation while it is being
remote controlled/viewed.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Record Replay Files
Check this option to enable the recording of replay files. A replay file
will be created each time the Control views a Client PC with the
option enabled.
Prefix Files With Client Name
In order to identify each replay file, file names can be prefixed with
the Client name and the date/time of the recording. Alternatively,
with the option unchecked, the files will be named sequentially in the
format 00000001.rpf etc.
In Folder
Specify where the replay files should be stored. If saving to a network
share, this allows you to store each Clients files in individual folders.
As User
The user name and password used to write to the log file.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Event Logging
Log files record the activity that takes place at a Client machine while
it is being remote controlled. Information such as the name of the
Control that initiated the connection, and the date and time that the
session started and ended, can be recorded if required. The text files
that are created provide a useful audit trail but you can also enhance
Client security using this feature.
Enable Logging
Select this check box to enable logging.
Log to NT Event Log
Sets the log to be maintained within the NT Event Log.
Log to File
Sets the log to be maintained within a text file. This file can be on the
local workstation or on a server. Multiple Clients can write to the
same log file.
Primary Log File
Specify the path, and file name (*.log), where the log file will be
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Secondary Log File
Specify the path for a secondary log file. In the event that the
primary path cannot be found, for example, the server is down, the
file will be stored here.
To make the tracking of log files easier, particularly if multiple
Client log files are stored on the same server, the file names
specified above can include the Clients computer name and the
date that the log was created. For example:
\\Logserver1\logfiles\$computername$$dd$$mm$$yy$.log. In this
instance, you would be able to build up a daily record of activity on
a particular Client machine.
Acceptable formats for the date are:
$d$$m$$y$ which for 7th December 2021 returns 171221.
$dd$$mm$$yy$ returns 1071221.
$ddd$$mmm$$yyy$ returns 1TueDec2021.
$ddd$$dd$$mmm$$yyy$ returns 1Tue07Dec2021.
$dddd$$dd$$mmmm$$yyyy$ returns 1Tuesday07December2021.
For Windows XP and above, this file must be a UNC path name as
a mapped drive is not available until you log in.
As User
Log File user is the user name and password used to be able to write
to the log file when the path specified is a UNC path.
Append to log file
By checking this box, NetSupport Manager will continually add to the
existing entries in the log file. If unchecked, existing items get
Reject connection if no log server available
By enabling this option, you can apply additional security. With
logging enabled, if a Control attempts a connection and neither of the
log files can be found, the connection request is rejected. This
ensures that any audit checks that you may have in place will not be
compromised due to the activity not being logged while the servers
are down.
Keep log values for
Specify the number of days to keep the entries in the log file for. Any
older entries will be cleared after the specified number of days (once
a new log entry is received). Leave this blank to keep all entries
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Only log while Connected
This option ensures that activity is only logged during the period that
the Control is physically connected. When logging is enabled, some
additional information is recorded that you may prefer to ignore,
Client configuration data, for example.
Note: Another useful item of information that can be recorded is
the reason why a Control is connected to the Client. This
comes into effect when User Acknowledgement ’ is enabled
at the Client machine and the Control Security settings
option is configured to ‘Prompt for additional information
when connecting’.
Log username
By default, the user name of the Control user who initiated the
connection is recorded in the log file. If you don't want to record this
information, clear this checkbox.
Log connection
By default, connect and disconnect entries are recorded in the log
file. If you don't want to record this information, clear this checkbox.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Remote Control options
The following remote control attributes can be adjusted:
View settings
Send Physical Fonts
When a Windows Client is sending its screen to a Control, it passes
the font information by reference to reduce the volume of data sent.
The Control refers to its own internal font mappings and uses the
closest matching that it has to the one being displayed at the Client.
In most cases, the same fonts will be available at both the Client and
the Control and so what is displayed on the screen will appear
However, there may be occasions when a close match cannot be
found. In these cases, it is desirable that the Client sends the Control
the full information that it requires to display the data in the same
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Setting this option forces TrueType text to be sent as glyphs (i.e.
character shapes) rather than character codes. This guarantees that
they will be displayed correctly at the Control.
This will, however, impact on performance, especially on dial-up
lines, and is not usually required.
Enable Screen Scrape
NetSupport Manager’s favoured and the most efficient method for
capturing screen data is to hook into the Video Driver of the
workstation being viewed.
However, there may be occasions when this method will not work
because certain applications bypass the driver. In these
circumstances, you can enable screen scrape’ mode in order to take
a snapshot of the screen. Although this will have a greater impact on
the network, it will at least provide an accurate representation of the
Client’s screen.
Disable font smoothing
This option disables font smoothing when viewing a Client.
Disable drop shadows on desktop
This option disables drop shadows on applications when viewing a
Cache Size
Screen data that has been recently sent to the Control by the Client is
cached to improve performance. A larger cache improves
performance at the expense of using more memory at both the Client
and the Control.
Setting this option enables you to tailor the cache size used for
maximum performance. The lower of the cache size set at the Client
and Control will be used so you must set at both ends for this to be
You can determine how efficiently the cache is working by clicking
on the caption bar and selecting About - Cache from the Client View
window at the Control. This will display statistics of hits etc.
Max Colour Depth
The higher the colour depth at the Client the greater the volume of
data that needs to be sent to the Control for each screen update.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Restricting the Colour depth will improve performance on slower
Note: The settings here will override the colour depth setting in the
Control Configuration.
Inactivity Timeout
When a Control connects to a Client, it can prevent other Controls
from connecting to that same Client unless the Allow Multiple
Connections option has been set.
If the operator at the Control forgets to terminate the connection,
then a case might arise where other Control users who need access
are locked out.
Setting this option means that if a connected Control has not carried
out any mouse, keyboard or file transfer activity for the specified
period, the Client will assume that the connection is no longer
required and disconnect automatically. It will then be available to
other Controls.
Enable DVD Playback and Direct 3D support
NetSupport Manager uses the Microsoft Mirror Driver to capture
screen data for view sessions. However, while hooked into the Mirror
Driver, it is not possible to play DVDs. Therefore, if you do need the
capability to play DVD’s, NetSupport Manager provides options which
load and unload the Mirror Driver as required.
Except While Viewed
If checked, DVD support is enabled but will be disabled for the
duration of a view session while the Mirror Driver is loaded.
Except While Connected
If checked, DVD support is suspended while a connection to the Client
is in place.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Show settings
Receive Show Options
Disable Receive Show
Prevents the Control from being able to show to the Client.
Show to a Window
Enables the Client to receive a Show in a window rather than in full
screen mode.
Scale to Fit
Automatically scales the Receive Show window to resize the displayed
screen in the available area.
Determines if scrollbars will be displayed with the Receive Show
window for navigation.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Auto-Scroll Speed
When you are viewing a Show in a window on the Client’s screen, the
Client can automatically scroll the contents when the mouse moves
close to the edges of the window. Adjusting the sliding control sets
the speed at which the view scrolls, from not at all to very fast.
Scroll Delay
When auto-scroll is enabled, you can change the delay before the
scroll is activated. If you want the view to scroll as soon as the
mouse is at the edge of the screen, move the slider towards Min. If
you prefer a longer delay before the AutoScroll takes effect, move the
slider towards Max.
Audio settings
This option provides configuration options for using Audio Support at
the Client.
Threshold microphone sensitivity
Microphone volume of the microphone
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Speaker volume of the speakers
Check this option to test all of the above settings.
Enable Audio Hooking
Enable or disable audio hooking.
Note: A reboot is required for the settings to take effect.
Hook audio acceleration
Sets the hardware acceleration level for the Clients.
Leaves the acceleration level at full.
While Connected
The acceleration level will be moved to basic while connected.
The acceleration level will be moved to basic.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Client Interface options
The Client Interface settings are used for customising the interface
between the Client and the Control.
Client settings
Disable Client Menu items
Disable Request Help
Prevents the Client user from being able to use the Request Help
Disable Call Control
Disables the Call Control option at the Client.
Disable Disconnect
Prevents the Client user from being able to force the Control user to
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Disable Chat
Prevents the Client from initiating a Chat session with a Control.
However, the Control can still open a Chat session with the Client.
Disable Replay
Prevents the Client from being able to open Replay files.
Disable Local Inventory
Prevents the Client from being able to perform a local inventory.
Client program options
Icon in System Tray
The NetSupport Manager Client icon will be displayed in the system
tray (clicking this opens the Client information window) rather than
as an active application on the taskbar (clicking this opens a window
with drop-down menus providing access to the Client features).
Always on Top
The NetSupport Manager Client window can become obscured behind
other windows. Setting this option means that it is always visible and
the user at the Client will always know when someone is viewing
Hide when Idle
The NetSupport Manager Client icon will not be displayed unless a
Control is connected or viewing the Client.
Quiet Mode (Client not visible on taskbar)
Select this option to hide the Client icon in the system tray.
Silent Mode (no refresh)
Allows the Control to connect and view a Client without the Clients
knowledge. If silent mode is not selected, the Clients screen and
mouse icon will flicker, notifying the Client that a connection has been
made and their screen is being viewed.
Use internal speaker for beep
By default, the audible warning beep, which can be sent between
machines in functions such as Chat and View, comes from the PCs
internal speaker. There may be occasions when it is more appropriate
to use the workstations soundcard to generate the beep through
speakers, in which case uncheck this box.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Beep while being Viewed (every n seconds)
While a Control is viewing the Client, an audible beep will be
Show UI when connected to
When the Control connects to the Client, the Client Information
window will be displayed. This allows the Client to see details of the
Control that is connected to them. They also have the option to
disconnect from the Control or chat with the Control.
Disable Geolocation
The location of a Client can be displayed in the Control. Selecting this
option disables the Geolocation feature at the Client.
Help Request settings
This option is used for configuring the Clients help request access.
You can specify the NetSupport Manager Controls that the Client can
forward help requests to or even link to a third-party web-based
helpdesk system.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
URL for Help Request
If you use a third-party web-based helpdesk application, you can
direct Clients to this rather than have them use NetSupport
Manager’s help request feature. To enable, select Use URL and enter
the appropriate URL.
Available Controls
Lists the Controls that are available to connect to from the Help
Request and Call Control dialogs.
Disable connections from Help Request dialog
Check this box to disallow the options in the Help Request dialog for
the Client to choose which Control they wish to send a help request
Always show Controls in Help Request
Check this box to ensure that the Client Help Request dialog shows all
Controls available for the Client to send their help request to.
Hotkeys for Request Help
This sets the hotkeys that the user at the Client can press to raise an
alert for help. The alert will normally be displayed when a Control
connects to the Client. If you are using a keyboard that does not
support three scan codes, configure your Client to use only two
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Customisable Text
This option enables you to add customisable messages which are
displayed at the Client machine.
Display Customisable Text
In About Box
Sets the message that will be displayed in the Client’s About Box.
When Connected
Sets the message that will be displayed at the Client when a Control
connects. Leave blank if you do not want any message displayed.
When Viewed
Sets the message that will be displayed at the Client when it is being
viewed by a Control. Leave blank if you do not want any message
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Profile Options
Disable this Profile when a user is logged on
If someone is logged in at the Client, then this profile will be
deactivated and therefore not available to a Control user. The value
of this is that it prevents a Control user from inheriting rights on the
workstation that they would not otherwise have.
Note: You can have two profiles with the same user ID but with
different rights, depending on whether the Client user is
logged on at the time the Control connects. In this event,
make sure that the profile with this setting is the first in the
list, as it will then move on and use the second profile if the
Client user is logged in.
User of this Profile has Priority over other (non-priority) Users
This works in conjunction with the option to allow more than one
Control to connect simultaneously. If one profile has this set while the
other does not, the latter will be automatically disconnected.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Terminal Services settings
You can configure the settings for the Client Terminal Server here.
