Relevance and
Feasibility of
Mangrove Insurance
in Mexico, Florida,
and The Bahamas
Relevance and Feasibility
of Mangrove Insurance
in Mexico, Florida,
and The Bahamas
Martha Rogers
Fernando Secaira Fajardo
Laura Geselbracht
Marcia Musgrove
Eric Roberts
Joseph Schmidt
Solomon Gibson
1. The Nature Conservancy, Arlington, VA
Cover image: A wooden path winds through
mangroves in Lucayan National Park on Grand
Bahama Island, The Bahamas. © Shane Gross.
Back cover image: Sub-adult lemon sharks
move away from the safety of the mangroves to
forage in the nearby seagrass beds. The man-
groves are teaming with life and provide critical
habitat for numerous species, The Bahamas.
©Jillian Morris/TNC Photo Contest 2021.
Graphic Design
.Puntoaparte Editores
We gratefully acknowledge the funding of AXA XL and Builders Initia-
tive Foundation. We would like to thank our colleagues who provided
technical expertise and insightful comments in the drafting of this
report, Lianna McFarlane-Connelly, Mark Way, Rod Braun, and Amy
Bruno. In addition, we would like to thank our partners who worked
with us to produce the first two reports that are the foundation for
this report. These partners include: Jorge Herrera Silveira, Pedro Javier
Robles Toral, Jesús Andrés Canul Cabrera, and Lucía Guerra Cano at
the Department of Marine Resources CINVESTAV-Mérida; Claudia
Teutli Hernández at UNAM; and Pelayo Menéndez, Chris Lowrie, and
Michael W. Beck at University of California, Santa Cruz.
This report is the final of three reports to be released by The Nature
Conservancy (TNC) in collaboration with our partners at AXA XL,
CINVESTAV-Merida, and the University of California, Santa Cruz. The
reports are part of a year-long project to assess the feasibility of a man-
grove insurance policy in the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean. In the first
report, we document the types of mangrove damages that may result
from hurricanes, the appropriate restoration techniques to adequately
restore damaged mangroves, and the costs of these restoration efforts.
In the second report, we document the protective value of mangroves
in the study region. In this final report, we aggregate information from
the first two reports and identify specific areas where a mangrove
insurance policy would be most cost-effective. We also summarize the
efforts of our market analysis in Mexico, Florida, and The Bahamas, and
identify specific locations where a mangrove insurance policy could be
piloted. As described in this report, tropical storms and hurricanes can
cause significant damages to mangroves and restoration costs can be
high. Financing these restoration activities, through innovative finance
mechanisms like an insurance policy, will be critical to ensuring that the
protective benefits of mangroves are sustained in the future.
The work for this report was conducted from March 2021 through
September 2022. The findings do not take into account any impacts
or changes that may have resulted from the landfall of Hurricane Ian
in late September 2022.
Rogers, M., Secaira-Fajardo, F., Geselbracht,
L., Musgrove, M., Roberts, E., Schmidt, J., &
Gibson, S. (2022). “Relevance and Feasibility
of Mangrove Insurance in Mexico, Florida,
and The Bahamas.” The Nature Conservancy,
Arlington, VA.
Mangroves often serve as a first line of coastal defense
during tropical storms and have been shown to reduce
wave height up to 66% over the first 100 meters of forest
(McIvor et al., 2012a). In general, mangrove root systems
help stabilize the soil and reduce erosion while the roots,
trunk, and canopy dissipate wave energy and slow storm
surge penetration (McIvor et al., 2012a; McIvor et al.,
2012b; Thampanya et al., 2006).
In this study, we focus on mangroves in Mexico, Florida,
and The Bahamas, where they provide more than $17
billion in flood protection benefits (measured over 30
years using a 4% discount rate, 2020 USD) (Menéndez
et al., 2022). Erosion and hurricanes remain two of the
primary threats to mangrove loss in much of this area
(Goldberg et al., 2020). Identifying adequate and reliable
funding sources to finance the restoration and protection
of mangroves is essential to ensuring their resilience and
the resilience of the communities that they protect.
Mangrove insurance is an important new source for this
funding. Mangrove insurance can serve as a risk-trans-
fer tool that provides immediate funding for mangrove
restoration and repair following hurricane damage. This
quick response hastens mangrove recovery time and
enhances the resilience of mangroves to future hurricanes
(Herrera-Silveira et al., 2022).
Over the course of 2021, we explored the feasibility for
a mangrove insurance policy in Mexico, Florida, and The
Bahamas, where coastal communities and infrastructure
are especially vulnerable to hurricanes. Our work builds
on earlier studies that showed promising enabling con-
ditions in these places and provided detailed analyses
of the protective benefits of mangroves and techniques
and costs for their restoration (Beck et al., 2021; Her-
rera-Silveira et al., 2022; Menéndez et al., 2022). Our
stakeholder engagements focused on six key questions:
1. How valuable are the flood protection benefits of
2. Are there stakeholders who value or benefit from the
flood protection of mangroves?
3. Are stakeholders interested in managing risk to
mangroves and potentially buying an insurance?
4. Are the stakeholders legally entitled to buy the
5. Do the stakeholders have the capacity to pay an
insurance premium?
6. Is there an existing institution or financial entity that
could convene beneficiaries to buy the insurance?
Through our engagements, we found that strong interest
exists among stakeholders to continue exploring how a
mangrove insurance policy might be designed and man-
aged. We identified nine locations—three in Mexico, four
in Florida, and two in The Bahamas—as potential sites
for a mangrove insurance pilot policy. These locations
were identified based on the presence of large areas of
mangroves, the high protective value of mangroves, and
strong interest from key stakeholders.
While these stakeholder engagements make us optimistic
about opportunities for a mangrove insurance policy in
these high-risk locations, more work remains. Future analy-
ses will need to consider how to design the insurance policy
and manage the payouts to ensure the appropriate resto-
ration work takes place. As we move forward with this work,
TNC’s goal is to launch a pilot mangrove insurance policy
and demonstrate that, when used appropriately, these
types of risk transfer tools can be a cost-effective means of
protecting our coastlines and coastal communities.
Executive Summary
Table of Contents
Introduction .........................................................................................................................................1
Flood protection benefits of mangroves ................................................ 3
Mangrove degradation and loss ........................................................................... 5
Mangrove damage can be reduced ..................................................................9
Cost-eective locations for mangrove restoration and
protection ............................................................................................................................................... 10
Insuring mangroves ................................................................................................................ 11
Developing a mangrove insurance policy ....................................................................................................12
Opportunities for mangrove insurance in Mexico, Florida, and The Bahamas ..............................16
Mexico .....................................................................................................................................................17
Florida ....................................................................................................................................................19
The Bahamas ........................................................................................................................................21
Conclusions: Outlook and opportunities ...........................................23
References ............................................................................................................................................26
Relevance and Feasibility of Mangrove Insurance in Mexico, Florida, and The Bahamas 1
Mangrove forests cover nearly 14 million hectares of trop-
ical and subtropical coasts across 118 countries (Spalding
et al., 2010). These critical ecosystems provide a range
of benefits to people and properties. First, mangroves are
some of the world’s most productive fishing grounds. They
serve as important nurseries for many reef fish popula-
tions, such as the yellowtail, and can have a large impact
on the fish communities of nearby coral reefs (Mumby,
2004; Serafy, 2015). In addition, recreational fishing in
mangroves for fish such as tarpon, bonefish, and snapper
can be a significant source of economic benefits to the
local economy. In The Bahamas, this fishing is estimated to
generate $169 million annually in total economic benefits
(Fedler, 2018). Second, mangroves store a disproportionate
amount of carbon relative to their landcover (Hutchison,
2014). Mangrove soils have been estimated to store more
than 6.4 billion tons of carbon globally (Sanderman, 2018).
