International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences
Vol-7, Issue-6; Nov-Dec, 2022
Journal Home Page Available:
Journal DOI: 10.22161/ijels
IJELS-2022, 7(6), (ISSN: 2456-7620) 451
Agroforestry Practices in Kinama, Rizal, Kalinga: A
documentation and basis for intervention plan
Marsky A. Ubeña
Received: 03 Nov 2022; Received in revised form: 11 Dec 2022; Accepted: 21 Dec 2022; Available online: 31 Dec 2022
©2022 The Author(s). Published by Infogain Publication. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
Abstract This study was conducted to document the Agroforestry Practices in Kinama, Rizal, Kalinga.A
documentation and basis for intervention plan from September05 to September 30, 2022. There were 102
respondents of the study. The descriptive statistics was used. Frequency counts, percent, means, ranks and
correlation analysis were used in the analysis and interpretation of data. Results of the study showed that
most of the respondents are males and married. Many of the respondents belong to age bracket 41 to 50
years and attained elementary level. All the respondents are owner-operators and less than half have six to
eight years’ experience in Agroforestry farming: cultivating an area of 1 to 5 hectares Many of the
respondents earned Php 9,000 and above after adopting Agroforestry. Almost all of the respondents
practiced multi-storey with tree components of yemane, mahogany, mango, citrus, rambutan, lanzones and
coffee. The integrated agricultural crops are pigeon pea, banana, corn and eggplant. The respondents are
moderately benefitted in terms of economic and environmental benefits and also fairly benefitted in
cultural benefits. Results showed that the degree of seriousness of the overall problems encountered were
fairly serious with a mean of 2.26. However, poor location was rated as the highest and the non-ownership
of land and unstable tenure status was claimed not serious with the lowest rating. The correlation analysis
was found to have no significant relationship of income derived from agroforestry farming to educational
attainment and years of farming of the farmer-respondents.
Keyword Agroforestry farming practices, land tenure, multi-storey, intervention plan, documentation
Background of the Study
The Philippines is considered as one of the
biodivsersity hot spots in the world due to its unique flora
and fauna. Just like in many parts of the world, Philippines
is also experiencing forest destruction (deforestation
and/or forest degradation). These consequently pose a
great threat to the stability of the whole ecosystem (Dulay,
Philippine forest covers have degenerated because
of massive logging activities, extreme poverty and shifting
cultivation. Current deforestation rate has been estimated
at 100,000 ha per year. There are about 20 million
Filipinos living in upland watershed areas, half of whom
are dependent on shifting cultivation for livelihood. The
continuous influx of migrant communities has further
aggravated the diminishing forest resources. Given the
dependence of human and social life of products from the
forest from wood to water and to the oxygen they produce,
these consequences impinge on all sectors of the society
(Mapili, 2019).
Agroforestry is so far one of the solutions to
ecological degradation. There is now a worldwide
acceptance of agroforestry as the most appropriate
technological approach to improve the upland areas. In
Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR), agroforestry
development was listed in the Regional Development Plan
of 2004-2010 as one of the programs that will support the
watershed cradle (Latap, 2015).
Upland agroforestry systems have been proven to
have a positive impact on smallholders’ livelihoods: they
contribute to economies from local through to global and
also provide valuable environmental services. However,
these systems are often overlooked and face several major
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barriers. Upland smallholders are particularly vulnerable to
the threats of climate change, notably, erratic rainfall
patterns and more frequent extreme weather.
Consequently, upland populations are increasingly
migrating to urban areas where opportunities are perceived
to be better. However, with improved support, upland
farmers can enhance their agroforestry systems and
livelihoods and thereby strengthen local through to global
economies and also enhance environmental services
(Roshetko et al., 2017).
Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR) is
blessed with abundant natural resources like wide forest
cover and as such, it is aptly called the “watershed cradle
of Northern Luzon”. However, the region is now
confronted with an imbalance between the productive and
protective uses of the watersheds. Socio-economic
pressures have forced upland dwellers to farm even steep
slopes, and even to the extent of converting forest lands
for agricultural purposes (Latap, 2015).
The province of Kalinga is surrounded by
mountains and divided into three distinct geographical
areas, with the Chico River as the center: the mountainous
western portion; the valley of the river and its tributaries;
and the plains between the river and Cagayan Province.
Most of the residents grow crops and livestock for
domestic needs and income.
Agroforestry has always been a part of the
Ykalingas’ traditional farming practices. They usually
grow root crops and rice on slopes, supported by trees,
which in turn prevent soil erosion. Animal waste and
leftover food are used as fertilizers. Some tribes in the
province plant high-value crops alongside nitrogen-fixing
plants, such as peanuts and beans.They also use land-
management systems in which trees and shrubs are grown
around or among crops or pastures. With this system, they
are able to make the production of food, firewood and
clothing sustainable (Berry, 2020). According to
Domoguen (2018), Agroforestry is best for mountainous
regions like Cordillera. The practice of agroforestry in
Kalinga Province, Philippines is a tradition that has been
passed from generations to generations and has become a
way of life to the people of Kalinga (Bayon et al., 2016).
The municipality of Rizal is called the gateway to
the provincial capital, the city of Tabuk. It is situated
along the provincial boundaries of Kalinga, Cagayan and
Isabela. Rizal has a total land area of 23,011 hectares
composed of valleys and hills. Its fertile clay soil is best
suited for crops and rice production. On its western sides
are grazing lands and patches of forest. The town’s major
source of livelihood is agriculture. Monocropping is
widely used in the municipality. Rice and corn farming are
the most dominant and only few are engage in vegetable
Rizal is an agriculture-based municipality
because of its favorable topography. The barangays of
Bulbul, Kinama, San Pedro and San Francisco belong to
the upland communities of the municipality. These
barangays practiced slash and burn and even converting
the grassy and rocky hills to corn plantation. This made
possible when upland farmers recognized the power of
herbicides which makes the soil friable and the stones
were rapidly weathered (Balbuena & Javillonar, 2018).
One peculiarity of agroforestry farming systems
is their being location-specific. Because of the presence of
diverse cultural communities in the province, a number of
indigenous agro- forestry farming systems have also been
developed in other localities but remained undocumented.
