Training Manual for Applied Agroforestry Practices 2021
Chapter 6: Windbreaks
This guide is intended to help you design and
manage the interactive agroforestry practice of
windbreaks. Properly applied on a landscape, a
windbreak can enhance and diversify farm
income opportunities, improve the environment
and create wildlife habitat. By developing an
understanding of the interactions between the
windbreak (trees, shrubs and grasses) and the
adjacent land area, its layout can be most effective
at meeting the goals for which it is, or has been,
established. By understanding the needs of each
of the windbreak’s component parts, the
windbreak can be managed to best maintain its
effectiveness over time, and also sustain its
contributions to the farm or ranch.
Windbreaks Defined
A windbreak is any barrier (natural or artificial)
that reduces troublesome winds by creating a
wind shadow to the leeward (down-wind) side. Its
major function is to reduce the velocity of the
wind. A windbreak must be 2.5 feet or higher
to have a significant effect. Many kinds of
materials can be used for a windbreak,
including trees, shrubs, tall perennial or
annual plants (e.g., switchgrass or
sunflowers) that will attain a sufficient
height to create the desired wind shadow.
Agricultural practices benefitting from
properly applied windbreaks include:
Crop production
Soil conservation
Livestock and dairy cattle husbandry
Livestock confinement facilities.
Nut, fruit, and berry crops
Crops that can be produced from actively
managed windbreaks include:
Nuts, fruits, berries
Timber, fencepost, firewood
Christmas trees
Boughs, cones, wreaths
Landscape plants
Shade-tolerant plants such as those
grown in the forest farming practice
Lease hunting opportunities when
managed for wildlife benefits
In this chapter:
Defining a Windbreak
How Windbreaks Function
Windbreak Benefits to Soil, Crops
and Livestock
Windbreak Design
Productive Windbreaks
Site Preparation, Planting and
Non-Agroforestry Uses of
Windbreaks for Homes
Windbreaks for Livestock Odor
Living Snow Fences
Windbreaks for Wildlife
Success Stories
Economic Incentives
Additional Resources
University of Missouri Center for Agroforestry
The windbreak or shelterbelt practice,
uses intensive management for growing
trees, shrubs and/or grasses adjacent to other
agricultural practices, and consists of one or
more rows of closely spaced trees and/or
shrubs planted at right angles to the
prevailing winds. A windbreak becomes
important to the agricultural system by
enhancing production, or conservation, as it
modifies air movement and wind speeds
resulting in microclimatic changes. The terms
windbreak and shelterbelt can be used
How Windbreaks Function
Windbreak Height. Height (referred to as ‘H’)
is the most important factor determining the
downwind area of protection. The windbreak ‘H
is the height of the tallest row of trees in the
windbreak. The windbreak will reduce wind
speed for 2 to 5 times the height of the wind-
break (2H to 5H) on the upwind side and up to
30H on the downwind side of the barrier. The
area protected is a direct result of the height
and density.
Windbreak Density. Density is the ratio of the
solid portion of the barrier to the total area of
the barrier. Wind flows through the open
portions of a windbreak, thus the more solid the
windbreak, the less wind passes through. By
adjusting windbreak density, different wind
flow patterns and areas of protection are
Density level is manipulated by choice of plant
materials (e.g., deciduous vs. conifer); and plant
arrangement. By combining low growing
shrubs with medium and tall deciduous trees,
dense plant material is provided at three levels
(low, middle and upper) of the windbreak
during the growing season. However, during the
winter, the density would decrease due to the
loss of foliage. Consequently, a conifer
component would be desirable for year-round
Dense (60-80%) = Maximum wind
reduction but short wind shadow
Moderately Dense (40-60%) = Less wind
reduction but longer wind shadow
Under 40% = Effective for snow distribution
across a field
The term windbreak porosity may also be used
to characterize this structural element. The
percentage of porosity is the amount of open
spaces in the windbreak when viewed perpendicular
Seven Windbreak Structural Elements
Determine Effectiveness
Cross-sectional shape
Training Manual for Applied Agroforestry Practices 2021
to the windbreak. In other words,
porosity is the inverse of density, i.e., a 60
percent dense windbreak would be 40 percent
Fig. 1.
Wind speed reduction to the lee of windbreaks with
different densities.
The degree of density will impact the extent of
the area being protected and the magnitude of
protection as shown in Figure 1. A solid fence
(100% density) provides maximum wind
reduction, but the area of wind reduction is
shorter than with a dense tree windbreak. The
dense windbreak (60-80%) provides a greater
area of protection, and the magnitude of wind
reduction is as good as the solid structural
fence or wall. For the moderately dense wind-
break (40-60%), the magnitude of wind reduc-
tion is somewhat less but the wind shadow is at
its maximum. Once the density drops below
40%, the effectiveness of the windbreak begins
to decline. However, the 25-35% density level
is very effective for even distribution of snow
across a field for moisture management. This
density level is not as good for stopping wind
Windbreak Orientation. Windbreaks are
most effective when oriented at right angles to
prevailing or troublesome winds, (Fig. 2, be-
low). The best orientation for each windbreak
depends on the objectives for the windbreak. A
key point to remember is that although the
troublesome wind may occur primarily from
one direction, it rarely blows exclusively from
that direction. As the wind changes direction
and is no longer blowing directly against the
windbreak, the protected area decreases.
