Administrator School
Day 1 The Administrator’s Primary
Learner Guide
Moose Training
September 2022
Admin School Learner Guide, Day 1
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I. Course Introduction
Course Materials
Administrator School Workbook
Official Administrator’s Manual for Moose Lodges
Officers’ & Committeemen’s Handbook
General Laws
Lodge Handbook
USB Drive with Templates, Practice Scenarios, and other
Computer – student provided
Icon Definition
The following icons will appear throughout this manual:
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Admin School Learner Guide, Day 1
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Table of Contents
I. Course Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 2
Course Materials ................................................................................................................................ 2
Icon Definition ..................................................................................................................................... 2
Table of Contents ............................................................................................................................... 3
II. Course Agenda ............................................................................................................................... 4
III. Day 1 Objectives ......................................................................................................................... 5
IV. The Moose’s Mission................................................................................................................... 6
V. Administrator Responsibilities from the General Laws ..................................................................... 7
VI. Appointment and Election ......................................................................................................... 10
VII. An Administrator’s Legal Corporate Title ................................................................................... 11
VIII. Duties of an Administrator ......................................................................................................... 12
Meetings: ...................................................................................................................................... 12
Membership: ................................................................................................................................. 14
Financial Operations: .................................................................................................................... 16
Taxes: ........................................................................................................................................... 17
Licenses & Permits: ...................................................................................................................... 20
Record Keeping: ........................................................................................................................... 21
Insurance: ..................................................................................................................................... 22
Building Operations: ...................................................................................................................... 26
General Information:...................................................................................................................... 30
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II. Course Agenda
Day 1 – The Administrator’s Primary Responsibilities
The Moose Mission
Administrator Responsibilities from the General Laws
Appointment and Election
An Administrator’s Legal Corporate Title
Duties of an Administrator
o Meetings
o Membership
o Financial Operations
o Taxes
o Licenses & Permits
o Record Keeping
o Insurance
o Building Operations
o General Information
Day 2 Social Quarters Operations and Management
Private Policy
Social Quarters Procedures
Business Reports
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III. Day 1 Objectives
Understand how the Administrator supports the mission of Moose
Administrator Appointment and Election
An Administrator’s Legal Corporate Title
List the duties of an Administrator
Understand Financial Reports
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IV. The Moose Mission
The mission of Moose International, Inc., is to strive for excellence in four areas:
(i) a fraternal program and community service within our lodge and chapter system known as the
Loyal Order of Moose and the Women of the Moose;
(ii) to provide a family environment and education for children in need and in residence at
Mooseheart, Illinois;
(iii) to provide for the needs of senior members at Moosehaven, Florida; and,
(iv) to promote membership growth.
When you know who you are; when
your mission is clear and you burn
with the inner fire of unbreakable
will; no cold can touch your heart;
no deluge can dampen your
purpose. You know that you are
Chief Seattle,
Native American
Suquamish and Duwamish Chief
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V. Administrator Responsibilities from the General Laws
Moose -The General Laws
Chapter 36 - Administrator
Sec. 36.1 - Appointment and Election - The Administrator shall be nominated by the Board of Officers and
elected by a majority vote of the membership at a regular Lodge meeting. The vote shall be by separate action.
The election shall be by secret ballot, if requested by any member. The election shall not be conducted by
simply approving the Board of Officers' minutes of the meeting making the nomination. An elected
Administrator shall serve for a term of satisfactory service as determined by the Board of Officers and Lodge,
subject to approval by the Chief Compliance Officer. Immediately upon there being a vacancy, the Board of
Officers may appoint an Acting Administrator to serve for a period of time not to exceed six (6) months. Upon
becoming the Acting Administrator, or being elected as the Administrator, they shall be a member of the
Board of Officers. The Treasurer shall perform the duties of the Administrator on an interim basis until an
Acting Administrator is appointed, but in no case for a period of time exceeding six (6) months. Termination
of an elected Administrator requires a majority vote of the Board of Officers, a majority vote at a general
membership meeting and approval by the Chief Compliance Officer.
Sec. 36.2 - Deposits and Signs Checks - Unless other arrangements have been approved in writing by the Chief
Compliance Officer, the Lodge shall comply with the following requirements:
1. The Administrator shall draw and sign all checks that have been approved, together with cards,
certificates and notices requiring their signature.
2. At least two (2) original signatures shall be necessary on each check. One (1) signature shall be the
Administrator and the other signature shall be the President or the Treasurer. Signature stamps are
3. Checks shall not be signed unless the payee's name is on the check.
4. The Administrator shall see that all Lodge funds are deposited in the bank weekly in the name of the
Lodge, and a certified deposit slip is given the Treasurer for every deposit.
