Using tablet computers to teach preschool children to write
letters: Exploring the impact of extrinsic and intrinsic
Melissa M. Patchan, Cynthia S. Puranik
Georgia State University, 30 Pryor Street, Suite 850, Atlanta, GA 30303, USA
article info
Article history:
Received 13 November 2015
Received in revised form 28 July 2016
Accepted 30 July 2016
Available online 2 August 2016
Emergent writing
Tablet computers
Extrinsic feedback
Intrinsic feedback
With the increasing popularity of touchscreen devices, using technology to support young
children's learning has become more accessible. However, given the relative novelty of
tablet computers, the research regarding their effectiveness in education is limited. The
current study extends ndings of current research demonstrating that tablet computers
helped students improve writing, reading, and math abilities of elementary students by
examining how tablet computers could support the development of preschool children's
writing ability. We explored the effects of two types of feedback afforded by tablet com-
puters: concurrent, extrinsic feedback (i.e., feedback provided by a tablet computer as soon
as an error was made) and intrinsic feedback (i.e., naturally occurring sensory information
resulting from practicing writing with one's nger). Preschool children (ages 41e65
months) learned to write eight uppercase letters in small groups three times a week for
eight weeks in one of three ways: paper and pencil, tablet computer and nger, or tablet
computer and stylus. The number of letters correctly written on a paper-and-pencil
posttest depended on the instructional condition. Those who practiced writing with a
stylus on a tablet computer wrote a similar number of letters correctly at posttest as those
who practiced using paper and pencil. This result suggests that concurrent, extrinsic
feedback did not provide an additional bene t over the visual feedback in this context.
More interestingly, those who practiced writing with their nger on a tablet computer
wrote more letters correctly at posttest than those who practiced using a stylus on a tablet
computer. This nding indicates that an enhanced tactile experience was more benecial
for learning to write on a tablet computer than increasing the similarity between the
practice tasks and the transfer task. However, whether the use of tablet computers is
superior to practicing with one's nger on paper worksheets remains an open question.
Several future directions are offered.
© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
Over the past three decades, more educators and researchers are recognizing the signicance of the preschool years for the
development of later academic skills. Alarmingly, as many as 35% of children in the United States enter public schools with
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (M.M. Patchan), [email protected] (C.S. Puranik).
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Computers & Education 102 (2016) 128e137
such low levels of skills and motivation that they are at substantial risk of early academic difculties (Boyer, 1991; Zill & West,
2001). These early academic difculties have serious, long-term consequences. For example, children who experience early
difculties in learning to read and write are likely to continue experiencing problems with reading and writing throughout
their school years (Aram & Levin, 2004; Felton, 1998; Shatil, Share, & Levin, 2000), and these problems permeate into
adulthood (Bruck, 1998). Thus, the broad goal of the current study is to consider how the ways we provide support to young
children shape their development.
1.1. Supporting learning with technology
Many children are exposed to technology at an early age, and exposure to mobile devices in particular is growing across the
world. For example, access to mobile devices in the homes of US families with young children is increasingdmobile device
usage increased by 23% from 52% in 2011 to 75% in 2013, and specically tablet computer usage increased by 32% from 8% in
2011 to 40% in 2013 (Rideout, 2013). Moreover, as reported by Rideout (2013), children were using mobile devices for longer
periods of time (45 min a day in 2011 to 67 min a day in 2013). Children have similar access to technology in schoolsd81% of
US PreK-12 teachers reported using personal computers or laptops in their classroom, 58% using interactive whiteboards, and
52% using tablet computers (PBS LearningMedia, 2015). Given the pervasiveness of technology in young children's lives, we
are particularly interested in how technology can support young children's developmentdand more specically, emergent
Prior research on technology benets in preschool classrooms in the US, Australia, and Greece has demonstrated that
computers can be used to improve a variety of skills, including early literacy skills and early mathematical skills (Moxley,
Warash, Coffman, Brinton, & Concannon, 1997; Shute & Miksad, 1997; Vernadakis, 2005). These benets have been attrib-
uted to several features afforded by technology, including computer animations, immediate and targeted feedback, increased
locus of control, and increased engagement with the instructional material (R. Shute & Miksad, 1997).