Note: Terminal Server and other thin clients may not be configured
to use the NetSupport Gateway.
Terminal Services Settings
Run Client in Console session
Unchecking this option will stop the Client from running in a Console
Run Client in remote sessions
Unchecking this option will stop the Client from running in remote
Base Port
Enter the required base port number. The default value is 25405.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Client Name
Enter the required name for the Client. If left blank, a unique ID will
be displayed (defaults to %CLIENTNAME%). When entering a Client
name, you must include at least one environment variable, e.g.
Note: For further information regarding Terminal Server support,
please visit our Knowledge Base and refer to product article
Setting Up NetSupport Manager to run in a Microsoft
Terminal Server Environment.
Advanced options
Keyboard Filter Driver
Should you encounter any issues with your keyboard filter driver, we
provide a choice of drivers to switch between. Select the required
driver from the drop-down menu.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Configuring the Control
In this chapter
How to configure the Control.
Create individual profiles ensuring each Control user can only
perform certain tasks at Client PCs.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Configuring the Control
NetSupport Manager allows you to fully configure how the Control
Program will operate. To provide maximum flexibility, NetSupport
Manager also allows you to set up multiple profiles for different
Control users, each with their own access and functionality levels.
To access the Control Configurator
1. Click the Change the settings for the current Configuration
icon on the caption bar.
2. The Setting for Configurations dialog for the current profile will
Note: If you want to change the settings for a different Control
profile, click the Profiles icon on the caption bar, choose
the profile you want to configure and click Settings.
The Control Configuration options are categorised as follows:
Enables you to set the identification details for the Control.
Enables you to specify which transport protocols the Control will
operate over.
NetSupport Manager offers a wealth of security features that can be
applied to each Control profile.
Remote Control
Enables you to adjust the Remote Control features that apply to each
Control profile.
Control Interface
Enables you to configure the various components available to the
Control from the Control window interface.
Allows you to configure the settings for a Show.
File Transfer
These options configure the File Transfer settings in NetSupport
Manager. They allow you to alter the way in which information is
displayed and enable you to set safety features such as confirmation
before performing a damaging operation.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Allows you to configure the options that affect NetSupport Manager at
Enables you to configure the settings for vPro management.
File Locations
Allows you to specify where to store this named configuration, Client,
group, remote networks, tools and scripting files.
Note: A search bar is provided at the top of the window, allowing you
to locate the settings you're looking for. Type in the search
bar (you can enter a full or partial term) and click . Any
sections containing the search term will be highlighted. Click
to close the search.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Multiple Control profiles
NetSupport Manager allows you to set up multiple profiles
(configurations) for different Control users, each with their own
access and functionality levels.
Each configuration can be protected by a password and an icon can
be created on the desktop to load the Control with a particular named
You must have NetSupport Manager Administrator rights to profile or
change a Controls configuration.
To create a profile
1. Click the Profiles icon on the caption bar.
2. The Configurations dialog will be displayed.
3. Select the configuration you want to change.
Choose New to create a new one. By default, NetSupport
Manager is installed with a single profile called Standard. This is
set up for full functionality.
4. Click Settings to tailor the global functionality of this profile.
Click Connectivity and Startup Settings to tailor the basic
NetSupport Manager v14.00
To create desktop icons
Having saved the profile, you can create a desktop icon containing
the parameters required to load the configuration.
1. From the Configurations dialog, click Icons.
2. The Icon Maintenance dialog will be displayed.
3. Click anywhere in the dialog and drag to the desktop.
4. The Create or Edit Icon dialog will appear.
5. Enter the required configuration details and click OK to create the
Adjusting Client settings for a Control session
During any Control session where you may be working with more
than one Client, you can tailor how each Client interacts with the
Control. For example, on one Client, you may want to use
compression because it is on a slow link, but on another, you may
want to turn compression off. NetSupport Manager allows you to do
this by modifying the default settings for the current Control profile.
To adjust View settings
1. View the required Client.
2. Click Settings on the View window caption bar.
3. The Remote Control Settings will appear.
4. Configure which options will be enabled when you start a View
Note: If you edit the Client settings, the changes you make only
apply to that Client during the current Control session. If you
want to change the settings permanently, select Update
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
General settings
This option allows you to give the Control a specific name. If left
blank, the machine name is used.
Control Name
The name which the NetSupport Manager Control program uses when
connecting to Clients to identify itself. Under NetBIOS, this name is
registered in the NetBIOS transport.
Enter a description for this Control configuration.
Default User ID
If user validation is required before a Client connection can be made,
Control users will need to log on with a valid user name and
password. Rather than continually prompt for the user name, a
default ID can be set here. The following variables can be used in
order to default to the currently connected username:
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Send Message
Enables you to add a customised title to the Send Message dialog.
Connectivity options
Before you can connect to Clients on your network, you must select
and configure the transports to use. The transport protocols must be
configured in the operating system before attempting to use them.
Set TCP/IP connection
Check this button to enable the Control to use the TCP/IP protocol.
This protocol is used with the internet, local and wide area networks.
In order to connect to TCP/IP Clients, you need to specify the port
number that the Client is listening on.
This value is used for all interactions with TCP/IP Clients. The default
registered port for NetSupport Manager is 5405. You can configure
Clients on your network to run on a different port number if required.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
This is useful to provide additional security, as other NetSupport
Manager Control users would need to know on which port your Clients
are configured. You can also specify a port number when creating or
connecting to a Client.
Note: To enable Clients to initiate a connection to the Control, the
default registered port is 5421.
Connect by Hostname (DHCP/WINS)
Normally, the Control connects to a Client by IP address rather than
by name. In an environment that uses DHCP (Dynamic Host
Configuration Protocol), this may be undesirable as the address may
change when the Client workstation is restarted. Checking this option
forces the Control to connect by hostname.
Select this option to check the configuration and version of the TCP/IP
stack installed. The version of Winsock is returned along with its
current state.
Subnets used when browsing for clients
When you are running on a network with multiple subnets or
addresses, you need to configure the broadcast addresses for each
effective network. When a browse is performed, the broadcast
messages are sent to these addresses.
Broadcast Settings
Enable Broadcast Show and File Distribution
When performing a show or distributing files to Clients, the screen
information/files are sent to each Client machine in turn. Enabling
Broadcast Show and File Distribution results in the screen information
and files being sent to all machines simultaneously. In some network
environments, where there is limited network bandwidth available or
when broadcasting to larger numbers of machines, this will provide
significant performance benefits.
Whilst reducing overall network traffic generated by NetSupport
Manager, using this feature will generate additional broadcast packets
on your network. It is recommended that you consult your network
administrator before using this feature.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Note: Show and File Distribution can be sent using multicast instead
of UDP/broadcast. This means that the multicast packet will
only be sent to machines included in the specified IP multicast
If the Broadcast Show and File Distribution option is enabled,
select this option to set the multicast or broadcast address. The
Broadcast Settings dialog will appear. If multiple Controls are
attempting to use UDP/Broadcast Show simultaneously on the same
subnet, it is recommended that each uses a unique port to avoid
Wireless Network
Check this option in order to optimise show performance across a
wireless network.
Note: NetSupport Manager will automatically detect any wireless
Clients and enable this option to improve performance.
Maximum throughput
Controls the level of data sent across the network to your wireless
access point. The default data rate is 8 Mbps. If required, this can be
altered to reflect the speed of the router.
Note: When a Control detects wireless Clients or is itself wirelessly
connected, it will automatically reduce the maximum data
output to whatever has been configured in the maximum
throughput settings, regardless of whether the wireless
network checkbox has been selected. This behaviour cannot
be turned off.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Set IPX connection
Note: This option is only available in the Control Configurator if you
open it from the Control configurations dialog. Click the
Profiles icon on the caption bar, select the required
configuration and click Connectivity and Startup Settings.
Check this box to enable the IPX transport protocol. This protocol is
used on local and wide area networks.
Record Clients’ Network Numbers
When IPX addresses are recorded for a client, the network number is
normally set to 0 if the Clients are on the same IPX network as the
Control (this prevents subsequent problems when a file server is
down). This setting forces network numbers to be recorded and used
when establishing a connection.
Use Networks
The Control normally obtains a list of network numbers from the
nearest NetWare server or bridge. On some networks, there is no
NetWare server to ask, or the list generated is unreliable. Enter one
or more network numbers to use, which replaces the normal
discovery mechanism. The numbers can be decimal or hexadecimal
and must be separated by a comma. Such as “0x1, 0x2,
NetSupport Manager v14.00
0x34db1d69”. You can also use the Test function to determine these
values automatically.
Ignore Networks
This list of network numbers is generated in the same way as for Use
Networks, except that when browsing, these network numbers are
ignored. You can also use the Test function to determine these
values automatically.
Select this option to check the IPX network configuration. This
determines if the IPX network stack is available and configured
correctly. You can also scan the network for network numbers that do
and do not respond.
Set NetBIOS connection
Note: This option is only available in the Control Configurator if you
open it from the Control configurations dialog. Click the
Profiles icon on the caption bar, select the required
configuration and click Connectivity and Startup Settings.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Check this box to enable the use of the NetBIOS transport. NetBIOS
is a non-routed protocol and is only used on Local Area Networks
(LAN). Using NetBIOS requires that you select one or more adapters
to use. See adapters below.
Contains the NetBIOS adapters that have been detected in your
workstation. Select one or more of these adapters for use in the
control. NetBEUI is the most common adapter used here, as it is used
primarily by Windows systems. The adapter numbers will vary from
workstation to workstation, but the names will remain constant.
Allows you to test the NetBIOS stack and determine the adapters
available. You can also display detailed information about each
adapter found.
Set HTTP connection
This option enables you to configure the Control to communicate via
HTTP. For more information, see Connecting Clients/Controls via a
NetSupport Gateway.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Check this box to enable the Client to communicate over HTTP.
NetSupport Manager’s default port for HTTP communications is 443.
Note: In version 9.10, port 443 was introduced as the default for
HTTP communications, 3085 being used previously. Gateway
settings will be preserved for existing customers who
subsequently upgrade, enabling 3085 to continue to be used,
but there may be scenarios when upgraded Controls and
Clients will need the HTTP port manually reconfiguring to
ensure compatibility.
PIN Server
PIN Server
PIN Server Address
Enter the IP address of the workstation where the PIN Server is
The default port number for the PIN Server is 443.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Use a proxy server to connect to the PIN Server
Select this option if you are using a proxy server to connect to the
PIN Server. Enter the server address and port number for the proxy
Copy Settings from Gateway
If you have set up a NetSupport Gateway, you can use the same
settings for the PIN Server. Select the Gateway to copy the settings
from using the drop-down list and select Copy. The Gateway address
and port from the selected Gateway will be used.
Remote Dialup settings
This option provides configuration options for the dial-up settings for
remote networking. Before you can dial remote networks, you must
enter information about your modem hardware. To dial a remote
network at startup, click the Change the settings for the current
Configuration icon on the caption bar and choose Startup.
Note: This option is hidden by default. To view this, click the Change
the settings for the current Configuration icon on the
caption bar. Select Control Interface - Settings and clear
the Hide Dial Directory checkbox.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
NetSupport Manager displays all available modems here. Simply
select which modem you wish to use.
Dual Channel Bonding
If enabled, both channels of your ISDN line are combined, thus
increasing the amount of available bandwidth to 128k. However, in
increasing the speed of transmission, you are, in effect, making two
MSN (Multiple Subscriber Number)
Specify a number that you want the Control to answer an incoming
dial-back from a Client Bridge.
Select this option to perform no diagnostics on your modem.