Sec. 36.3 - Keep Financial Accounts - The Administrator shall correctly keep records of the Lodge and other
authorized funds or accounts in such books, or on computers, as may be required by Moose International. A
hard copy of all official reports, records, minutes, documents, etc. shall contain original signatures as required
by these laws and be maintained as part of the official records. All books, records, and electronic equipment,
i.e., computers, laptops, tablets, etc. shall be retained in the Lodge home.
Electronic equipment may be transported to and used at official Moose business. Except as otherwise required
by law, they shall issue a receipt for all money received from all sources, including all committees and activity
groups of the Lodge. Unless otherwise approved in writing by the Chief Compliance Officer, they shall
deposit, at least once each week into the bank(s) designated by the Lodge, all money received to the credit of
the Lodge or other authorized funds or accounts. The Administrator shall use due diligence and take
reasonable precautions to safeguard all funds received on behalf of the Lodge until the funds are properly
deposited in the bank(s) designated and approved by the Lodge. They shall make a deposit slip for each
deposit in triplicate, leaving one (1) deposit slip with the bank, retaining one (1) for their records, and giving
the other to the Treasurer. They shall secure a receipt for the duplicate deposit slip from the Treasurer. They
shall make available at the end of each month all books and records and accounts to the Financial Review
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Administrator Responsibilities from the General Laws - Continued
Sec. 36.4 - Membership Records - The Administrator shall keep in books, or on computers, as Moose
International may require, true and accurate accounts between the Lodge and each member thereof. They shall
preserve and file all official applications for membership as part of the permanent records of the Lodge and all
applications shall be retained in the Lodge home. They shall at the first Lodge meeting of each month read a
detailed membership and financial report from forms provided by Moose International. The Administrator
shall report to Moose International within the times specified all financial and membership information
requested, on forms provided by Moose International. They shall provide such other information as requested
by Moose International to allow for dues renewal notices to be timely sent by Moose International to members
in advance of their expiration date. The dues renewal notice shall state the amount of annual dues required to
maintain the member's active status. They may, following fifteen (15) days from the expiration of the dues,
read in an open Lodge meeting the names of all members who are in arrears.
Sec. 36.5 - Furnishing Members' Names and Addresses - It is forbidden for any person to furnish a list of
names or addresses (including all electronic media) of the members of the Lodge to any business, organization
or individual for their commercial or business purposes. Names and addresses of members shall only be used
for fraternal purposes and may only be furnished to an individual, business or organization in accordance with
the terms of a dispensation obtained from the Chief Compliance Officer.
Sec. 36.6 - Keep Securities - The Administrator, President and Treasurer, as custodians, shall be responsible
for the securities and valuable papers of the Lodge and keep them in a safe place.
Sec. 36.7 - Certified Reports - For the purpose of making certified reports to Moose International, the
Administrator shall close the books, or computer records, at noon on the last business day of each reporting
period specified by Moose International and immediately deposit all money received, except authorized petty
cash. They shall prepare a certified report, either electronically or on forms authorized by Moose International.
The report shall be transmitted in the manner and within the times specified by Moose International. The
report must cover all transactions for the preceding reporting period. With the report to Moose International,
the Administrator shall include certificates, or other documentation as required and acceptable to Moose
International from all banks in which Lodge or other authorized funds are on deposit, certifying the balance on
hand in each bank at the close of business on the last day of the reporting period for which the report was
made. They shall also accompany with each certified report all endowment funds received through the end of
the reporting period, and not previously remitted.
Sec. 36.8 - Furnish Information to Moose International - Immediately upon receipt of a request from the
Chief Compliance Officer, the Administrator shall furnish to Moose International a complete list of names and
addresses of all members of the Lodge, including their enrollment date, dues expiration date and other
information requested.
Sec. 36.9 - Signing Documents - The Administrator shall sign all authorized documents, receipts, certificates,
communications, reports, and other papers, and with the President shall sign all authorized legal documents
and affix the seal of the Lodge upon such documents as required. After proper approval, it is required that the
Administrator and President (or such other officer who presides over a particular meeting) shall date and sign
all Lodge and officer minutes.
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Administrator Responsibilities from the General Laws - Continued
Sec. 36.10 - General Duties - They shall accurately record and maintain the minutes of all Lodge meetings,
Board of Officers meetings, and other meetings and hearings. All minutes are to be properly signed by the
Recording Secretary and Presiding Officer on sequentially numbered pages and maintained at the Lodge home
at all times. They shall, at the next meeting after receipt, read all reports, bulletins, applications and other
communications to the Lodge and conduct correspondence as necessary or directed by the Lodge, and preserve
copies thereof. They shall immediately deliver to their successor in office, all books, papers and other property
of the Lodge, which may be in their possession. They shall perform all other duties required of them by the
laws and ritual of The Moose. A Lodge member may in writing request an appointment with the Administrator
to view non-confidential Lodge financial records and minutes. Within twenty-one (21) days from the receipt of
the written request, the Administrator shall allow the active member of the Lodge to view (but not copy or
remove) non-confidential Lodge financial records and minutes. Board of Officers executive session records
and minutes are considered confidential.