The need of documentation therefore is necessary
before it will get lost forever or forgotten if not properly
documented, analyze and disseminated. Knowledge gained
but is unavailable to others is wasted
https://digital; (2017).
The Philippines is still primarily an agricultural
country of which most citizens still live in rural areas and
support themselves through agriculture. Filipino farmers
still uses traditional way of farming because of its benefits
in sustaining the capacity of the soil to produce healthy
and organic crops using available resources .This is the
type of farming that prevailed in the Philippines before the
coming in of mechanized and chemical farming. However,
some of these indigenous or traditional farming practices
still remained undocumented particularly within the upland
This local knowledge developed in the
community through time is very important in achieving
sustainable agriculture and food security. It’s essential in
maintaining farm productivity, efficiency and profitability
in the long run, without depleting the natural resources and
the environment. It is therefore imperative to create
awareness and bring critical issues relating to the
documentation and dissemination of agricultural
indigenous knowledge to the policy makers so that its
potentials can be harnessed to achieve sustainable food
production to combat food crisis.
Documentation is one of the means of preserving
indigenous knowledge for posterity, national growth and
sustainable development. Access to relevant information
has been documented as crucial to the economic, political,
and social well-being of any community. It is believed that
indigenous knowledge has much to offer and teach the
world at large and only by research and documentation can
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it be preserved and made available to development
workers worldwide.
Since agroforestry practices within the
Municipality of Rizal, Kalinga remained undocumented as
observed and witnessed by the author himself being a
resident, prompted him to document these practices
particularly agroforestry farming within Kinama, Rizal,
Kalinga before these practices disappear or vanish that will
curtail knowledge growth.
Further, the study will serve as baseline
information on the agroforestry farming practices adopted
by the farmer-respondents that can be used by researchers,
extensionists and policy makers on the identified strength,
weaknesses, and opportunities as reference in improving
and addressing the needs of the farmer-adopters to pursue
sustainable agroforestry farming among the people of the
municipality of Rizal, Kalinga and other interested
individuals and neighbouring communities.
Fig. 1. Framework of the Study. This study will beguided
by the Input-Process-Output (IPO Model) (Fig. 1) for the
documentation of agroforestry practices among upland
farmers in Rizal, Kalinga. It was conceptualized to address
the need of the upland farmers and evaluate their
agroforestry farming practices. The input of study includes
1. Socio-
profile of the
2. Identification of
3. Economic,
and cultural
4. Problems
encountered by
farmers in the
practice of
5. Formulation of
intervention plan
1. Formulation of
2. Pre-testing of
3. Validation of
4. Floating of
combined with
on methods
5. Consolidation and
tabulation of data
6. Data Analysis
7. Write-up
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the socio-demographic profile, identification of
agroforestry practices, economic and environmental and
cultural benefits of agroforestry and the problems
encountered by the farmers in the practice of agroforestry
The process involved the formulation of
questionnaire, pre-testing and floating of questionnaires
combined with direct interview and observation method,
survey and presentation of data gathered and the analysis
of data.
The outputs were the documentation of agroforestry
practices adopted in the upland barangays of Rizal,
Kalinga and a proposed/recommended intervention plan.
Statement of the Problem
Generally, the study aimed to document the
Agroforestry practices in Kinama, Rizal, Kalinga.
Specifically, it aimed to answer the following
1. What are the socio-demographic profile of the
2. What are the identified agroforestry practices in
Kinama, Rizal,
3. What are the economic, environmental and
cultural benefits of agroforestry farming practices
adopted by farmers?
4. What are the problem encountered by farmers
and the perceived solutions in the practice of
5. What is the correlation analysis between the
a. income and educational attainment; and
b. income and years of agroforestry practice.
6. What is the recommended intervention plan to be
designed to have sustainable agroforestry farming
practices in the Kinama, Rizal, Kalinga?
Significance of the Study
This study sought to provide additional
information to the farmers for good quality farming. This
will also provide the municipality baseline information on
the farmers who are practicing agroforestry farming. The
result of this study will serve as the baseline data and
information for researchers, extension agents and policy
makers to improve agroforestry practices among the
people in the Municipality of Rizal, Kalinga.
Scope and Delimitation of the Study
The study focuses on the Agroforestry Practices
in Kinama Rizal, Kalinga: economic, environmental and
cultural benefits of agroforestry farming practices adopted
by farmers and recommended intervention plan to be
designed to have sustainable agroforestry farming
practices in the Kinama, Rizal, Kalinga.
According to Obura, (2018), the basic component
of any country’s agricultural knowledge system is its
agricultural indigenous knowledge (AIK) that
encompasses the skills, experiences and insights of people,
applied to maintain or improve their livelihood. Many
authors have recognized AIK as an important source of
developmental information (Anyira, 2010) and have
recommended its proper documentation and dissemination
for sustainable agricultural development.
Kudakwashe & Gift, (2013) also consider
traditional indigenous /agricultural knowledge as a
knowledge that is unique to a given culture, community or
society that is different from the knowledge learned from
formal institutions. It encompasses all aspects of life, such
as the management of natural environment. It forms the
basis of survival for the people who own the knowledge.
Moreover, IK and practice are usually unwritten relying on
oral transmission and human memory, therefore, the
importance documentation (Abebayo and Adeyemo,
2017). Additionally, is its scientific validity because
modern agriculture could learn a lot from it (Zaid and
Egberongbe, 2011). It is believed that indigenous
knowledge has much to offer and teach the world at large
and only by research and documentation can it be
preserved and made available to development workers
According to Fransen (2020), Agroforestry is an
economically and ecologically sound practice that
incorporates cultivation, conservation and tree planting
alongside crops or livestock farming. Agroforestry
practices come in many forms but fall into two groups-
those are sequential, such as fallows, and those that are
simultaneous, such as alley cropping (Leaky, 2017). In
particular, agroforestry is crucial to small holder’s farmers
and other rural people because it can enhance their food
supply, income and health. It is a multifunctional system
that can provide a wide range of economic, sociocultural
and environmental benefits (FAO, 2015). Agroforestry is
likened to a principle that is well accepted by many forest
and hill-side farmers in tropical regions (Luna, 2018). It
increases or sustains productivity while maintaining the
ecological stability of the environment (Gacutan, 2012).