With the introduction of Apple's iPad in 2010, the popularity of tablet computers in educational institutions has increased
in many countries including, the US, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and South Korea (W. Clark & Luckin, 2013;
Heinrich, 2012; Henderson & Yeow, 2012; Johnson, Adams Becker, Estrada, & Freeman, 2015; Neumann & Neumann, 2013,
2015; Plumb, Kautz, & Tootell, 2013; Saenz, 2011). However, as noted in these reviews, research regarding the effective-
ness of tablet computers in education is limited given the novelty of the technology.
Prior research has demonstrated how tablet computers could be used in the classroom (Beschorner & Hutchison, 2013;
Hutchison, Beschorner, & Schmidt-Crawford, 2012). For example, in Norway, preschool children used tablet computers to
create digital books, and teachers used tablet computers to check the weather during their opening routine (Sandvik,
Smerdal, & Osterud, 2012). Prior research also examined the usability of tablet computers with young children, nding
that children from a London nursery school interacted with the technology in ways that differed from the interactions with
traditional materials (Crescenzi, Jewitt, & Price, 2014). Although several gains and losses associated with tablet computers
were identied, tablet computers in general promoted an increase in mark making similar to traditional materials with
images (Price, Jewitt, & Crescenzi, 2015). Overall children from a primary school in the UK were able to easily execute a variety
of touch-screen gestures (e.g., click, slide,
swipe), however they had some difculty with others that typically involved
timing, like select, long click, and double-click (McKnight & Fitton, 2010). These children also experienced problems with
unintentional movements and touches. Despite numerous technical issues, US children as young as preschool were not easily
frustrated, and many children commented that using the tablets was easier than using traditional materials (Couse & Chen,
Surprisingly, only two studies to date have empirically tested the effectiveness of using tablet computers for instruction. In
fourth through ninth grades located in the US, students with diagnosed specic learning disabilities signicantly improved
their handwriting, spelling, and syntax abilities after completing 36 h of writing lessons on tablet computer (Berninger, Nagy,
Tanimoto, Thompson, & Abbott, 2015). In rst and second grades located in the US, students showed greater improvement in
both reading and math when tablet computers were incorporated into their lessons (McKenna, 2012).
Although these initial results look promising, more research is needed to determine if and how tablet computers support
learning. In the current study, we explore two types of feedback that are likely to support learning to write letters with tablet
computers: 1) scaffolding and extrinsic feedback and 2) intrinsic feedback. Furthermore, we consider the importance of task
similarity for transfer to other classroom activities.
1.2. Scaffolding & extrinsic feedback
Scaffolding and feedback are often seen as critical components to the learning process (Chi & Wylie, 2014; Hattie &
Timperley, 2007; Kluger & DeNisi, 1996; Koedinger, Corbett, & Perfetti, 2012; Nelson & Schunn, 2009; Shute, 2008;
VanLehn, 2011; Wood, Bruner, & Ross, 1976). Despite the importance of scaffolding, this one-on-one instruction is often
impractical in classroom settings. Rather than adjusting the level of scaffolding to match an individual child, the teacher must
try to meet the needs of multiple children simultaneously. For example, preschool teachers tended to utilize low support
strategies that were less suitable for children who struggle with a task (Pentimonti & Justice, 2009).
Provided the continual advancements in technology, researchers have been investigating how technology in general can
be used in the classroom to support learning and deliver more individualized, one-on-one instruction (for a recent review, see
M.M. Patchan, C.S. Puranik / Computers & Education 102 (2016) 128e137 129
Van der Kleij, Feskens, & Eggen, 2015). Using theories of learning and cognition as well as observations of human tutors,
computer tutors have been used to improve a variety of skills throughout the elementary grades, including mathematics
(Arroyo, Beck, Beal, Wing, & Woolf, 2001; Hwang, 2003; Rau, Aleven, & Rummel, 20 09, Rau, Aleven, & Rummel, 2012), literacy
(Kegel & Bus, 2012; Mayo, Mitrovic, & McKenzie, 2000; Steinhart, 2001), and science (Luckin & du Boulay, 1999).
