Cal Answers
Analysis Training
Part II
Viewing Analysis Results
University of California, Berkeley
March 2012
Cal Answers Analysis Training Part II Viewing Analysis Results in OBIEE
March, 2012 Page 1
Table of Contents
Table of Contents .......................................................................................................................................... 1
Overview ....................................................................................................................................................... 2
Remember How to Create an Analysis? ....................................................................................................... 2
Create a Sample Query to Use in This Class .......................................................................................... 3
Compound Layout ......................................................................................................................................... 3
Default Results View ............................................................................................................................. 3
Working With Results Views ................................................................................................................. 4
Editing Existing Views in a Compound Layout .................................................................................. 4
Adding New Views to a Compound Layout ....................................................................................... 4
Results Views ................................................................................................................................................ 5
Title Views ............................................................................................................................................. 5
Table Views ........................................................................................................................................... 5
Graph Views .......................................................................................................................................... 6
Chart Types, Subtypes, Styles, and Effects ....................................................................................... 7
Graph Properties ............................................................................................................................... 7
Graph Layout ..................................................................................................................................... 8
Pivot Table Views .................................................................................................................................. 8
Pivot Table Editor Toolbar ................................................................................................................ 9
Excluded, Prompts, Sections, Rows, and Columns ......................................................................... 10
Measures ......................................................................................................................................... 10
Filters Views ........................................................................................................................................ 11
Static Text Views ................................................................................................................................. 11
Other Views ......................................................................................................................................... 11
Practice Queries and Result Views.............................................................................................................. 12
Degree Practice Query ........................................................................................................................ 12
Census Count Practice Query .............................................................................................................. 13
Cohort Grad Rates Practice Query ...................................................................................................... 14
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Cal Answers Analysis Training Part II Viewing Analysis Results in OBIEE
March, 2012 Page 2
Cal Answers is the new reporting environment for UC Berkeley’s Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW). It
currently uses Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition (OBIEE) version 11g software.
This three-part training course will deal with using OBIEE, including how to write your own queries and
create your own dashboard reports. Specifically, the sessions will cover:
1. Creating Analyses in OBIEE
2. Viewing Analysis Results in OBIEE
3. Advanced OBIEE Dashboard Reports
Remember How to Create an Analysis?
Clicking either “New > Analysis” or “Create… > Analysis,” and then choosing a data subject area will start
the OBIEE ad hoc query tool:
The various fields available in a given subject area are stored in an expandable/collapsible tree. Click the
plus signs ( ) to expand a branch, and the minus signs ( ) to collapse it. To bring a column into your
query, either double-click it or drag it over into the “Selected Columns” area.
Column/Filter Selection Pane
Query Columns and Filters
Build Query
View/Format Results
Define Prompts
Do Fancy Stuff
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Create a Sample Query to Use in This Class
For this class, we’ll be working with a simple query that shows degree recipient headcounts by
undergrad/grad status and degree level since 2008-09. Using the “Student Counts Degrees” subject
area, create the following query and then save it to your “My Folders” area:
You should get 20 rows in your results. Please make sure you save this query!
Compound Layout
As we discussed in the last class, you can view the results of
your query by clicking on the “Results” tab.
Default Results View
The default results view is a
table with a blank title above
it, combined in OBIEE’s
“Compound Layout,” as
shown to the right.
As you can see, you have a
blank title (if you save the
query, the title defaults to the
name), followed by a simple
table that suppresses
duplicate values. The
compound view lets you show
a single view of results, or it
allows you to combine two or
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more result views. So, for instance, you could create a compound layout that had a title, a pivot table,
and a chart of the data from your query. If you’re thinking that that sounds a bit like a dashboard
report, that’s exactly what it is. All of the dashboard reports are actually just analysis result views using
compound layouts.
Working With Results Views
You can make several kinds of changes to any of the views in a compound layout, including editing
existing views and adding new ones.
Editing Existing Views in a Compound Layout
To edit an existing view in a compound layout, use the three buttons that appear in each view’s title bar:
The first button ( ) gives you access to a “Format Container” dialog box, where you can
change things like alignment, colors, and border styles.
The second button ( ) takes you to the editor for that type of view. Each view (title, table,
pivot table, etc.) has its own editor with its own options. We’ll be covering several of these later
in this document.
And the third button ( ) removes a given view from the compound layout.
You can also access the editor for a given view by using the toolbar in
the “Views” pane that appears at the bottom left of the OBIEE
screen. This will list all of the views that you’ve already created for a
given analysis. (Notice that, by default, the “Title” and “Table” views
already exist.) Selecting any of the options in this list and then
clicking the pencil toolbar button will open the appropriate view editor.
Note that just because a view appears in this list (indicating that it already exists), that view doesn’t
necessarily appear in the compound layout. You have to add it specifically, which we’ll cover below.