Sec. 36.11 - Compensation - For their services, the Administrator may receive reasonable compensation as
determined by the Lodge Board of Officers and membership. Compensation shall be paid or waived, but may
not be accrued. If due to a vacancy in the office of Administrator, the Treasurer performs the duties and
responsibilities of that office, they may receive the compensation allocated to the Administrator for the period
of their actual service.
Sec. 36.12 – Delegate - By virtue of the office, the Administrator shall be a delegate to the International
Convention, association conferences, conventions and district meetings.
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VI. Appointment and Election
As provided in The Moose General Laws Sec 36.1, Administrators are not Elected or
Appointed in the same manner as the other Officers of the Lodge.
We will now go through the standard process for becoming an Administrator:
A Lodge Member can be appointed as the Acting Administrator for up to 6
months by the Board of Officers.
If the Acting Administrator is not voted into the position of Administrator within
the 6 months then the office of Acting Administrator is automatically vacated.
At any time within the Acting Administrator’s 6 months of service, the
Board of Officers can nominate the Acting Administrator to be voted on
during a regular Lodge General Meeting to be voted on as the
At any time during the Acting Administrator’s 6 months of service, the Board
of Officers can remove the Acting Administrator without prejudice.
Once the Board of Officers is comfortable with the competency of the Acting
Administrator, they can nominate the Acting Administrator to become the
Administrator during a regular Lodge General Membership Meeting.
This would be an Item of business during the regular Lodge General
Membership Meeting needing a motion and a second to the motion.
This would be an open vote on the motion, unless someone in the meeting
requests a secret ballot, just like can happen for any Motion.
Once an Administrator has been elected during a regular Lodge General
Membership Meeting, they will never have to stand for election again unless they
leave office and attempt to resume the office of the Administrator.
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VII. An Administrator’s Legal Corporate Title
As we all know the Administrator has a legal title in accordance with Corporate Law.
The Administrator holds the title of Corporate Secretary for the Moose Lodge corporation.
As the Corporate Secretary the Administrator is bound by all of the Federal, State, and Local
Laws pertaining to the Corporate Secretary, which may include but are not limited to the
following general corporate responsibilities:
Named as the Corporate Secretary on any Legal Documents requiring the
Corporate Officers of the Lodge. This may include but is not limited to:
Corporate Statement of Information (Generally required by the Secretary of
State) for each U.S. State or Canadian Province.
This may be necessary on a schedule or whenever the officers
change (specifically the President, Administrator, or the Treasurer).
Alcohol/Liquor License (The list of managing officers will need to be
changed in accordance with State and Local Laws).
Corporate Charity Registration (if required by State or Local Laws).
Health Department License (if required by State or Local Laws).
May be the required signer of legal documents, in the name of the Lodge. This
may include but is not limited to:
By-Laws submissions to the State or Local Authorities.
Tax Filings, including Property, Sales, and Income Taxes, for Federal,
State and Local authorities.
Charitable Registration or Tax-Exempt Status Filings.
Legal Contracts that may or may not encumber (make the Lodge
responsible) the Lodge to specific payments or situations. This may
include but is not limited to:
Leasing of Lodge property:
Hall Rental Contracts
Contracts for Lodge Property Usage for Community Service.
Leasing of the Kitchen to an Outside Company or Business.
RV Space Nightly or Storage Space Contracts.
Contracts to provide Services or Goods for the Lodge.
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VIII. Duties of an Administrator
The Administrator shall attend all required Lodge meetings.
The Administrator shall accurately record the minutes (official notes of meetings):
During all Lodge Meetings, Board of Officers Meetings, and other
meetings and hearings conducted for the Lodge.
Read the minutes of the previous meeting for approval.
Make sure that all minutes are signed by the Administrator (Recording
Secretary) and the Presiding Officer of the meeting (this may be the
President of the Moose Lodge or another officer that is acting in the place of
the President if they are not available).
Retain the original meeting minutes as permanent corporate documents.
All meeting minutes must be recorded in the Official Meeting Minutes book as
sold by Moose International.
Training Exercise:
Creating Meeting Minutes
Go to the USB Drive supplied by the Instructor and open the following files
Minutes General Lodge Meeting Template
Enter your Lodge Information.
Enter information as directed by the Instructor.
Minutes Lodge Officers Meeting Template
Enter your Lodge Information.