Information provided by an external source (coming or operating from outside) during and after one performs a task, is
often referred to as extrinsic or augmented feedbackdhenceforth referred to as feedback (Schmidt & Wrisberg, 2008). This
type of feedback differs from visual feedback, which also derives from an external source. Unlike extrinsic feedback, visual
feedback occurs naturally, and it requires some internal processing before the learner detects an error. Therefore, visual
feedback is considered to be a form of intrinsic feedback rather than extrinsic feedback. The conditions that inuence
feedback effectiveness are complex, and specic features of effective feedback have been largely disputed (for a review, see
Mory, 1996, 2004).
One such factor is the timing of feedback. From a reinforcement perspective, feedback that closely follows a response
would be most effective, however, it is unclear how closely the feedback should follow the response. Although several studies
have found that a delay in feedback was effective, these effects might be limited to special experimental circumstances
(Dempsey, Driscoll, & Swindell, 1993; Kulhavy, 1977; Kulik & Kulik, 1988). For the acquisition of motor skills, immediate
terminal feedback (i.e., feedback that is provided immediately after completing a task) can be effective, however, there is a risk
that learners will become dependent on the feedback and struggle when feedback is no longer available (Schmidt, Young,
Sinnen, & Shapiro, 1989). Similarly, concurrent feedback (i.e., feedback that is provided during the actual motor action) has
improved performance during the practice of motor skills and with computer tutors (Dyer, Stapleton, & Rodger, 2015;
Mononen, 2007; Schmidt, 1997; VanLehn, 2011). However, as with the immediate terminal feedback, a learner might
become overly dependent on the feedback and perform even worse on posttests than those who practiced without this
feedback (Schmidt, 1997). A recent review of the effects of concurrent feedback revealed that it was not possible to make any
general conclusions about the efciency of concurrent feedback (Sigrist, Rauter, Riener, & Wolf, 2013). Although earlier
studies found that concurrent feedback was less helpful for simple tasks, more recent studies found that concurrent feedback
was more helpful for complex tasks, especially when provided earlier in the learning process.
Given the importance of scaffolding and extrinsic feedback in tutoring and for young children in particular, we wanted to
further examine how these supports provided by educational technology could shape preschool children's writing devel-
opment. The ndings about concurrent, extrinsic feedback in particular inform our rst hypothesis.
Hypothesis 1.
Concurrent, extrinsic feedback will best support young childrens writing development, such that preschool children
who receive feedback from a tablet computer as soon as an error is made while practicing writing uppercase letters will write more
letters correctly on a paper and pencil, letter writing task at posttest than those who did not receive this concurrent, extrinsic
feedback (see Fig. 1-H1).
To make this comparison more robust, we compared students who practiced writing using a stylus versus pencil. Thus,
differences between these conditions could be attributed to the feedback provided by the tablet computers rather than the
utensils needed to perform the task s (Clark, 1983).
1.3. Intrinsic feedback
Learning how to write is unique from learning to read or learning math in that it includes a motor component. For
handwriting, success requires visual information about the letter (i.e., orthography), ne motor control, as well as visual-
motor integration. Given the need to coordinate information from multiple senses while writing, intrinsic feedback is also
likely to be important. Intrinsic feedback refers to the naturally occurring sensory information resulting from movement
(Schmidt & Wrisberg, 2008). There are two types of intrinsic feedback. First, exteroception refers to feedback from sources
outside of the body or at a distance from the body. For example, visual feedback would result from seeing the product of one's
pencil stylus stylus finger stylus finger stylus finger
Tas k
# of letters correctly written
H2a H2b H2cH1
Fig. 1. Predictions for hypothesis 1 and hypothesis 2.
M.M. Patchan, C.S. Puranik / Computers & Education 102 (2016) 128e137130
writing. Second, proprioception refers to feedback that occurs inside the body. For example, kinesthetic feedback would result
from feeling one's hand move in a particular direction while writing.