When the modems connect, the Control checks the following:
Flow control is correctly set (XON/OFF is disabled, etc).
There is a NetSupport Bridge at the remote number.
There are not excessive delays in transferring data.
The extended setting performs the same checks as for basic and
Line reliability
Logging Level
Select this option to display the progress messages on the screen
Logs the following information to MODEM.LOG:
The name of the modem used
The number dialled
Results of diagnostic tests
Connection speed.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
This records the same information as Basic but includes timestamps.
Use this option is you are having problems establishing dial-up links.
View Log
Opens a window that displays the MODEM.LOG file generated by
Extended and Verbose Diagnostic and Logging settings.
Advanced settings
Tickle Period
Specify the period in seconds between tickle packets that are sent to
the Client. These packets check to make sure that a connected Client
is still active. If the Client fails to respond, the Control assumes that
it is no longer present and will close down the connection.
Name Lookup Delay
Specify the delay in seconds between broadcast packets. Use this
value in conjunction with Name Lookup Attempts to reduce the
amount of time spent performing browses. The browse is more likely
to miss Clients if this value is too small. You should not specify a
value that, when multiplied by the Name Lookup Attempts value, is
less than 4 seconds.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Name Lookup Attempts
Specify the number of name lookup packets the Control broadcasts
during a browse. The fewer broadcasts that are sent, the lower the
network traffic and the quicker the browse will complete.
Security options
The Control Configurator provides a wealth of security features
categorised as follows:
Event Logging
Replay Files
User Permissions
Security settings
Enter the security password, which you will be prompted for when
starting the Control using this configuration. You must click on the
Set button next to this Control to set the password.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Security Key
The security key is used whenever you connect to a Client. Unless the
key entered here matches the security key on the Client, you will be
denied access to the Client workstation. Press the Set button to
change the key. Optionally, this can be set as the serial number in
your NetSupport Manager Licence file.
Prompt for Additional Information when connecting
If this box is checked, you will be required to supply a reason for
connecting to a Client workstation. This is sent to and displayed at
the Client so that the user knows why you are connecting when the
Client has user acknowledgement enabled.
Try Last Username before displaying login Prompt
Remembers the user name and password attached to a named
configuration and will attempt to log in using this information.
Use Compression
Check this box to enable the use of compression. When you are
communicating with a Client, whether it is a File Transfer, View or
Chat session, the data being sent and reviewed will be compressed.
This also provides a means of security, as the data will also be
Use Encryption
With encryption turned on, all the information that is sent between
the Control and Client is very difficult for others to read. NetSupport
Manager offers a range of encryption options, ranging from 56 bit
DES to 256 bit AES, enabling you to find the necessary balance
between security and performance. The higher the level of
encryption, the higher the potential for decreased performance.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Event Logging
Event logging enables a NetSupport Manager Control to record, in a
text file, the actions it has performed while remote controlling a
Client. This may be useful for maintaining a history of how often a
particular Client was connected to and for what purpose.
Enable Logging
Check this box to enable the Log to File option. Once enabled, each
time the Control subsequently connects to a Client(s), the activity for
that session will be recorded.
Log to File
Specify the path and file name for the log file. The NetSupport
Manager default is PCICTL.log. This file can be stored on the local
workstation or on a Server. Multiple Controls can write to the same
log file.
As User
Log File user is the user name and password used to be able to write
to the log file when the path specified is a UNC Path.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Append to Logfile
By checking this box, NetSupport Manager will continually add to the
existing entries in the log file. If unchecked, existing items get
Replay Files
Replay files enable the Control to record and playback the screen
activity that takes place at a Client workstation while it is being
remote controlled/viewed.
Record Replay Files
Check this option to enable the recording of replay files. A replay file
will be created each time the Control views a Client PC.
Include Audio
In addition to recording the screen, mouse and keyboard activity, if
Client machines are configured for audio, you can include any
narration that takes place.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Prefix Files With Client Name
In order to identify each replay file, file names are prefixed with the
Client name and the date/time of the recording. Alternatively, by
unchecking this box, the files will be named sequentially in the format
00000001.rpf etc.
In Folder
Specify where the replay files should be stored.
User Permissions
These settings restrict the items that a user running a configuration
can modify. Only if this configuration is running as a NetSupport
Manager Administrator can you restrict the privileges of other users.
Permit a user of this Configuration to
Act as an Administrator
When this box is checked, there are no restrictions applied to the
user of this configuration. This should be enabled for at least one
account to allow you to alter other configurations.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Change Settings
This box is only available when the configuration is not running as an
Administrator. Check this box to prevent the user running this
configuration from changing any settings from within the user
Configure User Interface
This check box is only available when the configuration is not running
as an Administrator, and Change Settings is checked. Check this
box to prevent the user of the configuration from altering any
settings that affect the user interface.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Remote Control settings
The following settings enable you to configure the behaviour of the
remote control options when viewing Client workstations.
Print Capture
View Settings
This option provides the configuration options for viewing Client
workstations. When editing the Client settings, all changes you make
will only apply while you are connected to that Client. If you wish to
make your changes to the Control default, check Update
BIOS Keyboard
Checking this option causes the Control to emulate keystrokes on the
Client at the BIOS level rather than the hardware level. Use this if an
application at the Client does not appear to be correctly accepting
keystrokes from the Control. Only use this option if you are
experiencing problems with the default low-level keyboard option.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Confirm Switch to Full Screen
When this box is checked, you will be prompted to confirm switching
to Full Screen mode.
Full Screen
Checking this option will force the Control to view a Client in Full
Screen mode rather than in a window.
Scale to Fit
Check this option if you want the contents of the View window to be
automatically shrunk to fit the sizeable frame.
Disconnect when Closed
Check this option to disconnect from a Client when a View window is
Screen Scrape
NetSupport Manager’s favoured, and the most efficient method for
capturing screen data is to hook into the Video Driver of the
workstation being viewed. However, there may be occasions when
this method will not work because certain applications bypass the
driver. In these circumstances, you can enable Screen Scrape mode
in order to take a snapshot of the screen. Although this will have a
greater impact on the network, it will at least provide an accurate
representation of the Client’s screen.
You can turn off scrollbars on the View windows by unchecking this
option. This is useful when using auto-scroll, as you gain a little extra
Use Compression
Check this box to enable compression when viewing a Client’s screen.
The state of this checkbox is also reflected in the General settings.
Check this box if you want the Client’s wallpaper to be visible when
viewing. Normally this is turned off to improve performance, so
expect the screen update speed to be impacted by selecting this
Blank Client Screen
This enables the Control user to blank the Client screen in any of the
View modes.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
This feature is only available on Clients running Windows 10
v2004 and above (legacy support is provided for Clients running
Windows 8 and below).
If another Control, with the Blank Client Screen setting checked,
attempts to connect to a Client being controlled in Blank Client
Screen mode, the original Control will be disconnected. This is to
prevent less privileged users from ‘surfing in’ on the back of a
more privileged user.
Video Skipping
NetSupport Manager Controls can be configured for viewing
performance. The Control program will not display Client screen
updates if a subsequent update to the area of the screen is made.
Unticking the box will result in all Client screen updates being
displayed at the Control.
Auto Clipboard
When enabled, it provides the quickest method for copying data. Use
shortcut keys to automatically copy from (Ctrl+C) and paste to
(Ctrl+V) the clipboard at both the Control and Client machines.
Default Mode
By default, when you view a Client, you start viewing in Share mode.
If you prefer to start viewing in a different way, change the mode
from the list provided.
Cache Size
The NetSupport Manager Control contains a cache to help improve
overall performance. The cache sizes range from 256k to 16Mb and a
separate cache is allocated to each Client connection. If you are
running applications on the Client that use lots of or large bitmaps,
increase the cache size to improve the performance.
Max Colour Depth
When you connect to a Client, you can restrict the colour depth that
is sent. This is done to reduce the amount of traffic between the
Client and Control. Reduce the colour depth to 16 colours if you are
using applications that do not rely on anything other than the
standard 16-colour palette.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Note: The colour depth set here will be overridden by the settings in
the Clients Configuration, preventing you from setting the
colour depth at a higher level. To alter these settings at the
Client, load the Advanced Configurator and select {Remote
Control View} and amend the Max Colour Depth to the
required level.
Change DOS Font
Use this dialog to select the font to use when displaying DOS screens.
This will be either from DOS Clients or Windows Clients running Full
Screen DOS boxes. Windows uses a graphic character set for
displaying DOS screens. The higher the resolution that you are
running Windows in, the larger the font size you will need to set to
get an accurate representation of a DOS screen.
Change Japanese Font
Use this dialog to select the font to use when displaying Japanese
DOS screens.
Update Configuration Standard
Check this box to update the currently selected configuration.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Keyboard/Mouse settings
Keyboard Layout
International keyboard
An international keyboard layout will be used at the Control during a
view session.
To specify a different keyboard layout to be used at the Control
during viewing, select the required layout from the drop-down list.
These layouts map keys on the Control to keys on the Client
workstation. If both Client and Control are using the same keyboard
layout, you should select Unmapped Keyboard from the list.
When you are viewing a Client in Full Screen mode, hotkeys provide a
way of returning to the (possibly hidden) user interface. If the screen
resolution at the Client is smaller than the resolution of the Control,
you can simply click your mouse button outside the View window to
stop viewing and display the View window again. Check the boxes in
this group to determine the keys that are used as hotkeys.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
If you are using a keyboard that does not support three scan codes,
choose only two options as your hotkeys.
AutoScroll Speed
When you are viewing a Clients screen, the Control can automatically
scroll the contents when the mouse moves close to the edges of the
window. Adjusting the sliding control sets the speed at which the view
scrolls, from not at all to very fast.
Scroll Delay
When auto-scroll is enabled, you can change the delay before the
scroll is activated. If you want the view to scroll as soon as the
mouse is at the edge of the screen, move the slider towards Min. If
you prefer a longer delay before the auto-scroll takes effect, move
the slider towards Max.
Mouse Delay
Adjusting the mouse delay allows you to reduce the rate at which
mouse updates are sent from the Control to the Client when
controlling or sharing. Move the slider control towards Infinite to
reduce the rate and conserve bandwidth or towards Min for the best
mouse response. This is useful on dial-up or very slow networks.
Disable Num Lock Synchronisation
If using a laptop as the Control machine, check this option to ensure
that the keyboards behaviour corresponds with that of a standard
desktop machine.
Update Configuration Standard
Check this box to update the currently selected configuration.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Print Capture settings
Print Capture redirects printer output from a local printer at the Client
to the printer or file at this Control. You would use this when running
an application on a Client but want any printed output redirected to
the printer that is local to you.
Enable Print Capture
Select this option to enable the Print Capture feature. If this option is
unchecked, the output will be printed at the Client.
This option can also be enabled whilst viewing a Client. Click
Print Capture on the View window status bar and select Enable.
Alternatively, select Options to configure all print settings.
In addition to enabling this option at the Control, you also need to
ensure that Print Capture is enabled in the Clients Configuration.
The privileges are enabled by default.
These options specify where the printed output will be redirected to
on the Control. This can be a local or networked printer, a PDF/XPS
document, or a file.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Capture to PDF/XPS document
Allows you to redirect the Client printing to a PDF/XPS document. If
an XPS driver or a PDF printer is installed, this will be used as the
default printer. If both are available, the PDF printer takes
Automatically print document if possible
If printing is available, this option allows the document to be
printed automatically at the Control.
Capture to Printer xxx
Select this option to redirect the Client printing to a local or network
printer. The name of the default printer that is currently set up is
Select this option to display a window containing all of the printers
configured on your local workstation.
Capture to File
Allows you to redirect the Client printing to a file that can be printed
later. This file can be on a local or network path.