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Duties of an Administrator
Meetings, Continued:
The Administrator will read all correspondence received by the Lodge in the next
meeting after it is received and the Administrator will keep copies of these
correspondence with the official minutes. The correspondence includes but is not
limited to:
Official Communications from Moose International or a Representative of
Moose International. These communications are usually received in the
Moose Lodge Smartermail or as physical mail at the lodge.
Read all Reports, this includes non-committee reports on activities and
reports of Conventions, Conferences, Association Communications, and
District Meetings. This may also include governmental reports, such as
Health Department Reports or any reports of non-conformance or non-
compliance from any governmental source.
Other Communications to the Lodge, which may come from governmental
Make available all bills and receipts of expense, received after the last General
Membership meeting, for the Trustees to review and the General Membership to
view (if they wish to).
Make available the required financial reporting information for the Treasurer’s
financial report, which must be signed by the Administrator and the Treasurer.
Once the Reconciliation has been completed in QuickBooks Online this
information is available from a Balance Sheet report and the Profit and
Loss Report
Training Exercise:
Financial Information for the Treasurer’s Meeting Report
Go to the USB Drive supplied by the Instructor and open the following files when
Balance Sheet Example
Profit and Loss Example
Lodge Monthly Financial Summary Sheet
Enter information as directed by the Instructor.
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Duties of an Administrator
The Administrator shall accurately keep all Lodge membership records.
LCL Web is the system that is used for membership records.
The Administrator shall keep and file all official applications of membership.
When the Administrator receives a transfer of membership application, with a
transfer fee of $20.00, they shall notify the member’s current lodge and give at
least 14 calendar days for any objections from the current lodge.
After the 14 days review period then the lodge can vote to accept the
transfer of membership during a regular membership meeting.
The Administrator shall read the membership report provided by Moose
International at the first Lodge meeting of each month.
The membership report will be provided by the Territory Manager.
Member information shall only be used for fraternal purposes.
The Administrator cannot provide any Lodge member information to any
business, organization or individual for their commercial or business
The only time that member information can be provided to any individual,
business or organization is with an approved dispensation from the
Compliance Office.
The Administrator can, during a Lodge meeting, read the names of Lodge
members, that have been expired for at least 15 days or more.
This expired list can be exported from LCL Web.
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Duties of an Administrator
Membership, Continued:
Training Exercise:
LCL Web Export
Go to the USB Drive supplied by the Instructor and open the following files when
LCL Web Export Instructions
The Instructor will go over a video of the process with you.
Training Exercise:
Microsoft Excel Sort by Birth Month
Go to the USB Drive supplied by the Instructor and open the following files when
Microsoft Excel Sort by Month Instructions
Sort Export as directed by the Instructor.
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Duties of an Administrator
Financial Operations:
The Administrator shall correctly and accurately keep all financial records of the
QuickBooks Online is the accounting system used for all financial records.
The Administrator shall sign all checks for the Lodge
There will be 2 signatures on every check with the second signature being
from either the President or the Treasurer of the Lodge.
Checks cannot be signed unless the payee’s name is on the check.
The Administrator is responsible for all funds received by the Lodge this includes any
Committee or Activity Group funds.
The Administrator shall make all financial records available to the Financial
Review Committee at the end of each month.
The Administrator shall deposit all funds received by the Lodge, at least once a
There will be at least 2 copies of the deposit receipt. One for the Lodge
records and one for the Treasurer.
The Administrator shall make all financial records available to the Financial
Review Committee at the end of each month.
Training Exercise:
Weekly Envelope and Deposit
Go to the USB Drive supplied by the Instructor and open the following files when
Weekly Envelope (Specified for Area)
Appropriate Weekly Envelope Instructions
Weekly Envelope with Sales Tax Only
Weekly Envelope with Multiple Tax Possibilities
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Duties of an Administrator
The Administrator is responsible for all government mandated taxes, this may
include any or all of the following, always check your national and local laws for
what tax filing forms and payments are required:
National Taxes
Annual Income Tax Forms
US IRS Form 990 and possible subsequent schedules.
There may be some taxes due because of income
from non-member sources or gaming.
Canada T3010
Charities are exempt from paying income taxes.
Payroll Taxes
Payroll Tax Forms can be required on a monthly, quarterly, and
annual basis.
Even if a required payment cannot be paid the filings
must be completed and sent to the appropriate agency.
Payroll Tax Payments can be required on a monthly,
quarterly, and annual basis.
These payments must be completed by their due dates
or penalties, fees and interest may be charged to the
If necessary, make sure to make payment arrangements
with the appropriate agency to keep the lodge from having
the assets of the lodge seized by the government.