Evidence demonstrating how even expert writers rely on this intrinsic feedback can been seen in studies that varied paper
smoothness. For example, adults experienced difculty writing on surfaces with low friction (e.g., coated paper), which
resulted in writing slower with more pressure (Chan & Lee, 2005; Wann & Nimmo-Smith, 1991). Similar difculties could
occur when writing on tablet computersdthat is, using a plastic or rubber tipped stylus on the smooth surface would likely
produce very little friction. Indeed, legibility was reduced when writing with a stylus on a tablet computer compared to
writing with paper and paper (Alamargot & Morin, 2015). Moreover, the more experienced writers (i.e., ninth grade students)
adjusted for this difculty by writing faster and using more pressure, while the less experienced writers (i.e., second grade
students) paused longer between strokes. How these adjustments might affect children just learning to write is still unclear.
These studies inform our hypothesis that young children's writing development may be best supported while using their
nger on tablet computersdthat is, children using their nger on tablet computers will not only experience similar visual and
kinesthetic feedback as those writing with a pencil on paper, but they will also have an enriched tactile experience. The
additional proprioception information (i.e., haptic feedback) resulting from direct contact of one's nger while writing is also
expected to strengthen one's memory of the letter in comparison to the sensation that would be mediated by a pencil or
stylus. Moreover, using one's nger rather than a stylus would likely result in more friction, and thus change the intrinsic
information available while writing. For young children, using a stylus could result in longer pauses between strokes and
possibly disrupt connections between the visual and haptic information.
One possible limitation to practicing writing with a nger would be how well the skill transfers to other writing activities
that involve writing with a utensil, such as a pencil. The success of transfer often depends on the overlapping units between
the learning task and the transfer task (Anderson & Singley, 1993; Kieras & Bovair, 1986; Taatgen, 2013; Thorndike &
Woodworth, 1901). For novel and complex situations, both adults and children tend to focus on surface similarities, which
leads to poor transfer on tasks that have a similar underlying structure but differ on the surface (Anderson,1987; Brown,1988;
Chi, Feltovich, & Glaser, 1981). Although explicit training or instruction that encourages reection upon relational similarities
can improve the probability of transfer, this training is often less successful with young children (Bransford, Brown, & Cocking,
2003; Chen & Klahr, 2008). These ndings inform our hypothesis that young children's development of handwriting may best
be supported while using a stylus on tablet computers.
We therefore contrasted ways to use tablet computers: one that emphasized an enriched tactile experience (i.e., using a
nger) and one that emphasized the similarity to other classroom writing activities (i.e., using a stylus). Three hypotheses
emerged from this prior research:
Hypothesis 2a.
Intrinsic feedback (i.e., enriched tactile experience resulting from direct contact of ones nger while writing) is
more important to young childrens development than task similarity, such that preschool children who practice writing uppercase
letters using their nger will write more letters correctly on a paper and pencil, letter writing task at posttest than those who
practice writing using a stylus (see Fig. 1-H2a).
Hypothesis 2b.
Task similarity is more important to young childrens development than intrinsic feedback, such that preschool
children who practice writing uppercase letters using a stylus will write more letters correctly on a paper and pencil, letter writing
task at posttest than those who practice writing using their nger (see Fig. 1-H2b).
Hypothesis 2c.
Both intrinsic feedback and task similarity are equally important to young childrens development, such that
preschool children who practice writing uppercase letters using their nger will write the same number of letters correctly on a
paper and pencil, letter writing task at posttest as those who practice writing using a stylus (see Fig. 1-H2c).
2. Method
2.1. Participants
Participants were recruited from 10 classes in six preschools. A range of socioeconomic status (SES) backgrounds was
represented. Two preschools were low-SES with more than 75% of the students receiving subsidiaries, one preschool was
mid-SES with 25e4 9% of the students receiving subsidiaries, and three preschools were high-SES with less than 25% of the
students receiving subsidiaries.
As part of the screening process, a pretest assessing children's letter knowledge was administered to all the children in
attendance. To be eligible for participation, children had to demonstrate that they were just beginning to write using con-
ventional letters, which was determined using two criteria. First, since instruction involved teaching children to write eight
target letters, children who were able to write most of the letters at pretest (i.e., more than 18 letters) were not eligible to
participate. Out of the 113 preschool students who were screened, 84 students met this requirement. Second, children should
be able to write at least three letters at pretest or correctly name at least 17 letters at pretest. A total of 65 students met both
requirements. Because instruction was provided in small group format, groups of two or three children were formed from
these potentially eligible children. Children from the same preschool were matched with other children who had no prior
writing knowledge of the same eight target letters. Children whose writing knowledge did not overlap with any of the other
M.M. Patchan, C.S. Puranik / Computers & Education 102 (2016) 128e137 131
eligible children in their school were excluded from the study. This selection process resulted in a total of 54 participants in 21
small groups.
