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Syllabus for ART 317: Advanced Digital Photography (2023 Spring - A)
Course Syllabus
ART 317: Advanced Digital
Fall 2022 (Session A)
Instructors: Granville Carroll and Renee Dennison
Office Hours: available via Zoom by appointment
Credits: 3
Prerequisites: ART 206 and 207 (or permission of instructor)
Course Description
This is an intermediate photography class designed for students who are serious and planning on
majoring or minoring in photography--or who have a compelling interest in photography. Students will be
expected to use still and moving imagery to create physical prints, videos and a book during this term.
Subject matter will be student initiated and driven with guidance from the instructor and peers.
We will focus on weekly modules that will include readings, lectures, discussion, quizzes, assignments
and critiques. Students are expected to be photographing throughout the semester. In this class we will
explore several ways in which digital photography functions in the contemporary world and how to
skillfully and creatively use these tools for expression.
*Note that this is a studio art course and the expectations are different from most other online courses.
It is important that you are aware of the expectations: regular communication and participation, creation
and engagement with your photography as well as your classmates’ photography. All work for this
course must be done during the course itself. You may not use images taken before the course. You
may not submit work completed for another course. You will be asked at first to make a lot of images, so
be prepared
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Syllabus for ART 317: Advanced Digital Photography (2023 Spring - A)
While this course does introduce new tools and forms of presenting ideas, the focus is on personal
growth, understanding of aesthetics, ideas and visual literacy as the essential outcomes of the classes.
Each assignment builds on what you have learned conceptually and technically from the previous
assignments and a significant part of your grade will be based on a sense of growth and receptivity to
the feedback you have received throughout the semester. This class is very much about you and your
vision. It is also about what you are able to share with your classmates and how you can work together
to help each other make better more meaningful creations.
Canvas—Readings, Lectures, Quizzes
CritViz –Critiques, Assignments
Required Equipment and Software
Access to a Computer
Access to Adobe CS- including Photoshop, Lightroom and Premiere
(Free for Digital Photo majors - 19.99 for entire Adobe Suite
A portable hard drive with at least 1TB of space (Lacie).
Suggested: https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/813173-
Camera with the capacity to shoot RAW format and full Manual controls (manual exposure
Ideally a DSLR or comparable mirrorless camera.
Memory Cards and the ability to transfer the images to the computer that has Photoshop.
Video-Making capacity. (Use your DSLR if it has the capability, if not, phones or simple digital cameras
are fine).
Course Goals
Students will be asked to explore ideas through photography and video. You will be asked to evaluate
your images and those of others and consider ways in which you can make more effective, engaging
and accomplished work. You will be expected to push yourself to the next level regardless of where you
start. You will be expected to be able to take critical feedback and give constructive critical feedback.
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Syllabus for ART 317: Advanced Digital Photography (2023 Spring - A)
Understanding the integration of the technical, aesthetic and the conceptual and how meaning is a result
of the combination of all three elements will form the basis of the course. Students will make thousands
of new images, a video and a book dummy (or printed book if desired) and develop a more
comprehensive understanding of their own photographic creative processes.
Students will be introduced to the basics of image processing through Photoshop, Optional instruction in
Lightroom, Premiere and InDesign will be available for students who choose to use those tools for further
photo editing, video and book design. Students will learn the tools as a form of expression and will be
encouraged to excel at the tools that are the most effective for their ideas.
Students will be introduced to how the aesthetics of video (time, repetition, sound, lighting, movement),
books (sequence, design, text) and physical prints (size, paper, print quality) influence affect the
meaning of a photographic creation. Students will learn to have some control over these aspect in order
to more effectively express their ideas.
Students will be exposed to ways to generate ideas for creative work and how to create work that has
depth and meaning. Through looking at the work of established and emerging artists as well as their
classmates and reflecting upon their own ideas and processes, students will be encouraged to extend
their boundaries and to discover how meaning emerges in photography.