According to Gangadharappa et al. (2003), the
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approximate annual returns of one acre of agroforestry
plot is averaging of $ 800 or Rs 31466.20 which is much
profitable than any traditional crop.
Agroforestry systems have the potential to
address both food insecurity and carbon mitigation goals.
Agroforestry is a system in which trees and different crops
are merged together in the same area for net economic
return to farmers. Agroforestry has been identified as a
potential greenhouse gas mitigation and afforestation
approach under the Kyoto protocol. Average carbon
storage by agroforestry system is estimated at 9, 21, 50
and 63 Megagrams C/ha/year in semiarid, sub-humid,
humid and temperate regions respectively (Yasin et al.
2019). Agroforestry also strengthens farmers' adaptive
capacity to counter climate change impacts by building
more resilient agricultural systems and diversifying
income sources. Also importantly to farmers, agroforestry
contributes to food security by providing multiple
products and benefits to farmers such as food, fodder and
shade for livestock, timber and renewable wood energy.
Agroforestry is an intensive land management
system that integrates trees into land already used for crop
and animal farming. It is an important approach to improve
the environmental, economic, and social benefits of
complex socialecological systems in the Asia-Pacific
region (Shinet al., 2020).
Agroforestry bridges the gap that often separates
agriculture and forestry by building integrated systems that
address both environmental and socio-economic
objectives. Agroforestry can improve the resiliency of
agricultural systems and mitigate the impacts of climate
change (Brownet al.,2018).
Interactions between trees and other components
of agriculture such as livestock, fishery and aquatic species
is important at a range of scales: in fields (where trees and
crops are grown together), on farms (where trees may
provide fodder for livestock, fuel, food, shelter or income
from products, including timber) and landscapes (where
agricultural and forest land-uses combine in determining
the provision of ecosystem services(SEARCA,2021).
Finleyet al. (2018) cited that one of the
agroforestry systems such as intercropping can be used to
increase crop yields through resource partitioning and
facilitation in addition to achieving greater productivity.
To improve the livelihood and nutrition status of
the people of the Philippines and the world as well, the
viable agricultural solution to this problem is to adopt the
practice of agroforestry systems. Agroforestry is the
combination of agriculture and forestry practices within a
farming system. It involves the combination of trees and
crops that increase the medicinal, environmental, and
economic value of land with much profit and food security
(Sobola et al., 2015).
Among the agroforestry systems that would be an
effective tool to solve the problems mentioned above is the
practice of intercropping.
Few studies have been conducted to examine the
benefits of adopting agroforestry technologies; however, of
the studies conducted, the results show that there are
significant benefits for land owners adopting agroforestry.
This premise is supported by Jacobson and Kar (2013),
who conducted a similar study and reported “A review of
the literature on agroforestry extension adoption in the
United States finds only a few examples”.Furthermore,
limited-resource farmers are faced with the challenge of
making their farm business economically viable,
Locale of the Study
The study was conducted at Kinama, Rizal,
Kalinga from November to December 2022.
Research Design
The descriptive statistics such as mean, frequency
counts and percentage will be used in this study. A
structured interview will be utilized to gather relevant data.
Likewise, field observation and documentation will be
employed in this study.
Respondents of the Study
The respondents of the study were the
Agroforestry farmers particularly in Kinama, Rizal,
Prior to the conduct of this study, request
letter was sent to the Barangay Captain of Kinama, Rizal,
Kalinga for permission and assistance in the conduct of the
study. Survey questionnaire will the main instrument of the
To ensure reliability and validity of the
questionnaires, pre-testing will done at barangay San
Francisco, Rizal, Kalinga with eight farmers as
respondents which were no longer considered in the
identification of respondents. A structured questionnaire
and interview schedule will be done to collect data in this
study. The questions that are hard to be understood by the
respondents will be translated to local dialect by the
researcher during the interview to facilitate the discussions
and encourage more responses from the farmers. After the
interview, actual field visitation was conducted for
validation vis-à-vis the collected information provided by
Ubeña Agroforestry Practices in Kinama, Rizal, Kalinga: A documentation and basis for intervention plan
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the respondents. Observations will be done to take note of
the practices adopted by the agroforestry farmers. Sample
photos were taken from the agroforestry farms of the
farmers serve as pieces of evidence on the type of
agroforestry farming practices adopted by the respondents.
The data to be collected were as follows: 1. socio-
demographic profile of respondents; 2. identification of the
agroforestry farming practices of the respondents; 3.
economic, environmental and cultural benefits of
agroforestry and; 4. problems encountered by the
respondents in agroforestry farming practices.
Data Gathering Procedure
The study was a descriptive research design.
Face-to-face interviews with the respondents will be
conducted using the interview guide questionnaire. The
content of the questionnaire survey is the level of
awareness and their practices pertaining to the solid waste
management and the effectiveness of campaigns and
program of the Local Government Unit. It was explained
to the respondents before answering. The purpose of the
interview was to verify the information that the
respondents will give about:
A. Level of Participation/Involvement of
Respondents to the CBFM Activities
B. Degree of Seriousness of the Problems
Encountered by the Respondents
Actual observations and site visits will be done to
validate the answer of respondents.
Data Analysis
The data collected/gathered were tallied,
tabulated and analysed using the descriptive statistics such
as frequency counts, mean and percentage.
The following rating scale and descriptive equivalent will
be used:
A. Numerical Values, Range of Values and Descriptive Rating on the Benefit of Agroforestry Farming Practices adopted by
the Respondents.
Numerical Values
Range Values
Descriptive Rating
4.20 5.00
Very Highly Adopted
3.40 4.19
Highly Adopted
2.60 3.39
Moderately Adopted
1.80 2.59
Fairly Adopted
1.00 1.79
Not Serious
B. Numerical Values, Range of Values and Descriptive Rating on the Degree ofSeriousness of the Problems Encountered by
the Respondents.
Numerical Values
Range Values
Descriptive Rating
4.20 5.00
Very Highly Serious
3.40 4.19
Highly Serious
2.60 3.39
Moderately Serious
1.80 2.59
Fairly Serious
1.00 1.79
Not Serious
This section presents the findings, interpretation,
analyses of data gathered from the respondents of the
study. It includes the socio-demographic profile of such as
gender, age, civil status, ethnicity, land tenure, number of
years in agroforestry farming, income from agroforestry
farming. It also includes farm profile such as farm size,
farming practices, components of agroforestry system,
problems encountered and correlation analysis between
income derived from agroforestry farming to educational
attainment and number of years in farming.