And, finally, mangroves serve as a first line of defense in the
event of tropical storms. Mangroves have been shown to
dissipate wave energy, slow storm surge penetration, and
reduce erosion (McIvor et al., 2012a; McIvor et al., 2012b;
Thampanya et al., 2006). Globally, mangroves provide over
$65 billion in flood protection benefits annually and protect
over 15 million people (Menéndez et al., 2020).
Today, mangroves are at increasing risk from direct and
indirect human activities. Between 1980 and 2005 alone,
nearly 20% of global mangrove cover was lost (Giri et
al., 2010; Spalding et al., 2010). Mangrove clearing for
aquaculture or urban settlements is the primary driver of
mangrove loss worldwide, with 80% of this loss occurring
in just six countries: Indonesia, Myanmar, Malaysia, the
Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam (Goldberg et al.,
2020). Outside of these six countries, the primary drivers
of mangrove loss are erosion and hurricanes (Goldberg
et al., 2020). The frequency and intensity of hurricanes
is expected to increase in the coming years.
When a hurricane passes over a mangrove forest, it
can cause critical changes to the structure of mangrove
trees, topography, hydrology, or sediment characteristics
(Herrera-Silveira et al., 2022).
Following a hurricane
event, mangroves can naturally recover in three to five
years but full recovery, especially when following a more
severe storm, may take up to 20 years (Danielson etal.,
2017; Imbert, 2018). Active restoration and repair of
mangroves following hurricane damage can hasten their
recovery time and enhance their resilience to future
hurricanes (Herrera-Silveira et al., 2022). The ability of
mangroves to naturally recover following a hurricane may
also become compromised in the future if the frequency
of severe hurricanes increases, as is predicted to occur
with climate change (Kossin, 2020).
Therefore, funding the post-storm restoration and repair
of mangroves is critical to ensuring that the flood pro-
tection and other benefits of mangrove ecosystems are
maintained in the future. A mangrove insurance policy
represents an innovative financial mechanism to fund
this repair work. In regions where the flood protection
benefits of mangroves are high, protecting and restoring
mangroves is a cost-effective means of reducing the risks
to people and property from hurricanes. A mangrove in-
surance policy can be used to guarantee funding to repair
mangroves after damage is sustained from a hurricane,
much like other insurance policies are used to repair
built infrastructure. The Nature Conservancy (TNC) and
the Government of Quintana Roo, Mexico, launched an
insurance policy for coral reefs and beaches in 2019 that
demonstrates this concept (TNC, 2021).
1 In this report, we use the term hurricanes when referring to tropical
cyclones as we focus our discussion on mangroves in the Gulf of
Mexico and Caribbean, where tropical cyclones are referred to as
Relevance and Feasibility of Mangrove Insurance in Mexico, Florida, and The Bahamas 2
In this report, we summarize findings from a feasibility
assessment aimed at identifying potential locations to
pilot a mangrove insurance policy in Mexico, Florida, and
The Bahamas. This work builds upon a pre-feasibility
assessment that showed that these three regions have
some of the largest areas of mangroves that would be
cost-effective to restore for their flood risk reduction
benefits and that these regions are also most likely to
have suitable insurance market and governance condi-
tions to make a policy feasible and attractive (Beck et al.,
2020). During this feasibility assessment, we engaged
key stakeholders in Mexico, Florida, and The Bahamas to
identify who may be an appropriate mangrove insurance
customer, what is their interest in purchasing such a
policy, and how might the mangrove insurance policy be
structured. The goal of these discussions was to assess
if there is a need for mangrove insurance and to identify
potential purchasers of the policy. Figure 1 highlights the
guiding questions that we used to direct this work.
In each of the following sections, we present key elements
that are needed for insurance to be a suitable tool for
protecting and restoring mangroves. In the following two
sections, we show that mangroves provide valuable flood
protection benefits in Mexico, Florida, and The Bahamas
and that many mangrove stands in these regions are at
risk of damage or loss from hurricanes. We then show
that within each of these regions, there are many locations
where it would be highly cost-effective to restore man-
groves. In these locations, mangroves could be repaired
post-hurricane to hasten their recovery and ensure that
their protective benefits are maintained in the future.
Together, this information provides the rationale for man-
grove insurance. Next, we summarize key learnings from
our stakeholder engagements in Mexico, Florida, and The
Bahamas. We used the stakeholder engagements to identify
potential buyers of a mangrove insurance policy, potential
locations where a policy could be piloted, and to prioritize
key questions to address in subsequent phases of the work.
Figure 1: Guiding questions for mangrove insurance feasibility assessment. Adapted from Secaira Fajardo et al., (2019).
Assess if a natural asset
needs insurance
Does the natural asset provide a valuable service?
Are there stakeholders who value the natural asset?
Are there stakeholders interested in repairing the damages?
Who is the entitled to buy insurance for the natural asset?
Do the interested stakeholders have the
capacity to pay the premium?
Is the cost of restoration above the financial capacity of
stakeholders and/or will they prefer to tranfer the risk?
Is this risk insurable?
Is it possible to repair the damages to the natural asset, so
the services it provides can stay functional or be recovered?
Is the cost of repairing the asset
lower than the avoided losses?
Is insurance needed for the natural asset?
Are there potential buyers?
Is the natural asset at risk? Can an event severely
damage it and impair their ecosystem services?
Are there stakeholders who
could buy the insurance?
Relevance and Feasibility of Mangrove Insurance in Mexico, Florida, and The Bahamas 3
Flood protection
benefits of mangroves
Figure 2: Key steps and data for estimating the flood protection benefits provided by mangroves (adapted from Beck et al.
2019). © Puntoaparte Editores.
Mangroves often serve as a first line of coastal defense
during tropical storms and have been shown to reduce
wave height up to 66% over the first 100 meters of forest
(McIvor et al., 2012a). In general, mangrove root systems
help stabilize the soil and reduce erosion while the roots,
trunk, and canopy dissipate wave energy and slow storm
surge penetration (McIvor et al., 2012a; McIvor et al.,
2012b; Thampanya et al., 2006).
Step 1 Step 3Step 2
Step 4
Step 5
Offshore dynamics:
Oceanographic data
are combined to assess
offshore sea states.
Habitat: Effects of
mangroves on wave
run-up are estimated.
Nearshore dynamics:
Waves are modified by
nearshore hydrodynamics.
Impacts: Flood heights
are extended inland
along profiles (every 1
kilometer) for 1 in 10, 25,
50, 100-year events with
and without mangroves to
estimate impacts.
Consequences: The consequences to land, people, and built capital
damaged under the flooded areas are estimated.
Relevance and Feasibility of Mangrove Insurance in Mexico, Florida, and The Bahamas 4
Our study region is home to over one million hect-
ares of mangroves—more than 500,000 hectares in
Mexico, nearly 400,000 in Florida, and 40,000 in The
To better understand the flood protection
benefits of these mangroves, TNC worked with science
partners at the University of California Santa Cruz
to estimate these benefits at the 5-kilometer level
(previous global estimates used a 20-kilometer scale)
(Beck et al., 2020; Menéndez et al., 2020; Menéndez
et al., 2022).
Figure 2 outlines the general steps used
to model the flood protection benefits of mangroves,
which are estimated as the difference in inland flooding
damage with and without mangroves. Damage curves
were used to relate the level of flooding with an esti-
2 In Mexico, our study region only includes mangroves on the eastern
side of the country and excludes mangroves on the Pacific Coast.
Across all of Mexico, there are over 900,000 hectares of man-
groves (Menéndez et al., 2022).
3 While each coastal segment is approximately 5 kilometers in
width, the length of the segment can vary. The majority of study
units are less than 100 kilometers, but some are as large as 1,000
kilometers or more. Moreover, very narrow islands—such as many
in The Bahamas—are considered as a single study unit because the
splitting of the islands would make the flooding models functionally
difficult to run.