Each small group was randomly assigned to one of the three conditions: iPad nger, iPad stylus, and paper and pencil.
During the eight weeks of instruction, eight children moveddfour from the iPad nger condition, two from the iPad stylus
condition, and two from the paper and pencil condition. Thus, of the 46 participants who completed the study, 16 children
practiced writing with an iPad and their nger, 14 children practiced writing with an iPad and a stylus, and 16 children
practiced writing with paper and pencil. These participants ranged in age from 41 months to 65 months (M ¼ 51.9, SD ¼ 5.4)
with 57% of the children being female. The sample included 4 8% Caucasians, 46% African-Americans, 4% Hispanic, and 2%
2.2. Measures & coding process
Prior to and following the instruction period, all participants completed two individual assessments: letter naming and
letter writing. Assessments were conducted in the students' classroom using paper and pencil and took approximately 15 min
per child. The assessments were administered and scored by trained research assistants (RAs).
2.2.1 Letter naming. To measure children's letter naming knowledge, they were asked to name all 26 letters of the al-
phabet presented individually in a random order. The letter naming score was the number of correct responses out of 26.
2.2.2 Letter writing. To measure children's letter writing knowledge, they were asked to write the uppercase form of each
letter presented verbally in a random order. The letter writing score was the number of correctly written letters. A letter was
considered correct if it demonstrated complete or partial knowledge (e.g., reversal or inverted letters, missing or extra
strokes) of the letter. To examine scoring delity, 15% of the writing assessments were double-coded. Inter-rater reliability
was high (90% agreement).
2.3. Procedure
Trained RAs provided instruction to the children three times a week for eight weeks. A different letter was taught each
week for a total of eight target letters. Each of the 21 small groups was taught a different set of eight letters depending on the
letter writing knowledge of the children in the group. Across the small groups, all 26 letters of the alphabet were taught. To
conrm that this variation was not confounded by condition, the average letter writing difculty was calculated for each
participant using the difculty parameter (i.e., higher values represent more difcult letters) estimated by Puranik, Petscher,
and Lonigan (2012). A one-way, between-subjects ANOVA revealed that there was a signicant difference between the
conditions, F (2, 32) ¼ 7.22, p ¼ 0.002. Least Signicant Difference (LSD) post-hoc tests conrmed that children in the paper
and pencil condition were taught easier letters than the iPad stylus condition (see Fig. 2). This difference only sets a high bar
for the experimental conditions.
Each lesson lasted approximately 20 min. The lesson began with the RA introducing or reviewing the letter of the week,
including the name, sound (along with several words that begin with the letter sound), and how to write the letter. The RA
modeled writing the letter three times while verbally describing the strokes. To model writing for all three conditions, the RA
used a dry erase marker and a large laminated poster that was propped up on an easel.
Then the children practiced writing the letter for 5 min. Participants in the iPad conditions used the Writing Wizard app by
L'Escapadou. After the appropriate letter was selected, the app rst modeled how to write the letter, and then the child
attempted to write the letter. If the child strayed too far from the model, the app stopped the child and provided scaffolding by
placing an arrow where the student should restart. Upon successful completion of the letter, the child touched the refresh
button to try again. The app also provided the option to hide the model so that the children could practice writing freehand.
Those in the iPad nger condition practiced writing with their nger, while those in the iPad stylus condition practiced
writing with a chunky stylus that resembled a fat pencil commonly used with preschoolers. Participants in the paper and
paper and pencil iPad stylus iPad finger
letter difficulty
p < .001; d = 1.14
p = .06; d = 1.27
p = .06; d = 0.63
Fig. 2. Average letter instruction difculty by condition.