Ubeña Agroforestry Practices in Kinama, Rizal, Kalinga: A documentation and basis for intervention plan
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Table 1. Frequency Distribution of Respondents by Socio- demographic Profile
1. Gender
2. Age
61 years & Above
3. Civil Status
4. Educational Attainment
Elementary Level
High School Level
Continuation of Table 4
College level
High school graduate
Elementary graduate
College graduate
5. Etnicity
Ubeña Agroforestry Practices in Kinama, Rizal, Kalinga: A documentation and basis for intervention plan
IJELS-2022, 7(6), (ISSN: 2456-7620) 458
6.Tenure of Land
Owner operator
7. Number of Years in Agroforestry Farming
6-8 years
5 years & below
9 years & above
8. Farm Size Devoted to AF Farming
1-5 ha.
Below 1 ha.
11 ha. And above
Farm Size Devoted to AF Farming
1-5 ha.
Below 1 ha.
11 ha. And above
9. Monthly Income
3,000 & below
9,001 & above
Continuation of Table 4
10. Farming Income before AF Farming
3,001- 5,000
9,001 & above
3,001 & below
7,001- 9,000
Ubeña Agroforestry Practices in Kinama, Rizal, Kalinga: A documentation and basis for intervention plan
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11. Farming Income During AF Farming
9,001 & above
3,000 & below
7,001- 9,000
12. Other Sources of Income
Store owner
Gov’t worker/official
13. Distance of e Households to the Farms
1-2 km
Less than 1 km
3-4 km
7 km & above
5-6 km
14.Source of Capital used for AF Farming
The salient findings of the study were the following:
Most of the respondents (75.49%) were males
while 24.51% were females. Many of the respondents
(36.27%) belonged to the age bracket of 41 to 50 years and
almost all (96.08%) were married.
Many (43.14%) of the respondents have
elementary education, some (31.37%) have high school
education and few have attained college education (10.78
%), 5.88% are high school graduates, 4.90% graduated
from elementary, and 3.92% graduated from college.
Almost all (87.25%) of the farmer-respondents
are Ikalingas and owner operators of the farms they are
tilling. Less than half (49.02%) of the farmers have 6 to 8
years of farming experience. A great majority of the
respondents (62.75%) were cultivating 1 to 5 hectares of
Ubeña Agroforestry Practices in Kinama, Rizal, Kalinga: A documentation and basis for intervention plan
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land, while 32.35% have size less than one hectare and few
(4.9%) have above 10 hectares.
Almost all (88.24%) of the farmer-respondents
were laborers and (83.33%) earned a monthly income of
Php 3,000.00 and below while some (29.41%) of the
respondents earned Php 3,001 to Php 5,000 before
engaging in agroforestry farming. Many (37.25%) earned
Php 9,001 and above, and some (25.49%) earned Php
3,001 to Php 5,000 during the adoption of agroforestry
On the distance of their households their farms,
majority (52.94%) reside within 1 to 2 kilometers while
few (0.98%) reside within 5 to 6 kilometer distance.
A great majority (72.55%) of the farmers were
members of cooperative while some (27.45%) were
members of the Federation of Farmers. A great majority
(73.53%) of the respondents borrow their capital from
cooperative; few (24.51%) were self- financed and only 2
borrow from their friends.
Almost all (96.08%) of the respondents practiced
multi-storey farming planted with trees composed of
yemane, mahogany, mango, citrus, rambutan, lanzones and
coffee. The integrated crops are pigeon pea, banana, corn
and eggplant.
In terms of economic benefits that are derived
from agroforestry farming practices, it is observed that the
farmer-respondents are moderately benefited with a mean
of 3.04. The respondents rated source of food as the
highest followed by the source of lumber and construction
materials, sources of fuel wood, income, green
manure/soil fertility, feed/fodder for the animals, and
source of herbal medicine which was rated the lowest.
On the environmental benefits of agroforestry
farming practices, the respondents claimed to be
moderately benefited with a mean of 3.35.
Soil erosion control as a function/benefit of
agroforestry was claimed the highest with a rating of
3.60 because of its protective function in minimizing the
occurrence of soil erosion brought about by strong
typhoons and heavy rains during wet season; followed by
flood and drought control, carbon sequestration,
improvement of water quality, climate amelioration, soil
formation and fertility improvement, biodiversity
conservation, increase water quantity, and control of pest
and disease. Meanwhile, the increase in crop production
was rated the lowest due to the large population of trees
present in their multi-storey farms that limited the space
allotted for crop production.
The farmer-respondents were fairly benefited in
terms of cultural benefits with a mean of 2.33. Landscape
improvement was rated the highest because of the presence
of diverse species of trees and crops planted in their farms
that obviously improved the physical aesthetic feature of
their farms.
Results showed that the degree of seriousness of
the overall problems/constraints encountered by the
farmer-respondents was fairly serious with a mean of 2.26.
However, poor location was rated as the highest, followed
by forest fire, erratic weather conditions, lack of
infrastructure, slow delivery of support services, lack of
farming skills and distance of farm to household which
were all considered moderately serious, while the rest were
claimed fairly serious except the non-ownership of land
and unstable tenure status which is not serious and rated as
the lowest because the farmers were themselves owner
operators of their farms.
From the findings of Solomon (2019) and Ninh
(2021), higher education contributes to
productivity/output. This claim conforms to the reports of
researchers to include educational attainment as an explicit
determinant of agricultural output (e.g. Vollrath, 2007;
Asadullah and Rahman, 2009; Reimers and Klasen, 2013;
Wouterse, 2016; Wouterse, F. and Badiane, 2019).
Moreover, Onwubuya (2005) stated that highest
agricultural productivity depends primarily on the
education of the rural farmers to understand and accept the
complex scientific changes that are difficult for the
uneducated rural farmer.
Almost all (89 or 87.25%) of the respondents are
IKalingas, few (8.82%) are Ilokano and 1.96% each for
Igorot and Itawes. This implies that upland agroforestry
farmers in Rizal, Kalinga are dominated by Ykalingas.