Figure 3: Present value of the flood protection benefits of mangroves in Mexico, Florida, and The Bahamas over 30 years
assuming a 4% discount rate. Analysis excludes western Mexico. Source: Menéndez et al. 2022.
mated number of impacted people and dollar value of
damaged building stock.
Figure 3 shows the present value of flood protection ben-
efits for each 5-kilometer study unit assuming a 30-year
life and a discount rate of 4%, which is consistent with
discount rates used in World Bank project assessments.
The present value of benefits are greatest in areas where
there are significant mangrove stands in front of or near
high value building stock. Across our entire study region,
we estimate the present value of flood protection bene-
fits of mangroves to be $17 billion—$2 billion in Mexico,
$13billion in Florida, and $2 billion in The Bahamas.
4 For people, the models assume that 0% of people are impacted with
flooding up to 0.5 meters and that 100% of people are impacted
with flooding greater than 0.5 meters (Beck, 2020). For building
stock, the model uses the damage functions from Huizinga et al.
(2017). Generally, any flooding greater than 6 meters will result in
100% damage of building stock.
5 Estimates rely on global asset data and are presented in 2020 USD.
In the full analysis, mangrove benefits were also estimated using a
7% discount rate (Menéndez et al., 2022).
6 Across all of Mexico, mangroves provide $6.2 billion in flood pro-
tection benefits (Menéndez et al., 2022); however, our study region
only includes mangroves located on the eastern coast.
The Bahamas
Gulf of
Present Value
($ million)
>0 - 23
23 - 97
97 - 286
286 - 683
683 - 1,077
United States
Relevance and Feasibility of Mangrove Insurance in Mexico, Florida, and The Bahamas 5
degradation and loss
Human-made and natural causes result in mangrove loss
and degradation, threatening these systems at a global
scale. Human activity was the primary driver of mangrove
loss from 2000 to 2016 at the global scale, though natural
causes were one of the largest drivers in many areas of the
world, particularly outside of Asia and the Pacific (Gold-
berg et al., 2020). In a 2010 review of mangrove species
globally, eleven of the 70 species assessed were estimated
to be at an elevated threat of extinction, with two mangrove
species critically endangered (Polidoro et al., 2010).
Figure 4 outlines many of the primary threats to mangrove
systems around the world. The human-induced risks from
development and pollution pose an undeniable threat to
mangrove systems. Often, development and pollution
can stress mangrove systems, making mangroves more
susceptible to high levels of tree mortality following storm
events (Lewis et al., 2016). Many of the risks associated
with climate change – changes in temperature, changes in
precipitation, and rising sea levels – will lead to mangrove
expansion in some regions of the world and mangrove
die-off in other regions. For example, in Central America,
where many models predict temperature to increase and
precipitation to decrease during the wet season, man-
grove systems will likely become stressed due to limited
sediment supply and increased water stress (Ward et al.,
2016). Conversely, on the east coast of Florida, the area of
mangroves has doubled at the northern end of their range
over the last 28 years as the frequency of extreme cold
events has decreased (Cavanaugh et al., 2014).
Hurricanes are expected to pose an increasing threat to
mangroves in the future. In 2017 alone, over one million
hectares of mangroves were affected by tropical storms
or hurricanes in the Atlantic Ocean, the largest mangrove
area to be affected by storms in the last four decades
(Taillie et al., 2020). As climate change intensifies, con-
ditions in the Atlantic Ocean are predicted to become
more favorable to hurricanes (Herrera-Silveira et al.,
2022) including an increase in the frequency of severe
hurricanes, an increase in rainfall from hurricanes, and
an increase in storm surge as a result of sea-level rise
(Christensen et al., 2013; Knutson et al., 2010; Knutson et
al., 2015; Kossin et al., 2017; Patricola and Wehner, 2018
Sobel et al., 2016; Vitousek et al., 2017).
Hurricanes tend to impact and damage mangroves in four
ways (Herrera-Silveira et al., 2022):
1. Changes in the structure, composition, and biomass
of mangrove trees, such as defoliation, changes in
species dominance, or root detachment;
2. Changes in the topography of the mangrove forest,
such as increases or decreases in the elevation and/
or the opening or closing of channels and outlets;
3. Changes in the hydrology of the mangrove system,
such as changes in freshwater and marine water
balance or an increase in flood periods and levels; and
4. Changes in sediment characteristics, such as
changes in sediment salinization or hypoxia.
However, the extent and severity of mangrove forest dam-
age following a hurricane event is a function of several
factors, including (Herrera-Silveira et al., 2022):
1. Forest structure: In general, mangrove trees with
larger trunk diameters and/or that are taller will be
most affected by a hurricane;
2. Ecological type: Fringing mangroves, located parallel
to the coastline, will suffer more damage than other
mangrove types;
3. Fragmentation/Degradation: In general, man-
groves located near populated areas or that have
compromised hydrologic flows will be most affected
by a hurricane; and
4. Hurricane Path: In the Caribbean, mangroves located
in the hurricane eye walls and to the right sides of the
path of the eye will be the most affected by a hurricane.
Figure 4: Primary drivers of mangrove loss and degradation
Note: “ “ denotes a projected loss to mangrove area and “ ” a projected increase to mangrove area.
A “ “ denotes that there are some regions of the globe where mangrove area may increase and others where mangrove area may decrease.
Changes in
Changes in
Sea-Level Rise
& Shoreline
Pollution Development
Strong winds and storm surge can
uproot and kill mangrove trees,
knock down trunks and branches,
and defoliate the canopy which
can modify sediment dynamics,
succession patterns, and nutrient
cycles in the mangrove system
(Baldwin et al., 2001; Herbert et al.,
1999; Herrera-Silveira et al., 2022).
As temperature rises and the
frequency of extreme cold events
decreases, defined as days cooler
than -4°C (25°F), mangroves
will expand poleward into salt
marsh communities. As tem-
perature exceeds 32°C (100°F),
photosynthesis productivity
declines and salinity can increase,
stressing existing mangrove
systems (Ward et al., 2016).
Regions projected to receive an
increase in precipitation, such as
Southeast Asia, could see man-
grove expansion as they migrate
further inland (Alongi, 2015; Ward
et al., 2016). Regions projected to
receive a decrease in precipitation,
such as parts of the Caribbean and
Central America, could see man-
grove dieback as systems become
stressed with increased soil salinity
and decreased growth and produc-
tivity rates (Ward et al., 2016).
To avoid drowning, mangroves
must move to higher elevations. If
blocked by development, they can
suffer from “coastal squeeze” – in-
stances where there is no suitable
space for them to migrate (Alongi,
2015). In addition, recent research
suggests that mangroves may not
be able to expand fast enough to
keep up with the increasing rate
of sea level rise within the next
30 years (Saintilan et al., 2020).
Stormwater, agriculture, and
sewage runoff pollute mangroves
and can cause already stressed
mangroves to degrade further
or, in extreme events, can kill
mangrove trees (Garcés-Ordóñez
et al., 2019; World Bank 2019).
Direct deforestation of mangroves
for shrimp aquaculture, timber,
or coastal development results
in mangrove loss. Indirect effects
of development can be equally
lethal by changing hydrology and
blocking water flows to mangrove
systems that can increase salinity
and/or reduce sediment levels
(Lewis et al., 2016). Dredge and fill
activities can also lead to excessive
flooding of mangrove habitat.