Canada GST (Goods and Services Tax) / HST (Harmonized Sales
GST/HST is a charge on products sold to the customer of
anything that is not donated to the lodge.
There are exemptions to the GST/HST, please consult the
Charity Exemptions laws for the GST/HST in Canada.
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Duties of an Administrator
Taxes, Continued:
State, Province, and Local Taxes:
Property Tax – This tax may be required for all or part of the real
property of the lodge. This can be for the grounds and building of the
lodge (secured property) and possibly for personal property
(unsecured property).
Dependent on the local laws, property tax could be due on a
monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, or annual basis.
If property tax is not paid the lodge property may
become seized by the government to pay for the
Dependent on the local laws, the lodge may be able to have the
property tax waived or become property tax exempt.
In some areas the lodge may need to file a form on an
annual basis in order to keep their property tax exempt
Dependent on the local laws, property tax may only be owed on
areas of the lodge that are used for non-member purposes.
Always check your local laws for how property tax works in
your area
Sales Tax – This tax may be required by your local laws and if the
proper forms are not filed and payments made, licensing and assets
may be seized by the government.
There may be multiple sales taxes required. Below are some
Canada – GST/HST
Sales Tax specific for Liquor sales separate from
another sales tax.
Sales Tax for Beer and Wine sales separate from
another sales tax.
Sales Tax for general merchandise and food.
Sales Tax is a liability and is saved from sales it is not
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Duties of an Administrator
Taxes, Continued:
State, Province, and Local Taxes Continued:
Local Gaming Tax – Dependent on local laws, this tax may need to be
filed and paid separately.
Local Payroll Taxes – Dependent on local laws, this tax may need to
be filed and paid separately.
All tax due dates should be tracked and kept on a schedule that is easily
available for the Financial Review Committee of the lodge, so that they can
double check that all necessary taxes are filed and paid in a timely manner.
All tax filings need to be completed by the due date and the necessary tax
payments should be completed on time to avoid penalties, fees, and interest
Even if a tax payment cannot be paid make sure to complete the tax filing by
the due date.
If a tax payment cannot be made, make sure to make payment
arrangements with the appropriate governmental agency.
If an Administrator needs help with taxes, please contact your Territory Manager.
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Duties of an Administrator
Licenses & Permits:
The Administrator is responsible to make sure that all licenses and permits are
kept up to date.
A schedule of all of the required filings and payment due dates needed for the lodge
should be kept and given to the Financial Review Committee so that they can
double check that the appropriate licensing and permits are not expired.
Below are some examples of licenses and permits:
Gaming License
Reseller/Seller License (may be connected to sales tax)
Should be taken to your suppliers so that no sales tax will need to be
paid when purchasing supplies.
Canada registration for GST/HST
Health Department Permit
Alcohol License
Single Day Use Alcohol Permits for Events
All licenses and permits may have required or voluntary inspections.
Any inspection reports must be shared with the Board of Officers during the
Board of Officers Meeting.
Anytime there is a new event or activity that may involve the public, the
Administrator needs to check the local laws, to make sure that the lodge has any
necessary licenses or permits required to hold the activity or event.
If an Administrator needs help with licenses or permits, they should contact the
Territory Manager for their Territory.
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Duties of an Administrator
Record Keeping:
The Administrator is responsible for all of the records of the lodge including but not
limited to the following:
Corporate Records
Meeting Minutes
Incorporation Documents
Tax Exemption Documents
Financial Records
Lodge Receipts
Canceled Checks
Tax Filings
Financial Transaction Physical Records
QuickBooks Online
Membership Records
Membership Applications
Disciplinary Action Letters
All records and documents must be kept in accordance with the Record
Retention Schedule.
Financial Records that are beyond the time period found in the Record
Retention Policy must be destroyed in such a manner that information found
on the documents cannot be used.
Found on the USB Drive under Record Retention
File Name: Entity Document Retention Policy.pdf
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Duties of an Administrator
The Administrator is responsible for making sure that all necessary insurance
coverage is up to date and paid on time for the lodge.
The Administrator must be the Primary Signor for all insurance coverage as
the insurance policies are contracts with the lodge.
Insurance Coverage may include but is not limited to the following:
From Moose International:
Officer’s Bond – Insurance for an Officer of the Lodge in case of a
lawsuit brought against the officer in the performance of lodge duties
or business.
This insurance is to make sure that the Officers of the Lodge are
not held personally liable for lodge issues as long as they follow
the laws of the government and the General Laws of the Moose.
Risk Pool
General Liability Insurance – This is the insurance that
covers the lodge for preventable accidents such as the
Slip and fall accidents
Serving contaminated food
Liquor Liability Insurance – This is the insurance that covers the
lodge for liquor involved issues such as the following:
A person drives drunk from the lodge and is involved in a
drunk driving accident. As long as the lodge can show
that it was not negligent the insurance will be in force.