M.M. Patchan, C.S. Puranik / Computers & Education 102 (2016) 128e137132
pencil condition practiced writing the letter using worksheets typical of preschool writing instruction that were created using
an add-on feature of the Alphabet Tracing app by FunLittleApps. Practice involved both tracing model letters as well as writing
the letter freehand. During this practice, the RA spent most of her time keeping the children focused on the task. For example,
children in the paper and pencil condition needed encouragement to continue writing, whereas children in the iPad con-
ditions needed reminders to push the refresh button after completing the letter. Occasionally, children needed help with
forming the letters, and the RA was careful to provide similar support across the conditions. This support typically involved
repeating the verbal instructions that described the strokes in the letter and pointing where to start.
After the children nished the rst writing session, they completed a supplemental activity that either focused on the
letter name (e.g., identifying the target letter among foil letters by tapping it with a y swatter), the letter sound (e.g., creating
My Alphabet Books by pasting pictures that started with each target letter sound), or the letter shape (e.g., using bingo
daubers to ll in the letter on a worksheet). Then the children practiced writing for ve more minutes. At the conclusion of the
lesson, the RA reviewed the letter name, letter sound, and verbal instructions describing how to form the letter.
Within one week of the last writing lesson, the children again completed the letter naming task and the letter writing task.
These posttests were conducted individually in the students' classroom using paper and pencil.
3. Results
A series of one-way, between-subjects ANOVAs revealed no preexisting differences between the instructional conditions
on any of the pretest measures nor were there differences in age or gender. Chi-Square tests also revealed no differences in
SES or ethnicity. The only variables signicantly correlated with the posttest letter writing scores were the pretest letter
naming scores, r (44) ¼ 0.42, p < 0.001, and the pretest letter writing scores, r (44) ¼ 0.33, p < 0.001. Therefore, we included
these measures of pretest as covariates.
A between-subjects ANCOVA revealed that there was a signicant difference between the conditions for the posttest letter
writing score, F (2, 41) ¼ 7.07, p ¼ 0.002. LSD post-hoc tests were used to test our hypotheses. Hypothesis 1 was not sup-
porteddchildren in the stylus condition wrote a similar number of letters correctly as children in the paper and pencil
condition (see Fig. 3-H1). Hypothesis 2a was supporteddchildren in the iPad nger condition wrote more letters correctly
than children in the iPad stylus condition (see Fig. 3-H2). This pattern of results was also consistent when analyzed without
the covariates. A between-subjects ANCOVA revealed that there was no signicant differences between the conditions for the
posttest letter naming score (M ¼ 5.9; SD ¼ 2.3), F (2, 41) ¼ 1.55, p ¼ 0.22.
A one-way, between-subjects ANOVA of the average number of practice trials per letter conrmed that these differences
were not just the result of more practice (see Fig. 4). The children in the paper and pencil group practiced writing each letter
more often than children in both iPad conditions, and there was not a signicant difference between the iPad conditions, F (2,
43) ¼ 42.9, p < 0.001.
4. Discussion
The goal of the current study was to consider how technology could support young children's emergent writing skills. In
particular, only a few prior studies empirically tested the effectiveness of using tablet computers for instruction and found a
benet for students in rst through ninth grades in writing, reading, and math (Berninger et al., 2015; McKenna, 2012). The
current study provides additional support for using tablet computers to teach preschool children how to write their up-
percase letters. We further examined the inuence of two factors afforded by tablet computers (i.e., extrinsic and intrinsic
feedback) on the development of children's writing ability.
First, we expected that the concurrent, extrinsic feedback provided by a tablet computer would best support preschool
children learning to write uppercase letters because it was provided while the child was still thinking about the form of the
paper and pencil iPad stylus iPad finger
# of letters correctly written
H1: d = .29
H2: d = .98
Fig. 3. Average number of correctly written letters by condition for hypothesis 1 (H1) and hypothesis 2 (H2).
M.M. Patchan, C.S. Puranik / Computers & Education 102 (2016) 128e137 133
letter. As suggested by recent research on motor learning, correcting errors as they occur could help a child adjust his or her
mental representation of that letter and support performance during the early learning process (Sigrist et al., 2013). Sur-
prisingly, this hypothesis was not supporteddthe children in the iPad stylus condition wrote a similar number of letters
correctly at posttest as the children in the paper and pencil condition. Perhaps, additional extrinsic feedback might not be
necessary to support the development of writing skillsdthat is, the visual feedback the children experienced when they saw
that their letters strayed from the model while tracing might be sufcient. Additionally, by providing feedback as soon as an
error was made, the tablet computer could have disrupted the encoding process. Therefore, although the feedback might have
corrected formation errors, it might have also caused inefcient learning. Perhaps, receiving feedback after completely
writing a letter would have been more helpful than being interrupted as soon as a mistake was made.