Fig. 2.
Windbreak Design Options.
Windbreak Length. Although the height of
the windbreak determines the extent of the
protected area downwind, the length of a
windbreak determines the amount of total area
receiving protection. For maximum efficiency,
the uninterrupted length of a windbreak should
exceed the height by at least 10:1 (i.e., a
windbreak 30 feet tall needs to be at least 300
feet long). The ratio reduces the influence of
end-turbulence on the total protected area.
Windbreak Width. The width primarily serves
as a means to manipulate the desired density of
the windbreak. The number of rows,
the distance between trees, and species
composition are factors controlling windbreak
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density. Increasing the number of rows or
decreasing the distance between trees
increases density and provides a more solid
barrier to the wind. A wider windbreak can
also increase the value of the windbreak
for wildlife and offers opportunities to
produce products.
Windbreak Continuity. Continuity influences
efficiency. Gaps in a windbreak become funnels
that concentrate wind flow, creating areas on the
downwind side of the gap in which wind speeds
often exceed open field wind velocities. Gaps will
decrease the windbreak’s effective- ness. Access
lanes through a windbreak should be avoided or
Windbreak Cross-Sectional Shape. Some
windbreak guides call for a “hip-roof shape” to
assist in “lifting” the wind. However, the cross-
sectional shape of windbreaks with equal
densities has minimal influence on wind
velocities within 10H of the leeward side of a
barrier. Be- yond 10H, straight sides provide
slightly more protection than slanted sides
because more wind passes through the trees
and extends the protected area farther to the
Windbreak Benefits
Windbreaks offer a variety of potential
environmental and financial benefits to a farm
or ranch enterprise through protection of crops
and livestock. The rural community also
benefits from improved air quality through
wind speed reductions and the physical capture
of airborne particulates including dust, smoke,
pesticide droplets and odors. Windbreaks also
provide aesthetic diversity by adding trees in an
agricultural landscape and enhance wildlife
habitats and corridors through the addition of
tree, shrub and herbaceous cover.
Benefits for the Soil
Windbreaks have been widely recognized as a
key tool to reduce wind erosion. When wind
speed is reduced, the wind erosion process
cannot start. Wind erosion can rob land of
precious topsoil containing nutrients and
organic matter. This loss can lead to reduced
productivity and the need to add more
nutrients. Wind erosion potential is the greatest
when fields are very wide and the soil is bare
and smooth. Windbreaks combined with other
wind erosion control measures (e.g., reduced
tillage, herbaceous wind barriers) create a
conservation approach to tolerating wide
weather extremes.
Disadvantages of Windbreaks
Require more intensive management
Need specialized equipment for tree/
shrub management
Remove land from annual crop
Financial returns increase gradually as a
windbreak grows
May harbor harmful crop pests, e.g.,
insects & weeds
Advantages of Windbreaks
Enhance crop yield
Protect soil from wind erosion
Shelter livestock and crops
Capture water runoff and nutrients
Improve irrigation efficiency
Filter and reduce dust
Help control odors
Screen unsightly areas
Provide wildlife travel corridors and
Protect structures (homes, outbuildings,
Reduce noise
Improve aesthetics
Training Manual for Applied Agroforestry Practices 2021
Fig. 3.
Windbreak Benefits for
Crop Windbreaks: Weighted Average Crop Yield
Winter Wheat
Benefits for Crops
Windbreaks improve crop production and
quality by modifying the microclimate and
reducing wind erosion. They protect crops from
insect pests by reduced crop visibility, dilution
of pest hosts due to plant diversity, interference
with pest movement, creation of environments
less favorable to pests and more favorable to
beneficial insects. They can be designed to
manage snow drifting to maximize use of the
moisture for crops. Windbreaks improve
irrigation efficiency by reducing evaporation
losses; and improve water quality through
interception of sediment and interception,
sequestration and decomposition of agricultural
chemicals in the tree, shrub and herbaceous
When field windbreaks are suggested to
landowners, they often have a mental image of
crop reduction and/or loss adjacent to the
windbreak and from the space occupied by
the windbreak. What is often not recognized is
the potential for increased crop quality and
quantity on the leeward (downwind) side of
the windbreak. Many years of field research
have shown there is a yield advantage for many
ops when protected
by a windbreak. This
yield increase generally
occurs from 1.5/2H to
10-12H on the leeward
side of the windbreak
(Fig. 3). The amount of
yield increase will vary
from year to year due to
different weather
conditions. There will also be some variation
due to soils and the types of trees used in the
windbreak (i.e., less competitive trees result in
greater gains). The yield advantage is normally
more than enough to offset the decrease in yield
immediately adjacent to the windbreak and the
land occupied by the windbreak. Some
landowners will plant a deep rooted crop such
as alfalfa adjacent to the windbreak in the area
most impacted by competition and are able to
gain good quality forage.
This field windbreak is designed to provide year-round
protection by incorporating cedar and pine outer rows with
an interior row of deciduous shrubs.
Benefits to Orchards and
Vegetable Crops
In addition to the traditional commodity crops,
windbreaks are also used to protect a variety
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of horticultural crops including many fruit and
vegetable crops. Some of the key benefits of
protecting these types of crops include:
improved crop quality from reduced bruising,
better pollination from insects due to less
wind, and early maturing of the crops resulting
in possible marketing advantages.