In the article on the importance of ethnicity in the
depletion of the forest resources in the Sierra Madre
(northeast Luzon, Philippines), it argues that ethnically
highly diverse population living on the forest edge shows
little variation in the exploitation of available resources.
ethnic groups seem to be engaged in the same kind of
activities irrespective of their cultural background.
However, once resources become scarcer and the
population is offered opportunities for community forestry,
ethnicity becomes a highly relevant factor for the future
management of diminishing resources (Schlesing &
Munishi, 2020)
Land Tenure Status
All (102 or 100%) of the respondents are owner
operators of the land they are cultivating. This implies that
land tenure is not a problem in the upland barangays of
Rizal, Kalinga.
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Land tenure is the relationship, whether legally or
customarily defined among people as individuals or groups
with respect to land. It is an institution, i.e., rules invented
by societies to regulate behaviours. Rules of tenure define
how property rights to land are to be allocated within
societies. They define how access is granted to rights to
use, control, and transfer land, as well as associated
responsibilities and restrains. In simple terms, land tenure
systems determine who can use what resources for how
long, and under what conditions. Land tenure is an
important part of social, political and economic structures.
It is multi-dimensional, brining into play social, technical,
economic, institutional, legal and political aspects that are
often ignored but must be taken into account (FAO, 2015).
Land tenure distribution has been a salient issue
in the Philippines for decades. In recent years, population
growth and degradation of productive land has led to
increased stress and tensions between smallholder farmers,
wealthy landlords and the state. Philippines, as agriculture
is an essential livelihood, and difficult access to land
tenure is correlated with poverty, which is a mainly rural
phenomenon (ADB 2009; Boras; Tadem , 2015). Farmers
protest to obtain rights to land has often been met with
violence from landlords and security forces.
In connection to land tenure issues contributing to
deforestation, degradation of the environment, lowering of
carrying capacities of soils, poaching and extinction of
wild biotic resources, the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform
Program was implemented in 1988 to promote a more
equitable distribution of land and improve productivity.
Although the reform contained more favourable provisions
for farmers, its success is still being debated after its
completion in 2014 (Asia: Land and Foods, n.d).
Idoma and Ismail (2014) have also suggested that
inalienability, insecurity of tenure system, land
fragmentation and atomization of holdings due to
customary law of inheritance have been responsible for the
growing small scale and subsistence farming systems
which no longer meet the food and industrial demand of
the present growing population. Further, the lack of secure
access to land is closely linked to poverty, especially in
rural Philippines.
Number of Years in Agroforestry Farming
Almost half (49.02%) and 45.10% of the
respondents were engaged in agroforestry farming from six
to eight years and five years below, respectively, only few
(5.88%) were engaged for more than nine years. This
implies that most of the upland agroforestry farmers adopt
agroforestry farming during the implementation of the
Integrated Natural Resources and Environmental
Management Project (INREMP) which was mentioned
during the interview. This is a seven year project of the
Asian Development Bank (ADB) being implemented by
the Department of Environmental and Natural Resources.
Farm Size Devoted to Agroforestry Farming
In terms of farm size, most (62.75%) were tilling
1 to 5 hectares. Many (32.35%) of them were tilling less
than one hectare and the rest (5 0r 4.9%) were tilling above
10 hectares. The average farm size devoted to agroforestry
by the farmer-respondents is 2 hectares which is higher
than the farm size devoted in agroforestry in Ifugao which
is less than a hectare (Latap, 2015). This means that
farmers had enough area allocated for agroforestry
In the statement of Noack and Larsen (2019),
increasing farm size reduces the output per unit of land but
larger farms have higher output per unit of labor. Further
income fluctuations decline with increasing farm size
while the risk of aggregate production increases with
increasing farm size and the effects can be large. In
addition, they that indicated that while output per unit of
land does decline with increasing farm size as suggested
by previous literature, agricultural incomes increase with
farm size, the variance of local food production increases
with farm size. This suggest that farmers benefit from
larger farms, earning higher and more stable incomes
while consumer suffer from lower and more volatile food
While there is an inverse relationship between
land productivity and farm size, there is a direct
relationship between labor productivity and size. Analysis
of the farm size and productivity relationship using labor
productivity suggests that larger farms are more productive
than their smaller counterparts (Helfand and Taylors ,
Monthly Income from Other Sources
Almost all (83.33%) of the respondents earned a
monthly income of Php 3,000 and below, few (9.80%)
earned Php 3001to Php 5000, 3.92% earned Php 9,000
and above, 0.98% to 1.96% earned Php 5,001 to Php 7,000
and Php 7,001 to Php 9,000 respectively. Results indicate
that their low income could hardly sustain the basic needs
of their family. However, respondents have other sources
of income (as labourers) to sustain their living.
Monthly Income before Adopting Agroforestry
In terms of farming income before adopting
agroforestry, many (29.41%) of the respondents earned
Php 3,001 to Php 5,000, 28.83% earned Php 9,001 and
above, 22.55% earned Php 5,001 to Php 7,000, 18 or
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17.65% earned Php 3,000 and below, and the rest (1.96%)
earned Php 7,001 to Php 9,000.
Monthly Income after Adopting Agroforestry Farming
Many (37.25%) of the respondents earned Php
9,001 and above, 25.49% earned Php 3,001 to Php 5,000,
20.59% earned Php 5,001 to Php 7,000, 11.76% earned
Php 3,000 and below, and the rest (4.90%) earned Php
7,001 to Php 9,000. These results show that their income
increased when the farmers adopted agroforestry farming.
Studies showed that agroforestry practices were able to
generate more income and increased the standard of living
through integrated farming system (Muza et al., 2019;
Dahlan & Kamal, 2014).
In conformity to this report, Gangadharappa et al.