A file browse window will appear when you select this option, allowing
you to find a location for the capture file.
Use Client Printer Driver
When you enable Print Capture and connect to a Client, a printer
matching the Control's local printer will be automatically created at
the Client. In some cases, say where the Control and Client have
different operating systems, the print driver may not install
automatically. In this case, you will need to manually install the print
driver at the Client.
Please contact our Support team for further information.
Report Driver used
When you connect to a Client, a dialog box will appear informing you
of the printer driver that has been used. If no matching drivers are
found, you will be informed whether you select this option or not.
Note: Print output is captured only from the port to which the default
printer is attached. Note that the Client may change this when
Print Capture is enabled.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
If you experience problems with the Windows Client, try:
Disabling 'fast printing direct to port' at the Client.
Removing any connection to a network printer at the Client.
Changing the printing priority at the Client to Low in Print
Manager, Options, Background printing.
Update Configuration Standard
Check this box to update the currently selected configuration.
Note: If you are editing the Client Settings, any changes you make
here will only apply while you are connected to that Client. If
you wish to make your changes to the Control default, check
the Update Configuration option.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Audio settings
This option provides configuration options for using Audio Support.
If you are editing the Client settings, all changes you make will only
apply while you are connected to that Client. If you wish to make
your changes to the Control default, check the Update
Configuration box.
Threshold microphone sensitivity.
Microphone volume of microphone.
Speaker volume of speakers.
Test Click Test, to test the volume settings as you adjust.
On turn audio on.
Off turn audio off.
Talk turn the Control audio to talk function only.
Listen turn the Control audio to listen function only.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Selecting the Change Transmission Format button allows you to
change the transmission format. Use only the level you need for
acceptable quality. High quality settings can affect screen update
performance. Over remote communication links, we recommend you
use a transmission format of less than 2 kb/sec.
Control Interface settings
These options enable you to configure the different components
available to the named configuration.
Interface settings
This option enables you to configure the different components
available to the named configuration.
Hide Client List
Check this option to disable the display of known Clients for security
reasons. The All Computers folder is hidden in the Tree view.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Hide Group List
Check this box to disable all the display of groups for security
reasons. Any groups that have been created in the All Computers
folder will be hidden.
Hide Dial Directory
Check this box to disable all remote network functions. The Remote
Networks folder is hidden in the Tree view.
Note: This option is enabled by default.
Hide Gateway
Check this box to disable the Gateway function. The Internet
Gateways folder is hidden in the Tree view.
Disable Browse
Check this box to disable the browse function. The Browse folder is
hidden in the Tree view.
Use internal speaker for Beep
By default, the audible warning beep, which sounds between
machines in functions such as Chat and View, comes from the PCs
internal speaker. There may be occasions when it is more appropriate
to use the workstations sound card to generate the beep through
speakers, in which case uncheck this box.
Hide Auto Group List
Allows you to remove the Auto Group function from the Tree view.
Hide empty auto groups
Allows you to hide any auto groups that don't have any
Clients associated to them.
Client List Read-only
Check this box to remove the ability to alter the Known Client list.
Clients are still available in the Tree view, but you cannot modify or
create new Clients.
Group List read-only
Check this box to remove the ability to alter the Groups list. Groups
are still available in the Tree view, but you cannot modify or create
new groups.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Dial Directory Read-only
Check this box to remove the ability to alter the Remote Networks
list. The Remote Networks folder is still available in the Tree view,
but you cannot modify or create new items.
Gateway Read-only
Check this box to remove the ability to alter the Gateway list. The
Internet Gateways folder is still available in the Tree view, but you
cannot modify or create new items.
Message on Disconnect
When checked, the Control user will be prompted to send a message
to the Client when disconnecting. This may be useful to notify the
user on the Client workstation that the Control user has finished
using the workstation and advise what action has been taken.
Silent Disconnect
Should a Client inadvertently disconnect during a session, a prompt
appears at the Control machine. Check this option to disable the
Shell Extension
NetSupport Manager integrates directly with Windows Explorer,
allowing you to launch key functionality directly from your system
without needing to first start NetSupport Manager.
Disable Shell Extension
Check this option to remove NetSupport Manager functionality from
the Explorer shell.
Location details (Geolocation)
Show Client location
This option will display the location of the Client in the Control.
NetSupport Manager will display the approximate location of each
Client (the town, state and country - with supporting flag). Clients
can be grouped by country/location in the Auto Group feature.
Default Client command
By default, double-clicking a Client in the List view opens a View
window. Here, you can change the action that is performed.
Double-clicking a Client in the list
Select what happens when a Client is double-clicked from the drop-
down list. You can choose to open a View, File Transfer, Edit Registry,
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Inventory, Task Manager, Remote Command Prompt or Remote
PowerShell window.
This option enables you to restrict the functionality that is available to
the Control.
Restrict Functionality
You can prevent the following features from appearing in the Control
profile by checking the appropriate boxes:
Disable File Transfer
Disable Chat
Disable Send Message
Disable Broadcast Message
Disable File Manager
Disable Duplicate Client Check*
Disable PIN Connect
Disable Quick Connect
Disable Execute
Disable Remote Command Prompt
Disable PowerShell
Disable Reboot
Disable Logoff
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Disable Replay
Disable Registry Editing (this option is disabled by default)
Disable Blank Screen
Disable Inventory
Disable Task Manager
* When browsing for Clients, NetSupport Manager checks for
duplicate Client details, only connecting to the first occurrence of a
particular address. Depending on the set-up of your network
infrastructure, there may be instances where duplicate IDs are in
use. You can disable the check using this option.
Remote Control
The following items disable the different view functions within the
NetSupport Manager Control:
Disable Control
Disable Share
Disable Watch
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Help Request settings
This option provides configuration options for receiving help requests
from Clients.
When a Help Request arrives:
Highlight the Client in the Help Request list
Check this box to highlight the Client icon in the List view when a
help request is sent.
Display a message
Check this box to have help request messages displayed on the
Control screen.
Play a sound
Check this box to play a sound when a Client sends a help request.
Select Browse to specify the sound.
Control Status (for incoming Client Connections)
Available to take Help Requests
Check this box to be available to receive all incoming help messages.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Not available to take Help Requests
Check this box to not receive any help messages.
Busy at the moment
Check this box to be available to receive all incoming help messages,
but not when connected to xxx number of Clients. Ensure that you
specify the number of Clients you need to be connected to in order to
be considered busy.
Set Status to ‘Busy’ when connected to xxx or more Clients
Specify the number of Clients you need to be connected to in order to
be considered busy.
Show settings
The Show feature allows you to display the Control screen on all,
some or one of the Client's screens. From here, you can configure the
settings for a Show.
Screen Scrape
NetSupport’s favoured, and the most efficient method for capturing
screen data is to hook into the Video Driver of the workstation being
viewed. However, there may be occasions when this method will not
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
work because certain applications bypass the driver. In these
circumstances, you can enable screen scrape mode in order to take
a snapshot of the screen. Although this will have a greater impact on
the network, it will at least provide an accurate representation of the
Client’s screen.
Max Colour Depth
Allows you to select the maximum colour depth when showing to
Clients. By default, this will be set to 256 (high) colours.
Show Hotkeys
To ensure that all actions performed by the Control are visible to
Clients during a Show, you can enable the use of hotkeys. Any key
combinations that the Control uses, e.g. CTRL+V, will be displayed in
a balloon at both the Control and Client screens.
Send Physical Fonts
In order to reduce the volume of data being sent when sharing
information of this nature, NetSupport Manager passes the font
information by reference. The target workstation will refer to its own
internal font mappings to find an appropriate match to the one that
has been sent. In most cases, the same fonts will be available, but if
there are instances where this isn’t the case, you can send the full
information. Check this box to enable.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
File Transfer settings
This option provides configuration options for transferring files. They
allow you to alter the way in which information is displayed and
enables you to set safety features such as confirmation before
performing a damaging operation.
If you are editing the Client settings, all changes you make will only
apply while you are connected to that Client. If you wish to make
your changes to the Control default, check the Update
Configuration box.
Display Options
Show System/Hidden files
Check this box to display all files with system and hidden attributes.
By default, this option is unchecked.
Show file details
Select this option to display multiple columns of information for each
file in the list. These show the file size, modified date, attributes and
short file name. You can toggle between this state and the file names
only state by using the list style buttons in the File Transfer user
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Show filenames only
Select this option to only display file names in the file lists. This
allows you to display more files at the same time than with file
details. You can toggle between this state and the details state by
using the list style buttons in the File Transfer user interface.
When you perform potentially dangerous file operations, such as
deleting a directory or file, you can make the Control display a
Confirmation dialog box. This helps prevent accidental loss of data. If
you are familiar with the user interface, you can turn these options
off as required. By default, all the confirmation settings are turned
Folder copy
Make the user confirm before copying a directory structure.
Folder delete
Make the user confirm before deleting a directory structure.
File overwrite
If checked, displays a confirmation dialog before overwriting an
existing file. However, if unchecked, the confirmation message will
still appear if system/hidden files are about to be overwritten.
File delete
Display a confirmation dialog before deleting one or more files.
Use Recycle Bin for local deletions (when available)
All files deleted from the Local pane will be sent to the recycle bin.
This is enabled by default.
Use Compression
Check this box to enable the use of compression. When you are
communicating with a Client, whether it is a File Transfer, View or
Chat session, the data being sent and received will be compressed.
This also provides a means of security, as the data will also be
Delta File Transfer
Delta File Transfer improves performance by skipping the transfer of
information that is unchanged. If the file being transferred already
exists in the destination directory, only the changed parts of the file
will be updated.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Delta File Transfer is enabled by default.
Priority (when also Viewing)
When you are transferring files and viewing a Clients screen at the
same time, each operation impacts the performance of the other. You
can reduce the priority of a file transfer operation to make the
viewing more responsive and vice-versa. Slide the control to the left
to give the file transfer higher priority or to the right to give Client
views higher priority. If you are not viewing a Client, this setting is
Automatically close progress when copy finished
Closes the File Transfer Progress dialog automatically on completion.
Untick this option if you want to see the File Transfer results.
Safe file types
When opening a remote Client file, a warning appears asking you to
confirm before continuing in case the file is unsafe. A list of safe file
types is provided and you won't be prompted before opening these
file types. By default, .bmp, .png, .jpg, .txt and .doc file types are
included in the list. You can edit or add additional file types to the list
(separate each file type with a semi-colon) as required.
Note: Certain file types such as .exe, .cmd and .bat files will still
receive a prompt even if they have been added to the list.
Update Configuration Standard
Check this box to update the currently selected configuration.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Startup settings
This section configures the options that affect NetSupport Manager at
startup. You can connect to a Client, group, remote network or even
perform a browse. This enables you to perform a repetitive task that
you would normally do every time you start the Control.
At Startup
Dial Remote Network
Select this checkbox if you want to dial a remote network when the
Control starts. When this item is checked, the list of remote networks
configured is enabled. Select one of these networks to continue.
Connect to Client
Select this checkbox to connect to a Client when the Control starts.
All of the Clients in your Known Clients List will be displayed here,
with the transport appended to the name, for example, TEST1<TCP>.
Connect to Group
Select this checkbox to connect to a group of Clients when the
Control starts. All of the groups created will be displayed in this list.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Browse for Clients starting with
When the Control starts, it can perform a browse using the
information supplied. Enter a partial Client name or leave this blank
to find all available Clients. The Clients found will appear in the
Browse folder in the Tree view.
Start Viewing
When you have selected one of the checkboxes above, you have the
option to view the Client when the control starts. Select this checkbox
to enable the three options below. This allows you to choose how the
Client is viewed.