Second, we examined whether intrinsic feedback or the task similarity better supported children's learning. The results
supported hypothesis 2adchildren in the iPad nger condition wrote more letters correctly at posttest than the children in
the iPad stylus condition. This result suggests that enhancing a child's tactile experience during learning was more benecial
than increasing the similarity between the practice tasks and the transfer task . The success of transferring knowledge or skills
from the learning task to a transfer task often depends on the overlapping units between the two tasks (Anderson & Singley,
1993; Kieras & Bovair,1986; Taatgen, 2013; Thorndike & Woodworth, 1901). However, in this context, task similarity was not a
critical factordthat is, using a stylus, which is more similar to the other writing utensils used in the classroom (e.g., pencils,
crayons, markers), did not help children write more letters correctly on a posttest that involved paper and pencil. This nding
suggests that the critical component for handwriting is something different than the particular motor movement differences
between using a stylus and nger.
More important for this context was the child's tactile experience. This nding relates to theories of embodied cognition,
also known as grounded or situated cognition, which postulate that knowledge stored in memory contains rich, multimodal
representations, and all of these representations are reactivated when a particular concept is retrieved (Barsalou, 2008;
Barsalou, Simmons, Barbey, & Wilson, 2003). Several studies have supported this embodiment of writing knowledge
(Kiefer & Trumpp, 2012). Recent research has supported the use of multisensory letter training for improving handwriting
(Bara & Gentaz, 2011; Labat, Ecalle, Baldy, & Magnan, 2014; Vinter & Chartrel, 2010). In addition, children made greater gains
from learning to write using paper and pencil than typing on a keyboard (Kiefer et al., 2015; Longcamp, Zerbato-Poudou, &
Velay, 2005). These studies suggest that haptic or kinesthetic perception has an effect on learning to write. Indeed, Yu, Howe,
and Hinojosa (2012) found that haptic perception (i.e., sense of touch) inuenced children's handwriting speed, while
kinesthetic perception (i.e., sense of movement and position) inuenced children's handwriting legibility.
Further evidence was provided in several fMRI studies. Although children were equally likely to recognize a letter after
either practicing writing the letter or observing a teacher write the letter, connections to sensori-motor networks only
developed after active motor experiences in which children practiced writing (Kersey & James, 2013). Similarly, activation in
brain regions associated only with reading occurred after handwriting training but not after typing or tracing (James &
Engelhardt, 2012). In these multi-sensory tasks, additional sensory-motor information is likely to be encoded along with
the visual form information, and these multiple types of information can strengthen one's memory of the letter (Guan, Liu,
Chan, Ye, & Perfetti, 2011).
However, in the current study, there is only a subtle difference between using a stylus and using a nger. Both conditions
have similar visual and kinesthetic input as well as some form of tactile input. With the stylus, input is collected by pushing or
pulling the stylus in a particular direction, whereas with the nger, input is collected through friction. Perhaps this input from
the nger is richer than the input from the stylus. Alternatively, surfaces with low friction can make writing more difcult for
even more experienced writers (Alamargot & Morin, 2015; Chan & Lee, 2005; Wann & Nimmo-Smith, 1991). As indicated by
past research with second grade students, when using a stylus, children are more likely to pause longer between strokes,
which may have disrupted the connection between the visual and haptic information. The visual information might be better
combined with the haptic information when the nger directly touches and follows the letter's shape rather than indirectly
with the stylus. Thus, the richer information and better connection between the visual and haptic information from using
one's nger while practicing writing could strengthen one's memory of the letter (Guan et al., 2011).
paper and pencil iPad stylus iPad finger
number of practice trials per letter
d = 2.5
d = 2.5
Fig. 4. Average number of practice trials per letters by condition.