(2003), stated that farmerswere found earning at an average
of $800 or Rs. 31466.20 every year from one acre of
agroforestry plot which is much profitable than any
traditional crop. The farmers were also able to save surplus
money in the bank, which is a healthy sign of economic
sustainability. He further reported that agroforestry is found
to be the most desirable strategy for maintaining social,
economic and ecological sustainability in India. This
findings prompted them to conduct a study in India to
investigate the following: the perception and attitude of
farmers towards agroforestry; the crop diversity maintained
in agroforestry; the adoption level of agroforestry practices;
and the ecological impact of agroforestry on the farmers. As
a result of their investigation, findings was found to be
significant on social, economic and ecological conditions of
the farmers. Among the social parameters celebration of
festivals, migration and communication exposure were
found to contribute more to the total impact of agroforestry
on farmers. While among the economic parameters, family
income, livestock possession and employment status were
found to contribute more to the total impact of agroforestry
on farmers. They concluded that agroforestry has brought
improvement in socio-economic and ecological conditions
of farmers by generating employment, increasing family
income, enhancing the drop diversity and reducing
dependency on natural forest. Therefore, development
agencies can use the success story of agroforestry to
stimulate other farmers to attain both natural resources and
socio-economic sustainability.
Relative to the above findings on agroforestry
practices (Desmewati et al., 2021) of Parungpanjang
FASP, reported that although it contributed to the income
of group members, however, the effects were found still
imbalanced which were influenced by the types of plant
cultivated, motivation and skills, and age relative ability to
manage land. Based on the results of their regression
analysis, age and land area were the two agroforestry
factors that influence farmer’s income. They suggested
therefore, that in order to sustain the contribution of
agroforestry system to the farmer’s income in the
Parungpanjang FASP, it is necessary to increase land
productivity by assessing profitable intercropped plant
types in corresponding soil or land characteristics and
minimum requirements of physical treatments.
Furthermore, FTSTRDC need to strengthen the capacity of
farmers group members by facilitating technical capacity
for training of good agricultural practices, including
facilitating the business model and market network of
agroforestry products.
Distance of Households to Farms
Majority of the respondents (52.94%) lived within
1 to 2 kilometers from their farm, 19.61% each lived in
less than a kilometre and 3 to 4 kilometres, 6.86% lived in
7 kilometers and above, and 0.98% lived in 5 to 6
kilometers away from the farm they till. Living within
reach to the farm affords a farmer closer supervision as
well as immediate attention and action on any need that
may suddenly occur. Time, effort and money that are
otherwise wasted unnecessarily due to distance are spared
for more profitable pursuits.
Membership to Organization
Most (72.55%) of the respondents are members of
cooperative and the rest (27.45%) are members of
Federation of Farmers. The result indicates that the farmer-
respondents have a positive concept on the role and benefit
provided by joining organizations hence, their willingness
to participative or to register as members of the
organization within their community.
In agreement to the importance of farmer’
organization, (Penunia, 2021) claimed that farmers’
organizations (FOs) are essential institutions for the
empowerment, poverty alleviation and advancement of
farmers and the rural poor. Politically, FOs strengthens the
political power of farmers, by increasing the likelihood
that their needs and opinions are heard by policy makers
and the public. Economically, FOs can help farmers gain
skills, access inputs, form enterprises, process and market
their products more effectively to generate their incomes.
By organizing, farmers can access information needed to
produce add value, market their commodities and develop
effective linkages with agencies such as financial service
providers, as well as output markets. FOs can achieve
economies of scale, thereby lowering costs and facilitating
the processing and marketing of agricultural commodities
for individual farmers. Marketing-oriented FOs can assist
their members purchase inputs, equipment, meet quality
standards and mange the drying, storage, grading,
cleaning, processing, packaging, branding, collection and
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transportation of produce. In this way FOs provide a more
reliable supply to buyers and sell larger quantities at higher
prices. Organized farmers have greater bargaining power
than individuals and are better able to negotiate with other
more powerful market players to ultimately increase the
profits that accrue to farmers rather than intermediaries
and buyers. The role of farmers’ organizations is to
empower and promote the leadership of rural women.
Moreover, farmers’ organization play an
important role to help members increase their access to
supports of information, capital, and technology; bring
benefits to members; and partly promote production,
enhance productivity, and increase income (Vu , Ho &
Hoi Le , 2011).
Source of Capital used for Agroforestry Farming
Most (73.53%) of the respondents borrow their
capital from cooperatives, 24.51% self-finance, and 1.96%
borrow from their friends. Result implied that the
respondents have insufficient capital to use in their
farming activities due to their minimal income (Table 2).
As commonly observed, most small farmers
borrow money for the requirement of capital. They borrow
money from large farmers or traders that they supply
various raw materials for cultivation of land or
moneylenders within the village. These moneylenders
charge a high rate of interest on the amount borrowed.
More specifically, capital can be the money that companies
use to buy resources, as well as the physical assets
companies use when producing goods or services, such as
factories and machinery. Capital is an important factor of
production because it allows labor and land to be
The difficulties faced by small farmers due to
lack of capital include the following: the small farmers are
not able to do work properly; they don’t have enough
money to pay taxes; and as we all know that today’s time
the farmers need more capital than before to increase their
crop production. They are not able to do farming properly
because of lack of less land.
Without working capital, farms cannot reinvest in
their crops. Farmers are then not able to pay out their
employees, nor will they invest in new and reliable
equipment. Farms are an industry in which having money
leads to making money, and not having money makes it
impossible to continue generating revenue. A working
capital loan makes it possible for a farm to remain open
during lean times and eventually recover. Even though
having strong working capital is essential to farm business,
many of them struggle to maintain this buffer. Even when
working capital is achieved, it can be wiped out by issue s
as they arise ( My company, n.d.).
Agroforestry Farming Practices Adopted
The agroforestry farming practices adopted by
respondents is presented in Table 5. Almost all (96.08%)
of the respondents adopted multistorey system, 1.96%
adopted intercropping and the rest adopted silvopasture
and windbreak.
Table 2. Agroforestry Farming Practices Adopted by the Respondents
Agroforestry Practices
The results imply that the farmers were
knowledgeable in multistorey agroforestry practices
because of the multifarious benefits derived from it. They
also observed that the more species they plant, the more
harvest/products they could derive resulting to more
income. This holds true to the findings of Sharma et al.
(2020), that multi-storied cropping is found to be
sustainable productivity by which natural resources are
utilized efficiently to enhance productivity of the main
crop (15-20%) and high revenue realization per unit area
Components of Agroforestry Farming Practices
Table 2a shows that Narra (Pterocarpus indicus),
yemane, acacia, mango, citrus and rambutan were the
major trees used, while pigeon pea and banana were the
major agrticultural crops integrated in their multi-storey
farm. Farmers did not integrate livestock because of the
fear that their animals will only graze and destroy their
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trees and crops which they have mentioned during the interview.