Relevance and Feasibility of Mangrove Insurance in Mexico, Florida, and The Bahamas 7
Mangrove damage from hurricanes in the Caribbean has
been shown to be primarily a function of wind speed
(Figure 5); the relationship is nonlinear with little damage
at low wind speeds, then increasing damage with higher
winds, and near complete damage at the highest wind
speeds. Previous research shows some evidence of dam-
ages around 100 kilometers per hour (e.g., tropical storm
1. Slight defoliation
2. Breakage of small branches
3. Suspended particles in water column
111-129 mph (178-208 km/h)
74-95 mph (119-153 km/h)
1. Breakage of large branches
2. Large volumes of fallen woody material
3. Extensive flooding (2.7 to 3.6 meters)
4. Hydrological flow disruption
5. Sediment salinization
1. No presence of seedlings or juveniles
2. Large trees downed/uprooted
3. Decrease in density and complexity
4. Catastrophic and prolonged flooding (higher than 5.5 meters)
5. Sediment salinization
6. Opening of inlets through barrier islands and dune systems
1. Large trees downed/uprooted
2. Change in structure and composition (height and size)
3. Extreme flooding (3.9 to 5.5 meters)
4. Sea water intrusion
5. Opening of inlets through barrier islands or dune systems
157 mph or highers (>252 km/h)
130-156 mph (209-251 km/h)
1. Small and medium branch breakage
2. Moderate flooding (up to 2.5 meters)
3. Moderate channel sedimentation
96-110 mph (154-177 km/h)
Figure 5: Extent of damage to mangroves based on hurricane intensity, using the Saffir-Simpson scale. Modified
from Krauss and Osland, 2020.
level winds) and much higher rates of loss at wind speeds
of 130 kilometers per hour (e.g., Category 1 level winds)
and above (Imbert, 2018). In recent work, Menéndez et
al. (2022) relied on assessed mangrove loss and recovery
from six hurricanes spanning 30 years (Han et al., 2018)
to estimate the relationship between wind speed and
mangrove loss at wind speeds exceeding 110kilometers
Relevance and Feasibility of Mangrove Insurance in Mexico, Florida, and The Bahamas 8
per hour.
Using this estimated relationship, they sim-
ulated the projected damage from 6,635 hurricanes of
varying strengths, representing 1,000 simulated years.
From these simulations, they were then able to estimate
the expected annual loss of mangroves from hurricanes
in 27 sub-regions in Mexico, Florida, and The Bahamas.
7 A Category 1 hurricane has measured wind speeds in excess of 119
kilometers per hour.
Figure 6: Annual expected loss of mangroves caused by tropical storms and hurricanes in 27 sub-regions across Mexico, Florida,
and The Bahamas. Source: Menéndez et al. 2022.
The expected annual losses of mangroves from hur-
ricanes varies from 1.4% to nearly 8% (Figure 6) of
current mangrove stands across the 27 sub-regions.
While all ten sub-regions in The Bahamas had a rela-
tively high—greater than 4%—expected annual loss
of mangroves, Mexico and Florida had more variability
across the sub-regions. In Mexico, the central region of
Quintana Roo had the highest expected annual loss at
6.9%), and in Florida, Martin, St. Lucie, Indian River, and
Brevard Counties all had expected annual losses of 7.9%.
United States
The Bahamas
Gulf of
Annual Expected
Mangrove Loss (%)
1% - 2%
2% - 3%
3% - 4%
4% - 5%
5% - 6%
6% - 7%
7% - 8%
Relevance and Feasibility of Mangrove Insurance in Mexico, Florida, and The Bahamas 9
Mangrove damage
can be reduced
In the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico, many mangrove
stands are particularly vulnerable to hurricane damage
due to low tidal ranges and the frequency of hurricane
events (Lugo et al., 1981; Ward et al., 2016). Consequent-
ly, mangrove species in these regions evolved the ability
to naturally recover from hurricanes (Herrera-Silveira et
al., 2022). With Category 1 and Category 2 hurricanes,
many mangroves in the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico
will naturally recover in less than five years (Danielson
et al., 2017). With hurricanes of Category 3 and above,
natural recovery of mangroves may take as long as 20
years (Imbert, 2018). However, the increasing frequency
of severe hurricanes predicted with climate change can
inhibit the natural recovery of mangroves, resulting in an
accumulation of damage that can eventually lead to the
death of mangrove trees (Herrera-Silveira et al., 2022;
Taillie et al., 2020). Active post-storm restoration and
repair of mangroves can hasten mangrove recovery time,
making them more resilient to hurricanes in the future
(Herrera-Silveira et al., 2022; Imbert, 2018).
While the specific restoration and repair activities that
will be needed following a storm event depend on the
type and magnitude of damage, as well as the pre-storm
state of the forest, the general categories of restoration
and repair include (Herrera-Silveira, 2022):
8 For the purposes of this report, we use the definitions of restoration and
repair as outlined in Berg et al. (2020). Restoration refers to ecological
restoration and repair refers to actions taken to hasten recovery and
minimize further damage after an event to restore its flood protection
benefits. Generally speaking, repair is what occurs soon after damage
happens, while restoration is a longer-term process.
1. Hydrologic rehabilitation, including dredging
channels and rehabilitating water crossings;
2. Topographic rehabilitation, including sediment
removal and the preparation of dispersion
centers; and
3. Reforestation, including the use of propagules
and/or nursery-grown seedlings.
The cost of these activities can vary widely depending
on factors such as the type of restoration and repair, cost
of materials and labor, and the distance and accessibility
of the site (Herrera-Silveira et al., 2022). Reforestation
should generally be used as a last resort, after both
hydrologic and topographic rehabilitation of the site and
natural seed and propagule dispersal has taken place
(Herrera-Silveira et al., 2022).
We assessed 64 mangrove restoration projects and as-
sociated costs across Mexico (16), Florida (16 in eastern
Florida and 27 in western Florida), and The Bahamas (5)
(Herrera-Silveira et al., 2022).
We found that in Mexico the
median restoration cost was $4,538 per hectare; in eastern
Florida the median restoration cost was $118,524; in west-
ern Florida the median restoration cost was $54,653; and
in The Bahamas the median restoration cost was $35,955
(Herrera-Silveira et al., 2022; Menéndez et al., 2022).
9 We treated eastern and western Florida separately due to large
differences in restoration project costs in the two areas.
10 The mangrove restoration projects that we identified took place
over 30 years. All restoration costs were converted to U.S. dollars
(USD) and adjusted for inflation to 2021 USD.
Relevance and Feasibility of Mangrove Insurance in Mexico, Florida, and The Bahamas 10
locations for
mangrove restoration
and protection
Figure 7: Benefit to cost ratio for 5-kilometer coastal study units, assuming a median restoration cost of $4,538 per hectare for
projects in Mexico, $118,524 per hectare in eastern Florida, $54,653 per hectare in western Florida, and $35,955 per hectare
across The Bahamas. Analysis excludes western Mexico. Source: Menéndez et al., 2022.
We compared the median restoration costs with the pres-
ent value of mangrove flood protection benefits (Figure
3) to obtain a benefit to cost ratio (BCR) for mangrove
restoration. Figure 7 identifies the BCR for 5-kilometer
study units across our study region in Mexico, Florida, and
The Bahamas. The BCR exceeds one in areas where the
flood protection benefits of mangroves, measured over 30
years using a 4% discount rate, exceed the costs of man-
grove restoration on a per hectare basis (see Menéndez
et al., 2022 for a full description of methods).
We identified nearly 250 5-kilometer coastal study
units spanning 80,000 hectares of mangroves and
1,200 kilometers of coastline where the BCR was
higher than one, indicating that there are many
cost-effective opportunities for mangrove restoration
in Mexico, Florida, and The Bahamas. This includes
more than 100 5-kilometer-wide study units spanning
more than 50,000 hectares of mangroves and 500
kilometers of coastline in Mexico; more than 100
5-kilometer-wide study units spanning nearly 20,000
hectares of mangroves and more than 600 kilome-
ters of coastline in Florida; and more than a dozen
5-kilometer-wide study units spanning nearly 3,000
hectares of mangroves and more than 60 kilometers
of coastline in The Bahamas.