Windbreaks around orchards are also being
examined for their use in preventing off-site
drifting of pesticides. Many orchards and
other farms are being engulfed by housing
developments. Windbreaks can help buffer
potential land-use conflicts.
Benefits to Livestock
Windbreaks provide valuable protection to
livestock especially for young animals and in
areas with cold northerly winds during winter
and early spring. Reducing the wind impacts
lowers animal stress and improves general
health resulting better livestock production by
increasing feed efficiency and weight gains,
improving survival of newborns and
increasing milk production. Windbreaks can
also provide living screens to separate
incompatible uses (i.e., livestock facilities from
suburban residences).
Windbreak Design
Designing windbreaks requires the planner to
be able to manipulate the different structural
components of a windbreak in order to achieve
the desired effect. Climatic and physical effects
such as wind speed, apparent air temperature,
snow deposition and evapotranspiration are
modified as a result of the structural
characteristics of the windbreak.
Ask Yourself: What needs to be protected?
Livestock and/or Livestock Buildings
1) Determining the Windbreak Purpose
As noted previously, a windbreak can have
a variety of purposes ranging from crop
protection to snow management. The design
of the windbreak is dependent upon the
purpose(s) desired. To determine the purpose(s)
requires understanding the desired objectives of
the landowner and the physical site
The first step in design is to interview the
farmer/landowner to ascertain their
objectives or purposes for the windbreak.
A questioning strategy can be effective such as:
ave you had any wind erosion from your
fields? If so,
o When did it occur?
o From which direction(s) does the wind
cause the most problem(s)?
o Are you using other wind erosion
control practices, e.g., reduced tillage?
Have you had any crop damage or loss from
the wind or blowing soil?
o When did it occur?
o From which direction(s) does the wind
cause the most problem(s)?
o What crops are you growing that may
be wind sensitive?
Are you growing crops that need pollination?
When do your livestock need the most wind
What livestock pastures, lots or structures
need wind protection?
Do we need to be concerned with summer air
movement in the livestock area?
Which access roads need to be kept clear of
Is there a drainage issue associated with
rain or snowmelt runoff?
2) Site Evaluation
The next step is to evaluate the site conditions that
may affect windbreak design and application. Use
a conservation plan map or photo to identify fields
in need of protection, existing windbreaks, soil
problems, utilities, direction of prevailing erosive
winds, property lines, roads and access lanes. (Fig.
4, next page.)
Training Manual for Applied Agroforestry Practices 2021
Fig. 4. Area sketch for site evaluation.
Identify all areas needing protection based
on the troublesome wind direction(s).
Inventory the soils. Begin a starter list of
species adapted to the soils.
Observe the topography to determine any
drainage concerns either into or away from
the windbreak (especially snowmelt and
feedlot runoff)
Locate property lines, overhead and under-
ground utilities (electric, telephone, gas,
and/ or sewer), and existing trees or shrubs
which may be within or adjacent to the
proposed windbreak.
Identify any access roads or lanes that
could cause breaks in the windbreak.
Locate the windbreak to avoid obstructing
the winter sun, or oncoming traffic near
Identify protection needs for the wind-
break, such as fencing to keep out live-
Observe any existing plant species which
may be alternate hosts for pathogens, e.g.,
cedar-apple rust.
Inventory existing wildlife habitat and
wildlife species in the area so the wind-
break may complement.
3) De
sign Considerations for Different
Windbreak Design Tips for Crop Fields
For crop protection/production and/or
uniform snow distribution, windbreak-
to-windbreak intervals should be 15
to 20H. For crops highly susceptible to
damage from wind or small amounts of
wind-blown soil during some portion of
the growing season, a spacing interval of
6-10H provides a high degree of
For erosion control purposes, the Natural
Resources Conservation Service uses a
rule-of thumb of “no erosion out to 10H
leeward” -- leading to a windbreak-to-
windbreak interval of 10H plus the
distance protected by the agronomic
system (i.e., standing crop, crop residues,
cropping pattern, ridging) being used.
Different design densities and heights
result in different snow drift patterns. For
example, if the landowner wants to spread
snow evenly across a field to improve soil
moisture in a crop field, the windbreak
design density should range from 25 to 35
percent. This would be roughly equivalent
to a single row of deciduous trees without
leaves at a wide spacing (15 to 20 feet). If
soil erosion is a potential problem during
the time the windbreak is at this density
level, additional conservation measures
will be needed.
University of Missouri Center for Agroforestry
Windbreak Design Tips for Livestock
Greatest wind protection occurs from 2H to
5H leeward of the tallest tree row.
For wind and snow protection, the most
windward row needs to be 100 to 200 feet
from the windward edge of the primary
protection area.
Allow room for snow deposition outside of
feeding area. Care must also be taken to
accommodate the drainage both from the
clean water runoff from the windbreak (i.e.
snowmelt) and drainage from the livestock
feeding area. Effluent from the feeding area
can harm and sometimes kill trees and
Critical temperatures for beef cattle are
determined in part by the condition of
the coat. Below the critical temperature,
livestock must expend more energy to keep
Livestock Critical Temperatures
Coat Description Critical Temperature
Summer coat or wet 59
Fall coat 45
Winter coat 32
Heavy winter coat 18
Adapted from D.R. Ames, Kansas State University
General Design Considerations
Avoid creating gaps with access roads cut
through a windbreak. Wind flow increases
through gaps decreasing windbreak
effectiveness. Where needed, design the
opening at an angle to prevailing winds.