Table 2a. Components of Agroforestry Farming Practices Adopted by Respondents
Components of Agroforestry
Forest Trees
Fruit Trees
Pigeon pea
According to Fern (2022), yemane tree has
suitable characteristics for agroforestry, with fast growth,
ease of establishment, and relative freedom from pest
outside its natural range. It is an especially promising
fuelwood species and can be intercropped with crops like
maize and cassava which has been found beneficial in
increasing the simultaneous production of wood and food.
It is also used as windbreak and as a hedge.
Benefits of Agroforestry Farming Practices Adopted by
the Farmers
Table 3 shows the economic, environmental and
cultural benefits of agroforestry farming practices adopted
by the farmers. On the general benefits derived from
agroforestry farming, the environmental aspect was rated
the highest with a mean of 3.35 (highly benefit)) followed
by economic benefit with a mean of 3.04. The cultural
aspect was the least rated with a mean of 2.33 (fairly
The environment benefit was observed and was
claimed to be favored by the upland farmer-respondents
because somehow, it was able to address their problem on
soil erosion which is experienced particularly during rainy
season and the occurrence of typhoons. These benefits
observed reflect the protective function of agroforestry.
Considering the other aspects under the
environmental benefits, soil erosion, flood and drought
control, carbon sequestration and improvement of water
quality were rated highly benefited with means of 3.60,
3.51, 3.50, and 3.43 respectively. This is the reason why
they have adopted the multi-system because the forest
trees and fruit trees they have planted had addressed their
problems on soil erosion, drought and flood which were
attributed to the multi-functions of trees in their upland
farms. This result also conforms to the claim of Sharma et
al. (2020), that multi-storey cropping reduces the impact of
hazards like soil erosion, flood and landslide. Additionally,
she reported that it can also sequester carbon over pure
stands; that the presence of cover crops will also enhance
the soil carbon content, thus participating in climate
change mitigation; and likewise improves soil health and
soil fertility, reduce weed, pest and disease, enrich
biodiversity, and maintain ecological balance.
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Table 3. Benefits of Agroforestry Farming Practices Adopted by the Respondents
Benefits of Agroforestry Practices
Descriptive Equivalent
A. Economic Benefits
1. Source of food
2. Source of feed/fodder for animal
3. Source of herbal medicine
4. Source of lumber and construction
5. Source of fuel wood
6. Source of income
7. Source of green manure/
Soil fertility
B. Environmental Benefits
1. Climate amelioration
2. Improvement of water quality
3. Pest and disease control
4. Flood and drought control
5. Increase water quantity
6. Increase crop production
7. Soil erosion control
8. Soil formation and fertility
9. Carbon sequestration
10.Biodiversity conservation
C. Cultural Benefits
1. Landscape improvement
2. Historical consideration
3. Spiritual consideration
4. Aesthetic considerations
Highly Benefited
Moderately Benefited
Fairly Benefited
Moderately Benefited
Moderately Benefited
Moderately Benefited
Moderately Benefited
Moderately Benefited
Moderately Benefited
Highly Benefited
Moderately Benefited
Highly Benefited
Moderately Benefited
Moderately Benefited
Highly Benefited
Moderately Benefited
Highly Benefited
Moderately Benefited
Moderately Benefited
Moderately Benefited
Fairly Benefited
Fairly Benefited
Fairly Benefited
Fairly Benefited
4.20 5.00 Very Highly Benefited
3.40 4.19 Highly Benefited
2.60 3.39 Moderately Benefited
1.80 2.59 Fairly Benefited
1.00 1.79 Not Benefited
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Furthermore, increased crop production was rated
the lowest due to the large population of trees present in
their multi-storey practice that limited the space for the
production of agricultural crops. On the economic benefits,
source of food was rated the highest with a mean of 3.43
(highly benefited) followed by the source of lumber and
construction materials, source of fuel wood, source of
income, source of green manure/soil fertility, source of
feed/fodder for the animal which ware rated were
moderately benefited, The source of herbal medicine was
the least with a mean of 2.56 (fairly benefited).
In terms of the cultural benefits, landscape
improvement was rated moderately benefited and the rest
such as historical, spiritual consideration and aesthetic
values were rated fairly rated benefited. Nevertheless, the
presence of the diverse species of trees and crops had
contributed to the beauty and improved the total landscape
of their agroforestry farms.
The results of the study on the benefits derived
when adopting agroforestry practices agrees to the claim of
(Zada et al., 2022), that agroforestry provides several
benefits to the household like income, food, firewood and
construction and improving not only the cultural,
environmental but primarily the socio-economic needs of
farmers (Gangahharappa et al.,2003).
Problems Encountered by the Respondents
Table 4 presents the problems as well as the
degree of seriousness encountered by the respondents in
their agroforestry farming practices.
On the farmers’ problem such as low
productivity, occurrence of pest/diseases, high cost of
production, and seed quality were all rated fairly serious,
while on the resource problems of farmers such
as small farm size , inadequate water availability, poor
land quality (e.g. soil class, soil texture & soil type) , were
all rated fairly serious, while on poor location ( e.g. access
to market and other services), it was moderately serious,
and the non-ownership of land and unstable status (tenant)
was rated not serious.
On Inadequate capital, poor access to credit and
lack of financial assistance were rated fairly serious. On
the institutional aspect, the lack of infrastructure and slow
delivery of support services were both rated moderately
In terms of other problems encountered by
farmers such as distance of farm to the household, lack of
skills in farming, erratic weather conditions, forest fire
were rated moderately serious, while the technology of
farming practices was claimed not sound which was rated
fairly serious.
Additionally, on the overall problems experienced
by farmers, results show that the problem on resources
such as small farm size, non-ownership of land and
unstable status (tenant), inadequate water availability, poor
land quality (e.g. soil class, soil texture & soil type), and
poor location ( e.g. access to market and other services)
were identified as highly serious problems that affected
their adoption of agroforestry practices with a rated mean
of 3.99. Despite that all of the farmer-respondents are
owners of the land they are cultivating and have devoted 1-
5 ha of land for agroforestry farming, they still face a
problem in bringing or transporting their products to the
market because of the long distance from the source of
products to the market, particularly so when perishable
products are transported.