United States
The Bahamas
Gulf of
Benefit to
Cost Ratio
1.0 - 1.8
1.8 - 3.2
3.2 - 4.9
4.9 - 7.8
7.8 - 12.0
12.0 - 19.6
19.6 - 30.4
30.4 - 83.2
Relevance and Feasibility of Mangrove Insurance in Mexico, Florida, and The Bahamas 11
In many areas of Mexico, Florida, and The Bahamas,
major hurricanes of Category 3 or more, make landfall
more often than in other parts of the world (Krauss and
Osland, 2020). In the event of these storms, mangroves
often serve as the first line of defense in dissipating wave
energy, slowing storm surge, and reducing inland flooding.
In areas where the protective benefits of mangroves ex-
ceed the costs of mangrove restoration (e.g., those areas
where the BCR exceeds one), mangrove protection and
restoration can serve as a critical component of a broader
coastal risk management strategy.
Effectively managing the risk to mangroves requires
a comprehensive strategy that includes: (i) support of
government or other management entity for mangrove
restoration, repair, and protection; (ii) protocol for
post-damage restoration and repair; (iii) physical ca-
pacity and expertise to conduct restoration and repair;
and (iv) funding to cover costs of restoration, repair, and
protection (Figure 8). Funding these costs may require
more than one financial mechanism, for example, a
combination of a self-insuring emergency fund and a
risk-transfer mechanism such as an insurance policy.
Other potential financial mechanisms include resilience
credits and catastrophe bonds. A careful analysis will
help determine whether a mangrove insurance policy
is feasible, as compared to the other possible funding
mechanisms (Kousky and Light, 2019).
Figure 8: Effectively managing the risk to mangroves requires a comprehensive strategy. Mangrove insurance can be a cost-
effective financial mechanism to fund the restoration and repair of damaged mangroves.
Governance and
Relevance and Feasibility of Mangrove Insurance in Mexico, Florida, and The Bahamas 12
a mangrove
insurance policy
Insurance serves as a risk transfer tool (Kousky and Light,
2019), where the buyer pays the insurance company a set
amount, referred to as the premium, to transfer a specified
risk to the insurance company. The buyer then receives
a guaranteed payout in the event of specified damage
(in the case of indemnity insurance) or in the event of a
predetermined level of hazard (in the case of parametric
insurance). With a mangrove insurance policy, the policy
holder may be able to insure a mangrove forest against
losses related to specified damage, a predetermined level
of the hazard or both (Beck, 2020). Figure 9 summarizes
the primary components of a mangrove insurance policy.
An entity or individual may purchase an insurance policy if they
demonstrate an insurable interest, that is if they own the asset or have an
economic interest in it.
the policy
The customer must value the benefits provided by mangroves and have
an interest in protecting and restoring them post-damage.
Policy Type
Type of
Identify the type of insurance policy, e.g., indemnity, parametric or a
combined parametric-indemnity policy.
of the Policy
Insured asset
Delineation of the mangroves to be insured.
Maximum amount of restoration costs covered by the insurance policy.
Policy trigger
Define the trigger of the payout, which is usually a characteristic of the
hurricane and a threshold (e.g., wind speed of 100 kilometers or more).
Loss adjustment
In the case of parametric insurance, losses will be based on an identified
trigger event (e.g., wind speed) in a specified area (e.g., polygon). In the case
of indemnity insurance, losses will be based on assessed damage at the site.
The policy must identify the source of the data and method to estimate
the payout or compensation.
Policy Price
Exposure to hurricanes depends on the probability of hurricanes
occurring in the location of the mangroves. A fragility curve is used to
estimate the relationship between the trigger event (e.g., wind speed)
and mangrove damage.
The main elements of the policy (payout and trigger) along with the
exposure of the site determine the cost of the policy.
Insurance Claims
Identify individual or entity that will receive insurance payouts and
process for effectively utilizing claims for restoration work.
Figure 9: Primary components of a mangrove insurance policy.
Relevance and Feasibility of Mangrove Insurance in Mexico, Florida, and The Bahamas 13
Insurance purchaser
Entities or individuals may purchase a mangrove insurance
policy if they can show an insurable interest (Kousky and
Light, 2019; Secaira Fajardo et al., 2019). That is, the entity
or individual must be able to demonstrate ownership and/or
that they would suffer a financial loss if the insured mangrove
was damaged. In most cases, the entities or individuals must
demonstrate a financial loss related to physical assets that
they own, though it may be possible to claim losses even if
they do not own the asset that is damaged. For example, a
fishing company whose business relies on mangroves for
fisheries production may want to insure mangroves to avoid
fishing-related business interruption and revenue loss in the
event the mangroves are damaged.
The identified entity or individual must not only have an
insurable interest in the mangrove forest but must also
find it cost-effective to purchase the insurance policy. The
entity or individual should value the benefits provided
by the mangrove forest and also be interested and able
to pay the insurance premium (Secaira Fajardo et al.,
2019). Because of additional challenges with creating an
insurance policy for a single private property owner, we
identified the public sector as the most feasible market
in previous work (Beck et al., 2020).
Policy type
There are two main types of insurance policies: (i) indem-
nity policies which base payouts on assessed losses; and
(ii) parametric policies which base payouts on observed
events. While payouts related to indemnity policies
may take several weeks to be disbursed after losses are
assessed, payouts related to parametric policies can be
disbursed within a few days of the observed event.
The type of insurance policy used to cover a mangrove
forest will depend on the identified restoration needs
post-storm. For example, if all of the required mangrove
restoration must be performed immediately following the
storm event, then a parametric policy will be the best
option. But, if some of the required restoration can be
performed several months after the storm event then a
combined parametric-indemnity policy may be more suit-
able. Recent research suggests that inland areas prone to
hydrologic isolation were most susceptible to mangrove
Black mangroves, roots, and breathing tubes, Exuma Cays Land and Sea Park, The Bahamas. © Jeff Yonover.
Relevance and Feasibility of Mangrove Insurance in Mexico, Florida, and The Bahamas 14
dieback six months following a storm event, suggesting
that delayed assessment of hydrologic management
needs may be important in developing an effective post-
storm response (Lagomasino et al., 2021).
Characteristics of the policy
The first step in creating a mangrove insurance policy is
to identify the insured asset. That is, the specific area
of mangrove to be covered by the policy. In general, an
insurance policy will have a payout up to the replacement
cost of the insured asset. For mangrove insurance, the
payout can be estimated using restoration costs for the
site. In earlier work, we have documented a range of man-
grove restoration costs per hectare (Herrera-Silveira et al.,
2022). The actual restoration costs on site will depend on
local factors such as site accessibility, post-storm dam-
age, and local labor costs. Once the insured mangroves
have been identified, site-specific restoration costs can
be estimated using past storm damage to the mangrove
forest and all restoration activities and costs that were
incurred as a result of this damage. In the absence of
these data, restoration costs can be estimated based on
observed characteristics of the site and input from local
restoration experts.
Any mangrove insurance policy will need to carefully
state when the policy payouts will be triggered, referred
to as a trigger event. The trigger event is typically defined
around a specific parameter, such as wind speed, occur-
ring at or beyond a specific threshold in a designated area,
referred to as a trigger polygon. The polygon generally
encompasses an area several kilometers around the in-
sured asset, as wind speeds above 100 kilometers per
hour can occur up to 85 kilometers from the center of
the hurricane (Secaira Fajardo et al., 2019b). In the case
of a mangrove insurance policy, the events that trigger
the policy are likely to be related to the occurrence of a
hurricane, as non-hurricane related risks to mangroves
(listed in Figure 4) are not random enough in nature to
be covered under an insurance policy.