Required Books (order immediately)
Vision Anew by Adam Bell and Charles Traub
Suggested Books
Photography and Cinema, David Campany
The Photobook, Jorg Coberg
Studying Photography: A Survival Guide, Douglas Holley
The Photographer's Playbook, edited by Jason Fulford and Gregory Halpern
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Syllabus for ART 317: Advanced Digital Photography (2023 Spring - A)
A Short Course in Digital Photography, by Barbara London and Jim Stone.
A Short Course in Photography: Digital (Third Edition)- London, Barbara & Stone, Jim (2014), You do
not need the MyArtsLab Access, Pearson. ISBN: 0205998259
All assignments will be submitted to CritViz.
Do not complete these assignments without reading the instructions explicitly. This is meant only as a
very general guide. Actual assignments may vary. Please use CritViz as the site for the most up to date
and correct information regarding the assignments.
Assignment 1: Getting Started (PDF with 30 images) --Due Sunday, Jan 15th
Assignment 2: The Physical Print (PDF with Contact Prints and a Mov/AVI file 1 -2 min). --Due Sunday,
Jan 22
Assignment 3: Sequencing (PDF with 2-3 sequences of 10-20 images) and Book Report (PDF or
mov/avi file) Due Sunday, Jan 29
Assignment 4: PhotoBook and Book Report (Book dummy created in BookWright, Pages or InDesign or
by hand submitted as a video or a PDF). Due Sunday, Feb 5
Assignment 5: Video: 1-3 minute silent video (submitted as a mov or avi file). Due Sunday, Feb 12
Final Project: Revise, rework, update, finalize or re-invent. Choose to throughly re-work (with 80% new
material) or create an entirely new object in one of the forms from the semester: physical portfolio, book
or video.
Three due dates: Proposal Due Sunday, Feb 12, In Progress Sunday, Feb 19, Final Due: Friday, Feb
Module (weekly) Schedule
All modules except 6 and 7 will follow this schedule:
Quiz and Discussion Points: Friday Night
Assignment Due: Sunday Night
Critique: Monday-Tuesday
Group feedback from Professor by Friday (depending on schedule)-(NOTE: you will receive individual
feedback from Instructors for Assignment 1 and during the Final Project process.)
Module Released: By Sunday before, sometimes earlier.
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Syllabus for ART 317: Advanced Digital Photography (2023 Spring - A)
Discussion Questions will probably be posted on Tuesday and Thursday. Your weekly participation is due
regardless of whether or not there are new questions.
Grades for Assignments may be delayed due to focus on the feedback. Check the "Viz" part of CritViz for
indication of grade--the first 5 assignments are pass/fail, with points being taken off for being late,
incomplete or not responding to the assignment instructions.
Participation Requirement
This is a Studio Art Class. You will be required to have contact with your classmates and instructor
several times a module and perhaps even daily. The class requires sustained engagement and
development throughout the entire seven and a half module term. This engagement is an integral part of
the experience of this class. Regardless of your prior knowledge and understanding of the course
material, your ability to learn or your skill/talent as a photographer, it will take the entire session to
complete the course. Your progress in this class is most importantly relative to your own personal
development. You cannot skip ahead on the studio assignments.
Making good art is hard work and does not follow a formula. There are however ways in which you can
better situate yourself for growth and this ability to situate yourself, to work hard and pay attention will be
the basis of the grading for this class. I personally do not believe that grades are the most accurate
measurement of your artistic and creative growth. (see grading below). However there are some things
that can be measured and your grade will reflect the level of effort and engagement you put into this
course. I ask you to focus on the qualitative evaluations you will receive through critiques and
conversations . Ultimately this will prove to be a more accurate way to monitor your creative and artistic
That said getting a good grades is relatively simple although it will require work--execute the
assignments on time and to the best of your ability, engage with the ideas presented in the class, ask
questions and listen to the answers. Know that art requires a lot of not knowing, taking risks and
ambiguity. Pay attention to how others respond to your work.
Many of the top Art Schools in this country teach studio art pass/fail. The idea behind it is that there is no
way really to grade art on a linear A-F model. It is possible for a wonderful brilliant artist to find it
impossible or frankly un-desirable to get an A. Similarly being an A student in an art class does not
necessarily reveal talent—although it does reveal a kind of discipline that will prove useful when attached
to talent, skill and creativity. I’ve created this class with an eye towards rewarding what I think helps lead
to success—not only in art but in other areas as well.