Start watching the Client or Clients when the Control starts.
Start sharing the Client or Clients when the Control starts.
Start controlling the Client or Clients when the Control starts.
This utility allows you to create icons on your desktop that load a
NetSupport Manager Control with a specific named configuration. This
means that you can have several shortcuts that automatically connect
to one or more Clients when run.
The following options are only available on non-administrative
Exit Program on Disconnect
Select this checkbox to force the Control to shut down when you
disconnect from a Client. This option is very useful when used in
conjunction with the option above and connecting to a Client at
Exit Program after Hanging up the phone
Select this checkbox to force the Control to shut down once a dial-up
session has been completed. This is most useful when used with
dialling a remote network at startup.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Allows you to choose which mode to use when looking for and
connecting to Intel vPro machines.
Basic (Small Business) Mode
Select this option to scan for vPro machines on your network using an
IP address range. You will be required to enter a user name and
password to establish a connection.
Advanced (Enterprise) Mode
Select this option to retrieve vPro machines from the SCS server. A
certificate will be required to establish a connection.
Intel® Setup and Configuration Service
These options will only be available when using Advanced mode.
SCS Service URL
Enter the URL for the SCS service.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
WMI mode:
SCS Server Name
Enter the name of the SCS server.
File Location settings
This option provides configuration options for Client, group, remote
networks, tools and scripting file locations. This facility allows a
Control user to have unique Control files, enabling a Control user to
access their Control files from any Control workstation.
Client File
Click Change to specify an alternative location for all Controls, Client
details. To make files read-only, check the Client List Read Only
checkbox in the Control Configuration User Interface settings.
Group File
Click Change to specify an alternative location for all profiled
Control’s, group details. To make files read-only, check the Group
List Read Only checkbox in the Control Configuration User Interface
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Remote Networks File
Click Change to specify an alternative location for all profiled
Control’s, remote network details. To make files read-only, check the
Dial Directory Folder Read Only checkbox in the Control
Configuration User Interface settings.
Tools File
Click Change to specify an alternative location for all profiled
Control’s tool details. There is no facility to make these files read-
Scripts File
Click Change to specify an alternative location for all profiled
Control’s, script details.
Use shared data files
Checking this option allows you to share data with other users.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Managing and organising
In this chapter
You will find out how to better manage your database of Client
PCs. Group Clients by department or geographic location and
customise the properties of each Client.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Add a new Client
NetSupport Manager maintains a database of all Known Clients. This
is stored in the All Computers folder in the Tree view and provides a
fast way to connect to those Clients without having to perform a
You can also see additional information about the Client, such as
names, contact numbers etc.
To populate the known Clients database
1. Use the browse function to look up available Clients and connect
to them. All required information about that Client will then be
stored in the All Computers folder.
Select the Home tab in the ribbon and click New.
Select the All Computers folder and double-click New Client.
2. You will then be prompted for the following information:
The name of the Client.
The network address of the Client.
The network transport it is running under.
Note: Select I’ll choose the name from a Browse list to
perform a browse and select a Client from the Browse list.
3. Click Next.
4. To enter additional information to be stored with the Client’s
details, select Yes, enter more information. To finish adding
the Client, select No. The information you can additionally store
An alternative name to be displayed at the Control for that
A text description about that Client.
A contact name.
A contact telephone number.
5. Click Finish. The newly created Client will now appear in the All
Computers folder and be displayed in the List view.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Delete a Client
As part of maintaining a database of known Clients, good
housekeeping requires deleting unused previously saved Clients from
the All Computers folder in the Control Tree view.
To delete a known Client from the database
1. Select the All Computers folder in the Tree view and select the
required Client.
2. Right-click the Client and click Delete .
3. A prompt will appear asking for confirmation.
Renaming a Client
Instead of displaying the Clients physical name, NetSupport Manager
allows you to set a different name that will be displayed at the
For example, a workstation running a Client may have a description
allocated by you, such as Sales 2. This workstation may move to the
Accounts department, and as such, you wish to rename it to Accounts
To rename a Client
1. Select the All Computers folder in the Tree view and select the
required Client.
2. Select the tab in the ribbon displaying the Client's name and click
Right-click the Client and click Properties .
3. The Client Properties dialog will appear.
4. Select the Details tab.
This is where you can store background information about the
Client workstation. The following options are available:
Display name
Use the display name to provide a friendlier name for the Client
to be displayed at the Control. By default, the physical Client
name is used.
Here, you can enter any useful information about the Client.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Contact and Phone number
Store the name of the workstation user and a relevant telephone
number for the workstation.
Mac/Ethernet address
Store the Mac/Ethernet address of the Client workstation.
Note: This only changes the stored name on the Control. It does not
affect the physical name of the Client that will be displayed at
another Control or if you do a browse.
Setting Client properties
You can store additional information about a Client workstation and
its user. This information can then be viewed in the detailed List view.
You choose which columns are displayed in the List view by selecting
the View tab in the ribbon and clicking Columns.
To adjust Client properties
1. Select the All Computers folder in the Tree view and select the
required Client.
2. Select the tab in the ribbon displaying the Client's name and click
Right-click the Client and click Properties .
3. The Client Properties dialog will be displayed. The following tabs
are available:
This tab displays the physical Client name and location, the
transport the Client is using and the Client's network address.
You can also decide if the Client is included in shows/scans.
This tab allows you to store background information about the
Client, such as the name you want displayed at the Control for
this Client, the description you want to associate with this Client,
the contact name and phone number, and the Mac/Ethernet
NetSupport Manager v14.00
System Information
This tab will only be displayed once you have connected to the
Client. It displays the following system information about the
The machine and logged on user name
The IP address of the Client
The last connection date and time
The operating system the Client is running on
The location of the Client
The type of device the Client is using
What version of NetSupport Manager the Client is running.
This tab will only be displayed if the Client is running on a vPro
machine. It shows the vPro version.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Creating a new group
NetSupport Manager allows you to organise Clients into groups for
easier access and management. For example, you might group all the
Clients in the Accounts department into a single group called
Accounts. You can also create sub-groups which are attached to a
group, this may be useful if the Accounts department has different
offices, you can then have a sub-group for the London office and one
for the Cambridge office.
Note: Clients are also grouped by pre-defined criteria, platform and
Client version in the Auto Group folder in the Tree view.
These groups are fixed and are unable to be changed.
To create a group
1. Make sure the required Clients have previously been connected as
this will store them in the All Computers folder and make them
available for grouping.
2. Select the Home tab in the ribbon, click the New icon drop-down
arrow and select Group.
3. This will display the Add a group wizard, which will guide you
through the process of adding or removing Clients in your new
4. Click Finish.
To create a sub-group
1. Select the group that you wish to attach the sub-group to.
2. Select the Group tab in the ribbon and click New.
3. This will display the Add a group wizard, which will guide you
through the process of adding or removing Clients in your new
4. Click Finish.
Note: Clients specified in a sub-group will also appear in the group
above it.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Adding/removing Clients in a group
NetSupport Manager allows you to group selected Clients together to
allow easier management.
For example, you may have a number of workstations all associated
with the Sales department. By placing each of the individual Clients in
a predefined group, you can then perform operations in a single
action to all members within that group.
To add Clients to a group
1. Open the All Computers folder and select the group you want to
add the Client to.
2. Right-click and select Properties .
Select the Group tab in the ribbon and click Properties.
3. Choose the Members tab
4. Select which Client you wish to add to the group.
5. Click Add.
1. Select the Clients in the List view.
2. Right-click and choose Add to Group .
Select the Selection tab that appears in the ribbon and click Add
to Group.
Note: This tab will only appear if multiple Clients are selected.
3. Select the required group and click Add.
1. Select the Client in the List view.
2. Left-click and drag and drop the Client into the relevant group.
To remove Clients from a group
1. Open the All Computers folder and select the group you want to
remove Clients from.
2. Right-click and select Properties .
Select the Group tab in the ribbon and click Properties.
3. Choose the Members tab
4. Select the Client(s) you wish to remove from the group and click
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
5. When you have finished adjusting the members of your group,
click OK.
1. Open the All Computers folder and select the group you want to
remove Clients from.
2. Select the Client(s) you want to remove from the group in the
List view.
3. Select the Group tab in the ribbon and click Remove from
Note: To move a Client to a different group, select the Client icon
and drag and drop to the new group. This will remove the
Client from all levels in the previous group.
Setting group properties
Having created a group, you may be required to review or change its
name, description or members.
To adjust a groups properties
1. Highlight the required group from the Tree view.
2. Select the Group tab in the ribbon and click Properties.
Right-click the group and click Properties .
3. The Group Properties dialog will be displayed. This has two tabs:
Shows the name and a description of the group, you can also
customise the appearance of the client icons.
Lists the Clients in the group. From here, you can add or remove
Clients in the group.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
NetSupport Scripting
In this chapter
Learn about NetSupport’s powerful scripting language and how
it can be used to automate repetitive tasks.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
NetSupport Scripting overview
NetSupport includes a powerful Scripting Language and Scheduler
that allows you to automate the tasks you would normally perform
repetitively in the NetSupport Manager Control.
For example, you might set up a script that runs unattended
overnight to connect to a number of remote NetSupport Manager
Clients and upload or download files to them.
This is a simple case, but NetSupport Scripting also contains a wealth
of desktop management functions such as the ability to interrogate
Clients and retrieve information such as their free disk space, what
operating system they are running, etc.
You could even use NetSupport Scripting to distribute applications by
using a combination of File Transfer, Remotely Execute applications
and edit the Registry.
Anything that you do manually with NetSupport Manager, you can do
automatically with NetSupport Scripting.
The following are just a few of the highlights:
A powerful, structured language.
A wide range of text manipulation functions.
The ability to work with multiple connected Clients.
Local and remote operations are supported.
Full logging of activities.
The ability to supplement the system log with your own log
All of the security features associated with the 32-bit control are
Your scripts will not contain visible human-readable passwords to
develop your scripts.
A full description of the Script Editor can be found in the online help.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Starting the Script Editor
The Scripting Editor allows you to edit and create automated
NetSupport Manager scripts.
To start the Script Editor
1. Choose {Start}{Programs}{NetSupport Manager}{NetSupport
Manager Script Editor}.
2. The Script Editor main window will appear.
The Script Editor is divided into four main sections:
The menu bar and toolbar
The Command window
Edit dialog window
Script Output Frame.
Creating a simple script
NetSupport Scripting contains so many functions that it is not
possible to cover them all. Instead, we will take you systematically
through creating, testing and running a simple script. You can then
explore the full functionality yourself.
To create a script
1. Choose {File}{New} from the Scripting drop-down menu bar.
2. A new Script dialog window will appear.
3. Double click on the Functions folder and then again on the Client
sub-folder. A list of functions relating to the Client will be
4. Select a function and drag and drop it into the Script dialog
5. A dialog box will appear, prompting you for the variables you
need to enter.
6. Select a transport for the script to run on by selecting the
SetTransport function, drag and drop it into the Script dialog
7. A dialog box will appear, select which transports you wish to use
and click OK. The correct syntax will automatically be inserted in
the script.
8. Select the Connect function, drag and drop it into the Script
dialog window.
9. Enter the Client(s) workstation to connect to and run your script
10. Continue in this manner until you have completed your script.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Notes :
To access help for a function, select the required function, right-
click and choose Display Help On xxx.
It is advisable to regularly check the syntax of your script, choose
{Run}{Check Syntax} from the drop-down menu. The script will
then be checked and the results displayed in the output frame at
the bottom of the screen.
Scheduling and running a script
You schedule a script to run using the NetSupport Manager Scripting
Agent. Start this from the NetSupport Manager program group.