A person is drunk and hurts themselves. As long as the
lodge shows that it was not negligent the insurance will
be in force.
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Duties of an Administrator
Insurance, Continued:
Open to the Public Event Insurance – This is both General
Liability Insurance and Liquor Liability Insurance for events and
activities that the general public are invited to attend and
participate at.
Coverage is only granted when a Dispensation Form is
completed, sent to the Compliance Office, and Approved
by the Compliance Office
Training Exercise:
Filling out an Open to the Public Event Dispensation
Go to the USB Drive supplied by the Instructor and open the following files when
Event Guide.pdf
Complete forms as directed by the Instructor.
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Duties of an Administrator
Insurance, Continued:
Hall Rental Insurance This insurance covers a single Hall Rental Event on
the property of the lodge for General Liability Insurance and Liquor Liability
Can be purchased at anytime up to the start time of the Hall Rental.
Can only be purchased to cover a Hall Rental.
The explanation of what is covered and what is excluded are
shown at the beginning of the purchase process.
Can only be purchased from K&K Insurance Group, Inc
To start go to the Moose International Website
Hall Rental Insurance documents need to be kept with the Hall
Rental Contract in case of future claims.
Property Insurance This insurance is to cover the lodge property in the case
of an accident or disaster.
Coverage can be obtained from any regular commercial insurance
company or from Lockton Affinity.
Lockton Affinity is the insurance company used by Moose
International and has a specific standard setup for Moose
Fidelity Bond – This is the employee theft insurance used for cases of
theft by an employee (paid or volunteer) or Officer of the Lodge.
Coverage can be obtained from any regular commercial insurance
company or from Lockton Affinity.
Worker’s Comp Insurance – This insurance is in case of a paid employee
having an accident that injures the paid employee.
This insurance may be required by local laws if the lodge has paid
Coverage can be obtained from any regular commercial insurance
company or from Lockton Affinity.
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Duties of an Administrator
Insurance, Continued:
Volunteer Accident Insurance - This insurance is in case of a volunteer
having an accident that injures the volunteer.
This is an inexpensive insurance that will help a volunteer with any
expenses incurred because of an accident while volunteering.
Coverage can be obtained from any regular commercial insurance
company or from Lockton Affinity.
If the lodge leases out any portion of the lodge or lodge property to a commercial for-
profit business:
That business must have liability insurance of at least 1 million dollars, with
the lodge named as an insured party as either part of the main policy or a
rider to that policy.
There must be a dispensation approved by the Compliance Office at Moose
International using the Universal Resolution /Dispensation Request Form:
On the USB Drive in the Insurance Folder,
There must be a contract with the Lessee that is sent in with the
Dispensation prior to the Administrator signing the contract.
There may need to be edits made to the contract as per the
Compliance Office prior to approval.
Other insurance may be required by local laws and for liability reasons due to
specialty lodge activities or events.
If an Administrator needs help with insurance, they should contact the Territory
Manager for their Territory.
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Duties of an Administrator
Building Operations:
The Administrator is responsible for all Business Operations within the lodge and to
make sure that all Maintenance, Repairs, and Beautification of the lodge are
performed in accordance with local laws and ordinances.
The Administrator is responsible for making sure that any required repairs and
cleanliness violations found on an Inspection Report are fixed immediately or
within the negotiated time frames that the Inspector gives to the lodge.
The Administrator is responsible for making sure that the appropriate membership
meeting approval and approved Dispensation from the Compliance Office are
obtained prior to any purchase or lease of equipment that has a cost of more than
$5,000.00 or to construct or improve a building.
The Administrator is responsible for making sure that lodge policies for Building
Operations comply with local laws and The Moose General Laws.
General Laws - Sec. 46.18 - Keys - It shall be unlawful for any person, other
than the Administrator and duly authorized employees of the Lodge, to have
or retain any key or keys to the Lodge home unless permitted in writing by the
Chief Compliance Officer.
If an Officer of the Lodge is going to be issued keys to the lodge
property, a vote of the Board of Officers is required and a
Dispensation must be approved by the Compliance Office.
On the USB Drive in the Insurance Folder,
General Laws - Sec. 46.18 - Keys - Only the Administrator or their
authorized employees or office assistants shall be in possession of the
keys to the Lodge office or other location where official records are
General Laws - Sec. 46.19 - Responsibility for Damage - A member shall be
responsible for the removal of or damage to any Lodge property by
themselves or any guest of the member. Upon demand, the member shall
immediately pay to the Lodge the full value of the damaged or removed
property. Failure to pay the obligation shall subject a Lodge member to the
provisions of Section 35.12.