The actual payout is generally a structure of staggered
payments, where the payout increases with the intensity
of the parameter and, in the case of indemnity, with the
level of assessed damages. For example, payouts in the
insurance policy for coral reefs and beaches in Quintana
Roo, Mexico were 40% of the maximum payout at wind
speeds greater than 100 knots, 80% at wind speeds
greater than 130 knots, and 100% only in the event of
wind speeds exceeding 160 knots (TNC, 2021). With an
indemnity policy, payouts will be based on assessed dam-
age at the site and with a combined policy, payouts will be
based on both the trigger event and assessed damages.
Policy price
The price of the insurance policy is based on the charac-
teristics of the policy (e.g., payout and trigger event) and
the potential hurricane damage, based on characteristics
of the site (e.g., mangrove species, elevation, geographic
location, i.e., in an area more prone to hurricanes). The
potential for hurricane damage at a given mangrove site
is referred to as the site’s exposure.
Fragility curves help identify the storm conditions under
which mangroves are destroyed and/or fail during storm
events by estimating the relationship between damage
to the mangroves and a characteristic of the hurricane,
such as wind speed or storm surge. Fragility curves can
also be used to identify the cost of restoration needed
for various storm intensities and to estimate the amount
of payouts that will be required. Menéndez et al. (2022)
presents initial estimates of the correlation between
damages to mangroves and wind speed caused by six
hurricanes in Florida. This preliminary fragility curve es-
timated related wind speed (knots) to mangrove damage,
measured as a percent, and was used, in combination
with assumptions about predicted wind speeds, to build
out the annual expected mangrove damage presented
in Figure 6 (Menéndez et al., 2022). Ultimately, fragility
curves require dozens of data points on mangrove dam-
age resulting from past hurricanes in several locations and
can take many years to develop.
Finally, the policy price must be informed by the financial
capacity of the buyer. The insurance purchaser will decide
at what hurricane intensities and estimated mangrove
damage levels they will need to cover with an insurance
policy. They may choose to cover less severe storms and
damage with their own emergency funds rather than
transfer the risk to an insurer.
Relevance and Feasibility of Mangrove Insurance in Mexico, Florida, and The Bahamas 15
Insurance claims
The final component needed to complete a mangrove in-
surance policy is the determination of the loss adjustment
procedures and the policy beneficiary. In the case of a
parametric policy, the loss adjustment process involves
identifying a credible third-party data source (e.g., NOAA
National Hurricane Center) that will be used to determine
the occurrence of the trigger event in the trigger polygon.
In the case of an indemnity policy, the loss adjustment
process involves determining which individuals or orga-
nizations will be responsible for assessing damage to the
mangroves on site, as well as the method and timeline
for doing so.
The policy beneficiary, referred to as the Named Insured
and usually the first person or entity named on a policy, is
responsible for insurance premium payments, submitting
claims, and receipt and management of policy benefits.
The policy beneficiary can designate third-party loss
payees to receive some or all of the insurance policy
payouts. In the case of the reef insurance in Quintana Roo,
Mexico, the Named Insured was an existing trust fund,
which then used revenue contributed by coastal property
owners, local governments, and others to purchase and
manage the insurance policy and payments (TNC, 2021).
As illustrated in Figure 10, the trust fund manages other
coral reef restoration activities, as well.
Figure 10: Structure of trust fund that manages reef insurance in Quintana Roo, Mexico.
Mexico’s Trust Fund Cash Flow
Emergency fund
Minor and moderate
properties fees
Regular revenue
Relevance and Feasibility of Mangrove Insurance in Mexico, Florida, and The Bahamas 16
for mangrove
insurance in
Mexico, Florida,
and The Bahamas
To assess the feasibility of a mangrove insurance policy in
Mexico, Florida, and The Bahamas, we engaged a diverse
set of stakeholders across each of these three regions
over the course of the project. Stakeholders in all three
regions expressed interest and excitement about the pos-
sibility of a mangrove insurance policy. Most stakeholders
wanted to learn more about how a mangrove insurance
policy may be structured, the types of perils it may cover,
the restoration activities that might be implemented with
payouts, how much it might cost, and how prices would
be determined.
The stakeholder engagement activities focused on iden-
tifying potential mangroves to insure, the beneficiaries of
the mangroves’ ecosystem services, and potential buyers
of an insurance policy. The map in Figure 11 shows the
locations of nine potential pilot site locations identified
in the three study regions. In each region, we used the
following questions to guide our discussions and describe
the findings for each region below (Berg et al., 2020;
Secaira Fajardo et al., 2019):
1. How valuable are the flood protection benefits of
2. Are there stakeholders who value or benefit from the
flood protection of mangroves?
3. Are these stakeholders interested in managing risk to
mangroves and potentially buying an insurance policy?
4. Are these stakeholders legally entitled to purchase
5. Do these stakeholders have the capacity to pay an
insurance premium?
6. Is there an existing institution or financial entity that
could convene beneficiaries to buy the insurance?
Figure 11: Potential mangrove insurance pilot site locations in Mexico, Florida, and The Bahamas
The Bahamas
The Marls of Central AbacoThe Marls of Central Abaco
Quintana RooQuintana Roo
Grand Bahama Port Area NorthGrand Bahama Port Area North
St. Lucie Inlet, Martin CountySt. Lucie Inlet, Martin County
Model Lands, Miami-Dade CountyModel Lands, Miami-Dade County
Tabasco & CampecheTabasco & Campeche
Charlotte Harbor, Charlotte CountyCharlotte Harbor, Charlotte County
Picnic Island Park, City of TampaPicnic Island Park, City of Tampa
Gulf of
Relevance and Feasibility of Mangrove Insurance in Mexico, Florida, and The Bahamas 17
Figure 12: Present value (a) and present value per hectare (b) of mangrove flood protection benefits in the Yucatan Peninsula
over 30 years assuming a 4% discount rate. Source: Menéndez et al., 2022.
In Mexico, the national government owns most of the
mangroves and the Comisión Nacional de Áreas Natu-
rales Protegidas (CONANP, the National Commission
of Natural Protected Areas) manages the country’s
nationally protected areas. Interest in insurance poli-
cies to protect and restore coastal assets is strong in
Mexico, given the success of the Quintana Roo coral
reef insurance policy (TNC, 2021).
Mexico Mexico
Gulf of
Gulf of
Present Value per Hectare
($ per hectare of mangroves)
>0 - 0.5
0.5 - 2.1
2.1 - 6.9
6.9 - 15.9
15.9 - 65.6
Present Value
($ million)
>0 - 23
23 - 97
97 - 286
286 - 683
683 - 1,077
No mangrove area
Relevance and Feasibility of Mangrove Insurance in Mexico, Florida, and The Bahamas 18
Tabasco and Campeche Yucatan Quintana Roo
Hectares of site
188,000 74,000 146,000
Key assets protected
Villahermosa City; medium
and small-sized coastal
fishing and recreational
Medium and small-sized
coastal fishing and
recreational communities
Cancún; Puerto Morelos;
Mahahual; Xcalak; state
highways and trains
Key stakeholders
CONANP CONANP; Yucatan State
CONANP; Quintana Roo
State Government
Possible financial
FMCN via its Natural
Protected Areas Fund
FMCN via its Natural
Protected Areas Fund
FMCN via its Natural
Protected Areas Fund;
Quintana Roo State Trust for
Coastal Management
Table 1: High-priority locations for a potential mangrove insurance policy in Mexico. CONANP refers to Comisión Nacional de
Áreas Naturales Protegidas and FMCN refers to Fondo Mexicano para la Conservación de la Naturaleza, A.C.