The Point System
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Syllabus for ART 317: Advanced Digital Photography (2023 Spring - A)
I have tried to make this system as simple as possible so that we spend as little time as possible talking
about grades. There are total of 100 points given for this class.
The breakdown will be as follows.
5 Assignments
5 points each (25 points total)
2 points for Critique on each Assignment (10 points total)
Will be recorded at 7 points per assignment, divided as follows
5 points per on time, fully completed assignment
2 points for full participation in Critique
6 Quizzes (12 points total)
Each Quiz will be worth 2 points
Class Discussion
(13 points total)
1 point for introduction.
2 points per weekly module for a minimum of 4 comments per week.
Final Exam (15 points)
Written response to the material covered over the semester—including technical knowledge and
conceptual understanding of ideas covered and synthesis of class discussions. Everything including
critiques, discussions, readings and lectures is subject for inclusion in the exam.
Final Project (25 points)
Proposal & Critique- 5 points
In-Progress & Critique- 5 points
Final Submission- 15 points
Your grade will be determined based on the following grading schema:
Grade Percentage
A+ 100 or more
A 99-93
A- 92-90
B+ 88-89
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Syllabus for ART 317: Advanced Digital Photography (2023 Spring - A)
B 87-83
B- 82-80
C+ 77-79
C 75-70
D 69-67
E Below 67
Note about Course Content (IMPORTANT READ THIS)
As is often true with college courses, you may find the images, discussion or issues raised in this class a
challenge to your belief systems. This class will engage with contemporary art, sometimes shocking,
sometimes offensive, sometimes explicit, if this is something you might not want to deal with, I suggest
you enroll in another course. If you decide to stay I assure you that while I will not censor the images or
the discussion, I will pay attention to what you have to say either to me personally or as part of the class.
Your point of view is a valuable part of the discussion and I want to hear from everyone. But I believe
that the best way to fight bad or weak ideas is with good ideas that are based in thought and
consideration not in preconceived notions. All ideas are welcome and all ideas are up for discussion. If
you have concerns about the work you are looking at, please contact me to discuss.
Additionally, in this class you will be offered the opportunity to explore personal and intense ideas and
experiences. You will also have the opportunity to respond to other's expressions of these ideas. This is
not a requirement and it is up to your discretion as to how much you care to share and express. Art
requires a high degree of vulnerability and while ridicule and cruelty will not be tolerated, I ask that you
take responsibility for your own emotional responses to your work and the work of others. When you do
art right you are both vulnerable and challenged and this does not always feel very good. But ultimately
its how we grow as artists and as people. Push yourself to see things in new ways, to develop empathy
and connections, to find new sources of ideas and meaning. It is not easy but most things worth doing
are not easy.
Communicating With the Instructor
Our preferred method of contact is through my ASU email- you may also contact us through the Canvas
Inbox (which links to ASU email).
You can expect a response from us within 48 hours Monday thru Friday until 7pm. During the
weekends, the response time will likely take longer- plan accordingly.
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Syllabus for ART 317: Advanced Digital Photography (2023 Spring - A)
If you have a general question about an assignment, it is also suggested to post in the Slack #general
channel- as this discussion space is also for you to ask/receive info from your peers.
ASU email is an official means of communication (http://www.asu.edu/aad/manuals/ssm/ssm107-
03.html) among students, faculty, and staff. Students are expected to read and act upon email in a timely
fashion. Students bear the responsibility of missed messages and should check their ASU-assigned
email regularly.
All instructor correspondence will be sent to your ASU email account.
The Fine Print (required official information)
For technical support, use the Help icon in the black global navigation menu in your Canvas course or
call the ASU Help Desk at +1-(855) 278-5080. Representatives are available to assist you 24 hours a
day, 7 days a week.
Below is official Syllabi information that you have probably read in other online and on the ground ASU
classes. You are responsible for knowing what's below although it does not come directly from the
Information in this syllabus is subject to change with reasonable notice. Please pay attention to the
announcements via email and Canvas as well as other course venues for changes.