Lanes or roads through single-row barriers
should be avoided; where necessary, locate
them 100 to 500 feet from the ends of the
Locate new rows of trees 50 feet from
existing trees.
Stay away from subsurface drain fields and
overhead utilities.
Avoid locating windbreaks within 200 feet
of road intersections to prevent poor driver
Selecting Tree and Shrub Species
All species of trees and shrubs do not grow at
the same rate nor do they grow to the same
mature height. Likewise, adapted species vary
in their growth on different soils within a
geographical area. The amount of available
soil moisture during the growing season and
soil aeration are two important factors
affecting tree and shrub growth. These factors
are largely determined by soil texture, soil
depth and climate.
nservation tree and shrub suitability groups
have been developed as a guide for selecting
species best suited to different kinds of soils, and
climate, predicting height growth at 20
Plan for 40-60 % density for crop and
soil protection.
Plan for 25 - 35% density for snow
Training Manual for Applied Agroforestry Practices 2021
years, and measuring effectiveness. These
guides should be available in the NRCS Field
Office Technical Guide. Information
about different plants can also be
obtained from the USDA plants data-
base at www.plants.usda.gov.
In addition to selecting plants adapted to the
climate and soil, plants need to be selected that
have the greatest potential for meeting land-
owner objectives. The primary objective is to
select plants that will provide the desired level
of wind protection in a reasonable length of time
(within 10 years). This means selecting species
that will give the appropriate level of density
and optimum height for the site. For example,
conifers need to be considered if optimum year-
round wind protection is desired. If wildlife is
desired, select appropriate plants for the
desired animals or birds.
Productive Windbreaks
For most of the other agroforestry practices, e.g.,
Alley Cropping and Silvopasture, a market- able
product is typically produced from the woody
component. Windbreaks have historically been
a conservation practice providing benefits to the
adjacent area by reducing wind impacts. The
trees and shrubs in a windbreak have rarely
been managed to sell a product. In older
windbreaks planted in the 1930’s and 1940’s,
plants were chosen that could provide fruit for
home consumption and trees were cut for use as
fence posts and rough lumber on the farm. The
concept of producing usable products from
windbreaks and other conservation practices
has recently been revived and promoted in
Productive Conservation: Growing Specialty
Forest Products in Agroforestry Plantings.
example, nut and fruit producing plants
could be incorporated into a windbreak design
with the intent of harvesting the fruits/nuts as
a product. The harvesting would not impact the
other benefits of the windbreak. Some
commonly harvested fruits include
chokecherry, highbush cranberry, sand cherry,
currants, Corneliacherry dogwood, jostaberry,
Nanking cherry, chokeberry, buffaloberry,
pawpaw, persimmon, and many others. All are
harvested for home consumption, but many are
also gathered for commercial use as fresh fruit,
jams, jellies, syrups, juices, concentrates,
confections and wines.
A second possible enterprise could be
decorative woody florals. Any woody plant
species that has a colorful or unusually shaped
stem, bud, flower, fruit or even leaf can become
a decorative floral product. Some plant
examples include stems from red and yellow-
stemmed dogwoods; and curly, pussy, flame and
basket willows. Even though the stems of these
plants will be harvested, most of them will re-
sprout from the roots restoring their value as
part of the windbreak.
With any of these concepts, careful advanced
planning is needed. Some unique challenges
include understanding available markets,
timing of harvest, perishability of the product,
available labor, wildlife pressure, year-to-year
production, etc. Once these issues have been
resolved, thought is needed to decide how to
incorporate the plants into the windbreak
design. If the plants that will be harvested are
primarily shrubs, the design can be fairly easy
since shrubs typically are included in the outer
or inner rows which will make access easier.
Growing specialty forest products in wind-
breaks can provide supplemental income while
at the same time improve the environment.
Another advantage is that the windbreak will
receive more management care and could
result in a longer lasting planting. Success will
only occur if the grower is a skilled manager
and an effective marketer.
Windbreak Plant Materials
Select plants adapted to:
Select to meet objectives:
Foliage density characteristics
Height potential
- Wildlife needs
University of Missouri Center for Agroforestry
Windbreak Site Preparation,
Planting and Maintenance
Site Preparation
Site preparation is an important first step to
ensure successful survival of the trees and
shrubs in the windbreak. The goal is to
maximize the amount of moisture at the site
and to minimize the potential for weed
competition. The type of site preparation used
depends on the soil and existing vegetation at
the site. With sandy soils, care must be given to
avoid wind erosion problems. On sloping sites,
precautions must be taken to prevent water
erosion. Site preparation can be accomplished
either mechanically (e.g., tillage equipment
including chisel plow, disc, rototiller, or
scalper), chemically (pre and/or postemergent
herbicides) or a combination of both.
In arid areas where trees are difficult to grow
shrubs or tall native grasses may be used to
provide crop protection, to control wind erosion,
and to capture snow for crop production.
The goal is to maintain the health and vigor of
individual trees and shrubs while maintaining
the overall structure of the windbreak as an
effective wind barrier. With proper care, a
windbreak will serve a long life of protection.