The slow delivery of support services such as
technical assistance, loans, farm inputs such as seeds,
fertilizers and other planting materials were also identified
as problems that brought about low productivity.
On the overall results as classified, it was
observed that the problem on resources was the highest
with a descriptive rating of highly serious followed by
institutional linkages (moderately serious), while the
inadequacy of labor, farmer’s problem, and inadequate
capital were rated fairly serious.
Table 4. Problems Encountered in the Adoption of Agroforestry Farming Practices Based on Classification .
Descriptive Equivalent
A. Farmers Problem
1. Low productivity
2. Occurrence of Pest/diseases
3. High cost of production
4. Seed quality
Fairly Serious
Fairly serious
Fairly Serious
Fairly Serious
Fairly Serious
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Continuation of Table 4
C. Inadequate Labor 4
1. Low productivity of labor
2. Underutilization of farm labor
3. Limited opportunity of farm labor
4. Limited supply of family labor
D. Inadequate Capital
1. Poor access to credit
2. Lack of financial assistance
E. Institutional Linkages
1. Lack of infrastructure
2. Slow delivery of support services
F. Other Problems
1. Distance of farm to the household
2. Technology of farming practices
not sound
3. Lack of skills in Farming
4. Erratic weather condition
5. Forest fire
Grand Mean
Fairly Serious
Fairly Serious
Fairly Serious
Fairly Serious
Fairly Serous
Fairly Serious
Fairly Serious
Fairly Serious
Moderately Serious
Moderately Serious
Moderately Serious
Moderately Serious
Fairly Serious
Moderately Serious
Moderately Serious
Moderately Serious
Fairly Serious
Fairly Serious
4.20 5.00 Very Highly Serious
3.40 4.19 Highly Serious
2.60 3.39 Moderately Serious
1.80 2.59 Fairly Serious
1.00 1.79 Not Serious
Correlation Analysis
Table 5 shows the correlation analysis of income in agroforestry practices, educational attainment and years in
agroforestry farming.
Table 5. Correlation Analysis of Income in Agroforestry Practices, Educational Attainment and Years in Agroforestry
Income in Agroforestry farming
Income in agroforestry farming
Pearson’s Correlation
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Sig. (2-tailed)
Educational attainment
Pearson’s Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)
Years in agroforestry farming
Pearson’s Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)
N Number of respondents
Results show that there is no significant relationship
of income in agroforestry to educational attainment and
years in farming. Income in agroforestry farming and
educational attainment is markedly low and negligible
positive correlation, while income in agroforestry farming
and number of years in farming is markedly low and
negligible negative correlation. The results of this study
contradicted the result of the study conducted by Iduma et
al. (2020), that farmers with higher number of years of
farming experience are likely to produce higher yield than
those with fewer years of experience and those with better
education have better chance of increasing their farm
output especially when they bring the acquired knowledge
they have acquired in their years of education to bare in
their farming activities.
Based on the results of the study the following
conclusions were drawn:
1. A great majority of the respondents were males
and almost were married. Many belonged to the age group
of 41 to 50 years old. In terms of educational attainment,
many of the farmer-respondents have obtained elementary
education and almost were Ikalingas. All the respondents
were owner operators, and engaged in agroforestry
farming for 6-8 years. A great majority have 1 to 5
hectares devoted for agroforestry farming. Almost all of
the respondents were not only owner operators but act as
laborers in their agroforestry farms earning a monthly
income of Php 3,000 and below (before adopting
agroforestry practices). Some of them earned Php 3,001 to
Php 5,000 and Php 9,001 and above. Many of the farmers
earned Php 9,001 and above during the adoption of
agroforestry practices. Majority of the respondents have 1
to 2 kilometer - distance from their households to their
farms. To sustain their agroforestry farming activity, most
of them borrow their capital farming from cooperative
present within their community.
2. Almost all of the farmers are engaged in
multistorey farming with tree components of yemane,
mahogany, mango, citrus, rambutan, lanzones and coffee.
The agricultural crops that are integrated are pigeon pea,
banana, corn and eggplant were the integrated/under shade
crops used by the farmers.
3. In terms of benefits of agroforestry farming
practices, the farmers claimed to be moderately benefited
on economic and environmental benefits and they are
fairly benefitted on cultural aspects.
4. The degree of seriousness of the overall
problems/constraints encountered by the farmer-
respondents is fairly serious.
5. Income derived from the adoption of
agroforestry farming practices and educational attainment
is markedly low and negligible positive correlation, while
income from agroforestry farming practices and number of
years engaged in agroforestry farming is markedly low and
negligible negative correlation.
Based on the above findings, the following
recommendations are presented:
1. Agroforestry farmers should be technically and
financially assisted to improve and arrive to a sustainable
production and income.
2. Initiative should be considered among the
community people and the government or non-government
organizations via financial and technical assistance to equip
or empower the farmers by conducting hands-on-training,
seminars and capability building to pursue a more
sustainable agroforestry production and improve the socio-
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economic condition of the farmers in the upland barangays of
Rizal, Kalinga.
3. Provision of post-harvest facilities and
trainings in consideration to the lack of accessibility to
farm and to market roads so as to preserve their perishable
goods and not just go wasted.
4. Monitoring and fast delivery of support
services such as planting materials and farm inputs such as
fertilizers and pesticides be provided to address their
problems on the occurrence of pests and diseases for a
higher production.
5. And since there was an observed increase of
income of upland farmers when they have engaged in
agroforestry farming as compared to their income when
they have not yet adopted agroforestry farming, would
motivate or serve as a welcome opportunity and initiative
in forging partnership between Local Government Units
and the upland farmers of Kalinga in the provision of farm
to market road to ease the burden of transporting their
agroforestry products to the market particularly the
perishable ones. It should be noted that agroforestry
farming has become their source of livelihood and
survival; hence, this should be one of the focus and
concerns of the LGs as part of their plan of
6. Similar study must be conducted to determine
the income generated from the tree species planted in their
integrated multi-storey farms.
7. Formulate an intervention plan to appropriately
address the problems encountered by the farmer-
respondents in the pursuit of sustainable agroforestry
farming in the upland barangays of Rizal, Kalinga.
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