Course Access
Your ASU courses can be accessed by both my.asu.edu (http://my.asu.edu) and asu.instructure.com
(http://myasucourses.asu.edu) (http://myasucourses.asu.edu) ; bookmark both in the event that one site is
Computer Requirements
This is a fully online course; therefore, it requires a computer with internet access and the following
Web browsers (Chrome (https://www.google.com/chrome) , Mozilla Firefox
(http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/new/) , or Safari (http://www.apple.com/safari/) )
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Syllabus for ART 317: Advanced Digital Photography (2023 Spring - A)
Adobe Acrobat Reader (http://get.adobe.com/reader/) (free)
Adobe Flash Player (http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/) (free)
Webcam, microphone, headset/earbuds, and speaker
Microsoft Office (Microsoft 365 is free (https://myapps.asu.edu/app/microsoft-office-2016-home-
usage) for all currently-enrolled ASU students)
Reliable broadband internet connection (DSL or cable) to stream videos.
Note: A smartphone, iPad, Chromebook, etc. will not be sufficient for completing your work in ASU
Online courses. While you will be able to access course content with mobile devices, you must use a
computer for all assignments, quizzes, and virtual labs.
Student Success
To be successful:
check the course daily
read announcements
read and respond to course email messages as needed
complete assignments by the due dates specified
communicate regularly with your instructor and peers
create a study and/or assignment schedule to stay on track
access ASU Online Student Resources (http://goto.asuonline.asu.edu/success/online-
Submitting Assignments
All assignments, unless otherwise announced, MUST be submitted to the designated area of Canvas.
Do not submit an assignment via email.
Assignment due dates follow Arizona Standard time. Click the following link to access the Time
Converter (http://www.thetimezoneconverter.com/) to ensure you account for the difference in Time
Zones. Note: Arizona does not observe daylight savings time.
Communicating With the Instructor
Email questions of a personal nature to your instructor. You can expect a response within 72 hours.
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Syllabus for ART 317: Advanced Digital Photography (2023 Spring - A)
ASU email is an official means of communication (http://www.asu.edu/aad/manuals/ssm/ssm107-
03.html) among students, faculty, and staff. Students are expected to read and act upon email in a timely
fashion. Students bear the responsibility of missed messages and should check their ASU-assigned
email regularly.
All instructor correspondence will be sent to your ASU email account.
ASU Online Course Policies
View the ASU Online Course Policies (https://asuonline-dev.asu.edu/qm-template/CanvasQM/qm-
Accessibility Statements
View the ASU Online Student Accessibility (https://asuonline-dev.asu.edu/qm-template/CanvasQM/qm-
accessibility.html) page to review accessibility statements for common tools and resources used in ASU
Online courses.
If any other tools are used in this course, links to the accessibility statements will be listed below this
Title IX
“Title IX is a federal law that provides that no person be excluded on the basis of sex from participation
in, be denied benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity. Both
Title IX and university policy make clear that sexual violence and harassment based on sex is
prohibited. An individual who believes they have been subjected to sexual violence or harassed on the
basis of sex can seek support, including counseling and academic support, from the university. If you or
someone you know has been harassed on the basis of sex or sexually assaulted, you can find
information and resources at https://sexualviolenceprevention.asu.edu/faqs
(https://sexualviolenceprevention.asu.edu/faqs) .
As a mandated reporter, I am obligated to report any information I become aware of regarding alleged
acts of sexual discrimination, including sexual violence and dating violence. ASU Counseling
Services, https://eoss.asu.edu/counseling (https://eoss.asu.edu/counseling) , is available if you wish to
discuss any concerns confidentially and privately.”
Academic Integrity
https://provost.asu.edu/academic-integrity/policy (https://provost.asu.edu/academic-integrity/policy) :
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Syllabus for ART 317: Advanced Digital Photography (2023 Spring - A)
Syllabus Disclaimer
The syllabus is a statement of intent and serves as an implicit agreement between the instructor and the
student. Every effort will be made to avoid changing the course schedule but the possibility exists that
unforeseen events will make syllabus changes necessary. Remember to check your ASU email and the
course site often.