The Scripting Agent contains many functions for tailoring the
schedule to your exact needs. You create a schedule by choosing
{Script}{Add} and selecting or adding the details you want in the
Schedule dialog.
You can set many scripts to run in the same schedule. You can even
set the running of one script to depend on the results from another.
NetSupport Scripting is an exceptionally powerful tool and there are
an almost unlimited number of ways on which it can be used. Here
are just a few ideas for you to consider:
Connect to Clients at remote sites overnight via a dial-up link and
retrieve their days sales.
Connect to every Client on the Local LAN and retrieve its free disk
space. Raise an alert if it is less than a certain limit.
Send a command to every Client to log in to the File Server and
download a database.
Send a message to all Clients to be read by the users first thing
in the morning.
Download an application overnight and use the Execute
Command to run its set-up.
Update your NetSupport Manager Clients to the latest version.
The list is endless.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Technical reference
In this chapter
Additional technical information is provided, which will further
enhance your understanding of NetSupport Manager features.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Unloading a NetSupport Manager Client
This allows you to stop the NetSupport Manager Client program from
1. Use Net Stop Client32 from the command line.
Restarting a Client
In order to save any changes made to a profile, the file Client32U.ini
must be saved. Once saved, the Client should be restarted for these
changes to take effect. You can stop/start the Client from the Client
Configurator dialog box.
To save changes made to a profile
1. Choose {File}{Save} from the Client Configurator drop-down
Click the Save icon on the toolbar.
To restart the Client from the Client Configurator dialog box
1. Click the Restart icon on the toolbar. A dialog with the Client
information and licence details will appear.
1. Choose {File}{Restart Client} from the Client Configurator drop-
down menu.
2. A dialog box will appear informing you that the Client32 service is
being started.
3. A dialog with the Client information and licence details will
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Using compression effectively
Compression can be configured to three different settings, on, off or
always. When compression is turned on, screen data and file transfer
operations are compressed. However, if a file is transferred that is
already stored compressed (such as a zipped file or certain graphic
files), NetSupport Manager will stop trying to compress it further after
64KBytes. If Use Compression is turned on, the file is compressed
no matter what its internal structure is. This can be useful for
encrypting the file.
The compressing and decompressing of the information takes time.
On a dial-up link, the overhead of compressing and decompressing is
minimal compared to the transfer speed of the modems. However, on
a local LAN, if either the Control and/or Client are low specification
workstations, the time taken to compress, transfer the data and then
decompress can be greater than just sending the information directly.
In this case, it is probably better to turn compression off.
You can use the Compression tab in the About box to determine if file
and screen information is being compressed efficiently. Time copying
files of known sizes to determine if compression is speeding up your
connection to the Client.
Using cache effectively
NetSupport Manager can store areas of the Client screen in local
memory. This enables the Control to determine whether it needs to
get the area from the Client (relatively slow) or from local memory
(fast). This is commonly referred to as a cache.
The Client and Control use the same size cache. The size of the cache
for the Client is set via the Configurator and the size of the Control
cache is set in the View settings. The lower of the Control and Client
values is used.
Use the Cache tab of the About box to determine how efficiently the
cache is currently working. If the hit rate is low, then not many items
have been requested from the cache (or your remote control session
has not been very intensive). You could save memory by reducing the
size of the cache. If the hit rate is high, then the cache is being used
heavily. In this case, you may like to increase the size of the cache to
speed up the remote control session.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
The cache on the Control is created for each Client when it is viewed,
bear this in mind if you regularly view multiple Client’s screens. If
each Client has a 4Mbyte cache and you view 6 of them, the Control
will allocate 24Mb of memory. If the total size of all the caches
exceeds your physical memory size, then the operating system will
start paging memory to disk, this will affect the performance of the
If you have Clients with different cache sizes set, configure the
Controls to be as big as the largest Client setting. That way, the
Control will always allocate the largest cache the Client can support.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Remote inventory and system information
For many support teams, an important part of the problem resolution
process is knowing not only what platform the workstation is running
but its hardware specifications and the applications installed on the
workstation. NetSupport Manager provides a real-time view of the
hardware and software inventory of the remote PC.
In addition to its sophisticated hardware/software reporting, where a
wealth of information is collected specifically about the hardware or
environment of the Client PC, you can obtain details of installed
hotfixes and use the Task Manager to view and manage applications,
processes and services that are currently running.
As well as the real-time reporting, NetSupport Manager also provides
the tools, security permitting, to allow you to remotely stop and start
services, end applications and processes.
Display the inventory for the selected Client
1. Select the required Client icon in the Control window List view.
2. Select the Home or Remote tab in the ribbon and click Inventory.
Select the tab displaying the Client's name in the ribbon and click
Right-click and select Inventory.
3. The Inventory window for the selected Client will appear.
Note: Once collected, the various Client inventories are stored locally
in the NetSupport Manager program folder, meaning that you
do not need to be connected to the target PC to be able to
view the information at a later date. Simply select the
required Client from the List view and choose the Inventory
option. However, if you subsequently want to refresh the
inventory, you do need to connect to the target PC.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
The Inventory window
The Inventory window is the primary interface for accessing the
wealth of information that NetSupport Manager’s inventory feature
The caption bar
The caption bar displays the name of the remote Client PC whose
system inventory is being viewed. Clicking the Client name brings up
a Remote Management pane, and from here, you can see details of
the Client and perform a variety of functions.
By default, the Client name, wireless and battery indicators (if
applicable) and security status (shows if TLS or encryption are
enabled or not) are displayed on the caption bar. You can customise
what is displayed and choose to show the Client's logged-on user
name, IP address, operating system, enclosure type and location by
right-clicking the Client name.
Note: Changing the Client display options here will also change them
on the quick access bar, connected Clients list on the status
bar and when zooming into thumbnails.
The following options are available:
Show or hide the ribbon.
Shows how many windows are open. From here, you can
access the Window menu.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Access the online help and version number, licensee and
Technical Support information.
The ribbon
The ribbon provides access to the inventory components and you can
refresh, print and export the current view.
The following inventory views are available:
NetSupport Manager collects a range of information specifically
about the hardware or environment of the Client PC, providing all
the key information needed to assist in speedy problem
Note: The inventory functions included with NetSupport
Manager are designed to run over TCP/IP. The Network
adapter details will not be displayed if TCP/IP is not
Provides a full software inventory report for any selected Client
PC. Includes the name of each installed product, the
manufacturer, product icon, version number and even the
associated exe file.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Hot Fixes
NetSupport Manager scans for and checks the status of any ‘hot
fixes’ that have been installed on the selected Client workstation.
The hot fix ID is listed along with its status. The hot fix ID links to
the appropriate Microsoft support page, where details of the fix
can be found.
When verifying the status of each fix, NetSupport Manager
returns one of three indicators:
Verifies that the fix is present on the target PC and is
An expected file may not be present or is not the
correct version. It would be advisable to install the fix
NetSupport Manager was unable to gather the required
information for it to be able to verify the status.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Status bar
The status bar shows the number of connected Clients. You can see a
list of all connected Clients by clicking Connected (clicking a Client
name opens an Inventory window for them). Right-click to choose
how the Client is displayed in the list.
Running the Task Manager
1. Select the required Client icon in the List view.
2. Select the Home or Remote tab in the ribbon and click Task
Select the tab displaying the Client's name in the ribbon and click
Task Manager.
Right-click and select Task Manager.
While viewing the Client screen, select the Tools tab in the View
window ribbon and click the Task Manager icon.
3. The Task Manager window for the selected Client will appear.
The Task Manager window
NetSupport Manager allows you to remotely open the Task Manager
and manage applications, processes and services on the Client.
The caption bar
The caption bar displays the name of the Client you are running the
Task Manager for. Clicking the Client name brings up a Remote
Management pane, and from here, you can see details of the Client
and perform a variety of functions.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
By default, the Client name, wireless and battery indicators (if
applicable) and security status (shows if TLS or encryption are
enabled or not) are displayed on the caption bar. You can customise
what is displayed and choose to show the Client's logged-on user
name, IP address, operating system, enclosure type and location by
right-clicking the Client name.
Note: Changing the Client display options here will also change them
on the quick access bar, connected Clients list on the status
bar and when zooming into thumbnails.
The following options are available:
Show or hide the ribbon.
Shows how many windows are open. From here, you can
access the Window menu.
Access the online help and version number, licensee and
Technical Support information.
The ribbon
The ribbon provides access to the Task Manager tasks and tools. The
available options change depending on what view is selected. You can
refresh, print and export the data from all views.
The following views are available:
Shows a list of applications currently running on the Client
machine. You can close a selected application from the list by
clicking the Close Application icon.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Provides a list of processes currently running on the Client
machine. You can close a selected process from the list by
clicking the Kill Process icon.
Note: Click Monitor Resources to see the usage differences
(+/-) for the running processes.
Provides a list of services currently running on the Client
machine. The Control can stop, start, pause and restart services
by clicking the required Services icon.
Note: By default, the close process/application and start/stop
services features are disabled. You can enable these in the
Advanced Client Configurator Access Privileges settings.
Status bar
The status bar shows the number of connected Clients. You can see a
list of all connected Clients by clicking Connected (clicking a Client
name opens a Task Manager window for them). Right-click to choose
how the Client is displayed in the list.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Edit Registry window
Within the Edit Registry window, you are able to edit the registry of a
Client or Control workstation.
Note: The ability to edit the registry of a Control or Client
workstation is off by default. This can be turned on in the
Client Configuration Access Privileges (Advanced) or Control
Configuration Functions settings.
To edit the registry of a Client workstation
1. Select the required Client in the List view.
2. Select the Remote tab in the ribbon and click the Edit Registry
Right-click the Client and select Edit Registry.
To edit the registry of the Control machine
1. Select the Tools tab in the ribbon and click the Edit Local
Registry icon.
The Edit Registry window is divided into the following sections:
The caption bar
The caption bar shows which Client you are editing the registry of
(this does not appear when you edit the registry of the Control
machine). Clicking the Client name brings up a Remote Management
pane, and from here, you can see details of the Client and perform a
variety of functions.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
By default, the Client name, wireless and battery indicators (if
applicable) and security status (shows if TLS or encryption are
enabled or not) are displayed on the caption bar. You can customise
what is displayed and choose to show the Client's logged-on user
name, IP address, operating system, enclosure type and location by
right-clicking the Client name.
Note: Changing the Client display options here will also change them
on the quick access bar, connected Clients list on the status
bar and when zooming into thumbnails.
The following options are available:
Show or hide the ribbon.
Shows how many windows are open. From here, you can
access the Window menu.
Access the online help and version number, licensee and
Technical Support information.
The ribbon
The ribbon provides access to all the tasks and tools required for
editing the registry. Positioning the cursor over an icon will display a
brief description of its function.
The following sections are available in the Home tab of the ribbon:
Allows you to create new, delete, compare and edit values,
rename keys or find specific data. You can also import and export
a key or value and print the registry tree or values.
Allows you to add, edit, remove or move up and down your list,
previously nominated bookmarks.
Left-hand pane
Displays a Tree view of the registry data.
Right-hand pane
When an item has been selected in the Tree view, it will be displayed
here. Select the item and use the icons in the ribbon (or right-click)
to edit it.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Status bar
The status bar shows the number of connected Clients and the
current registry path (this can be copied by clicking ).
You can see a list of all connected Clients by clicking Connected
(clicking a Client name opens an Edit Registry window for them).
Right-click to choose how the Client is displayed in the list.
WARNING: The registry contains vital information on the
workstation. Editing any section of a registry should be done
with EXTREME care.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Using NetSupport Manager’s Security features
NetSupport Manager has a large number of security features that can
be used to restrict access to the Control and Client. Knowing how
these work together and their limitations is useful when planning your
security policy.