CONANP is currently assessing how its Natural Protected
Areas Fund could purchase an insurance policy to fund
the restoration of damages to these areas. CONANP
is particularly interested in a multi-peril insurance that
could simultaneously protect mangroves, dunes, and
reefs against hurricanes, droughts, and fires. In addition,
Fondo Mexicano para la Conservación de la Naturaleza,
A.C. (FMCN, the Mexican Fund for the Conservation of
Nature) has the ability to purchase an insurance policy,
receive the payouts, and disburse funding for restoration
work via its Natural Protected Areas Fund. According to
Mexico Article 85 of El Ley Sobre El Contrato de Seguro
(Article 85 of Mexico Insurance Law), any individual or
entity that has an economic interest in the “non-occur-
rence of a loss” may purchase an insurance contract.
We identified three primary locations of interest in the
broader Yucatan Peninsula: the states of Tabasco and
Campeche; Yucatan; and Quintana Roo (Figure 11 and
Table1). Figure 12 shows the distribution of the present
value and present value per hectare of flood protection
benefits across these three locations, assuming a
30-year life and 4% discount rate. Across the entire
Yucatan Peninsula, mangroves provide over $2 billion
in flood protection benefits, with benefits exceeding
$100 million in four areas: Cancun, Playa del Carmen,
Villahermosa and Coatzacoalcos (Figure 12a). Over 500
kilometers of coastline have a BCR exceeding one and
over 100 kilometers have a BCR exceeding ten, including
Tulum and Campeche (Figure 12b).
These three regions were proposed for the relatively high
level of flood protection benefits provided by mangroves,
the large number of communities dependent on coastal
fishing, recreation, or tourism activities, and the state
governments’ general interest in identifying innovative
ways to protect and restore coastal assets. The Yucatan
Peninsula is also highly vulnerable to hurricanes. Between
2000 and 2021, 30 hurricanes made landfall in the area,
including 12 that were Category 3 or above (NOAA, 2022).
Relevance and Feasibility of Mangrove Insurance in Mexico, Florida, and The Bahamas 19
Figure 13: Present value (a) and present value per hectare (b) of mangrove flood protection benefits in Florida over 30 years
assuming a 4% discount rate. Source: Menéndez et al., 2022.
In Florida, mangroves are managed by the landowner or
through collaborations or partnerships with government
agencies charged with management of natural resources.
As a result, the bulk of mangroves are either owned or
managed by federal, state, or municipal governments.
The state has a policy of self-insuring its assets,so the
state has little interest in purchasinga mangrove insurance
policy. However, Florida Statute § 627.405(2) allows
any entity (e.g., local governments or organizations) or
individual that can demonstrate “substantial economic
interest” in the asset to legally purchase an insurance policy
on state-owned mangroves.
Florida’s mangroves are highly vulnerable to hurricanes. Be-
tween 2000 and 2021, 15 hurricanes—more than 40% of all
hurricanes to hit the US—made landfall in Florida, including 9
that were Category 3 and above (NOAA, 2021; NOAA, 2022).
Florida Florida
Gulf of
Gulf of
Present Value
($ million)
>0 - 23
23 - 97
97 - 286
286 - 683
683 - 1,077
Present Value per Hectare
($ per hectare of mangroves)
>0 - 0.5
0.5 - 2.1
2.1 - 6.9
6.9 - 15.9
15.9 - 65.6
No mangrove area
Relevance and Feasibility of Mangrove Insurance in Mexico, Florida, and The Bahamas 20
Stakeholders in Florida understand the benefits and value
of ecosystem services that mangroves provide coastal
communities. They also understand that these benefits
and services may be reduced in the future due to accumu-
lated damages caused by climate change, development,
and hurricanes. Though many stakeholders expressed
interest in the potential of insurance to manage this future
risk within their jurisdictions, their individual willingness
or capacity to purchase annual premiums is challenged
by various factors, including:
uncertainty regarding the advantage of purchasing
an insurance policy for mangroves;
lost opportunity cost associated with diverting
limited funding for natural resource management
and restoration work to insurance premiums; and
reluctance to purchase an insurance policy for a
natural resource that has been historically under-
valued and/or required minimal capital investment
to maintain its flood risk reduction benefits.
Nevertheless, we identified four sites with potential to pilot
a mangrove insurance policy: Picnic Island Park in Tampa
Bay, Model Lands in Miami-Dade County, Charlotte Harbor
in Charlotte County, and St. Lucie Inlet in Martin County
(Figure 11 and Table 2). Across the four sites, the present
value of mangrove flood protection benefits ranges from
$18 million in St. Lucie Inlet to $1 billion in the Picnic Island
Park area (Figure 13a). The BCR was above 2 around Picnic
Island Park, Model Lands, and Martin County and above
one in areas around the Charlotte Harbor site (Figure13b).
At each of these sites, we identified opportunities for
topographic and hydrologic restoration of mangroves and
for improved management of the land to better enable
landward mangrove migration resulting from sea level rise
and storm surge. Many local governments in Florida also
have strategies linked to increasing resilience and adaptive
capacity, making them key partners in building out a pilot
insurance policy. For example, the City of Tampa has a
Resilient Tampa strategy and the Greater Miami region
has a Resilient305 strategy.
11 For more information, see the Resilient Tampa website: https://; and the Resilient305
Table 2: High-priority locations for potential mangrove insurance policy in Florida.
Picnic Island Park Model Lands Charlotte Harbor Martin County
Hectares of site
200 400 200 200
Key considerations
Borders MacDill
Air Force Base; Port
Tampa City is a
frontline community
with regards to sea
level rise
Key migration space
for mangroves
Extensive area of
mangroves with
multiple jurisdictions
charged with
conservation and
High protection
benefits; strong
interest in
partnering from local
Key stakeholders
City of Tampa;
Tampa Bay Estuary
Program; MacDill Air
Force Base
Miami-Dade County;
Florida Power and
Light; South Florida
Water Management
District; US
Department of the
City of Punta
Gorda; Charlotte
County; State of
Florida; Coastal and
Heartland National
Estuary Partnership
City of Stuart; Martin
County; State of
Florida; Florida Inland
Navigation District; US
Fish and Wildlife
Relevance and Feasibility of Mangrove Insurance in Mexico, Florida, and The Bahamas 21
The Bahamas
Figure 14: Present value (a) and present value per hectare (b) of mangrove flood protection benefits in The Bahamas over 30
years assuming a 4% discount rate. Source: Menéndez et al., 2022.
The mangroves in The Bahamas are especially vulnerable
to damage from hurricanes (Figure 5). Between 2000
and 2021, 20 hurricanes made landfall in The Bahamas,
including 12 that were Category 3 and above—and 5 that
were Category 5 (NOAA, 2022). In 2019, Category 5
Hurricane Dorian severely damaged mangroves and other
coastal ecosystems.
Measuring the protective benefits of mangroves in The
Bahamas is challenging due to the large number of small
islands and dispersed populations. In our analysis, with
the exception of Andros and Inagua, the protective ben-
efits of mangroves in The Bahamas were measured on an
island-by-island basis rather than in the five-kilometer
study units used in Mexico and Florida (Figure14). In
addition, the majority of the population in The Bahamas
is concentrated on two islands—nearly 70% on New
Providence and 15% on Grand Bahama. In other areas,
such as West Andros, mangroves offer lower total flood
protection benefits due to small local populations and
limited infrastructure, however, they provide signif-
icant tourism and fishery benefits (Figure14; Fedler,
2018). Despite these limitations, our results show that
mangroves provide over $2 billion in flood protection
benefits in The Bahamas with a country-level BCR above
one (Figure 14a and 14b).