Just removing a view from the compound layout, by the way, does not delete it entirely. As long as the
view still appears in this list, it still exists, regardless of whether it actually appears in the compound
layout. You can completely delete a view by using the ( ) button on the “Views” toolbar.
Adding New Views to a Compound Layout
To add a new view directly to a compound layout, use the “New View” dropdown button ( ) on the
Results” toolbar at the top of the screen. To create a new view without immediately adding it to the
compound layout, use the “New View” dropdown button ( ) in the “Views” pane toolbar at the
bottom left of the screen.
The “Results” toolbar at the top of the
screen, by the way, has enough options to keep you busy for a while. Just hover your mouse over each
button to see what it does, including: printing, exporting, scheduling, viewing as a dashboard, setting
lots of options, changing properties, etc.
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Results Views
In this section, we’ll cover several of the more popular results views—Title, Table, Graph, Pivot Table,
Filters, and Static Textand how to use them. In the next class, we’ll cover a few more results views,
such as Column Selectors and View Selectors.
Title Views
The Compound Layout includes a Title view by default and, if you save your query, the name of the
query will appear in that title.
The Title editor has only a few options:
Title The main, large-font title; by
default, this is the saved query name.
Logo The URL for an image to display to
the left of the title; IST has to do this for
Subtitle The secondary, smaller-font
Started Time An automatically
generated start date and/or time for the
Help URL The URL for a help document;
IST has to do this for you.
The toolbar at the top also gives you some additional printing, copying, and formatting options. To
return to the compound layout, click the “Done” button. The “Revert” button will simply undo any
changes that you made in the editor. Note that OBIEE adds a blue bar beneath the title.
Table Views
The other view that OBIEE includes in the compound layout by default is a Table view.
Table views yield reasonably
fancy tables, with lots of options
in the editor.
In the “Layout” pane of the
editor, you can add totals and
subtotals, change headings for
fields, exclude fields, and much
more. To make changes, you can
drag fields into different sections
of this pane, and use the
“Totals” , “Properties” , and
“Options” buttons.
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The toolbar at the top of the editor includes
several of your old favorites, but has one button
in particular that you’ll find useful when working
with tables. Clicking this button will open the
“Table Properties” dialog box, where you can
Where paging controls appear;
How many rows to show per page;
What sort of headings to display;
Whether to use green bar styling; and
Whether to repeat cell values.
In addition, this dialog lets you work with a
couple of advanced features, Master-Detail
events and Write Back, that IST has not currently
Graph Views
Graphs are one of the more complex views, with a very large number of options, as you can see below:
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Chart Types, Subtypes, Styles, and Effects
The Graph Editor toolbar has lots of the standard
buttons, plus some specific to graphs, such as the four
buttons on the far right side of the toolbar.
The “Bar” button lets you choose from 10 different kinds of charts: bar, line, area, pie, line-bar,
time series line, pareto, scatter, bubble, and radar. (Note: If you aren’t sure what kind of chart
to use, is a very
helpful reference.)
The second button (which says, “Default (Vertical)” here) lets you choose a subtype for selected
graph type. With a bar graph, for instance, you can have vertical, horizontal, stacked vertical, or
stacked horizontal subtypes. You’ll see different options here, depending on the graph type.
The third button (“Default” here) determines the appearance of the series on your graph. For a
bar graph, for instance, the bars can appear as rectangles, triangles, cylinders, diamonds,
gradient rectangles, or pattern-filled rectangles. This button’s options also depend on the type
of graph that you’ve selected.
Finally, the “2D” button lets you choose whether the chart should appear in 2-D or 3-D (there’s
almost no situation where a 3-D chart improves readability, so the default, 2-D, should be your
Graph Properties
The “Graph Properties” toolbar button ( ) opens a
dialog box that lets you change some additional things
about the appearance of the graph:
General size, legend location, zooming, and
Style display effects, colors, gridlines, and
Scale axis minimums and maximums, tick
marks, and axis scales;
Titles and Labels graph and axis titles, and
legend, axis, and data labels.
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Graph Layout
Finally, the graph
“Layout” pane at
the bottom of the
screen lets you
create prompts
and sections, add
sliders, and
decide what data
values should
appear as the
categories and
series of your
To set categories and series, you simply drag each of the fields into the various areas of this pane; note
that you can exclude fields that you don’t need. On the right side, a small sample of the chart shows you
what your changes look like.
One final option for graphs in this pane is the “Display as Slider” box .
When you put a field, such as a date, in the “Sections” area of your graph, and then check this box, your
graph will appear with a slider:
This will then display your graph as an animation that changes depending on the date value selected on
the slider. You can use the double-arrow buttons to move one value at a time on the slider, or you can
click the “Play” button to have it automatically advance every 2 seconds.
Pivot Table Views
Pivot tables are probably the view that you’ll wind up using the most, since we often report data over
time, and pivot tables are good at doing that. These look and work a lot like Excel pivot tables.