Firstly, we recommend that if you want to restrict access to or protect
a Client, you do it at the Client, not at the Control.
There are a number of reasons for this. If the workstation contains
sensitive information that you want to protect, it is likely that the
workstation will have some physical security measures. Perhaps it is
located in a locked room, a restricted area or maybe it has some local
security measures. For example, it runs NT using NTFS.
It doesn’t matter how good the NetSupport Manager Client’s security
is if people can just walk up to the workstation and access the
We recommend that the following measures are used to secure a
NetSupport Manager Client. They are ranked from most secure to
least secure. See the help in the Client Configurator for more
Physically protect access to the workstation.
Use a secure operating system such as NT and use its security to
protect the workstation locally. i.e. use NTFS and user profiles for
Store the Client configuration files in a secure area such as NT
Set Client profiles that restrict the access rights that individual
Control users or groups of users have to what they actually need.
Set a security key at the Control and Client. This only allows
Controls to connect to the Client only if they have the same
security key. For example, you can use this function to provide
someone in a department with access to their departments’
workstations only.
Use the audit log/event log so you can determine who has
connected and when.
Disable features at the Client that you know the Control user will
not need. For example, disable File Transfer or set to Watch only
if you don’t want people to manipulate the screen.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
For NT Client workstations, use the NT security features such as
validate user ID.
Set a password on the Configurator and restrict access to who
can run it.
Password protect the Control workstation and set Control profiles
for individual users.
Set restrictions in the Control profile for accessing certain
features like File Transfer, Viewing, Show etc.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Understanding IP addresses
An IP address is made up of 4 bytes, each byte being made up of
eight bits, which can have a value of 1 or 0. This gives possible IP
addresses of to
Each IP address is also split into two portions, a network portion,
which identifies the network the device is on, and the local or host
portion, which identifies a particular device.
The subnet mask defines the position of this split between the
network and host portions of the address, which is associated with
the address. The subnet mask is also a four-byte number. Each bit in
the subnet mask that is set to 1 denotes that the corresponding bit in
the IP address is part of the network portion.
For example, if we have an IP address of and a subnet
mask of
IP Address
Subnet Mask
IP Address In Binary
Subnet Mask in Binary
Network Portion of IP
Host Portion of IP Address
Network Portion of IP
Host Portion of IP Address
Therefore, when we send an IP packet to, we are actually
sending a packet to device 21 on network
In the example above, the network can have 256 host
addresses, 0 to 255. However, two of the host addresses, the first
and last, on each IP network are reserved. The reserved host address
with all bits set to 0 is the Network Address, and the one with bits set
to 1 is the broadcast address.
In our example network of
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
339 is the network address is the broadcast address.
When an IP packet is sent to a networks broadcast address, each
device on the IP network will receive this packet.
It is this IP network broadcast address, which is used when
configuring NetSupport Manager Control to browse on an IP subnet
other than its own.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Using command line instructions
The NetSupport Manager Control program, PCICTLUI.EXE, can be
called from the command line. A range of parameters is available,
enabling you to create shortcuts to many commonly used tasks.
Using these parameters, you can, for example, create different
Control profiles, set up a connection to specific Clients, and then
create a desktop icon to automatically execute the commands when
NetSupport Manager Command Line Options
At the command line run, ‘PCICTLUI.exe’, from the NetSupport
Manager Program folder, followed by the appropriate parameters:
1. /N Loads a specific Control configuration. (Created in the Control
Configurator. Click the Profiles icon on the caption bar.)
Note: When using control configuration profiles, it is advisable
to password protect the configuration and keep the
standard configuration unchanged to avoid locking
yourself out of the Control.
PCICTLUI /NPROFILE NAME (where profile name = the
stored configuration name)
/F Used with /N, restricts the control to only use the specified
profile. By including this parameter, you prevent the Control
user from being able to alter or add configurations.
/C Connect to a specific Client by name or address.
If connecting by IP address:
the IP address)
If connecting by name:
PCICTLUI /CNNNNNN (where NNNNNN = client name)
/V Used in conjunction with /C, opens the View window (in share
mode) of the connected Client.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
/VC Opens a View window to the connected Client in Control mode.
/VW Opens a View window to the connected Client in Watch mode.
/VS Opens a View window to the connected Client in Share mode.
/E Used in conjunction with the /V options, opens the View window
without loading the Control. When the View window is closed,
the remote control session ends.
/G Connect to a defined group of Clients on start-up.
PCICTLUI.EXE /GNNNNN (where NNNNN = the group name)
/D Dial into a remote network. Can be used in conjunction with /C.
PCICTLUI.EXE /DNNNNN /Cxxxxx (where NNNNN = the
name of the remote network and xxxxx = the name of the
Client to connect to)
/U Specify the protocol to use. Use IP for IPX/SPX, TC for TCP/IP,
and NBn for NETBIOS where n = the stack 0-7.
PCICTLUI.EXE /Unb1 (where nb1 = netbios stack 1)
/R Display a NetSupport Manager Replay File.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
PCICTLUI.EXE /RNNNNN.rpf (where NNNNN.rpf = the file
/A Open a Chat session with a selected Client.
/I Retrieves a hardware/software inventory from the selected
Client machine.
/S Connect to the Client using its PIN. Can be used in conjunction
with /V, /VC, /VW and /V /EV.
PCICTLUI.EXE /SNNNNN (where NNNNN is the Client's PIN)
/X Opens a File Transfer window at the selected Client.
/K Opens a PowerShell or Registry session at the selected Client.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Integration with Active Directory
NetSupport Manager integrates with Microsoft’s Active Directory
structure, enabling you to centrally manage Client and Control
configurations. By creating an appropriate Group Policy, you can
apply standardised Client configurations to Client machines without
the need to visit individual desktops.
To make the task a little easier, NetSupport Manager supplies ready-
made Administrative Templates containing the configurable options.
When you install NetSupport Manager, the Template files are copied
to the NetSupport Manager program folder.
To apply configuration changes via Active Directory
1. At the domain controller, run Group Policy Management.
2. Select the desired policy to apply the NetSupport settings to or
create a new policy.
3. Right-click the policy and select Edit.
4. The NetSupport Manager templates will be located under:
Computer Policies Computer Configuration > Policies >
Administrative Templates
User Policies User Configuration > Policies > Administrative
5. The templates are called NetSupport Client Settings and
NetSupport Manager Control Settings.
6. Within these templates, you will find the relevant NetSupport
Manager settings that can be applied via Group Policy.
By default, each NetSupport policy option is set to not configured.
Each time you make a change to an option, the Group Policy refresh
interval will determine when it is applied to Client machines. If a
remote control session is not currently active, the Client will detect
any changes to its own Administrative Template and restart,
applying the new settings. If a remote control session is open, the
Client will restart at the next available opportunity.
For an explanation of the configuration options that are available,
refer to the Configuring the Client section.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Note: Please refer to the Support area on our website for the latest
information on Active directory policy files, instructions on
upgrading from previous versions and applying NetSupport
Manager Client profiles within Active Directory.
The NetSupport Manager Client can be configured to validate user
connections against members of Active Directory groups. See
Configuring the Client - User Validation.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Smartcard support
NetSupport Manager allows the Control to log on to Client machines
that use Smartcard authentication. Smartcard support is automatic
and no additional installation is required. Support is dynamically
loaded at the Client when a Control connection is made. When
loaded, an additional hardware device will be available called NSL
Pseudo Smartcard Reader.
When the Control opens a View window to the connected Client, they
will need to insert their own smartcard into the reader attached at the
Control and enter the Clients PIN to log on to the remote user’s
If multiple Client View windows are open at the Control, smartcard
insertion and removal events are sent to the Client currently in focus.
Smartcard authentication for remote control sessions is only
available if the Client is running Windows XP or later, the
smartcard authentication option is enabled at the Client and the
Client was able to successfully create the pseudo smartcard
In an Active Directory environment, it is possible to enable
smartcard support using the NetSupport Manager ADM Template.
Enabling smartcard logon
1. Open the NetSupport Manager Program folder by choosing
{Start}{Programs}{NetSupport Manager}{NetSupport Manager
2. Choose the Advanced Configurator option and select the profile
to amend.
3. From the list of configuration options, select Security-
4. Check the Enable Smartcard option.
5. Click OK.
NetSupport Manager v14.00
Using NetSupport Manager over the internet
NetSupport Manager works across the internet in much the same way
as it does across dial-up networking. It can be done to workstations
with a static connection across a LAN or to a dial-up account with ISP.
If your workstation can “see” a workstation running NetSupport
Manager, you can connect to it, whether this is on the internet, via
remote communications, a RAS dialup link or on your local LAN/WAN.
Note: While the following procedure can be used, NetSupport
Manager also provides a convenient Internet Gateway
feature delivering web-based remote control without the
need for modifications to existing Firewall configurations.
To remote control a Client over the internet
1. Connect both the Control and the Client to the internet.
2. Select the Home tab in the ribbon.
3. In the Quick Connect section, type in the IP address of the Client
you wish to connect to.
4. Select the By IP address icon .
5. Click Quick Connect.
Finding an IP address
The easiest way to find the IP address of the Client is to use the
command line ipconfig.
Workstations connecting via a modem link to an ISP will normally
have a different IP address assigned to them each time they connect.
You will therefore need to find out their address each time you wish
to connect. This is done using the command line ipconfig.
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
Contacting NetSupport
If you have any comments regarding the design, installation,
configuration, or operation of NetSupport Manager, please contact us.
UK & International
Technical Support:
North America
Technical Support: [email protected]
Technical Support:
Germany, Austria and Switzerland
Technical Support: supp[email protected]
Technical Support: [email protected]
NetSupport Manager v14.00
2FA, 107
access privileges, 227, 229
access rights
for file transfer, 243
acknowledge connection by a
Control, 235
active directory, 344
authenticate, 232
adding Clients, 312
advanced Client browsing, 81
terminal server, 112
advanced Client configuration, 213
android client, 56
applications running at Client.