The Bahamas The Bahamas
Present Value per Hectare
($ per hectare of mangroves)
>0 - 0.5
0.5 - 2.1
2.1 - 6.9
6.9 - 15.9
15.9 - 65.6
Present Value
($ million)
>0 - 23
23 - 97
97 - 286
286 - 683
683 - 1,077
No mangrove
Relevance and Feasibility of Mangrove Insurance in Mexico, Florida, and The Bahamas 22
The northern port area of Grand Bahama and The Marls of
Central Abaco, which make up nearly 15% of The Bahamas’
Gross Domestic Product, emerged as the two primary focal
areas for a potential mangrove insurance policy (Zegarra
etal., 2020). In Grand Bahama, mangroves provide over
$900 million in flood protection benefits. In Abaco,
mangroves provide over $26 million in flood protection
benefits (Figure 14a). Both islands are home to large areas
of mangroves, including mangroves that are adjacent to key
public infrastructure, such as airports (Table3). Both also
intersect with potential blue carbon sites, and stakeholders
expressed interest in understanding whether and how
mangrove insurance and blue carbon payments might be
pursued jointly. Grand Bahama and Abaco Islands are two
of the islands in The Bahamas that are most frequently
impacted by hurricanes (Winkler, 2020). In 2019, Hurri-
cane Dorian caused significant damage to mangroves on
both islands, and an estimated $1 million over the next
five years is still needed to complete restoration of the
damaged areas.
12 Estimate based on conversations with several local stakeholder
Many local businesses and organizations in The Bahamas
lack the capacity to fund a mangrove insurance premium.
Moreover, many of the mangroves in The Bahamas are
on Crown land, meaning they are owned by the federal
government, which tends to self-insure like the State of
Florida. However, the Bahamas Protected Areas Fund—a
national conservation trust fund established in 2014 with
a mandate to provide sustainable financing for protected
areas management and biodiversity conservation, among
other things—could likely fund an insurance premium.
With modest changes to its structure and governance,
the trust fund could also serve as the hub for all activities
related to mangrove insurance, similar to the trust fund
in Quintana Roo, Mexico. While Bahamian insurance
law does not explicitly address insurable interest related
to property policies, the common principle requiring an
economic interest will likely apply since Bahamian law
tends to follow English common law.
13 See
Table 3: High-priority locations for potential mangrove insurance policy in The Bahamas.
Grand Bahama Port Area North The Marls of Central Abaco
Hectares of site
8,000 30,000
Key assets protected
International airport; industrial zone;
residential development
International airport; medium and small-
sized coastal fishing and recreational
Key stakeholders
Forestry unit of the Ministry of the
Environment and Natural Resources; Grand
Bahama Port Authority; Grand Bahama
Development Company; Businesses in
industrial zone; NGOs implementing
mangrove restoration (e.g., Bonefish and
Tarpon Trust, Water Keepers Bahamas, Blue
Action Lab)
Forestry unit of the Ministry of the
Environment and Natural Resources;
Tourism and other commercial property
owners; NGOs implementing mangrove
restoration (e.g., Friends of the
Environment, Bahamas National Trust)
Possible financial
Bahamas Protected Area Fund Bahamas Protected Area Fund
Relevance and Feasibility of Mangrove Insurance in Mexico, Florida, and The Bahamas 23
Outlook and
In much of the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean region,
mangroves provide high-value flood protection benefits.
Across our entire study region in Mexico, Florida, and The
Bahamas, mangroves provide over $17 billion in flood pro-
tection benefits over 30 years (Menéndez et al., 2022).
Based on our BCR assessments, a mangrove insurance
policy to fund restoration following hurricane damage
would be cost-effective in many areas across the region.
We identified nearly 250 5-kilometer coastal study units,
spanning more than 80,000 hectares of mangroves and
1,200 kilometers of coastline in these areas, where the
BCR was higher than one.
In all three areas, our stakeholder engagement revealed
strong interest in exploring how a mangrove insurance
policy might be designed and managed. Stakeholder
consultations identified nine locations across Mexico,
Florida, and The Bahamas with significant potential to
advance a mangrove insurance pilot policy. Key lessons
and learnings from these initial conversations include:
The geographic area of interest for insurance coverage
will be location specific and determined by stakehold-
ers. In Mexico, interest is largely around an insurance
policy that would cover an entire state of Yucutan, while
in Florida and The Bahamas interest is focused on small-
er and more discrete areas of mangroves.
In each region, a mangrove insurance policy could
be purchased by an entity that can demonstrate an
insurable interest, i.e., the entity receives an eco-
nomic benefit from the insured asset even if it does
not own the mangroves. In Mexico and The Bahamas,
mangroves are predominately owned by the federal
government while in Florida they are owned by the
state. However, as long as another local government
or organization could demonstrate an insurable inter-
est in the mangroves, they could legally be eligible to
purchase a mangrove insurance policy.
In nearly all of the conversations with stakeholders,
the primary concerns were how much an insurance
policy would cost, who or which entity would pay for
it, and/or how funds could be secured to pay for it.
Identifying ways to fund the purchase of the insurance
premium is critical.
With the work that we have done to date, we are op-
timistic about the potential for establishing mangrove
insurance policies to fund restoration of mangroves dam-
aged by hurricanes. While this phase of work focused on
the feasibility of a mangrove insurance policy in specific
locations, the next phase of work will focus on how to
design the insurance scheme and manage the payouts
to ensure the appropriate restoration work takes place
(Figure 15). As we move into the design phase of work,
key science needs include:
In order to determine the best type of policy (para-
metric vs. indemnity vs. combined), we need to better
understand the mangrove restoration needs at a
specific site, including what post-storm restoration
work is cost-effective in terms of speeding up the
natural recovery process of damaged mangroves.
Relevance and Feasibility of Mangrove Insurance in Mexico, Florida, and The Bahamas 24
For example, understanding when mangrove dieback
will occur post-storm in the absence of human inter-
vention and which restoration techniques would be
needed to avoid the dieback.
In order to more accurately determine the policy price,
we need to build out data points in the fragility curve
that links the intensity of a hurricane to mangrove
damage. Because on-the-ground observational dam-
age data is limited, this work will likely need to rely on
regional analyses based on satellite images.
By filling in these science gaps and holding additional
stakeholder engagements in each high-priority location,
we will aim to answer the following questions during the
design phase of work:
What are the post-storm restoration actions that
would need to be insured? How do these actions
influence the type of insurance scheme created?
Which suite of financial tools would be needed to
fund a post storm response? How much of the funding
needs should be self-insured (e.g., through an emer-
gency fund) and how much should be transferred via
an insurance policy?
Figure 15: Process to assess, design and buy an insurance policy. Adapted from Secaira Fajardo et al., (2019).
What institutional arrangements are needed to ensure
that the insurance payouts are used appropriately?
Does additional on-the-ground restoration capac-
ity need to be developed (e.g., labor force, skillset,
permits) in order to effectively use the insurance
How much would a mangrove insurance policy cost?
What is the best way to fund the mangrove insurance
What opportunities are there to link a mangrove insur-
ance policy with resilience and/or blue carbon credits?
In much of the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico, erosion
and hurricanes are the primary threats to mangrove loss
(Goldberg et al., 2020). Identifying innovative funding
to finance the restoration and protection of mangroves
going forward will be critical to ensuring their resilience
and the resilience of the communities that they protect.
Insurance is an important avenue for this funding. As we
move forward with this work, TNC’s goal is to launch a
pilot mangrove insurance policy and demonstrate that,
when used appropriately, these types of risk transfer tools
can be a cost-effective means of protecting our coastlines
and coastal communities.
Step 1 Step 3 Step 5Step 2 Step 4 Step 6
Determine if
there is a need
for insurance
Design the
the policy
potential buyers
Establish entity and
process for policy
coordination and
restoration action
Build the capacity
for post-hurricane
Feasibility Design Implementation
Relevance and Feasibility of Mangrove Insurance in Mexico, Florida, and The Bahamas 25White mangroves at Levera, Grenada. © Marjo Aho.
Relevance and Feasibility of Mangrove Insurance in Mexico, Florida, and The Bahamas 26
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