A demand letter must be sent to the responsible Moose member with
terms of repayment, prior to enacting the provisions of General Laws -
Section 35.12.
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Admin School Learner Guide, Day 1
Page 27
Duties of an Administrator
Building Operations, Continued:
The Administrator is responsible for completing the annual Lodge Safety
Inspection Form.
The annual Lodge Safety Inspection Form can be found in LCL Web when it is
available for entry in May of each year.
Float your cursor over the Forms menu in LCL Web and click on
Lodge Safety Inspection.
Click on Edit next to the Appropriate Month/Year to enter
information into the form.
You may want to print the Lodge Safety Inspection Form, so that
the person performing the physical inspection can fill in the
appropriate information prior to attempting to complete the
Lodge Safety Inspection Form in LCL Web.
Simply fill in the appropriate answers to all of the questions on
the form.
Make sure to view the Loss Prevention PowerPoint and review the
Insurance Reference Manual.
Please try to Save and Submit the Lodge Safety Inspection Form within
30 minutes of beginning the form, as it may not save properly if the
Lodge Safety Inspection Form is open for more than 30 minutes.
An example of the Lodge Safety Inspection Form can be found on the
USB Drive in the Building Operations Folder.
Lodge Safety Inspection Form Example.pdf
If you are having issues filling in the from please contact your Territory
The Administrator is responsible for making sure that all Hall Rental Contracts are
signed by the Administrator and that the Hall Rental complies with all local laws and
The Moose General Laws – Section 47.2.
A Basic Hall Rental Contract Template can be found on the USB Drive in the
Building Operations Folder.
This is only a template and will need to be adjusted to meet the
needs of your locality if used.
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Admin School Learner Guide, Day 1
Page 28
Duties of an Administrator
Building Operations, Continued:
If the lodge has a storage area for unoccupied vehicles, the Administrator is
responsible for making sure that all Storage Area Contracts are signed by the
Administrator and that the Storage Area Contract complies with both local laws and
The Moose General Laws.
All vehicles or anything stored on the lodge property must be insured by the
owner and a copy of the insurance kept with the contract at the lodge.
A Basic Storage Area for Vehicle Contract Template can be found on the
USB Drive in the Building Operations Folder.
This is only a template and will need to be adjusted to meet the
needs of your locality if used.
If the lodge rents spaces for occupied recreational vehicles or camping, the
Administrator is responsible for making sure that all Camping Contracts are
signed by the Administrator and that the Camping Contract complies with both
local laws and The Moose General Laws.
All recreational vehicles must be insured by the owner and a copy of the
insurance kept with the contract at the lodge.
A permit may be required by local laws for a lodge to offer camping on
lodge property.
There may be time limit restrictions on camping dependent upon local
It may be advisable to not allow an occupied recreational vehicle to rent
and occupy a space for more than 30 days, as this is considered a
residence if a space is occupied consistently for more than 30
consecutive days in most localities.
It is advisable that the lodge not allow any person to use the lodge
address as their personal mailing address, as this could be used for a
claim of residency on the property.
The same Basic Storage Area for Vehicle Contract Template that can be
found on the USB Drive in the Building Operations Folder, has a portion
dedicated to occupied recreational vehicle site usage.
This is only a template and will need to be adjusted to meet the
needs of your locality if used.
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Admin School Learner Guide, Day 1
Page 29
Duties of an Administrator
Building Operations, Continued:
Building Utilities are the responsibility of the Administrator.
It is suggested that at least annually the Administrator should check each
continuing utility for any discount programs that may be offered and if there
are other less expensive options for each utility service.
Example: The current TV service contract promotion has expired and
the new rates are double the old rate, but there is another provider or
another promotion available from the same provider that will bring the
monthly cost back down to the previous cost. You found this out by
simply calling or checking online to find out what pricing plans are
currently available from your current provider and their competition.
This may include a bundle with internet and phone service.
Please remember that any savings for the lodge is money that can be
spent on more member activities, charitable donations, or will be
available in case of an emergency.
If at any time the Administrator has questions about lodge property usage and
whether a Dispensation is needed they should contact their Territory Manager.
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Admin School Learner Guide, Day 1
Page 30
Duties of an Administrator
General Information:
The Administrator is the primary contact between the Lodge and Moose
The lodge email is the official communication tool
for contact with the lodge.
The lodge email needs to be checked by the Administrator at least 3
times a week in order to have any updated information that is sent to
the lodge.
The Territory Manager is the primary contact with Moose International and
they will contact the Administrator to get necessary information or reports
regarding the lodge and lodge operations.
The Administrator should report contacts from the Territory
Manager during the Board of Officers Meeting.