audio support, 151
adjusting microphone sensitivity,
adjusting speaker volume, 153
Client configuration, 253
Control configuration, 294
making announcements, 152
auto group, 66
basic Client configuration, 212
when Control receives help
request, 300
while chatting, 183
while viewing, 255
blanking Clients screens, 128
broadcast show, 145, 269
browsing, 73
advanced, 81
for Gateway Clients, 73
for terminal server Clients, 112
Gateways, 103
IPX network, 83
over a subnet, 81
over an IP subnet, 81
specify subnets, 269
understanding IP addresses, 339
cache, 249, 285, 325
capture print output, 190, 291
capture screen, 132
Client initiated, 204
Control initiated, 182
disable, 185, 229, 255
group chat, 182
initiate in explorer, 193
send audible beep, 183
chrome OS, 54
update, 118
accept/reject connection, 236
acknowledge connection, 235
automatic login, 117
chat to a Control, 204
Client Main Window, 201
configuration, 212
disconnecting a Control, 203
features, 200
inventories, 327
load bridge at startup, 222
power off, 119
power on, 119
properties, 314
raising a help request, 204
receiving messages, 205
remote installation, 37
restarting, 324
security. See security, at the
unloading, 324
client automatic login, 117
client automatic update, 118
client configurator
advanced options, 262
terminal services, 261
Client Configurator
access privileges, 227, 229
audio settings, 253
Client interface options, 255
Client settings, 255
connect options, 238
connectivity options, 215
dialin options, 222
disconnect options, 240
enable smartcard logon, 237
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
help request settings, 257
profile options, 260
remote control settings, 249
replay file settings, 244
security, 225
set Client password, 225
set Configurator password, 225
set HTTP, 219
set IPX, 217
set NetBIOS, 218
set Security key, 225
set TCP/IP, 216
set tickle period, 224
show settings, 252
user acknowledgement, 235
user validation, 232
view settings, 249
client information window, 201
Client settings, 267
organising clients, 137
clipboard, 191
command line instructions, 195,
197, 341
compression, 279
file transfer, 303
use while viewing, 285
using effectively, 325
configuration files
creating, 209
editing, 209
configure PIN server at client, 221
configure PIN server at control, 275
configuring Clients, 212
by hostname, 269
connecting to Clients
on different protocols, 80
over a remote IPX network, 83
over a subnet, 81
over an IP subnet, 81
quick connect, 79
terminal server, 112
through firewalls, 110
through proxy servers, 110
through the Internet, 347
understanding IP addresses, 339
using IP address, 79
with a smartcard, 237
connecting to clients using PIN
connect, 77
connecting to Controls
through firewalls, 110
through proxy servers, 110
through the Internet, 347
dialin options, 222
remote dialup at Control, 276
set HTTP, 219, 274
set IPX, 217
set NetBIOS, 218
set PIN server at client, 221
set PIn server at control, 275
set TCP/IP, 216, 269
connectivity server, 84
contact us, 348
adjusting microphone and
speaker volume, 153
audio announcements, 152
audio support, 151
capture Client print output, 190
chat to Client, 182
clipboard, 191
connecting to Clients, 76
connecting to Clients, different
protocols, 80
Ctrl+Alt+Delete, 122
dealing with help requests, 188
disconnecting Clients, 116
executing applications, 138
features, 14
file distribution, 176
file manager, 180
finding Clients on a gateway, 73
finding Clients on the network, 73
Internet, use over, 347
logout, 121
managing Control files, 180
messages, sending, 187
power management, 119
quick connect, 79
reboot, 121
recording replay files, 158
scanning clients, 130
security. See security, at Control
set name, 268
showing a Client's screen, 149
showing the Control screen, 145
starting, 60
user defined tools, 143
video support, 154
NetSupport Manager v14.00
viewing a Client, 123
Control configuration
create desktop icons, 266
multiple profiles, 266
control configurator
vPro, 308
Control Configurator, 264
advanced settings, 278
audio settings, 294
configure interface settings, 295
connectivity options, 269
Control interface settings, 295
event logging, 246, 281
file locations, 309
file transfer settings, 243, 303
general settings, 268
help request settings, 300
keyboard/mouse settings, 289
print capture settings, 291
protect configuration, 242
remote control settings, 285
remote dialup settings, 276
replay files, 282
restrict functionality, 298
security settings, 279
set HTTP connection, 274
set TCP/IP connection, 269
show settings, 301
startup settings, 306
terminal server settings, 112
user permissions, 283
control panel video player, 156
Control Window, 61
hide options, 295
list view, 69
tree view, 65
Ctrl+Alt+Delete, 122
customisable display text, 235, 240,
cut and paste, remotely, 191
database, Client
adding, 312
deleting, 313
properties, 314
renaming, 313
default settings, customise. See
deleting Clients, 313
deleting files and directories, 169
delta file transfer, 168, 303
a Client configuration, 47
a NetSupport license file, 48
a NetSupport package, 43
getting started, 40
log files, 52
main window, 41
pre-define settings, 51
remote Install, 37
remote uninstall, 49
connect by hostname, 269
copying, 168
deleting, 169
synchronise, 172
disable functionality, 227, 229, 255,
configure Control interface, 295
a Client, 116
a Control, 203
all Clients, 116
configuration options, 240
distributing files, 176
dual channel bonding
enable at Client, 222
enable at Control, 277
enable playback support, 249
edit registry window, 334
enable client location, 297
enable geolocation, 297
at Control, 279
force encryption, 238
evaluation kits, 30
event logging
enable at Client, 246
enable at Control, 281
executing applications, 138
explorer integration, 193
disable shell, 295
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
copying, 168
copying between Clients, 169
deleting, 169
file distribution, 176
File Distribution Window, 173
file locations, 309
file manager, 180
File Manager Window, 178
file transfer
applying a filter in List View, 165
arranging multiple Windows, 165
between Clients, 169
changing the sort orders, 167
changing the view format, 166
configuring access rights, 243
control settings, 303
copying files and directories, 168
deleting file and directories, 169
delta file transfer, 168
print file list, 171
synchronising directories, 172
File Transfer Window, 162
applying a filter in List View, 165
arranging multiple Windows, 165
changing the sort orders, 167
changing the view format, 166
finding Clients on the network, 73
firewalls, 86, 110
gateway, 84
configure Client for HTTP, 219
configure Control for HTTP, 274
connecting clients/controls, 86
gateway configuration, 88
geolocation, 69
glossary, 348
groups, 316
adding, 317
chat, 182
creating, 316
properties, 318
removing, 317
hardware inventory, 327
help requests
configure Control settings, 300
configuring settings, 257
dealing with, 188
sending, 204
use web based application, 257
interface settings, 295
hot fixes. See inventory
hotkeys, 289
connecting Clients/Controls, 86
set at Client, 219
set at Control, 274
create desktop icons, 266
use small toolbar icons, 61, 124,
using command line instructions,
inactivity timeout
set at Client, 249
initialising NetSupport, 60
install configuration options, 34
installing, 20, 33
android client, 56
evaluation kits, 30
existing installation detected, 29
gateway, 25
mac, 53
on chrome OS devices, 54
planning, 20
properties for silent install, 34
remote deploy, 37
select an installation type, 25
Server, 32
silent/unattended, 33
uninstalling, 30
instcfg.exe, 33
integration with active directory,
integration with explorer, 193
disable shell, 295
intel vPro, 113
interface settings
configure, 295
gateway, 86
use over, 347
NetSupport Manager v14.00
inventory, 327
check for hot fixes, 330
disable at control, 298
disable features, 229
list applications, 332
list processes, 333
retrieve via explorer, 193
software and hardware, 327
inventory window, 328
IP connections, 79
IP subnet browsing, 81
set at Client, 217
IPX subnet browsing, 83
launching applications, 138
list view, 69
load balancing connectivity servers,
load bridge on startup, 222
load control from command line,
log files
during a remote deploy, 52
enable at Client, 246
log events at Control, 281
logging in clients, 117
logout, 121
mac, 53
managing Clients, 311, See groups
add a new Client, 312
delete a Client, 313
rename a Client, 313
setting Client properties, 314
managing files
Control, 180
max colour depth, 249
customisable display text, 235,
messages, sending, 187
mobile control for iOS and android,
at Control, 276
monitor mode, 136
configure settings, 295
multiple subscriber number
set at Client, 222
set at Control, 277
set at Client, 218
features, 14
netsupport connectivity server, 84
add gateways, 101
client configuration, 100
connecting clients/controls, 86
console, 84
control configuration, 101
set up load balancing connectivity
servers, 105
netsupport connectivity server
configuration, 88
netsupport connectivity server
configuration utility
2FA tab, 98
general tab, 88
keys tab, 90
licenses tab, 95
operators tab, 91
security tab, 96
servers tab, 92
NetSupport deploy, 37
a Client configuration, 47
a NetSupport license file, 48
a NetSupport package, 43
getting started, 40
log files, 52
main window, 41
pre-define settings, 51
remote uninstall, 49
num lock synchronisation, 289
organising Clients. See also
managing Clients
organising clients in the list view,
command line, 341
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
silent installation, 34
passwords, 279
PIN connect, 77
play sound
during chat session, 183
when help request arrives, 188
port number, 110
for gateway connection, 87
for HTTP connection, 87, 219,
for TCP/IP connections, 216
power management
Client power off, 119
Client power on, 119
powershell, 197
pre-define deploy settings, 51
deploy log file, 52
file transfer list, 171
print capture, 190, 291
processes running at Client.
profiles, 209, 266
using command line instructions,
prompt for connection reason, 279
properties, Client, 314
protecting the Client configuration,
quick access bar, 64
quick connect, 79
disable at control, 298
quiet mode, 255
radius, 233
reboot, 121
receive show options, 252
disable, 252
record client activity, 159
record local activity, 158
remote clipboard, 191
remote command prompt, 195
remote communications
dual channel bonding, 222, 277
set MSN number, 222, 277
remote control
configure settings at Client, 249
configure view settings, 285
disable functionality, 298
viewing Clients, 123
remote controlling a Client, 123
via explorer, 193
remote deploy utility, 37
remote install
a Client configuration, 47
a NetSupport license file, 48
a NetSupport package, 43
log files, 52
remote inventory and system
information, 327
remote uninstall, 49
renaming Clients, 313
replay files
create for all clients, 159
create for selected client, 159
enable at Client, 244
enable at Control, 282
record local activity, 158
recording, 158
showing, 145, 161
watching, 160
requesting help, 204
restarting a Client, 324
running the task manager, 331
scale to fit, 286
show window, 252
scale to fit mode, 128
Scan Window, 132
scanning Client screens, 130
individually, 130
multiple, 131
screen capture, 132
screen scrape
set at Client, 249
set at Control, 285
scripting, 320
creating a, 321
running, 322
scheduling, 322
starting the editor, 321
in show window, 252
using effectively, 337
security at Client
NetSupport Manager v14.00
connect options, 238
disconnect options, 240
enable smartcard logon, 237
event logging, 246
force encryption, 238
set access privileges, 227, 229
set password, 225
set set security key, 225
user acknowledgement, 235
user validation, 232
using log files, 246
security at Control, 279
compression, 280
encryption, 279
event logging, 281
password, 279
replay files, 282
user permissions, 283
using log files, 281
security key, 279
send physical fonts, 249
setting up and using two-factor
authentication, 107
settings, Client, 267
set-up. See installing:planning
shell extension
disable explorer shell, 296
a Client’s screen, 149
broadcast show, 145
configure options at Client, 252
enable broadcast show, 269
replay files, 145, 161
the Control screen, 145
video support, 154
silent installation, 33
install configuration options, 34
silent mode, 255
smartcard logon, 237
smartcard support, 346
software inventory, 327
SOS messages
sending, 204
ssl/tls certificates, 96
starting NetSupport, 60
configure startup settings, 306
status bar, 71
browse IPX networks, 83
configuring the control to browse,
IP subnet browsing, 81
understanding IP addresses, 339
synchronisation, num lock, 289
synchronising directories, 172
task manager, 331
task manager window, 331
set at Client, 216
set at Control, 269
terminal server, 112
thumbnail view, 136
configure settings, 295
tickle packets, 224, 278
user acknowledgement, 236
use small icons, 61, 124, 132
set for dialin, 222
set HTTP, 219, 274
set IPX, 217
set NetBIOS, 218
set TCP/IP, 216, 269
tree view, 65
two-factor authentication, 107
understanding IP addresses, 339
uninstalling, 30
unloading a Client, 324
route help requests to web based
system, 257
user acknowledgement, 235
user defined tools, 143
user permissions, 283
user validation, 232
video player, 154
control panel, 156
video skipping, 287
view modes, 126
view settings, 129
View Window, 124
use small toolbar icons, 124
viewing, 123
NetSupport Manager v.14.00
blank Client screen, 128
configure default mode, 285
multiple screens, 127
scale to fit, 128
use explorer to initiate, 193
view modes, 126
view settings, 129
vPro, 113
IP subnet browsing, 81
IPX subnet browsing, 83
subnet browsing, 81
understanding IP addresses, 339
whiteboard, 182
inventory, 328
chat, 183
Client Information, 201
Control Main, 61
deploy, 41
file distribution, 173
file manager, 178
file transfer, 162
scan, 132
view, 124
Windows explorer
integration with NetSupport, 193
Windows Vista
installation, 23