The pivot table editor, shown on the next page, has a lot going on. There’s a toolbar at the top, six
different table sections (pivot table prompts, sections, rows, columns, measures, and excluded) that can
contain the fields in your query, and a view showing the results of your design. Note that most of the
table sections have their own set of toolbar buttons, too.
Also note that sorting is handled in the results display area, rather than in the
“Layout” pane. If you move your mouse over the actual pivot table, you’ll see two
arrowheads appear in each row and column header. You can click on these to sort
values in a given row or column.
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Pivot Table Editor Toolbar
The pivot table editor toolbar has lots of the standard
buttons, but includes two that you’ll use specifically for pivot
The first of these buttons, “Pivot Table View Properties,”
( ) shows the dialog box to the right. It lets you set paging
options, show headings, apply alternating row formatting in
your pivot table, and define master-detail events (an
advanced drilling feature that you’re very unlikely to use).
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The “Graph Pivoted Results” button ( ) will place a chart next to or in place of the pivot table. You
don’t have as much control over these pivot charts as you would with a Chart view, so use them
Excluded, Prompts, Sections, Rows, and Columns
The pivot table editor mostly consists of areas into which you can drag fields in order to display them in
different ways inside a pivot table.
The “Excluded” section, which appears at the bottom of the “Layout” pane, is for any field in your query
that you don’t want to see in your pivot table. If you drag a field to that area, it will no longer appear in
the pivot.
OBIEE will remove from the pivot table any fields that
you put in the “Prompts” area and combine them into
a dropdown that appears just above the pivot table.
In the example shown to the right, I’ve moved the
“Ungrad_Grad_Cd” field to the “Prompts” area.
The “Sections” area of the editor is for fields whose
values you want to use to break the pivot table into
sections. The example shown to the right moves the
“Ungrad_Grad_Cd” field into that area. You can
compare this to the pivot table shown on the previous
The “Rows” and “Columns” areas allow you to define
the pivot table’s rows and columns, as you might have
guessed. You can put multiple fields in both areas.
Finally, notice that each area and each element within
each area have their own little toolbars, with up to
three buttons (although there are four different
buttons all together):
- The “Properties” button appears for each area. It lets you change formatting, define how
headers look, and show or hide certain kinds of content.
- The “More Options” button, which accompanies each field in an area, pops up a context-
specific menu, which could contain options allowing you to format headings and values, show or
hide items, create new calculated items, duplicate layers, or remove columns.
- The “Totals” button lets you add, remove, and format a variety of grand and subtotals.
The “Measures” area is a little different from the others. It’s where you put
the value field(s) that you want to appear in the pivot table. Each field in
“Measures” has only one toolbar button, for “More Options.” (The popup
menu for it appears to the right.)
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With this menu, you can format headings and values, as well as duplicate layers and remove columns,
like with the other “More Options” buttons. The other three menu items, however, are unique to this
One of these options, “Display as Running Sum,” seems like it would be really useful, but may not work
the way you think it should, so be careful when using it. One of the other two options, “Aggregation
Rule,” lets you choose if you want to sum, count, average, etc. the pivot table values. This might
occasionally be useful, but you’d usually want to do that in the query itself so that the database handles
it, rather than bringing back lots of data and doing it in OBIEE.
Finally, the “Show Data As”
option is one you’ll use a lot.
The default is to show data as
values, but you can also make
it a “Percent of” based on
many different possibilities,
such as the row, column, or
layer. The “Index of” option
does the same thing, except
that it returns a decimal value
instead of a percentage (i.e., 0.22 instead of 22%).
Filters Views
A filter view is probably more useful in
a dashboard report rather than just in
a query. It’s just a section of text that
shows the values used to filter this particular query, as you can see in this screenshot. Using the view’s
toolbar buttons, you can format the text in a variety of ways.
Static Text Views
Finally, the static text view lets you display formatted
text along with your query results. No matter what
results you get from your query, the static text will
always appear the same.
Using the various buttons in the static text view
editor, you can change colors, fonts, sizes, and styles.
If you check the “Contains HTML Markup” box, you
can even include HTML tags in your static text.
Other Views
There are quite a few other results views available for your use. We’ll cover at least a couple more
(Column Selector and View Selector) in the subsequent class, but will leave some of the more obscure
ones for your own research.
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Practice Queries and Result Views
Degree Practice Query
For the Department of Chemistry, create a query and compound layout that look as much like the
following as possible (make sure you get the correct answers, too). Save your query when you’re done,
then try changing it so that it shows a college/school of your choice.
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Census Count Practice Query
For the College of Environmental Design, create a query and compound layout that look like this:
When you’re done, save the query, then change it so that it shows results for the college/school of your
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Cohort Grad Rates Practice Query
Finally, here’s an existing dashboard report, using the “Student Counts - Undergrad Cohorts” subject
area. Can you duplicate this pivot table?