Tree planting methods include using either a
tree planting machine or hand planting tools.
For both methods, some key techniques need
to be followed:
Do not plant on hot, windy days.
Prevent roots from drying out.
Do not plant when the temperature is
freezing or below.
Plant seedlings in a vertical position with
root collar 1” below soil surface.
Prepare a trench or hole deep and wide
enough to permit roots to spread out
naturally; avoid “J rooting - prune roots as
needed to prevent J roots.
Pack soil firmly around roots to eliminate
air pockets.
eed/grass control: Weeds need to be
minimized usually for the first three to five
years in a band about three to four feet on
each side of the rows of trees or shrubs.
The area between the rows can be planted
to an annual cover crop (e.g., grain/forage
sorghum, oats, corn, millet, wheat, rye, or
sunflowers) which can help control weeds,
provide wildlife cover, and protect young
tree seedlings from soil or wind abrasion.
Supplemental irrigation: Irrigation (e.g.,
hand, drip, sprinkler, furrow or flood) is
not a substitute for good site preparation
and weed/grass control. Irrigation should
be used when soil moisture conditions are
extremely dry at planting time or during a
prolonged drought after planting.
Replanting: Replant all trees and shrubs
that have failed in order to fill in the gaps
in the windbreak. Replant annually for at
least three years after the initial planting
and continue until a full stand of trees is
Site preparation
Maximize moisture
Minimize competition
Match the site
Be timely
Care for plants
Plant at correct depth
Windbreak maintenance
Weed/grass control for the first 3 to 5
years with optional cover crop between
Use supplemental water to ensure early
survival and development
Replant to fill gaps
Protect from animals and pests
Use corrective thinning and pruning
Do not fertilize (cost prohibitive)
Training Manual for Applied Agroforestry Practices 2021
Animal Protection: Establish appropriate
fencing to prevent livestock and large mam-
mal damage. Controlling small mammals
can include repellents, traps, special
fencing, and seedling protectors (e.g.
photodegradable plastic tubing or mesh
netting). Consult with local and state
game/wildlife specialists for control
measures for your area.
Pest control: Periodic inspection of the
crops and trees is recommended to
detect and identify possible pests. These
inspections and in some cases the use of
pheromone traps will help determine when
corrective action is warranted.
Pruning: Hail, wind or snow storms often
cause breakage of limbs and sometimes
the main trunk(s) of the trees and shrubs.
Remove broken limbs and tops.
Fertilization: Generally, fertilization of
windbreaks is not recommended. It is not
practical, economical, or feasible, in most
cases. The only situation where fertilization
may be justified would be a small, high-
valued windbreak planted on soils that have
obvious soil nutrient deficiencies. Apply
fertilizer according to soil test results.
Windbreaks protect crops, soil, and livestock
while also improving air and water quality,
broadening biodiversity, and beautifying the
landscape. One of the keys to the successful
windbreak is recognizing what the landowner
wants to accomplish through its application
on the landscape. The next step is to then
under- stand the properties of a successful
windbreak. And finally, choose species to plant
in the wind- break that will enable it to work as
expected. With a little planning upfront, a
windbreak can provide a variety of benefits
from improving crop production to
maintaining livestock health.
Non-Agroforestry Uses of
Windbreaks for Homes
Windbreaks reduce energy consumption by
reducing air infiltration into buildings resulting
in less heat loss and by reducing the amount of
snow removal from roads and around buildings.
ign Tips
For wind protection only, the tallest row
needs to be 2-5H (H = planned height of the
tallest row) from the primary area needing
However, for wind and snow protection, the
most windward row needs to be 100 to 200
feet from the windward edge of the primary
protection area. The distance between the
area needing protection and the wind- ward
row varies with the amount of space needed
for snow storage.
Once this critical distance is met, check to
see if the area needing protection is still in
the 2-5H zone, i.e. a house. Areas and objects
more than 10H from the windbreak will
receive reduced wind protection.
To protect structures, the windbreak
should have a density ranging from 60 to 80
percent during the period requiring
maximum protection. To achieve the mini-
mum level of this density range, plant at
least three rows of trees and shrubs with at
least one row being a conifer.
Extend the windbreak a minimum of 100
feet past structures needing protection to
accommodate wind turbulence at the end of
the windbreak and end-drifts of snow.
Locate access roads from 100 to 500 feet
from the ends of the windbreak. If a lane
must cut a windbreak, it should cut through
the windbreak at an angle to prevailing
winds to prevent funneling of wind and
snow drifting.
University of Missouri Center for Agroforestry
Two designs for protecting a structure from
Traditional multi-row windbreak: A
basic farmstead windbreak consists of
three to eight rows of both conifers and
deciduous trees and shrubs. Conifers or
shrubs should be located on the windward
side with tall deciduous species in the
center. A row of shrubs on the interior or
leeward side completes the design.
Modified twin-row, high density wind-
break: In areas with frequent heavy snows
consider adding a row or two of shrubs
50 feet to the windward side to trip snow
before it reaches the main windbreak. An
auxiliary planting of shrubs on the leeward
side of the windbreak can also add good
emergency cover for wildlife. This can be
supplemented with a food plot between the
main windbreak and the auxiliary planting.