Supply any information requested by the Moose International Compliance
The Administrator is a voting member of the lodge Board of Officers.
The Administrator is a voting delegate for the following, outside of the lodge:
Moose International Conventions
Moose Association Conventions
Moose Association Conferences
Moose Association District Meetings
A lodge member has the right to see non-confidential lodge financial records and
minutes, with a written request for an appointment with the Administrator.
The Administrator is required to make themselves available with the
records within 21 days from the receipt of the written request.
No copies of any documents can be taken from the lodge.
Board of Officers, Executive Session records and minutes are confidential and
are not to be shared with general members.
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Admin School Learner Guide, Day 1
Page 31
Duties of an Administrator
General Information, Continued:
The Administrator is the manager of Business Operations at the lodge.
The Administrator shall make a report of the Business Operations and
Financial status of the Business Operations of the lodge to the Board of
Officers during each Board of Officers Meeting.
If the Administrator is not the Social Quarters Manager, the Social
Quarters Manager reports to the Administrator for daily operations, and the
Administrator reports to the Board of Officers.
The Board of Officers can require a direct report from the Social
Quarters Manager, at their discretion.
The Administrator is required to review all changes in the governmental
laws and Moose International General Laws and how they apply to the
If there are any questions about how the laws apply to the lodge,
please contact your Territory Manager and if further clarification is
needed contact the Compliance Office at Moose International.
If an Administrator refuses a demand by the Board of Officers for a special
review of the lodge.
The President of the lodge shall suspend the Administrator with pay and the
Treasurer shall perform the duties of the Administrator until a prompt
investigation is completed.
Upon suspension of the Administrator, the President of the lodge shall
immediately contact the Chief Compliance Officer and the Territory
If there is no person filling the office of the Administrator, the Treasurer will
perform the duties of the Administrator.
This happens if there is no Administrator
This happens if the Administrator is unable to fulfill their duties because of
sickness or short-term disability.
This is supposed to be a short-term solution and if necessary an Acting
Administrator should be appointed by the Board of Officers.
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Admin School Learner Guide, Day 1
Page 32
Duties of an Administrator
General Information, Continued:
The Administrator is 1 of 2 officers allowed compensation from the lodge.
They may receive a reasonable compensation as determined by the lodge
Board of Officers and the membership.
This is achieved by having a vote of the Board of Officers, during a
Board of Officers Meeting and then a vote of the membership during a
regular Membership Meeting.
This also means that the Administrator is allowed to receive tips for
working as a bartender.
If the Treasurer is performing the duties of the Administrator, when there is not
currently an Administrator, the Treasurer may receive the compensation that is
normally allocated to the Administrator.
No officer on the Board of Officers, other than the Administrator, may hold the office
of the Social Quarters Manager, while still holding a position on the Board of
If a working bonding is required for the Administrator, it shall be paid for by the
The Administrator is responsible for all communications on behalf of the Board of
Officers and for decisions of the Board of Officers made during an Executive Session
of the Board of Officers.
The Administrator will sign all official communications sent out on behalf of the
lodge Board of Officers.
The Administrator will send out all official communications regarding
disciplinary actions and sign the communication on behalf of the lodge and
Board of Officers.
If the disciplinary action is for the Administrator the Treasurer will
sign the disciplinary communication.
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Admin School Learner Guide, Day 1
Page 33
Duties of an Administrator
General Information, Continued:
The Administrator is responsible for notifying the membership of any Special
Meetings of the lodge.
A special meeting may be called by the President of the lodge
A special meeting can be called by a written request of 8 members of the
lodge or 2% of the active membership, whichever is greater.
The only business that can be conducted at a special meeting is the
business specifically stated on the notice given to the membership.
The Administrator shall prepare and mail (or personally deliver) all notices for
special meetings to all active members of a lodge.
There needs to be at least 9 days from the day of mailing to the date of
the special meeting.
This notice must be mailed out at least 7 days prior to the
special meeting.
An additional day must be given for the day of mailing and
another day given for the day of the special meeting.
The list of active members of the lodge must be created by using the
Export function of LCL Web, the membership database.
If the Administrator is compensated as an Administrator, Social Quarters Manager, or
Bartender, they may not work as part of the fundraising portion of a Charitable
Fundraising Event, as only volunteers may be involved as per the IRS.
This is only for the charitable fundraising portion of the event, not the
normal operations of the lodge.
The Administrator is a central figure to the wellbeing of any lodge and as such has
a responsibility to keep a high moral ethic and to do what is in the best interest of
their lodge and The Moose whenever they are in the view of their members and
the public.
The Moose relies on the Administrators to be our source of information and
the people that can be relied on at any time that the lodge or The Moose
needs them.
Thank you all for taking on the responsibilities of an Administrator!!!