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4.1. Limitations & future directions
One limitation to the current study is the relatively small sample size (i.e., 46 participants across three conditions). Despite
this lower sample size, signicant differences between the conditions were observed. However, signicant effects may also
have been missed. For example, although the difference between the iPad stylus condition and the paper and pencil condition
was not statistically signicant (indicating that concurrent, extrinsic feedback was not helpful in this context), the effect size
indicated a small effect, which might be practically important. Perhaps a larger sample would reveal a signicant difference.
Furthermore, a lower sample size limited our ability to examine whether SES moderated the effects. Given that lower SES
students tend to perform at lower levels than higher SES students, these students might benet more from concurrent,
extrinsic feedback. Similarly, the benet of using one's nger while practicing writing may be stronger for the lower SES
students. We also did not collect data on the students' phonological awareness at pre-test which has been shown to positively
contribute to letter writing (Puranik, Lonigan, & Kim, 2011).
Additionally, in the current study, participants were not screened for learning disabilities, or attention decit hyperactivity
disorder, which could be factors that inuence potential learning gains. Because the participants were randomly assigned to
conditions, the likelihood that these factors confounded the ndings is minimal. Future research should examine these
populations specically.
Finally, the current study did not examine the effects of writing practice that involves an enriched tactile experience without
the concurrent, extrinsic feedback (e.g., tracing letters in colorful substances or writing in sand). To further isolate the impor-
tance of the tactile experience from the additional benets of the tablet computers, future research could incorporate a tactile
handwriting task that does not involve technology. For example, similar writing instruction could involve worksheets rather
than a tablet computer, and if the tactile experience continues to be an important factor, we would expect similar differences for
those children who traced letters with their nger versus those who used a pencil. Furthermore, the amount or quality of the
tactile sensation could be manipulated by using different materials (e.g., paper vs. sandpaper) to better understand the degree to
which haptic perception supports learning. Future research could also explore the benets of multisensory learning. Are other
senses just as supportive as the sense of touch (e.g., sound vs. touch)? Is there an additive effect to multisensory instruction (e.g.,
sound þ touch vs. touch only)? Do these benets depend on the nature of the task or skill being learned?
The nding that children who received concurrent, extrinsic feedback did not write more letters correctly than those who
did not receive this type of feedback was somewhat surprising. Although early research has found that the benet of con-
current, extrinsic feedback did not extend to tasks without that feedback (Schmidt, 1997), more recent research suggests that
concurrent, extrinsic feedback could be more bene cial earlier in the learning process compared to later in the learning
process (Sigrist et al., 2013). For preschool children who are just learning to write, concurrent feedback could guide their
movements, help minimize errors, and possibly prevent cognitive overload. However, future research should further examine
how to best fade this type of feedback so that children are able to successfully write without continuous support (e.g., when
should concurrent feedback transition to terminal feedback?). Given the advances in technology, tablet computers could
easily support this adaptive learning environment.
Future research should examine how technology, and tablet computers in particular, supports learning among other
populations. For example, given that technology can increase students' motivation and help sustain their attention, in-
struction utilizing tablet computers could be especially useful for teaching children with disabilities.
4.2. Conclusion
The current study explored two aspects of tablet computers that could support young children's developmentdthat is,
providing concurrent, extrinsic feedback as well as intrinsic feedback through an enriched tactile experience. In the context of
learning to write uppercase letters, the concurrent, extrinsic feedback did not provide an additional benet. There was no general
benet of tablet computer-based training. However, the intrinsic feedback made salient by the enriched tactile experience did
enhance children's learning. There was a benet of practicing writing with one's nger on a tablet computer. Whether the use of
tablet computers is superior to nger writing on paper worksheets remains an open question. Importantly, more practice was not
necessarily better. Although children who practiced with a paper and pencil wrote each letter almost three times more than
children who practiced with the tablet computers (i.e., 142 vs. 48), they did not perform better at posttest. Clearly more work is
warranted in understanding how tablet computers can be used effectively to enhance instruction.
Support for this research was provided by the Central Research Development Fund at the University of Pittsburgh. The
opinions expressed are those of the authors. We would like to thank Sarah Jacobson, Brittany Kachline, Mary Sears, and Kelly
Stasik for their help with this project.
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