For more information, visit "Windbreaks
for Rural Living" at
Windbreak designs for snow
Community Windbreaks
Planned community windbreaks can provide
extra protection for the entire development and
be an economic gain for the developer and
homeowner from increased property values.
Windbreaks in the rural-urban interface can
also reduce potential conflicts, such as blowing
dust, privacy, odors or noise between land uses.
High quality windbreaks between agriculture
and communities can prevent windblown soil
and snow. Sediment in the yard, dust in homes
and pesticide drift can be great aggravation to
both rural and urban homeowners. For more
information see Working Trees for
Windbreak Design
To Protect Homes and Outbuildings
Windbreaks for protecting structures such as
the farmstead, roads and other buildings:
Position the windbreak as close to
perpendicular to the most troublesome wind
direction. “One-leg” windbreaks are sufficient
if winds come from one direction only, but a
“two-leg” or network of windbreak(s) provides
greater protection for variable wind directions.
Plan for 60-80 % density for maximum
protection. Locate windward row 100 - 200
feet from area needing protection. In areas
with variable winds, multiple-leg windbreaks
provide greater protection to the field or
farmstead than single-leg windbreaks.
Training Manual for Applied Agroforestry Practices 2021
Living Snow Fences
Blowing and drifting snow jeopardizes public
safety and emergency services, interrupts
businesses, increases road maintenance costs
and causes wildlife mortality. Living snow fences
are more cost-effective than structural barriers,
can meet many additional objectives, and provide
a wide array of benefits beyond snow control.
Design Tips
To achieve maximum snow accumulation,
the windbreak density should range from
60 to 80 percent.
The most windward row should be a
minimum of 100 feet from the area being
protected to prevent inappropriate snow-
drifts. This distance will vary (100 to 300
feet) depending on the location and sever-
ity of winters.
A trip row of shrubs or dense conifer can
be located 50 to 100 feet windward of the
main windbreak to create a snow trap.
For protecting roads, allow plenty of room
for the leeward drift by locating the wind-
ward row of the windbreak 200 to 300 feet
from the center of the road.
Below: Integrate windbreaks into an overall landscape
design to achieve multiple objectives.
Refer to the windbreak design for snow figure
for more guidance about snow behavior
adjacent to different windbreak designs.
Go to Working Trees: Living Snow Fences,
nceforweb.pdf, and Windbreaks for Snow
Management, https://nfs.unl.edu/
documents/windbre aksnowmgmt.pdf,
for more information.
Windbreaks for Livestock Odor
Windbreaks (or vegetative environmental
buffers - VEBs) placed around livestock
production facilities can help mitigate the
movement of odors and dust generated by
these operations. Urban expansion has placed
many more people into closer contact with
agricultural operations. Large scale livestock
confinement production has led to increased
concentrations of odor emissions travelling
across highly modified landscapes relatively
devoid of natural barriers. Windbreaks alone
will not prevent these odor problems but can
help reduce negative visual perceptions and
the detection of smell by neighbors and
surrounding communities.
Design Tips
Windbreaks should
consist of at least one to three
rows of conifer and
deciduous species.
Two to three rows of
trees can provide an ideal 60
percent windbreak density
(or 40 percent porosity) for
odor control.
Shrubs are generally
planted in the outside or
inside rows, followed by
conifers with deciduous
hard- woods towards the
middle or along the
downwind side where they
can grow more efficiently.
University of Missouri Center for Agroforestry
Tree varieties and placement for the wind-
break should be managed to maximize odor
interception and dilution of air, and reduce
odor leaving the source.
Where site and facility conditions merit
and allow, place plantings (not necessarily
windbreaks) around the entire perimeter
of the odor source.
Even a site with a windbreak on one side
that is strategically placed and designed
can make a difference.
For more information see Windbreaks: A
“Fresh” Tool to Mitigate Odors from
Livestock Production Facilities,
Windbreaks for Wildlife Benefits
With careful design, windbreaks provide
nesting habitat for a wide variety of birds (up to
57 species) and other wildlife. Windbreaks can
also produce needed food as well as protective
cover when the wildlife forage in adjacent
areas. Shelter from predation and escape cover
as well as emergency cover from severe
weather e.g., blizzards can be provided.
Design Tips
Windbreaks can be given a more natural
look and still provide excellent wildlife
habitat and wind protection.
Connecting Habitats - Where appropriate,
select the windbreak site that connects to a
larger habitat block such as a river corridor,
woodlot, wetland, woody draw, or similar
Herbaceous Cover - Consider planting or
leaving herbaceous vegetation such as a
mixture of grasses and legumes, standing
grain, or crop residues as a border (20 to
50 feet wide) along the edges of the wind-
break. If grasses or legumes are used, they
should be separated from the new tree
planting to avoid competition. This strip
of cover can provide nesting, loafing, and
foraging cover for a number of species.
Winter Cover - Adding a shrub row 50 to
100 feet windward of the main windbreak
as a snow trap results in greater wildlife
protection on the leeward side of the main
windbreak. Use species that will provide
good thermal protection in the winter such
as cedar and spruce.
Food - Select species that may have high
food value for a variety of wildlife. Planting
food plots or fruit-bearing shrubs on the lee
side of windbreaks provides food in an area
protected from wind and possibly warmed
by the sun, points that are particularly
important in cold months.
For more information see Windbreaks and
Quail find excellent habitat in field windbreaks.
Training Manual for Applied Agroforestry Practices 2021
Success Stories
Paul Huenfeld, Nebraska Producer Using Wind-
breaks with Organic Farming
“Organic farming and trees were just a natural
fit, like a hand and a glove, as far as I was
concerned. We needed buffers around the farm.
We also really value the importance of habitat
for the insects and the predators, and we see
that along the trees where we can plant grass
and legumes is an excellent source of habitat for
the different species of wildlife.”
Claud Launius, Retired cotton producer, Malden
Plain, Mo.
Claud Launius is a retired cotton farmer in the
sandy soil area of the Bootheel” of Missouri
known as Malden Plain. “We were having a lot of
trouble with blowing sand in the spring of the
year; it was blowing and hurting our cotton
pretty bad--killing some of it.Then, Natural
Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)
District Conservationist Phil Gurley told
Launius about crosswind trap strips, and
said he could get switchgrass seed
through the Missouri Department of
Conservation. Launius installed some on an
80-acre field in 1989. Although some cotton
farmers have used wheat and rye to slow the
wind, switchgrass grows to 6 or
8 feet and Launius says it keeps the wind up in
the air. “In the spring, it’s windy when the
cotton plants are babies, and that’s the worst
time. If they get up to 6 or 8 inches tall they can
defend themselves; but when they’re short,
with just two leaves, wind and sand can just cut
them off. It’s like a baby that gets sick--they
don’t grow like they ought to until they get well
again. That’s cotton, it’s like any plant.” When
Launius retired he rented his land, and his ten-
ant has kept up the wind strips.
Launius added four rows of switchgrass in
strips with 24 rows of cotton. He figures he
might have gone with 36 rows of cotton to 4
rows of switchgrass, “but I’d be afraid to tear
any of it up.” Besides, he’s doing better with the
68 acres than he did with the original 80 acres.
“Our yields have increased a half-bale per acre
or more because the plants aren’t getting hurt.
They just sit there and grow; the weather
doesn’t bother them. We really like it.” Launius
is surprised that others aren’t planting
switchgrass wind traps, but thinks they just
don’t want to give up those 4 rows of cotton
ground. He notes that there are other benefits
beyond protecting the cotton plants and
boosting production. “It’s doing really well for
quail and other animals, such as rabbits. By
hiding in the switchgrass, the quail run the
hunters crazy. The grass is really thick and it
keeps get- ting thicker and thicker.” To
maintain it, every other 4-row strip is burned
every other year; that makes the switchgrass
“stool out” more, and then it has millions of
seeds on it –”and that’s what quail and wildlife
University of Missouri Center for Agroforestry
Economic Incentives
There are several agencies offering programs
that can be used to establish and maintain
windbreak practices on private land. The USDA
Farm Service Agency (FSA) offers three
programs that may be used for windbreaks
and shelterbelts: the Conservation Reserve
Program (CRP), the Continuous Conservation
Reserve Program (CCRP), and the Conservation
Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP). Each of
these programs is designed to take environ-
mentally sensitive and highly erodible land out
of production by offering a soil rental payment,
a cost-share for the establishment of various
conservation practices and other financial
incentives to landowners who offer to set aside
their land.
Of these three programs, the CCRP program
offers direct benefits to landowners
establishing a windbreak/shelterbelt. CCRP is
a voluntary program that focuses on funding
conservation practices (CP) protecting
environmentally sensitive land. Landowners
with eligible land who wish to enroll that land
in the CCRP may sign- up at any time during
the year. NRCS Standard 380 identifies the
guidelines for establishing a windbreak for the
CCRP. For more information, contact your local
USDA/FSA office.
The USDA/NRCS has four main programs that
offer funds for tree planting and agroforestry.
They are the Environmental Quality Incentives
Program (EQIP), the Wildlife Habitat Incentive
Program (WHIP), and the Conservation
Stewardship Program (CSP). In
conjunction with the funding programs
noted, the USDA/NRCS also provides
technical assistance to landowners who
are interested in conservation planning
and application.
The USDA National Institute of Food
and Agriculture supports the
Sustainable Agriculture Research and
Education (SARE) program. Of the three
funding types available through SARE, only
one, the producer grant, is aimed at the
landowner. Landowners who submit
accepted proposals can receive up to
$15,000 to establish and maintain
the sustainable practice that they propose.
See chart (next page) for a listing of
incentives offered by these federal agencies
or consult the UMCA publication “Funding
Incentives for Agroforestry in Missouri.”
University of Missouri Center for Agroforestry
Training Manual for Applied Agroforestry Practices 20
Additional Resources
Windbreak Resources USDA National Agroforestry Center
https://www.fs.usda.gov/nac/practices/windbreaks.shtml This page has many windbreak references;
we suggest starting with the 11 publications listed under the Windbreak Series heading starting with
How Windbreaks Work. The Agroforestry Notes also provide some specialized information.
NRCS Windbreak Information
NRCS State Windbreak/Shelterbelt Establishment Practice Standards and Specifications:
I llinois
Illinois Windbreak Manual – Illinois Department of Conservation, Extension and NRCS:
Planning Farmstead Windbreaks - Iowa State Extension
Farmstead Windbreaks: Establishment, Care and Maintenance - Iowa State Extension
University of Minnesota, Morris “Selecting Trees and Shrubs in Windbreaks”
Using Windbreaks to Reduce Odors Associated with Livestock Production Facilities – USDA NRCS-MO
IS- MO380: www.nrcs.usda.gov/Internet/FSE_DOCUMENTS/nrcs144p2_010805.pdf
Windbreak Design – University of Nebraska Extension NEBGuide G1304:
Windbreaks: Trees as Technology for Protecting Wisconsin’s Topsoil University of Wisconsin:
Windbreaks That Work Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources: dnr.wi.gov/topic/
forestmanagement/ documents/pub/FR-070.pdf
Training Manual for Applied Agroforestry Practices 20
Additional Resources, cont'd
In Print:
Brandle, J.R., L. Hodges, J. Tyndall, and R.A. Sudmeyer. 2009. IN: North American Agroforestry: An
Integrated Science and Practice (H.E. Garrett, Editor). 2nd Edition. Agronomy Society of America, Madison,
WI. Pp. 75-105
Brandle, J.R., L. Hodges, and B. Wight. 2000. IN: North American Agroforestry: An Integrated Science and
Practice (H.E. Garrett, W.J. Rietveld and R.F. Fisher, ed’s.). Agronomy Society of America, Madison, WI. pp.
Brandle, J.R., D.L. Hintz and J.W. Sturrock. 1988. Windbreak Technology. IN: Agriculture, Ecosystems
and Environment, 22/23. Elsevier Science Publishers. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 598 pp
University of Missouri Center for Agroforestry
What are the advantages of windbreaks for:
2. How far from the windbreak will crops benefit with increased yields?
Compare and contrast the uses for single-row and multiple-row windbreaks.
4. When considering whether to use single or multiple row windbreaks, what factors
should be considered?
When deciding between deciduous and coniferous species, what factors will also be
used when writing out the management plan?
Putting in a windbreak will cause a farmer to take acres out of production. How can you
persuade a farmer that putting a windbreak in will be beneficial in the long run?
What financial assistance programs are being funded through state or federal programs
to help landowners with the cost of putting windbreaks up on their property?
A number of features must be analyzed prior to the placement of a windbreak. List four
of these features.
For further thought:
Like any other aspect of agroforestry, windbreaks can provide advantages and
disadvantages to the landowner. How do you work with the landowner to see past the
disadvantages and not focus on the negative?
Training Manual for Applied Agroforestry Practices 20
What are the advantages of windbreaks for cattle, soil and crops?
perly designed windbreaks have been shown to increase crop yield for a wide variety of
crops. Decreases in wind speed protect downwind crops, decreasing evapotranspiration and
increasing water use efficiency. Decreasing wind speed enhanced soil stability and is the primary
basis for the installation of windbreaks dating back to the Dust Bowl of the 1930’s. During the
winter, cattle use energy to keep warm, increasing their feed requirement. Windbreaks moder-
ate winter temperature extremes, reducing cold stress. Windbreaks also improve calving success
2. How far from the windbreak will crops benefit with increased yields?
e rule of thumb is that crop yields are improved out to 10-15H.
Compare and contrast the uses for single-row and multiple-row windbreaks.
le-row deciduous windbreaks are designed to improve snow distribution across a crop field
to improve moisture for early season crop growth. They are also used surrounding orchards to
still the air and improve pollination and/or speed up crop maturation. They may also be used as
a visual screen along roads. Other windbreak applications depend on multiple-rows of decidu-
ous and coniferous trees and shrubs, combined and configured for specific purposes (i.e., crop
production, animal protection, snow fences).
When considering whether to use single or multiple row windbreaks, what factors
should be considered?
The purpose of the windbreak dictates the design.
When deciding between deciduous and coniferous species, what factors will also be
used when writing out the management plan?
Both conifers and deciduous trees bring different attributes to the function of the windbreak.
Deciduous trees are more porous to wind movement, and are less effective in slowing wind
speeds. Conversely, deciduous windbreaks reduce wind velocity further downwind. Conifers
provide much more wind blockage, critical to protect cattle from wind and snow and roads and
buildings from snow buildup.
Putting in a windbreak will cause a farmer to take acres out of production. How can you
persuade a farmer that putting a windbreak in will be beneficial in the long run?
A re
alistic assessment of the farmers’ goals and objectives, coupled with a similar assessment of
the entire farm and cropping system, will lead to the diagnosis that may include establishment
of windbreaks. Evidence of windblown soil erosion and associated crop damage, need for cattle
protection or protection of buildings and roads, may all lead to this diagnosis. Once the diagno-
sis includes windbreaks, the next step is to explore cost share programs that may help to offset
establishment costs. Visits to other landowners that have functioning windbreaks, will be very
effective in addressing farmer concerns.
Training Manual for Applied Agroforestry Practices 20
What cost share programs are being funded through state or federal programs to help
landowners with the cost of putting windbreaks up on their property?
IP and CCRP both provide cost share for windbreak installation. (see “Funding Incentives for
Agroforestry in Missouri” for a thorough discussion of available cost share programs).
A number of features must be analyzed prior to the placement of a windbreak. List four
of these features.
ight, density, orientation, length, width, uniformity, cross sectional shape.
University of Missouri Center for Agroforestry